Good beginning and good ending, lulled only a little in the middle. Fun and with 2 great main characters.
Good beginning and good ending, lulled only a little in the middle. Fun and with 2 great main characters.
I loved the characters, each with their own unique personalities and authenticities. YA Historical Fiction has the tendency to star and all-white straight cast but I was so happy to see that this is not the case with Iron Cast. The plot was fast-paced, and really picked up over the second half of the novel and had me completely engaged through all the twists I didn't see coming. Hence why it only took me 3 hours to read lol.
Hotel room, watching weather because I am currently in Florida, live in Georgia and have one kid in college on the South Carolina border. Last year, Irma was a Cat 1 when it hit my town and it scared the 💩out of me
Dinner in Tallahassee for work. Glad we are not in the path of the storm. Stay safe Gulf Coast folks!
The beginning was pretty slow, but I loved the characters and the magic present in this world! Definitely some kick-ass young women in this one. And being able to control people's minds/perceptions with different types of art? I'm in for that! Plus set in Boston just before prohibition. Sad that it's a stand alone! #lmpbc #groupM @Kappadeemom It should arrive for you on Friday! @Endowarrior21 @janjan
I promise, I'm finishing this tonight to mail tomorrow! But isn't this beautiful? Also, this book is flying by now that she has really gotten into the plot! #lmpbc #round3 @Kappadeemom @JanJan @Endowarrior21
Okay, so one of the criticisms that I had seen about this book was that the characters are a bit confusing - I can't help but agree. I'm 100 pages in and the plot is starting to really heat up, but I have had to make trait lists to tell the 2 main characters apart! Hoping to actually finish this tonight to get it in the mail by Monday at the latest! #lmpbc #round3 @Endowarrior21 @JanJan @Kappadeemom
Can't decide between pick or so-so... I think I'll go with so-so because it took me so long to finish.
3ish⭐⭐⭐ The good parts were: I liked the main characters and the historical fiction aspect was nice
The not-so-good parts: Slow going at first, too many characters, and the villains were hard to believe.
#ironcast #historicalfiction #ya
(P.S I just had the hardest time getting into this app after the update, finally got in all the sudden🎉)
"When in doubt, go to the library" -Hermione Granger
Wearing a bookish shirt for the #readathon
About to head to library to pick up a massive pile of holds?
Ada and Corinne have an affliction in their blood that causes an aversion to iron and gives them special abilities. Corinne can makes people see things that aren't there and Ada can make people feel things they weren't previously feeling.
I really liked the characters in this book. Ada and Corinne offset each other so well that neither personality was overwhelming at any time. I loved it.
I wanted to love it! Prohibition-era setting, a unique (to me) magic system, a diverse cast, but it just fell flat. I kept mixing up the two main characters and it just took forever for anything to happen. 100 pages in and nothing was taking my breath away.. and I'd struggled for almost two weeks just for that.
I was really interested in the music/voice based influence magic and would like to read something with it. Suggestions?
Can't wait to read this! Has anyone else read it? What do you think?
#destinysora #bibliophile #bookmark #ironcast
🎧 I really enjoyed the setting & atmosphere of this book, which were so vivid & well-developed. The slow build worked, with the plot gradually getting knottier and more dangerous, but the big reveal fell a little flat and some of the characters were hard to warm to. I also found the pacing erratic. Overall, glad I picked it up - 3.5⭐
#diversereads #yafantasy #yalit #jazzera
A good adventure. I liked the world it build and the time frame it chose. But the story and twists were mostly tropes. I was never surprised or shocked.
Quite and interesting story, but it didn't really get to me. I don't Really feel the setting of something like Chicago in the 20s worth all that music and jazz... and for the magic in this book the story was a little bit too lose for me, because you kind of never really understood what could be happening.
I'm hopeless with making specific reading plans. I try sometimes, when a book has been on my shelf for a while or @kimberly.burke is begging me to read one so we can discuss. But I have to be in the right mood for a specific book, so I usually just pick up books from my shelves and read the first couple pages until something grabs me.
That said, here are a few I'm hoping to get to this month!
#marchintoreading #marchTBR
THIS BOOK, Y'ALL. It is so heartwarming and charming, and damn but Destiny Soria can write. Plus female friendships, hijinks, and betrayal. Don't miss this book. (And just look at that gorgeous cover that's even more beautiful in person.) Love this book.
Holy crap this was fantastic! What an amazingly visualized world, and a twisty plot that always kept me guessing.
It's the jazz age, but with magic powers. Also, I 100% appreciate a girl of color on the cover. Yassss!
4⭐️ I was pretty sure this was going to be a 3 star read for about 60% of this book - the pacing was slow, it was a bit sprawling, it felt like the author was trying to do too much. But it came together in such a way that elevated it a whole star in my mind. The various threads came together, I was *surprised* by several turns (and I'm a bit hard to surprise), I teared up a few times. All in all, it was a very satisfying read. Loved the setting!
I would love to finish this tonight, but I'm three days down a five ten hour day stretch, and I need a hot bath and sleep, and this one is the library's, so I won't risk a dunking. Good news- I have an ARC, AND we have a duplex lined up so I won't have to live with my in-laws, so my stress levels are a bit lower (now to pack up and sort eight years' worth of accumulation)
Doggy book stand? Gertie "helps" me read in bed this morning (mostly by biting my hands and losing my place). Enjoying this so far, about 1/3 of the way in. #gertiehuck #dogsoflitsy
My tentative February TBR #FeistyFeb #ReadSoulLit
"And what are you planning on doing after that?"
"Something daring and stupid, I'm sure," Corinne said, locking her arm with Ada's.
"Our specialty," Ada said.
"Boys can't manage anything themselves," she said. "Least of all staying alive."
"My grandmother could have planned a faster rescue than this."
"I was going for a slow build to a grand finale. Like an opera."
YA fantasy/historical fiction. I've been looking forward to reading this one but I'm not enjoying it and I don't want to waste any more time. Going to pick up another and try to come back to it later.
Absolutely loved the characters and their free flowing sarcasm.... at first I was hesitant on a novel based in 1919 that had known "magic" mixed into reality but it really did work quite well... now I don't know what gangsters ever did with out hemopaths! It has earned its spot on my 1920s shelf next to Audrey and Hemingway
I didn't love or hate this book. It had an interesting premise and great setting but for some reason the whole thing fell short for me. The characters were flat and indistinguishable and I couldn't really get into it :(
3.5 stars. A solid debut novel, with a nice mix of Jazz Age and magic. I was 100% into it until around page 300, when the plot began to unravel somewhat. The author brings all the threads together; it just feels rushed & unresolved to me. Pros: focused on female friendship (no love triangles!!), thoughtful about race, class & politics of the time, and an amazing cover.
I really loved this book. In a lot of ways it reminded me of Six of Crows. Well rounded characters, one of the best friendships I've seen written in a while, and unique. And for once I was happy with an ending.
Bookworm problems: When you go holiday shopping and end up #stackingtheshelves of your own instead 😭. But seriously...how could I not? #yalit
Why go out on a Friday night when you could stay in and read!? 😄 It's also -35 degrees CELSIUS here right now so that definitely helped make the decision to not leave the house 😣❄
#ironcast #sixofcrows #babyitscoldoutside #ohcanada #stayinandread
Finally, a great YA novel with two strong female leads more focused on their friendship than any romantic entanglements. An interesting new world; I hope for more.