One of my annual Halloween reads. Campy, fun, horror comedy! #scarathlon
+196 pts
#31by31 #20in4 #spookoween #5dayreadathon
One of my annual Halloween reads. Campy, fun, horror comedy! #scarathlon
+196 pts
#31by31 #20in4 #spookoween #5dayreadathon
A vampire with a comb over and a werewolf with a beer gut walk into an all night diner… that is promptly attacked by zombies - and that‘s the least of their troubles.
Read this via the internet archive - horror fantasy isn‘t my usual jam - but I enjoyed this - evil tentacles under the fridge and friendly ghosts in the graveyard included!
Ahhhh! I love my swap box so much! And an author annotated City of Brass! And my very first funko! The box was absolutely perfect- AND I have not yet watched It! I‘m so excited!!!! Thank you so much @BookwormAHN 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 #allhallowsreadswap
"In Rockwood? Aber wir haben nicht mal ein Kino!"
"So funktioniert das normalerweise. Leute, die was zu tun haben, verpflichten sich im Allgemeinen nicht bei den Lakaien der Finsternis. Eher sind es die Leute mit viel Zeit zum Totschlagen, vor denen man sich hüten muss."
So wahr.
Was mich als Biologin immer sehr stört: wenn die Eckzähne als Reißzähne bezeichnet werden - das ist nämlich falsch! Auch #ALeeMartinez begeht den gleichen Fehler 🙄 Oder ist das ein Fehler, der sich bei der Übersetzung einschleicht? Auf jeden Fall hält er sich sehr hartnäckig ... Vampir oder Werwolf Bücher mit richtiger Ausdrucksweise kann man vermutlich an einer Hand abzählen 😒
#FehlerInBüchern #immerWieder
Es soll schlecht sein. Ich bin gespannt 🙃
Zombiekühe und der fetteste #Werwolf der Welt warten auf mich 🐺
4⭐ This book was wacky, weird and funny! A great first pick for me to start off #Scarathlon with. This also fills a few #ScaryScavengerHunt prompts for me: 1. With #zombies in it, 2. That's over 200 pages and 3. Where a character dies
+2pts for movie and +1 pt for post for #TeamStoker @TheReadingMermaid
(Pts total=9)
Envisioning Loretta like.... #gilsallfrightdiner
I have been wanting to read #GilsAllFrightDiner for a while. #didyouknow this book is considered rare and a collectible??? Well. After months of trying to snag a copy either online or at many different libraries....my mama managed to snag me a copy for my birthday!!!! #shetherealmvp #bookstagram #booknerdproblems
Stumbled upon this audiobook last night . It is hysterical. In line with Christopher Moore he takes vampires, zombies and ghosts to a whole new level of funny
New #bookreview at www.theirregularreaderblog.wordpress.com! A. Lee Martinez's debut book is still a great read after all these years!
I did it!
Enjoyable horror comedy. Zombie cows, a werewolf with a beer gut, a balding vampire, and a coming apocalypse... will we survive? One caveat: I was not a fan of the treatment of Loretta's weight.
This is a spooky fun read about a vampire and werewolf who agree to help a diner and it's zombie problem. Sounds easy? Ehh not so much. Funny novel that is definitely unique with interesting characters. The writing isn't spectacular but it did keep my attention/
Picked these up at the local Friends of the Library Fall Sale. I'd say that's a $2.25 well spent!
Library hall! I'm just about finished with Dar Matter. What to start next?
I would read another story with Earl and Duke. Clearly saving the world once was not enough. Quick, fun read that felt like it was channeling Joss Whedon and his Buffyverse, with a small side of Douglas Adams. It's a great October read with a vampire, werewolf, ghost, and a gate to Hell. It is more funny than scary so that should help those out wanting to take part in October spooky readings without peeing their pants from fear. Laughter, maybe.
Rockwood = Sunnydale, with the gates of Hell under a diner instead of the high school. If you're a Buffy fan, you just might enjoy this one.
I started this one the other night and then realized that I had a different library book that was due soon. However, time travel wasn't doing it for me so I renewed it and now I'm back to this one. So far it has a bit of a Douglas Adams vibe with the way it's written. I'm not very far in but I'm enjoying it. I'm starting October early!