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Dark Places: A Novel
Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Another well-crafted, highly satisfying thriller from Gillian Flynn. I devoured it! The characters were incredibly frustrating, but I enjoyed following the twists and reveals as Libby reluctantly investigates the horrific murders that shaped her life. Naturally, the plot relies on some wild coincidences, but everything feels at least remotely plausible, and the psychology of the characters lands solidly. 4 stars!

My #bookspin from APRIL, lol

CSeydel Has anyone seen the 2015 movie? I‘m curious why it did so poorly. 1mo
Ruthiella Not seen the film, but when is Flynn going to write another book?!?! 1mo
CSeydel @Ruthiella Great question! I‘ve read Gone Girl and now Dark Places - have you read Sharp Objects? Is it as good as the other two? 1mo
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Ruthiella Yes! I‘ve read all of her novels. I liked Sharp Objects, though it is (not surprisingly) disturbing. 1mo
MaleficentBookDragon @CSeydel I like Sharp Objects better than Dark Places, but I am in the minority.
The Dark Places movie was okay, but not great. I love Theron but she is ABSOLUTELY NOT what I pictured for Libby. The casting had me too distracted.
CSeydel @MaleficentBookDragon Thanks! Yeah, I‘ve read some scathing reviews of the movie, so I‘ll probably not seek it out. I will put Sharp Objects on my TBR, though! 1mo
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Soft pick. Flynn is great at writing characters whose viewpoints resonate with the darkest parts of the human mind. But this one wasn‘t as surprising or compelling as Sharp Objects or Gone Girl.

Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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This has been on my TBR for ages!

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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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GG was so good, and Sharp Objects sounds amazing too, but this one fell flat. I don‘t give spoilers, but so much of this was unbelievable (not in the good way). And all of the characters were horrible - it‘s tough reading a book where you‘re rooting for no one. It did make me want to keep reading in the small chance it redeemed itself. It did not.
⭐️: 3/5

5feet.of.fury I liked Sharp Objects, even a little better than Gone Girl. I have this one on my shelf but haven‘t read it yet 10mo
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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@Deblovestoread Thank you so much for this wonderful #AllHallowsReadSwap box! I can‘t wait to read both of these! What a great treat 🎃🖤👻 #AHRS

CSeydel I love the cute wrapping paper! I had no idea there were so many cute Halloween wrapping papers available!! 11mo
Deblovestoread Glad you like it! 🎃 11mo
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Very, very dark!! 11mo
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Eggs Great cover 👌🏼 11mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Very, very dark! 11mo
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Eggs Perfect 😱 1y
HeatherBlue Love that cover! 1y
Bec_lectic Don‘t even need a description to force me to add to my stack! 🤣 1y
TheBookgeekFrau @Bec_lectic 🤣 I'm sure you won't be sorry! 1y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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This one took me about halfway to get into it. I want to say the ending left me satisfied, but really it just left me sad. Still a worthwhile read, but I definitely preferred Sharp Objects.

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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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This book was jam PACKED. Heartache, family turmoil, drama, suspense, horror, thriller, WHO DID IT? Just, whoa. A level of loyalty I could never stand by, and plot twist I wasn‘t expecting and couldn‘t fathom doing as a mother..no matter how desperate. The ending seemed rushed in a way and I was left thinking we could‘ve been given more in terms of the endings of the main characters. It‘s not enough to deeply effect the overall book.

Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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This started very rocky for me. 50 pages in & I wasn't sure I was going to read it. But the ending was great I liked the unraveling of the story.
Flynn does a great job w/unlikable characters. I didn't like any one but the rarely seen aunt. I really didn't like out protagonist who we are to be rooting for.

Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Sent to me by a fellow #BookCrossing member, this thriller follows the investigations of a woman who tries to figure out what happened the night her mother and sisters were murdered by her brother. It was a very disturbing novel to read but at the same time, I had a hard time putting it down!

#WinterReadathon @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
#BookSpinBingo #DoubleSpin #PromptMaze @TheAromaofBooks
#192025 #2009 @Librarybelle

Librarybelle Hard to put down - a hall mark of a good book! I‘m not sure if I am brave enough to read any of Flynn‘s books! 2y
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
batsy I found it very compelling, as well! 2y
Andrew65 Well done 🎄🎄🎄 I‘m yet to read any by this author. 2y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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I‘ve had a busy weekend and a terrible Monday so I haven‘t posted. I‘ve got some personal issues I‘m working through, but I‘m going to try to keep coming on here because I love this app and community.

But anyways, here‘s my #scarathlondailyprompt for #dark. Seems appropriate. #teammonstermash +6pts

Ruthiella Hope the rest of the week picks up for you! ❤️ 2y
DaveGreen7777 Hope things get better for you soon! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope everything is ok ❤️ 2y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn


Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Libby Day is the sole survivor of the murder of her whole family back when she was seven years old. Twenty-odd years later she's trying to figure out the real truth behind the events of that day.
This was my third book by Gillian Flynn and she's just brilliant. 💕

vivastory I think this is my favorite by her 2y
starlight97 @vivastory I can see why! 2y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn

Libby Day, 25 years after the annihilation of her family by the hands of her “devil-worshipping” brother, begins to question her own narrative of that night after meeting a group of true-crime enthusiasts determined that her brother is innocent. She begins her own investigation, facing her dark memories and people from her past. Can she discover the truth and will it set her free? Warning: this book is dark af.

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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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My goal is to finish Dark Places now. Idk why it‘s taking me forever to read.. I‘ve been stuck on 35% for 2 weeks now.. I just keep wanting to read other things, but I don‘t want to bail on this one just yet. I will finish it!

TheLudicReader I think it‘s worth finishing. 3y
BooksNBowls @TheLudicReader I‘m definitely going to finish. I don‘t really think it‘s the book, I think I just wasn‘t in the mood for this genre at the moment. I‘ve been wanting to read romantic comedies lately. 3y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Just wrapped up my final read for the month as I await the Trick or Treaters. A perfect Halloween read. Libby was seven years old when she escaped “The Satan Sacrifice of Kinnakee, Kansas”. Her mother and two sisters were violently murdered in their farm house. Her brother Ben was found guilty. Decades have passed, and Libby visits her brother in prison. Uncertain of his guilt, she begins an investigation. Well written, suspenseful. disturbing.

Reggie She writes so dark. I read one by her and I had to go read a romance afterwards to wash Flynn away. 3y
DivineDiana @Reggie Very dark. At times, I did question “Why am I reading this?”, but her writing drew me in. I wanted to know who was the killer! Some of the characters were sympathetic. Just caught in a web and trying to escape. 3y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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New audio book + physical book. Goal to finish another Halloweenish book for October.

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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Linsy 💙 3y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Good but disturbing.

EvieBee Agreed! I put it in the freezer afterwards. 3y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn

Really love her writing style. This was a good read. Gone Girl was better in my opinion.

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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Read in one sitting. The pacing was great. I was hoping for a bigger twist at the end. Still would recommend ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn

I really liked this book. It was different from other books in this genre, and a lot of thought went into the mystery and the story. I loved the main character, as flawed as she was, she was very relatable. I definitely recommend this one - it‘s an older book but it was new to me and the story is not dated.

Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Such a good #audiobook! Recommend. It was a 4 star rating for sure. I very much enjoyed all the twists and trying to figure out who did what. I kept guessing and was wrong almost every time. (Warning: Some scenes were a bit uncomfortable to get through due to the young age of a character. )
Anyone watch the movie??

Scochrane26 I‘ve read the book but didn‘t watch the movie. 3y
Dasquirt8 The movie was pretty good! 3y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Footer bookmark 🌺🌺
DM to buy 😊

Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Another win for Flynn. 🤣
I love her marred, jaded characters. She provides you a reason not to like them but I seem to end up liking them.
Her stories, always twisty, don't go quite like you'd (well, maybe just I'd) expect.
Off to watch the movie now!!!

Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Currently listening to this audio and loving it and thought hmmm I should Google some good thriller movies and going through this list I stumble upon this. Lol I did not know this was a movie! Rotten tomatoes and metacritic sure don't seem to love it though.?
But oh well, what else do i have to do in Ontario's nth "lockdown" confusing status state?!

Reagan I liked this movie! 3y
Andrea4 @Reagan well it will definitely be a watch when I finish the book! Plus Charlize Theron!! 3y
Reagan @Andrea4 I actually preferred this one over Sharp Objects. I hope you enjoy it! 3y
Andrea4 @Reagan haven't watched sharp objects either 🙈 should get on that!! 3y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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I really liked this one. A great mystery that could only come from the mind that wrote Gone Girl.

Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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MC Libby Day has serious depression and PTSD from something that happened to her family when she was a child...

#up #oppositeday @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheKidUpstairs

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choice 🖤 I didn‘t care for this one.. 👇🏻 4y
TheKidUpstairs I'm not a Flynn fan myself, but it's a great choice for the prompt! 4y
TheLudicReader This is my favourite of her books...and I have read them all. 4y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Clean desk, clear mind....
Lol anyways...This went fast! As the title suggests, it does have some dark dark bits. They felt uncomfortable in an unnecessary way, but I did enjoy the book overall.


Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn

Loved this book! Classic Flynn- with a dark, disturbed, and often borderline dislikeable female lead, this book had enough twists and turns to keep my interest right to the end.

Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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I ended up bailing on this read. I just couldn't get into it. But it's off my TBR list so that's a win. 5/52
#TBRDeckofCards @Clwojick

Clwojick Definitely still a win! ♥️ 4y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Libby Day lives in a constant state of depression, fighting to keep the memories of her family‘s murder locked away. Told through the eyes of Libby and her family, Dark Places switches between past and present, slowly approaching the final fatal night. I highly recommend this but be prepared for a twisted read that never lets up.

Full review https://www.behindthepages.org/post/dark-places-by-gillian-flynn-book-review

Tera66 I always feel like I have to shake off her books when I finish them. They leave you with the eeebie jeebies! 4y
BehindthePages @Tera66 So true! Yet I can't get enough of her writing! 4y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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I finished the 4 picks I made at the beginning of the month so I grabbed 2 more. They were both 10s 😊
10♠️ Dark Places (Mystery/Thriller)
10❤️ They Both Die At The End (LGBT)
#TBRDeckofCards @Clwojick

Clwojick Woohoo! ♥️ 4y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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💛💛💛 I picked this one up after reading Gone Girl and absolutely loving it. Gillian Flynn does have a talent for creating disturbed and interesting characters. This book is 'dark in places', with lots of satanic rituals, blood and murder. It was a good read but I found Libby quite aggravating and the end was a disappointment.

Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Indifference is powerful, no?

Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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1. 👆 A family member takes revenge on his own family.
2. Can't say as I don't read a lot of thrillers.
3. Lucy Foley


BookmarkTavern I have The Guest List by Foley on my TBR stack! Thanks for posting! 4y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Libby‘s sisters and mother were brutally murdered when she was just a child, but her evolving investigation into her brother‘s conviction is leading her to some new dark places.

Read September 20-23
Rated 2.5/5 ⭐️
Book 39/60

Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Decent storyline! I'm still not much of a fan of her writing style, but the story drew me in. I figured out part of the ending, but not the whole ending and I appreciate that!

EadieB I liked this more than Gone Girl! 4y
WorldsOkayestStepMom @EadieB I haven't read Gone Girl yet. 4y
EadieB @WorldsOkayestStepMom It's ok but I liked this one better! This one was good too: (edited) 4y
WorldsOkayestStepMom @EadieB I liked this Dark Places more than Sharp Objects! I figured out the ending by the halfway point of Sharp Objects. 4y
EadieB @WorldsOkayestStepMom Yes! That would take the intrigue out of the story. 4y
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