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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
The stunning debut novel from one of the most creative artists of our generation, Bobby Hall, a.k.a. Logic. Bobby Hall has crafted a mind-bending first novel, with prose that is just as fierce and moving as his lyrics. Supermarket is like Naked Lunch meets One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nestif they met at Fight Club.Ernest Cline, #1 New York Times Bestselling author of Ready Player One Flynn is stuckdepressed, recently dumped, and living at his moms house. The supermarket was supposed to change all that. An ordinary job and a steady check. Work isnt work when its saving you from yourself. But things arent quite as they seem in these aisles. Arriving to work one day to a crime scene, Flynns world collapses as the secrets of his tortured mind are revealed. And Flynn doesnt want to go looking for answers at the supermarket. Because something there seems to be looking for him. A darkly funny psychological thriller, Supermarket is a gripping exploration into madness and creativity. Who knew you could find sex, drugs, and murder all in aisle nine?
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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Another stack of some recent Goodwill finds over numerous trips.

Chelsea.Poole Pretty stack ☺️ and love your pug wall art in the background! 2y
allureofbeauty @Chelsea.Poole thank you. I love him. I saw it at TJ Maxx. Left it. And couldn‘t stop thinking about cause it made me happy so I went back and he was still there waiting for me. 2y
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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Saw this mentioned in a Facebook group and grabbed it from the library before work. If today is anything like yesterday, I should be able to sneak in a few pages during my shift. 🤓

Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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A mixture of Catcher in The Rye by JD Salinger and Im Thinking of Ending Things by Lain Reid. Great Book!

Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Not a good book. Predicted the ending about 35% way through. Poorly written, albeit a first novel for someone who‘s traditional medium is music. I wouldn‘t waste the time as the juice wasn‘t worth the squeeze.

Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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The author of this book, Bobby Hall, also known as logic was a rapper and writing lyrics might have payed off as he uses very descriptive but also very inappropriate words in this book so I would recommend this to an older audience.The book is about a man named Flynn , a man who is desperate for a Job and has became depressed overtime. Flynn Talks about working in a supermarket which may sound boring but over time, the story gets more interesting.

Samuel Zahorouski
Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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If you're into books that twist your mind and a mix of real life problems, this is for you. In this world that Logic paints for us, Flynn has just been dumped and fallen into a spiral of depression and anxiety. Flynn is determined to finish a novel he's writing, he falls into a schizophrenic loop where what he writes comes to life. One of the themes in this novel is mental illness. Flynn himself has many mental illnesses that we can relate to.

MissYaremcio Well done Sam! This sounds like a really interesting novel and I've added it to my 'to read' list! 6/6 4y
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Supermarket | Bobby Hall


Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

This book was definitely hyped way too much before it was published, but unlike others, despite the writing flaws, I liked it. It is a messed up journey through one man's tormented mind, and it is at times quite juvenile, but I enjoy reads that give you a different perspective on mental illness, which this did for me.

If you are a Chuck Palahniuk fan you might like this one.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Has anyone read this one yet? Big fan of logic figured I'd give it a try 🙂

Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Great characters!

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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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What shit.

Redwritinghood Great, succinct review. 😂😂 4y
annahenke Lol 4y
blank Great review! 😂👏🏼 4y
readordierachel Right to the point 😆 4y
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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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What do you mean there's no time to read? 😳🐶

Reviewsbylola 🥰🥰 5y
RachelAmphlett That face 😍 5y
Beatlefan129 Look at that sweet face!! It‘s a wonder you get any reading done at all 5y
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TrishB Aww 🐶❤️ 5y
JennyM ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
LibrarianRyan Baby!!!! 5y
CoverToCoverGirl So adorable! 5y
Sleepswithbooks 🥰🐶🥰🐶 5y
Megabooks I love harlequin Great Danes! So gorgeous and that face!! 5y
Nute Hey Sabrina!🐶💙 4y
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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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I picked this book up ( or rather borrowed from the ebook collection at my library ) because it was set in a supermarket and I have worked in the grocery business for over 20 years. This book is not about a grocery store or the grocery business. It is about mental health and mental illness. It was not a very well written book, but it did provide a perspective on mental illness I had not read before. I would recommend but with low expectations.

Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Y.I.K.E.S. I was hyped for this, but massively disappointed. It felt overly juvenile and condescending to the reader. I‘m honestly surprised such a big publishing house put this out. Sloppy and cliche. ⭐️

Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Pool 🏊‍♀️ and MURDER

Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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This started off with a bang.

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Supermarket | Bobby Hall

Don‘t know why people hate on this book. I thought it was a great read. Maybe conventional writing at times but, it‘s all the style of writing. Really liked the direction this book took and I wasn‘t expecting how it turned out. I‘d say it‘s a solid book.

Nute Welcome to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂 5y
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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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I gave this a try but after 115 pages I couldn't keep reading. All of the characters talk the same - like a guy in high school trying to act tougher than he is. I figured out the twist pretty early. It was a little slowly paced and the writing style was annoying and hard to read. It's too bad, it had good potential!

Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Sophomoric, tedious, and dull. Bailed at 49% (3:13:37). Hall shouldn't quit his day job.

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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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#Unpopularopinion time! I actually enjoyed it, & I didn't know who the author was beforehand. It needed better editing & some of the dialogue was unrefined, but I listened to the audio & the "juvenile" conversational tone makes sense. He narrated well, & after a slow start I became fully invested til the end. It's not for everyone, but this trip thru a tormented mind was pretty terrifying. The mental health aspect resonated with me. 3⭐️s

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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Like others have said, the dialogue is pretty cringe. It‘s a predictable book and the way Flynn got rid of Frank was not believable. It reminded me a lot of a certain movie. No spoilers, but if you‘ve read the book, you know what I‘m talking about. Also, things about it made me mad. It would be dangerous for Flynn to have a partner but Mia‘s devotion to him is framed as romantic. Still, a fun and fast read but I only read it as a Logic fan.

Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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#supermarket is an excellent allegory about mental health and addiction

Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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I knew exactly what was happening from the minute the red bouncy ball was introduced...I think I hyped this book up in my mind and ultimately I am walking away disappointed.

Mariposa_Bookworm I think your kitty‘s face says it all.😻 5y
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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Currently reading...so far this is a fantastic book. I can‘t wait to finish it and yet at the same time I hope it never ends.

Supermarket | Bobby Hall

I need something fun and fast-paced. I need the pages to turn - suspense, drama, sex, violence, murder, whatever it takes, just keep it moving.

Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Bobby Hall a/k/a Logic (rap/hip hop artist) wrote a book - and I really really enjoyed it! Full of twists, strange turns, and memorable characters. 4 out of 5!

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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Finally buckled down and finished this one!
This was like Fight Club 2.0! I really enjoyed this one! This book had a really laid back vibe. Small cast of characters so its easy to keep track of everybody. Its a book about writing a book! Whats not to love! Logic said hes working on other books and ill be there to buy whatever he puts out!

Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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1. Hoping i can finish it this weekend!
2. Dinner on Sunday but relaxing tomorrrow...or cleaning..possibly cleaning
3. Yes covered in salt 🙃
4. Something that can be easily pronounced! I hate when i cant figure out how to say a name of a character!
5. 👍🏼

Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Picked this up on a whim and totally loved it! It's a dark, twisty book surrounding one character's mental health disorders. I pretty much had all the twists figured out but this was still enjoyable.

Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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I don‘t know guys. I liked it but I didn‘t. It was just weird and odd and kinda cool.

abookishbutterfly I almost bought it the other day but I decided to wait until I could find a cheaper secondhand copy. 5y
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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Finished this one pretty quickly! For his debut novel, I think it‘s pretty well done! I definitely would love to see the strength of his prose grow as he continues writing, because some of the dialogue was a bit juvenile and cliche, but I liked the twists, and he did a great job of dropping clues throughout the book. I don‘t know if I would‘ve picked it up if he hadn‘t come into my store, but I‘m glad I read it! 3.5 stars.

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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Okay we can‘t keep this book in stock. Time to find out why!!!

wordzie 😎 5y
saresmoore It‘s because he was on The Daily Show? But, I mean, maybe the book is also good. 5y
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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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1. Thriller/Horror
2. Seanan Mcguire
3. The Butterfly Garden
4. Western
5. Just started it last night and i can already tell that its like nothing ive read before.

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 📚 5y
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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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This is me for the rest of the night. And i couldnt be happier!

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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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So Bobby Hall‘s (aka the rapper Logic, for those that know him that way) debut novel came out yesterday. I was working the info desk at Barnes & Noble last night, when I look up and there he is, signing all the books on the shelf! Of course I grabbed one for myself, and they were all gone within 15 minutes. It was so cool!

DivineDiana Fantastic! Being at the right place at the right time! I like him as a person. Interested in seeing how he writes. 🤔 5y
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Supermarket | Bobby Hall
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Im so excited!! This came out today and i ordered it to pick up in store because i cant wait! And i had a coupon! For all my non hip hop fans, Bobby Hall is a rapper (i say lyricist) by the name of Logic. I cant wait to see what his writing is like in this book!