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French Braid
French Braid | Anne Tyler
45 posts | 46 read | 19 to read
A major new novel from the beloved Pulitzer Prize-winning author--a freshly observed, funny, joyful, brilliantly perceptive journey deep into one family's foibles, from the 1950s up to our pandemic present. The Garretts take their first and last family vacation in the summer of 1959. They hardly ever venture beyond Baltimore, but in some ways they have never been farther apart. Mercy has trouble resisting the siren call of her aspirations to be a painter, which means less time keeping house for her husband, Robin. Their teenage daughters, steady Alice and boy-crazy Lily, could not have less in common. Their youngest, David, is already intent on escaping his family's orbit, for reasons none of them understand. Yet, as these lives advance across decades, the Garretts' influences on one another ripple ineffably but unmistakably through each generation. Full of heartbreak and hilarity, French Braid is classic Anne Tyler: a stirring, uncannily insightful novel of tremendous warmth and humor that illuminates the kindnesses and cruelties of our daily lives, the impossibility of breaking free from those who love us, and how close--yet how unknowable--every family is to itself.
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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I would agree with a lot of other reviews on this one. I felt it was fairly well written, about a multi-generational family that just never really did connect with one another, and I can definitely see how this might be an accurate portrayal of some families. But I also felt like the book never really went anywhere and it was just kind of unfulfilling and sad. Also didn‘t feel the audiobook reader “fit” the book, which didn‘t help.

rubyslippersreads And Desmond! 😿😡 7mo
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Classic Anne Tyler; a quirky family that don‘t quite fit the norm, going about their fairly ordinary but sometimes stilted lives in the way Anne Tyler does so well. I did feel there were a lot of characters, and some of them felt interchangeable. That maybe it needed to be a little longer to get to know them better. I also wasn‘t sure the beginning/ending worked, but still, this was sweet and charming.

DivineDiana Pretty! ❤️ 10mo
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Love Anne Tyler and this lives up to her previous hugely.

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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I‘m always in need of🍷 ( I‘ve smashed 2 this fortnight. One in the dishwasher and the other was on the edge of the island as I wizzed into the kitchen) so whenever I see a nice and cheap set I grab them. These beautifully etched set of six were only $10! Can you see them? I may have not gone straight back to work after being on an interview panel last term because you know op shops. I figured it finished before schedule. Here is the result. Ha!

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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I very much enjoyed this novel spanning 60 to 70 years the life of the Garretts. Starting in 1950s up to and including Covid. The whole family were great characters and I enjoyed the family interactions.

Cathythoughts Sounds good. Stacked 1y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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I‘m usually a Tyler fan, but this one fell flat for me. It didn‘t help that I didn‘t like the narrator but I think it was more than that. The family saga just didn‘t quite hold together like hers usually do, and it didn‘t circle back to Serena like I expected, or even tie that first scene in very well. Just a so-so for me.

Aims42 Yes, I finished it and realized it never circled back to the opening scene. Like, what was the point then? What other books by her would you recommend (if any)? 1y
Lcsmcat @Aims42 I really liked The Accidental Tourist and Back When We We‘re Grownups. Saint Maybe was also good. 1y
Aims42 @Lcsmcat awesome! Thank you, I‘ll check those out 😊 1y
willaful Saint Maybe and The Accidental Tourists are my all-time favs. I also loved The Clock Winder. 1y
Lcsmcat @willaful I‘ve not read that one yet. Thanks. 1y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler

This was a solid “meh” for me. Usually I love the family dramas, but this one just fell flat for me. My biggest thought after finishing it was, I wished there was a family tree to keep everyone straight 🙄 I was doing okay until the “Robby‘s” came along and after that I heavily relied on context clues as to who this person was and which family they were from lol

rubyslippersreads I DNF‘d this book after what happened to Desmond. 😼 1y
Aims42 @rubyslippersreads OMG!!! YESSSSSS!!! That whole scene I waiting for her to change her mind. But she didn‘t 😿😿😿That was a HUGE 👎🚩🙅‍♀️ 1y
Lcsmcat @rubyslippersreads I almost dropped it right then too. I pushed through, but I agree it wasn‘t her best. 1y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Saturday audiobook while I wait for the car to charge. This book, which I‘d never heard of was a recommendation by my daughter who read it on a recent trip.
It‘s… quaint.

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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I‘m a PangoBooks convert now 🙌I placed my first order and I‘m starting there first now. You actually see the book you‘re buying instead of relying on the seller saying “like new” when in reality the spine is cracked. My four books are in pristine condition, exactly like the pictures I saw. I got these 4 books +shipping & tax for $27.46. AND my seller had a super quick turnaround, I got them within the week she dropped them off at USPS 🤩🥳

Soubhiville I‘ve had great luck with Pango too. 🙂 1y
Aims42 @Soubhiville That‘s great!! 🙌 1y
tpixie Fun!! 🥳🥳🥳 1y
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Aims42 @tpixie fun for me…. Not so much for my wallet 😂 C‘est la vie! 1y
tpixie @Aims42 lol 😂 tell - I just went to a 20 author event! 1y
Aims42 @tpixie I saw your pic! I can‘t wait to see your thoughts on “The Lipstick Bureau”. You grabbed some great reads! 1y
tpixie @Aims42 I‘m excited about that book also. My sister just read ** , so I have to next read ** so we can discuss it! (edited) 1y
Aims42 @tpixie Ooo I really enjoyed it, I hope you both do too! 👍 1y
tpixie @Aims42 awesome 🤩 1y
wordslinger42 I'm on pango and love it! 1y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Didn't enjoy this Anne Tyler book as much as some of her earlier works. Many of the characters were unlikeable and few if any showed much vulnerability.

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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⭐⭐⭐⭐You think you're free of them, but you're never really free; the ripples are crimped in forever.” “Wasn't it amazing how resilient people were, how they persisted, how they kept trying to connect!” “This is what families do for each other—hide a few uncomfortable truths, allow a few self-deceptions. Little kindness and little cruelties.

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Next book

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Another one of Tyler's books to get me through long drives to my jobs over the last few weeks.
This one beginning in the 1950's and following a family's journey through to current day including Covid 19 and the lockdowns we all experienced.
I love Anne Tyler's writing and her poignant reminder of the passing of time. This book has many moments which are easily relatable to families including my own.
Enjoyable and easy to follow.

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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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I‘ve definitely found a new favourite in Anne Tyler.
Loved the family dynamics in this, the way the characters are succinctly written and the idea that family members don‘t always like each other/get along and put up pretences. I really liked Mercy. It‘s got that slow, not a lot happening feel which I like in books anyway but it kept me turning the pages because of the characters, the dynamics & the writing. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Megabooks This was a good one! 2y
youneverarrived @Megabooks I‘ll definitely read more by her 🤍 2y
CarolynM I love Anne Tyler. My favourite is 2y
youneverarrived @CarolynM I know she has a huge back catalogue and couldn‘t decide what to go for next so thanks for that, made up my mind for me 😁 2y
vivastory I have been meaning to read more Tyler. Great review! 2y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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This is a story of multi-generational family dramas set near Baltimore. It's vintage Tyler-style storytelling and writing. She blends character development through everyday moments and significant events. But I couldn't connect with many of her subjects, which might be just my issues. The book's summary promised more hilarity than the author delivered. I prefer her last book, Redhead by the Side of the Road, over this. #thebibliophage2022

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Just a shout out to local libraries 💕 I went to pick up this book I‘d reserved & it wouldn‘t let me check it out - I asked the librarian & it was because I had fines (I‘m usually pretty good at taking books back etc but having a newborn I‘ve not really kept on top of it) but she waivered them for me as she knows I‘m a regular & she saw me with the kids & said she knows what it‘s like. Just thought that was really kind of her 🤍

IndoorDame I was so impressed that a few years ago my local library got rid of fines because they disproportionately punish the already economically disadvantaged. Now we only get charged for lost books, late fees on select inter library loans from branches that won‘t accept the policy, and certain items like museum passes. It‘s made such a huge difference for me! 2y
squirrelbrain Aw, that‘s so nice of them! ❤️ 2y
JamieArc @IndoorDame My library recently moved to this system as well, along with automatically renewing books if they haven‘t been returned on the due date. 2y
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IndoorDame @JamieArc yes, ours auto renews too if they‘re eligible. It‘s so great! 2y
BarbaraBB That‘s so kind! 2y
batsy ❤️ 2y
ravenlee What an awesome way to use a superpower! 2y
Megabooks How wonderful! It‘s great when people are understanding. 💜 2y
andrew61 Enjoy the read. I'm sure it will be worth the wait. 2y
youneverarrived @IndoorDame @JamieArc that‘s great! I bet it‘s made a big difference for a lot of people. Our library never used to charge for reservations but has recently started to. Auto renewal sounds brilliant. 2y
youneverarrived @ravenlee exactly ♥️ 2y
youneverarrived @andrew61 I‘m really enjoying it 😁 2y
vivastory Librarians are the kindest 💙The crap they are enduring bc of fundamentalists in this country is infuriating 2y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler


French Braid | Anne Tyler
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I love family dramas and especially those that span generations. told through a series of vignettes from family members from 3 generations. A family who loves one another despite some dysfunction and stressed relationships. I definitely saw parts of my own extended family reflected here and I am sure most families will see something they relate to. I felt like I wanted just a **little** more from the ending but am satisfied with it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Book 96

I had such a book hangover after reading French Braid! Tyler's writing is powerful because it's clear and succinct. Her characters and their relationships are rich. She makes astute observations that are so simplistic and relatable that they should be mundane.

MelKelsey Unlike most authors, she doesn't write a story from beginning to end; instead she facilitates opportunities for her readers to act as a "fly on the wall " by providing detailed snapshots into her characters lives at random intervals. It isn't for everyone, but I love it! 2y
MelKelsey Her novels don't often come full-circle or have blatant themes, as French Braid does. It's about the connectedness of family and feels very salient to my recent thoughts after losing my mother-in-law. Anne Tyler always writes such identifiable women. I LOVE HER and this novel! Five stars 2y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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This book was soooo boring. I didn't care for the characters at all. Mercy was the worst. It was mundane family life with the tiniest bit of drama thrown in. But not enough to write a book about. I only finished this for a book club I'm in.

French Braid | Anne Tyler

Slow and character driven. Really no plot, but it was enjoyable.

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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This popped up on my library‘s skip the line loans, so I thought I‘d give it a try. While I appreciated aspects of it and I liked that it was a portrait of a family across generations, I frankly found it lackluster. I haven‘t read Tyler before and not sure I will again. I do love the cover, though—what a fabulous color!

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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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This is a book that leaves you happy, I was completely satisfied and sometimes that is exactly what you need in your life.

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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This is the 1st Tyler book that resonated for me. I think it‘s 100% because I read her other book before I had lived enough life. She captures the quiet nuances of marriage & the the fraught relationships between children & their parents with such a gentle hand. I couldn‘t appreciate that before. If contemplative books bore you, skip this one. Truly nothing happens and there‘s no big reveal, but the quiet moments of connection make it worthwhile.

BkClubCare Oh. That admission of not quite relating til you yourself have lived enough? {{hugs}} 2y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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I‘ve read many of her books, but this one didn‘t grab me. It‘s the story of one family through the years, but not a very interesting one. Give me “This Is Us” anytime!

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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I was really looking forward to this book. While I liked the story, I didn't love it the way I thought I would. It tells the story of normal family dysfunction. The reader is taken back to a single family vacation that changes the course & relationships within a family for generations. ⭐⭐⭐💫
This wasn't remarkable to me. Beautiful but forgettable. Soft pick.

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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I really enjoyed this novel- it felt like intertwining short stories of generations of a family. Most of the characters‘ POV chapters I wanted to be so much longer (sign of a great book), and I was intrigued of how differently I perceived them from someone else‘s POV. Excellent and enjoyable.

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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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First book by #AnneTyler. #FrenchBraid is a very well-crafted and quiet book about a family, with a focus on the matriarch. There were a lot of characters & names in this, but it didn‘t feel stressful.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️,75/5

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Here‘s the perfect reading companion for Anne Tyler‘s latest release—my friend‘s French Bulldog Bowie! (We‘re dog sitting this week.) Oh, I loved this book! It helped me appreciate all our family BBQs and reunions, and the quirkiest relatives whom I later discovered had taught me many of life‘s most profound lessons. As Anne says: “No heroes, no villains; just your average people. I hope you‘ll grow fond of them, in spite of their obvious flaws.”

thewallflower0707 Yeah, I‘m planning to read it this week over Easter 🐣 ☺️. Cute dog! 2y
mrp27 Cute pup and cute picture. 🐶 2y
LeahBergen Aww!! He‘s so cute. 2y
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Leftcoastzen Awww! Cutie pie!🐶 2y
UwannaPublishme @thewallflower0707 I think it‘s her best book to date! Will look forward to your review. 2y
UwannaPublishme @mrp27 @LeahBergen @Leftcoastzen Bowie is quite a character, and you can‘t help but love that face! 😄❤️ 2y
rubyslippersreads But poor Desmond! 😿 2y
UwannaPublishme @rubyslippersreads Agreed! As an animal lover like you, I also found that part tough to fathom. I‘d love to hear Anne‘s take on it. It certainly showed that Mercy stood her ground to finally do something for herself. I could understand that she was tired of doing everything that was dumped on her and expected of her without being given a choice. But still...🤔 2y
rubyslippersreads @UwannaPublishme It showed me that Mercy doesn‘t live up to her name. 😂 (The author‘s intention, I‘m sure.) 2y
UwannaPublishme @rubyslippersreads Indeed! 🤣🤣🤣 2y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Anne Tyler is just reliably great. So funny and perceptive. French Braid tells the story of one Baltimore family from the 1950s to the present day.

I never thought I‘d be moved to tears by a salmon loaf, but Tyler can somehow use the most ordinary things to evoke such strong emotions. An absolute pleasure to read.

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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A years-long view of an extended family told through snippets of various members in different stages of life. Though a big undertaking, the chapters zoom in on the minutiae of the characters‘ everyday life in Anne Tyler‘s signature style.

Anne Tyler is magnificent. I fell in love with her books with A Spool of Blue Thread. This one is a close second to that one, although I‘ve only read 5. Tyler backlist, here I come!

MrsMalaprop Love her too. Luckily there are many more to work our way through 🤗. 2y
Megabooks I want to read more too 👍🏻 2y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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All of my kids are now out of the house, and I really felt this:

“he had suffered a very serious loss in his life. Two losses, in fact. Two very dear children: Emily and Nicholas. It was true that these days there happened to be two very dear grown-ups who were also named Emily and Nicholas, but they weren‘t the same people.“

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Spending this cold day cuddled up with my bff Anne! Each one of hers I‘ve read just speaks to me ♥️
I need to slowly chip away at her backlist.

vivastory Do you have a favorite? I've only read one. I really enjoyed it, despite the rushed ending. 2y
Chelsea.Poole @vivastory this one really blew me away. I had read a few when I was younger but didn‘t fully “get” her until this one. Not sure if it was the book itself or being an adult that opened my eyes to her amazingness. 2y
vivastory @Chelsea.Poole Thanks for the recommendation! I placed a hold on it at the library! 2y
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jlhammar Yes, couldn‘t agree more! I‘m enjoying this new one so far. A Spool of Blue Thread is one of my favorites. 2y
cariashley Weirdly I‘ve never read her! Any other particular authors you would cite as being similar to her - ie if I‘m a fan of x I‘d like Tyler? (edited) 2y
Leftcoastzen @vivastory just to jump in , I like these a lot Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant & The Accidental Tourist . Though I did read them when they were newish .I wonder how they hold up. 2y
vivastory @Leftcoastzen I've heard great things about both of those. I'm intrigued by both👏 2y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler

(Part 1) I can't even rate this on Goodreads. I was so excited for this book for several reasons. First, it's Anne Tyler so how could it not be good, right? Second, Deep Creek Lake (where I live) is a setting in the beginning of the book and also a memory brought up throughout. Even though the shops and roads and such were entirely fictitious, it did give me a warm feeling to see "Deep Creek Lake" mentioned so many times in a book.

Well_Read_Redhead (Part 2) However, I found the book boring and nearly all of the characters unlikable. I found nothing to be hilarious as the blurb suggests, and around 20% I had considered bailing. What was even the point of the beginning part about Serena from 2010? We never came back to that, we don't know what happened to them, and we only get a tiny bit of info about Serena in the end. 2y
Well_Read_Redhead (Part 3) Finally, I didn't like Mercy whatsoever. Her decisions made no sense to me, and what she did to her husband and what she did to the cat were just plain mean. The entire story line about the cat, no matter how insignificant it was, could have and should have been left out and it wouldn't have changed one thing except maybe I wouldn't have loathed Mercy and would have only disliked her. 2y
Well_Read_Redhead (Part 4) I wouldn't recommend this book to someone who hasn't read Anne's books before. I'm left feeling sadly disappointed. I'm aware my review is harsh, but I just finished this book and feel I wasted my time on it. 2y
rubyslippersreads I bailed when Mercy dumped poor Desmond at the animal shelter. I had no interest in what happened to her after that. 😾 2y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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A new Anne Tyler makes for some very exciting #bookmail. Just might have to start this one right away.

charl08 Love that cover, hope that is the UK one too! 2y
Chelsea.Poole I just started! 2y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Cute contemporary fiction #NewRelease following a Baltimore family for 60 years. Tyler has her style, and I find it enjoyable, however when it got to the third generation of cousins, I was a bit confused about who belonged to whom. The final chapter, set in 2020, is the most heartwarming pandemic-set fiction I have read so far. The #audiobook narration is great. 👍🏻

DivineDiana Since my birthplace is Baltimore, and generations of relatives live there, I think I could relate to this one! 🙂 2y
Megabooks @DivineDiana it‘s really fun and very Baltimore. Enjoy! (I spent several months in Baltimore through the early 00s.) 2y
Cinfhen I read this in print / it was just ok for me. I do think you‘d enjoy this one @DivineDiana 💙It has a slight Philly connection too 💛 2y
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Megabooks @Cinfhen I need to go back and read your review. It was too close when I got it from the library. 2y
DivineDiana @megabooks @Cinfhen Thank you, ladies! ❤️📚❤️ 2y
BarbaraBB I like pandemic set fiction but the rest of your review makes me wonder if I‘d like the book. I‘ll skip for now. 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB yeah, it‘s not one I‘d recommend to you. A little too cute contemporary than you usually read. 2y
BarbaraBB Thanks! You know it best 👍🏽❤️ 2y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Hello, weekend! So ready for ya! This is my #libraryhaul from yesterday. Tagging the one that is cut off below ⬇️

Chelsea.Poole The one that‘s cut out of the picture — A #nwyd pick I still need to get to from @mitch 2y
Mitch @Chelsea.Poole 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 2y
Megabooks I‘m reading FB now. It‘s good! 2y
Chelsea.Poole Eek! Glad it‘s @Megabooks approved ☺️☺️ 2y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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#ARC #NetGalley #NowAvailable Families are complicated and the Garrett family especially so. This story follows Robin & Mercy as they raise their three children in 1950‘s Baltimore up until 2020 as their children are now grandparents living through the Coronavirus. This book was a little flat for me. Quiet and completive. I‘m sure fans of Anne Tyler will enjoy this book but I was hoping for more.

BarbaraBB I had high expectations. Sorry to head you were underwhelmed. You‘re flying home today right? Have a safe trip 😘 2y
Cinfhen Yes, my flight is this evening @BarbaraBB it was a great little getaway 💜 2y
KarenUK Travel safe 💕😘 2y
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Megabooks I had completely different thoughts! I found this fairly lighthearted. (Maybe that say more about what I‘ve been reading lately??) Anne has her thing for sure - the a large family at various points in time in the late 20th c to now. This was a pick for me because it was easy to read and kept my attention. I think you would‘ve enjoyed it on audio more. (edited) 2y
Cinfhen Im glad you enjoyed it @Megabooks / it REALLY was just meh for me 2y
rubyslippersreads @Megabooks I couldn‘t get past the animal cruelty. 2y
Cinfhen What does it say about me or the book when I can‘t remember a single thing about it other than the Philly train station @Megabooks @rubyslippersreads 😳 2y
rubyslippersreads @Cinfhen @Megabooks Maybe you blocked the distressing cat scene. I certainly wish I could. 😾 2y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Todays book recommendation is from The Week Magazine.
French Braid by Anne Tyler
The Garretts take their first and last family vacation in the summer. They hardly ever leave home, but in some ways they have never been farther apart. Mercy is resisting her aspirations to be a painter, which means less time keeping house for her husband, Robin. Their daughters Alice and Lily. Their youngest, David, is already intent on escaping

French Braid | Anne Tyler
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Starting a new #ARC #NetGalley Publishes this coming Tuesday, March 22!! And a Happy Purim to those who are celebrating today!! Those yummy looking hamantaschen were baked by my daughter 😁 SO DELICIOUS 😋

AmyG Happy Purim! 2y
LeahBergen Happy Purim! 2y
TrishB They look nice ♥️ what‘s in them? 2y
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Cinfhen Thanks @AmyG @LeahBergen 🥳♥️There are 4 flavors @TrishB 🍒, apricot, prune & Nutella with sprinkles 😄 2y
TrishB Ohh cherry and apricot sound lovely! I‘d leave the others for other guests 😁 2y
jlhammar Those look amazing! I preordered this one. Can't wait. Love Anne Tyler. 2y
mrp27 Yumm, love hamantaschen. Happy Purim. 2y
Cinfhen Cherry & Apricot are my favs too!! I actually like the prunes too! I guess im showing my age @TrishB 👵🏼 2y
Cinfhen They were addictive @jlhammar and the book is off to a great start 😁 2y
Cinfhen Thanks @mrp27 I LOVE hamantaschen too!!! 2y
Simona Looks delicious 🤤 🤤 2y
Bookzombie They all look delicious! I think prunes get a bad rap. They are actually tasty. 🙂 2y
Cinfhen Agreed @Bookzombie 🥰they were so tasty @Simona and of course I thought of you….Nutella sprinkles 😘😘 2y
Simona Due to the some health issues (nothing serious) I can‘t eat Nutella anymore 🥺 2y
Cinfhen @Simona BUMMER!! 2y
Simona That is very mild word for my feelings @Cinfhen 2y
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French Braid | Anne Tyler
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📘French Braid by Anne Tyler
🪞Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr 🤩
🙌🏽 Today I am grateful for a relaxing and quiet night at home.

What a lovely prompt!

Eggs And a lovely post 🥰 3y
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