We love library day! 📚 📚
#ReallyRandomFebruary Day 21: Full disclosure: I am not a huge Klassen fan. I know, I know: unpopular #opinion. The language is very simple – only one or two lines at most per full page spread; the art shows the trademark of Klassen: stark, minimalist, monochromatic. I am sure there is something here for most readers to enjoy, plus the mystery of what happens to the ‘found‘ hat in the end. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-iqI
Love to all #LibrariansOfLitsy ! ❤️
Shopping for baby presents. It's a hard job, but it had to be done. These all looked so fun. Klassen especially.
The toy is mine. Not for babies. 🦊
If you want to laugh all the way through a book, this F story by Jon Klassen is the way to do it. In this comical book, there are two turtles and only one hat. It would not be fair if only one of them gets the hat... I'll let you read the rest! An awesome teacher's guide for the entire hat trilogy can be found here: http://www.candlewick.com/book_files/0763656003.btg.1.pdf #UCFLAE3414su17
I love Jon Klassen's books, and this new one is no exception. Two turtles find a hat... and obviously it looks great on both of them. What happens next? Goose loved it.
And my picture book awards for 2016! I'm sure all of my Facebook friends are very happy that I take up their feeds with two paragraphs of my very own book awards every year. :D #topreadsof2016 #seasonsreadings2016
Quiet, powerful #picturebook about our better selves wrestling with temptation. I love Jon Klassen's work: it has appeal for readers of all ages.
"Toh! Un cappello !" italian version of "We Found a Hat" di John Klassen ??
I say this is for the kids, but really it's for me. The final installment in the spectacular Hat series. The first two have been adored in our house from day 1.
Ah, the simple yet complex world of picture books. Thus concludes the trilogy begun with This is not my hat. A highly anticipated book that did not disappoint !
I wrote about the conclusion to Jon Klassen's picture book hat trilogy for lit mag Quill & Quire. I am constantly amazed by how much he can express with just a shift of an eyeball.
Two turtles. One hat. IT. IS. ON. Just found out this is going to be a thing in October and I have never been so excited for a picture book in my life!!! 😁🐢🎩🐢