Been thinking about this lately and came across this infographic from the Scottish Book Trust. Why do YOU read?
New essay!
Why I Read: A Childhood in Retrospect
#athinsliceofanxiety #whyiread #childhoodmemories #reading #alifeinretrospect
So true 😊😊😊
Happy reading everyone! 📚
“I don‘t believe one reads to escape reality. A person reads to confirm a reality he knows is there, but which he has not experienced.” ~Lawrence Durrell
#quotes #litsyquotes
@LazyDays is doing a wonderful #LitsyLove19 giveaway.
Why is readinng special to me?
As I child I loved to read. It was at first an escape...a chance to live other lives, in other places...wih magic and monsters. A chance to escape difficult times. In books anything goes and I got to go there. For me now it‘s like a drug, like the air I need to survive.
Its a question that I have often asked myself. I read, buy and think about books compulsively as many others here do. I loved Lesser‘s perspectives on this question. She eloquently captures in thought-provoking ways our book love and acknowledges how difficult it is to understand and explain. A major treat is leaving this book with a new booklist of works of which I am not familiar. This book was a delight. ⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟
Reading is, to a certain extent, a compulsion.
There is no such thing as purely impersonal reading. We bring ourselves to whatever we do, and the more honestly and seriously we do it, the more we bring along the whole of ourselves.
Art: liveinternet.ru
Why am I doing this? I am devouring this book for some reason. I bet most might think it would not be all that good...and I have some reports I have to get done for work by tomorrow morning 🤦🏽♀️
“Nothing takes you out of yourself the way a good book does, but at the same time nothing makes you more aware of yourself as a solitary creature, possessing your own particular tastes, memories, associations, beliefs.-Wendy Lesser, “Why I Read”
Photo: Pinterest
“Reading has the virtue of being one-to-one. It‘s just you and the book, enclosed within a private space; in some ways that means it‘s just you, alone with an inert object that you are temporarily bringing to life.”
Photo: Pinterest (A perfect childhood memory; the inner child that still exists.
"Reading literature is a way of reaching back to something bigger and older and different. It can give you the feeling that you belong to the past as well as the present, and it can help you realize that your present will someday be someone else's past."
Yeah, it's too cold to venture out today. Lazy, new year's continues.
I saw this interesting tweet over Christmas. What 5 books would most accurately express your reading taste? #myreadingtaste
My Mom brought me this book when she came to visit! I think she knows me. 🤓📚
My favorite #readinghabit is reading snuggled up with #Coale and a cup of tea! 😸❤️🍵📚
#jubilantjuly @RealLifeReading
My #readinghabits include reading with my #bestbuds Nicky and Sadie (although this isn't either of them 😄.). Also, the anti-social statement above doesn't apply to #Littens. 😂 #jubilantjuly
This popped up in my FB memories today. I posted it last year ... and STILL received no books. C'mon December 21st!
#secretsantabookexchange #wintersolsticebookexchange
I'm needing a book today that makes me feel like this moment, when this little sweetheart came into my life. #rescuedogsoflitsy ❤️❤️❤️ Suggestions? #dexterlove #rescuedogs
📚Just call me the Mayor of Failure...I've been sworn into office this afternoon. #cartoon #failure #buyallthebooks #bookish #needmoreboolshelves #bookhaul #reader #bookworm #booknerd