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Ghosted: A Northanger Abbey Novel | Amanda Quain
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Never Have I Ever meets The X-Files in Amanda Quain's Ghosted, a fresh and funny update on the Jane Austen classic, Northanger Abbey. Hattie Tilney isnt a believer. Yes, shes a senior at Americas most (allegedly) haunted high school, Northanger Abbey. But ever since her paranormal-loving dad passed away, shes hung up her Ghostbusters suit, put away the EMF detectors, and moved on. She has enough to worry about in the land of the livinglike taking care of her younger brother, Liam, while their older sister spirals out and their mother, Northangers formidable headmistress, buries herself in work. If Hattie just tries hard enough and keeps that overachiever mask on tight through graduation, maybe her mom will finally notice her. But the mask starts slipping when Hatties assigned to be an ambassador to Kit Morland, whos just transferred to Northanger onwhat elsea ghost-hunting scholarship. The two are paired up for an investigative project on the schools paranormal activity, and Hattie quickly strikes a deal: Kit will present whatever ghostly evidence he can find to prove that the campus is haunted, and Hattie will prove its not. But as they explore the abandoned tunnels and foggy graveyards of Northanger, Hattie starts to realize that Kit might be the kind of person who makes her want to believe in somethingand someonefor the first time. With her signature wit and slow-burn romance, Amanda Quain turns another Austen classic on its head in this sparkling retelling that proves sometimes the ghosts are just a metaphor after all.
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Read for #Pemberlittens @Staycurious
This one was okay for me. It has a good ending hopeful, some parts were cute but didn‘t enjoy as much as I wanted. I usually enjoy YA novels but this one has some annoying characters and their decision....and the drama...🙄maybe too YA without happening much.🤷🏽‍♀️ 2.9/3⭐️

TheAromaofBooks I felt the same way - I never really warmed up to any of these characters. 8mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 8mo
StayCurious @TheAromaofBooks @Gissy I felt the same. that‘s okay it was still a worthwhile read if only for some of the discussion we had 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @StayCurious - It was a super fun concept and I always love reading with the group!!! 8mo
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Absolutely loved it! It's hard to adapt Jane Austen to modern times but this does it so well. Thanksgiving Chapter was my favorite. Perfect choice since I was also rereading original Northanger Abbey. I finished both in the last few days.

And now it's time to get out the Christmas China!

StayCurious What a nice picture! 8mo
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This was a buddy read with the #Pemberlittens and a Northanger Abby spin off. Other then the names and places it really wasn‘t a spin off, however it was an enjoyable YA book. I liked the positive romantic relationship. I also liked how it addressed grieving and how it can impact family members differently. And it wouldn‘t be a good YA without all the complexities of just being a teenager. It‘s a cute book about ghost and love in all its forms.

StayCurious Great review! 8mo
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Read for the #Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent buddy read, this is not my favorite Austen retelling/Northanger Abbey adaptation (it was a bit too angsty YA with some characters that annoyed me) but overall, I enjoyed it, especially reading along at 2 chapters a day with the group. I thought the haunted boarding/high school aspects & ghost hunting were the most fun. A soft pick. Thanks to @StayCurious for the always great hosting.💙

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 8mo
StayCurious Cool picture background! 8mo
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I'm glad I joined the buddy read for this one. I liked this retelling of Northanger Abbey. 4⭐️

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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent So sorry I‘m late posting-I have several excuses but won‘t bore you with them😝. Ch.36-37: thanks to Freddie, Hattie makes amends with Izzy and Priya. I get why it was important but I‘m still ticked at Izzy. She was not a nice person. But maybe she really was hurt by Hattie. And forgiveness will help Hattie to move on. ⬇️

StayCurious Ch.38-end: a good grand gesture and a happy ending - I think this was a good book about a family dealing with grief and in desperate need of healing. It was romantic and sweet and frustrating as only a YA novel can be haha. I didn‘t see too many links to Jane though…still enjoyable. 8mo
vonnie862 Lately I haven't enjoyed YA books as much but I did with this one. Like you said, it talked about grief and healing. Despite being a retelling, I really liked that it was realistic. I too was bothered about the Izzy situation but at the same time it made me realize that Izzy is still a kid who is making growth inhope she becomes a better person. 8mo
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SarahBookInterrupted Yes, it was enjoyable and I agree not too much Jane in there other then the names and places. But all in all a decent YA book. 8mo
CatLass007 @StayCurious It was a good selection. Thank you once again for hosting. I like that the problems caused by lack of communication were mostly solved by people deciding to communicate. The Tilneys are becoming a family again, and Hattie finally opened up to Izzy, Priya, and Kit. They know that there will be growing pains because no one changes overnight. Not all the loose threads have been tied up in a bow. They have learned new (cont) ⬇️ 8mo
CatLass007 things about themselves and each other and are willing to do the work to become better family, friends, and better people. 8mo
StayCurious @CatLass007 well said! 8mo
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Low pick for me - I think I liked the atmosphere more than most of the characters! But, I was compelled to read it. The whole school sounds spooky, and I‘d love to see a place steeped in so much history and lore.

I guess the message from this is that grief affects everyone differently, and we‘re all running away from something, whether it‘s grief or stress or trauma or something else that consumes us. #PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent

Librarybelle #BBRC #TeenAngst #SnowballEffect - the loss of a loved one catapulted an entire family into grief and pain, causing them to lose interest or the inability to interact with past favorite activities, and in a sense, with each other. @LibrarianRyan 8mo
StayCurious Low pick for me as well. Not quite a so-so. I enjoyed it enough to make it a low pick 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch. 34-35: progress with the siblings and with Dr.Tilney - look what can happen when people talk to each other! I appreciated that her mom finally opened up to her. I can only hope that they will move forward in a more open relationship now.

vonnie862 I am so happy thatcDr. T finally talked to her! I'm also very impressed with Freddie. 8mo
CatLass007 Grief does weird things to people. No two people grieve in the same way. I‘m glad that Hattie is finally getting her real self back. It‘s sad that her mom was clueless for so long, but it seems like she‘s getting her real self back too. Freddie said some ugly things to Hattie but maybe she‘s getting back to being her true self. Owning up to their feelings? Priceless. 8mo
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BarkingMadRead I hope this lasts! I live how they all worked together! 8mo
SarahBookInterrupted I‘m so relieved that they all talked and maybe now they can all start to heal together as a family. I was so worried that their mother would remain the villain the whole book. Phew 😅 8mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig I liked how it wasn't just a complete turn around. Things are still awkward but they are a work in progress. Much more realistic. 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.32-33: well we‘ve got a high and a major low. Hattie‘s a bit of an idiot IMO. I get that her mom screws with her head but to delete her other application and completely write off Kit? This will take a miracle to fix. Too bad Hattie doesn‘t believe.

BarkingMadRead That was definitely an epic fail!! 8mo
CatLass007 Poor Hattie. 8mo
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Crinoline_Laphroaig I was yelling at the page! 8mo
vonnie862 Woah...chapter 33. First of all, Kit should not have said that Dr. T was a monster even though she is not the greatest mom. And secondly, Hattie is so dumb for not applying to other schools and for deleting her application. 8mo
SarahBookInterrupted As my 11 year old would say “that was so cringe” 8mo
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It ended better than it started, and I really liked the Kit-Hattie dynamic. I don‘t think it really worked as a Northanger Abbey retelling, at least for me. The ending as far as friends went was abrupt and I didn‘t buy it, but I‘m hopeful for the family dynamic. Overall it was fine but not great.

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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.30-31: first of all: I can‘t believe Dr.Tilney left overnight - I mean, her teenage daughter has a boy staying close by…wow. She‘s so checked out I think. Secondly, the last chapter was a really important chapter in the Hattie and Kit story. She‘s really opening up and in turn discovering parts of herself.

BarkingMadRead I was shocked that she left. She cannot be so clueless about their relationship that this would be ok! 8mo
vonnie862 I'm happy that Dr. T is going out but this is a bad time to do so. Luckily Kit seems to be more responsible than Hattie. Hattie is all hot and bothered while Kit is too much of a ghost nerd. 8mo
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vonnie862 Also, I love that Kit is not running away from Hattie's outburst and opening up. He's a keeper! 8mo
TheAromaofBooks I caught back up on this yesterday after missing a few days. While Izzy's behavior is inexcusable, I really do feel like Hattie has also been a bad friend this fall. She's doing that classic “I found a boy and he's all I need“ move that also isn't healthy. I think Kit is a great guy and they're good together but I also feel like Hattie is becoming completely dependent on him as her only person, and that's a little worrisome. 8mo
SarahBookInterrupted I‘m finally caught up too. I can‘t believe Dr.Tilley is leaving overnight and I love KIt even more now. He‘s a keeper. 8mo
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My voice cracked like a twig, like a heart, like a promise.

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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.28-29: ooh Izzy is so mean and spiteful! Girl‘s got issues. I‘m glad Hattie called her out and took a step back. Kit didn‘t deserve that. But at least he took it all in stride. It‘s nice seeing Liam and Hattie be happy with Kit on winter break. I hope Christmas with Dr. Tilney and Freddie isn‘t too awkward.

CatLass007 Does Dr. T know about Eric and Liam yet? I‘m really unclear about what she knows. 8mo
BarkingMadRead @CatLass007 I wondered the same, I feel like Doc is fairly clueless 8mo
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StayCurious @BarkingMadRead @CatLass007 she‘s not around enough to notice anything 8mo
CatLass007 I think the whole situation is just so sad. Liam is the only person in the family who is actually happy. He‘s faced up to losing his dad and is coping pretty well with his dysfunctional family situation. 8mo
vonnie862 @CatLass007 I agree. Kit appears to be doing better than the rest of his family. He is also coming out more of his shell with Kit around. 8mo
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I‘m enjoying a mostly quiet day to catch up on some reading, and there it was. I love Thanksgiving, but it‘s usually just hubby and me and the kiddo. We used to host family for a meal over Veterans‘ Day weekend, but nobody has been able to visit us for years now. Tomorrow we‘re doing another big cooking day, this time for pierogi. We try to keep several batches in the freezer but haven‘t had time to make any for over a year.

ravenlee So I‘m taking advantage of the relaxed time while it lasts. 8mo
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I meant to post this yesterday for Thanksgiving. I really loved Chapter 24. Liam making turkey was the best! 🦃
#pemberlittens #janeadjacent @StayCurious

StayCurious And the chain saw haha! 8mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig @StayCurious that was so awesome! 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.26-27: I‘m glad that Hattie is finally allowing herself to feel what she feels for Kit and she‘s being a bit more open with him. She‘s definitely brave inviting him to stay at her house for Christmas-what with her mom and sister. Yikes. I like that they‘re having fun at the carnival but I feel as though Izzy is up to something. Her “surprise” for Hattie doesn‘t bode well. ⬇️

StayCurious I‘m worried to see where it will go wrong - like a scene from Carrie or What Cries Beneath. 8mo
BarkingMadRead I‘m really stressed about Izzy, I feel like this can‘t possibly go well. 8mo
vonnie862 I too am glad that she is standing up for herself and allowing herself to get close to Kit. However, she did her mom dirty to get what she wanted and I have a bad feeling about Izzy. 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.24-25: If Hattie doesn‘t stop holding back from Kit, she might lose him. Despite what he says, he won‘t be able to wait forever. And, as if Dr.Tilney missed thanksgiving with her kids! She needs to start trying or she‘ll lose them all.

BarkingMadRead I am shocked that she didn‘t show up at all. Girlfriend needs to realize that she still has humans she is responsible for 8mo
vonnie862 Dr. T needs help! She is obviously in mourning and sadly, it is damaging her children. I really hope she gets the intervention and help she needs. 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.22-23: so Hattie gets a bit rebellious and ends up having a nice night with Kit and no one notices lol. What a mother Dr.Tilney is. Then she tells ghost stories with the ghost brigade - albeit reluctantly - but it was still a good Hattie moment. And she realizes that maybe she doesn‘t have to work so hard to protect Liam from everything.

vonnie862 It's sad that no one, at least her mother, did not notice that she was gone. It's actually concerning. 8mo
BarkingMadRead I can‘t believe her mom didn‘t notice! That‘s insane. I love that she told that story, I hope she feels more comfy now! 8mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig I'm loving seeing Liam become happier. 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent 20-21: Well, sometimes you have a bad day, and sometimes you have a BAD day. Hattie didn‘t get into her school of choice - not a surprise to us but definitely one to her. Then her mom cancels their meeting - which is almost cruel except Dr Tilney has no idea how her actions affect her daughter. ⬇️

StayCurious So Hattie decides to stop being the good girl and goes to spend the night in Kit‘s room. Not her best idea. We‘ll see where the consequences fall… 8mo
vonnie862 Poor Hattie. I've been in her position of trying to do everything to please and get approval from my mom to only get the cold shoulder. Her wanting to rebel makes sense. Yes, her decision to stay in Kit's room could be seen as irresponsible, but I think she knows better than to do anything inappropriate. 8mo
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vonnie862 BTW, the meme is so cute! 8mo
CatLass007 Daddy loved Pomeranians and he passed that on to me. Hattie definitely has it rough. Trying so hard to be perfect for her mother. I tried with equal determination to be perfect for Daddy. He never said anything to me but he bragged about me to his friends all the time, or so he said. I believe him, but it wasn‘t what I wanted. That isn‘t what Hattie wants either. But I‘m quite a few years older than Hattie, so (cont)⬇️ 8mo
CatLass007 I‘ve learned I‘ll never be perfect, but I can be excellent. I didn‘t learn that from reading Michelle Obama‘s memoir, but she learned it and shared it with her readers. I feel like she reinforced what I already knew. 8mo
TheAromaofBooks I was honestly confused about the “sorry you can't reschedule thing“ - isn't it literally Dr. Tilney's job to meet with every senior?? I can understand not today, but acting like she missed this chance so there will never be another one felt kind of ridiculous. 8mo
StayCurious @TheAromaofBooks seriously right? 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.18-19: Looks like Kit‘s having a good effect on Hattie, but also on her brother Liam, helping to break him out of his shell. That will mean more to Hattie than he could possibly know. I have no idea what Dr.Tilney‘s reaction to Liam‘s news will be. Or Freddie‘s for that matter.

BarkingMadRead I don‘t have as much faith in them as Hattie does, hopefully it goes well 8mo
CatLass007 I think Hattie‘s response to Liam coming out was so awesome! Hopefully someday we‘ll live in a world where people actually behave that way. 8mo
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vonnie862 I really loved the moment Hattie shared with Liam. I'm afraid of how mom will react 8mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig @CatLass007 it was beautiful! 8mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig @vonnie862 such a great Hattie/ Liam moment but yeah I'm guessing Dr T will not be pleased. 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.16: Sad story about the twins. And sad memories for Hattie about her dad. No wonder she‘s pushed away from ghost hunting. I wonder if she‘ll tell Kit?

Ch.17: ooh Izzy is kind of awful. How can Hattie put up with her? I mean, we know all the reasons, but seriously. That kind of toxic relationship isn‘t good for anyone.

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Today I got Library Card for my new city. I was super excited to find a print copy of this month's #Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Read. 😍

LiteraryinLawrence Joining the library in a new place is a great feeling! For me it‘s a big step towards feeling settled in my new town. 8mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig @LiteraryinLawrence such a good feeling. ❤️ 8mo
CaramelLunacy Love a good library haul 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.14: Well, I‘ll say what we‘re all thinking: Freddie is a - something that rhymes with witch. I mean, I get that she‘s probably going through stuff too, but she‘s still the worst. Poor Hattie and Liam. Mainly Liam - he‘s helpless. I wonder what Kit thinks after being exposed to Hattie‘s inner world.
Ch.15: things are getting more serious between Kit and Hattie. But she still has a lot of walls built up.⬇️.

StayCurious I don‘t like how transactional her relationship is with Izzy. You shouldn‘t feel like you constantly owe your friend or vice versa. 8mo
BarkingMadRead I totally agree about her friendship with Izzy, although I wouldn‘t actually call it a friendship. I feel like they have tally marks and they compare columns 🙄 8mo
vonnie862 Freddie definitely has issues. As the oldest sibling myself, it's really hard to understand why Freddie is so cold to her siblings. I would think that she would try to protect them as much as possible. 8mo
vonnie862 Now, the whole interview that Kit and Hattie had with that so called Dr...it really made me love Kit even more on how he stood up for Hattie. 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.12: Ugh - foot meet mouth. Hattie needs to be careful. Hanging with those mean girls does nothing for her. Poor Kit. But at least she was quick to apologize. I think her friendship with Izzy and Priya is toxic.

Ch.13: Hattie is making strides and trying with Kit which is great. Too bad her family is so unpredictable. But if she can tell anyone about it, I think it‘s Kit. Also, who makes tea in the microwave??

vonnie862 Ch. 12 it doesn't surprise me that Hattie acted the way she did. I was more impressed with Kit's response. He appears to be the mature one. 8mo
vonnie862 Ch. 13 Hattie inviting Kit to her home seems promising. I really hope she opens up more. 8mo
SarahBookInterrupted Yes, the tea in the Microwave got me too, but then I thought…teenagers. 8mo
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This was an intriguing story about a family dealing with grief. I didn‘t particularly care for the narrator until I realized she sounded like a teenager, just like the main character. #Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent

StayCurious I‘m doing a mix of the hardcover and audio and the narrator isn‘t too bad. She does sound like a teenager so it works 8mo
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I don‘t want to give anything away about the ending cause most of the #janeadjascent group is still reading this, but I was feeling supremely meh about it as a chapter a day read, so I sped up and finished it in one go. Reading faster did drew me in, but I never fell in love with this one. I do think writing YA, and going heavy on the cliches is a good choice for a Northanger adaptation, but it was too YA for my tastes in the end. #pemberlittens

StayCurious I will admit to struggling a bit as I read along. It is always hard to make a pick that will be a good chapter a day read 🤔 you never know 8mo
IndoorDame @StayCurious totally! Some definitely work better as chapter a day reads, and some work better straight through. I‘ve never tried to predict which a book will be, but I imagine it‘s tough 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.10: well at least Dr.Tilney is finally coming down on Freddie for once. That girl needs a job - or a swift kick in the behind. But poor Liam! I feel so bad for him and Hattie.
Ch.11: I like the flirting btw Kit and Hattie. It‘s too cute. But I get the feeling her dull essay about student council is not going to win her an acceptance to Uni. ⬇️

StayCurious As blunt and tactless as Izzy‘s suggestion of writing about her dad was she was probably right. 8mo
IndoorDame Freddie does need a job. I‘m shocked she‘s living at home! Why didn‘t she just get a bartending gig and an apartment somewhere and escape her mom and all the drama when she left school? (edited) 8mo
BarkingMadRead I hate to think that Izzy was right, but I think she was! I love Hattie when she is with Kit, I hate that she thinks being what her mom wants it important. Her mom doesn‘t seem to notice anyway 8mo
vonnie862 I really hope that Dr. T starts to pay attention to her children more as the book progresses. And yes, I too think Kit and Hattie are cute. 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.8. Ooh such an interesting Gossip-Girl-esque interaction btw Izzy and Hattie. You could have cut the tension there with a knife. I love nuanced conversations. And I love that Kit was totally aware something was going on.

Ch.9: Kit‘s peeking through the cracks that are forming in Hattie‘s mask. I like him and think he‘s good for her. She just needs to let her guard down which is very hard for her.

BarkingMadRead I love Hattie with Kit, I do not like Hattie with Iz. I know that they are using each other, but it‘s so unhealthy 8mo
CatLass007 I like Kit. He seems to be good for the family. I wonder if ordering Hattie to be his Ambassador was Dr. T trying to be a good parent or maybe I‘m just hoping for her to get over her own grief. Maybe I‘m reading too much into it. 8mo
vonnie862 I am loving Kit but I am really curious as to why the parents are going gah gah over him.🤔 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #janeAdjacentCh.6: Hattie & Kit make a pact - he‘ll try to prove ghosts are real at the school & Hattie will prove they aren‘t. She thinks this is the perfect solution. She‘ll get to know Kit better w/out people realizing she‘s enjoying it, she‘ll keep doing her school project, & she‘ll keep up the walls she‘s erected to protect herself. All‘s good right? Hattie‘s juggling a lot right now-pretty soon those balls will start to drop⬇️

StayCurious Also did I read right that Kit has 6 sisters? Ch.7: poor Hattie. I liked this chapter because it reveals why she acts the way she does. Boy it must be exhausting…pretending all the time. Maybe Kit will help draw out her real self. 8mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig How Hattie's mom treats her is awful. But it's even worse when you see how older sister Freddie gets a pass on any responsibility. 8mo
vonnie862 I think Hattie and Kit's project is going to be fun. Also, by working together, I really hope Hattie is able to trust again. Now when it comes to her family, yikes. I really hope issues are fixed by the end of the book. 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.4: ok, so Hattie is part of the mean girls clique it seems like - or at least she pretends to be. I understand her need to belong and have a certain social standing in high school - I really do - but I can‘t help but be turned off. And that‘s completely the point I think. Also, I keep thinking Northanger Abbey is in Britain but I‘m guessing it‘s close to New York? Was it mentioned and I missed it? ⬇️

StayCurious Ch.5: Yikes I cannot stand Hattie‘s family. Like at all. Freddie especially seems like a treat. The least she could do is talk to Hattie - like actually talk to her, not press her buttons. And the mom? Yeesh. A lot to unpack there. 8mo
BarkingMadRead I‘m so sad for Hattie, she‘s too young to have to be so old 8mo
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DebinHawaii It seems like upstate New York or somewhere in New England. 8mo
DebinHawaii @BarkingMadRead I agree! 🥺 8mo
rubyslippersreads @StayCurious Could you please add me to the tag list? Thanks! 8mo
vonnie862 I was wondering too about the location, but upstate New York makes sense. 8mo
vonnie862 I'm trying to figure out Hattie. She's part of the click so she could feel that she belongs but at the same time, she does not appear to be a mean girl 8mo
SarahBookInterrupted @BarkingMadRead Me too…I‘m hoping Kit will help with that. A little behind on the buddy read and it‘s so hard not to peek ahead. 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.2: it seems as though Hattie is trying her best but her family is cracking at the seams. With the loss of her father, each member has pulled away and Hattie is trying hard to hold them all together but failing.

Ch.3: the relationship- or lack thereof-between Hattie and her mother is so sad. And to have to deal with Dr.Tilney‘s expectations must be exhausting. ⬇️

StayCurious Why did her mom pick Hattie to be Kit‘s ambassador knowing her feelings about ghosts? Is it because she wants him to fail at his investigation? 8mo
BarkingMadRead The dynamic between mom and daughter is so broken, I feel bad for Hattie! I wonder if Doc T wants the investigation to fail, or if she hopes it will help Hattie heal 8mo
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IndoorDame Perfect meme! It‘s gonna take a whole lot for this mom to become an endearing character 8mo
vonnie862 I feel that the mom is also mourning and has zeroed into her job as a way to cope. Unfortunately, she is alienating her children. Hattie is doing her best to keep herself afloat along with her siblings. Now Kit...I have no idea how that's going to turn out. Maybe Dr T thinks he's someone really important and wants Hattie to become close to him. 8mo
CatLass007 It‘s sad the total lack of communication between mother and daughter. Hattie is so angry because she believes her mother feels no grief. Hattie is shoving her grief and anger so deep that when she finally can‘t hold it in she‘s going to crack wide open. The whole family will crack wide open.💔 8mo
TheAromaofBooks I feel so bad for Hattie's siblings, too. It's obvious that they are both also really struggling. 8mo
DebinHawaii I assume Dean Tilney is supposed to be the gender opposite of General Tilney so it will be interesting to see if she ever softens or becomes likable. 8mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Prologue: not sure if it counts as a prologue but it certainly got me interested in what was to come. We meet Hattie and Kit and they‘re hunting for ghosts or stuck in the middle of a ghostly encounter - depending on your perspective. But this is much more about establishing a bit of character for our leads and it does a good job of drawing us in. ⬇️

StayCurious Ch.1: things feel a bit chilly at Northanger Abbey - especially between our MC and her mom, the headmistress. And a school that is supposedly haunted? How interesting! My high school was so boring haha! 9mo
vonnie862 I am liking the book so far. It will be interesting to see how the author retells the Jane Austen's story with the swap of genders. 9mo
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BarkingMadRead A fun start and that pic is epic 9mo
LiseWorks Oh dear inhale to start this I forgot 9mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig "I didn‘t know if I believed in ghosts, but, God, I believed in Kit Morland." I'm loving this! Perfect especially since I'm also reading actual 9mo
DebinHawaii I got a copy! Going to catch up now. Can you add me to the tags? 🤗 8mo
DebinHawaii Love that picture! 😆 I like the start to this. It‘s drawing me in. 8mo
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Starting this one today with the #pemberlittens it looks so fun!

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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Our November book has been chosen and it‘s a YA retelling of Northanger Abbey! We‘re starting on November 10 (sorry for the short notice). All are welcome to join! Let me know if you want to be tagged in my daily meme-ingful posts!

BarkingMadRead Tag me please!! 9mo
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Librarybelle Tag me, please! Looking for a copy right now! 9mo
IndoorDame It doesn‘t look like I‘m going to be able to get a library copy of this anytime this month, but if my hold comes in early I‘ll chime back in and ask you to start tagging me then. Happy reading! 9mo
CatLass007 Tag me, please!! 9mo
CatLass007 I like the immediacy of buying three extra credits for Audible and getting the book ASAP. It‘s not like I need an excuse to buy more books.📚 9mo
StayCurious @IndoorDame sorry for the short turnaround time this month. Scarathlon distracted me lol 9mo
willaful tag me please
IndoorDame @StayCurious haha, totally makes sense. I had a blast with scarathlon (even though I missed being on your team this year) so totally worth it 😊 9mo
TheAromaofBooks Looks like this one is at my library, so I'm in!! 9mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig I'm reading Northanger Abbey right now so perfect! Count me in! 9mo
peanutnine I think I'll sit this round out, thanks! 9mo
quietjenn I'll see if I can get my hand on a copy. 9mo
julieclair Please tag me. 😃 9mo
PageShifter Please tag me, I just have to check if I can find the book (library didn't have it) 9mo
SarahBookInterrupted I got a copy at my library. So I‘m in! 9mo
vonnie862 Please tag me! 9mo
IndoorDame I got home at the end of a super long frustrating day and Libby said my hold of this had shown up several weeks early so at least something is going right! @StayCurious you can add me back to the list for this one after all, thanks! 9mo
StayCurious @IndoorDame sorry to hear about your frustrating day but happy to have you join us! 9mo
rubyslippersreads Please tag me. I was supposed to read/review this ARC ages ago, so this readalong will also help with #NetgalleyGroup 😊 @AllDebooks 9mo
AllDebooks @rubyslippersreads fit them in when you can 😊 8mo
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