Alfie loves his books as much as us ♥️
Kiddo‘s surprise today was a library splurge! I let max out her card - which is usually 40 items, but apparently they‘ve expanded that to allow for the 72-hour quarantine for returned items, because she has 46 on her card now! This is her weekend reading (and yes, she‘ll read most of it by the end of Sunday). Cartoon villain chortle in the car with “they‘re all mine!”
Henry loves our new shelves. (Picture edited because the boy refuses to wear pants 🙄)
My big 7 year old and I had some mom-son time today, and of course, he wanted to hit the book store. 😍 Dude loves graphic novels. He‘s the coolest, sweetest kid on the planet.
A really lovely book about keeping kids interested in book from birth to adulthood plus loads of great recommendations for books of all types. Also a great resource for librarians.
“Books to the ceiling, books to the sky, my pile of books is a mile high. How I love them! How I need them! I‘ll have a long beard by the time I read them.” -Arnold Lobel 💜