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Fathers and Sons
Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
Archaic spelling also translated more literally as Fathers and Children, is an 1862 novel by Ivan Turgenev, one of his best-known works. The fathers and children of the novel refers to the growing divide between the two generations of Russians, and the character Yevgeny Bazarov, a nihilist who rejects the old order.Turgenev wrote Fathers and Sons as a response to the growing cultural schism that he saw between liberals of the 1830s/1840s and the growing nihilist movement. Both the nihilists (the "sons") and the 1830s liberals sought Western-based social change in Russia. Additionally, these two modes of thought were contrasted with the Slavophiles, who believed that Russia's path lay in its traditional spirituality.
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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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It's a book by Ivan Turgenev, who is a contemporary of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. It's a story about the generational conflict between traditionalists and intellectualists. The central character is Bazarov, a Nihilist, ready to destroy all made-up authorities. Turgenev masterfully narrates each character with an objective eye, as they grow in their own and we see their perspective change over time. Writing is simple yet wonderful.

Definitely a pick!

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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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Currently reading!!

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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev

Wow. Bazarov is such a villain. But he still deserves our sympathy. Classic. Period.

Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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I definitely liked this but reading it after Anna Karenina may have been a mistake. But don't you wish books were still 45 cents? You can't really tell from the picture but that's the price printed on the cover.

#BookShelfBook2021 with @TheBookHippie Russia book 2

#BookSpinBingo free space

TheBookHippie I love the cover!!! Oh 45 cents .... what fun that‘d be!!! Anna is so beautiful follow up books are rough. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
Curiouser_and_curiouser Sometimes books I buy are very close to 45 cents. This week I purchased 38 books for 50 cents each! 4y
vlwelser @Curiouser_and_curiouser good point! I love hunting for bargains and used books. 4y
Curiouser_and_curiouser @vlwelser yeah, it's the best! It's pretty much my favorite thing to do. I just have to steady myself as it's easy to buy a lot of books when the price is low and I'm running out of room! 😂 4y
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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
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This book took me a long time to finish, the entire pandemic thus far... it was slow but I did enjoy it. It picks up midway.

December #doublespin

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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I didn't like this book and I didn't dislike it. I'm not particularly happy that I picked it up, and I don't regret that I did. I didn't want to abandon it, but there were days when I simply forgot about it. I understand that the subject matter is important (the new generation looking down on the previous one, changes in Russia in the 1850-60s, nihilism and fate) but I can't say I really cared for any of the characters.

Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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For a Russian classic, this was very readable. Ended up quite enjoying it, even though it dragged in some places. Who knew a book about nihilism could actually be interesting 😆 The characters were really well drawn, the book is definitely more a character study than a plot driven book. 4 ⭐️

#1001books #Reading1001
#AtY2019 - used for ‘something old‘

BarbaraBB Good one for this prompt 👍🏼😘 5y
Liz_M I listened to an audio of this one and the "dragged in places" lasted for HOURS! Not a favorite. ? 5y
hilded @Liz_M Lol, not a favourite here either, but it was much better than expected! I actually started it as an audio, but had to switch to a hardback after 30 minutes as the audio was way too slow, and I wasn‘t able to pay attention at all. Not the best one for audio I think 🤣 5y
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Henrik_Madsen I generally think the Russian classics are much more accessible than they are said to be. (Of course, I usually enjoy the inevitable philosophical digressions) I liked this one quite a bit. 5y
hilded @Henrik_Madsen Good to know, I have several left to go on my shelves. I think maybe this will be my next one: 5y
Henrik_Madsen @hilded Oh, Anna Karenina is fabulous. My favorite novel of all time! 5y
hilded @Henrik_Madsen Excellent 🙌🏻 5y
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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
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I can't decide what to read next.

Melissa_J Brother is quite good, and is a very quick read. 6y
sblbooks The only one I've read, and it's very good. 6y
HardcoverHearts My life story! 😉 6y
MsShanOD My fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Curnane, read Understood Betsy to us. Years later I tried to hunt it down, but remembered it as Misunderstood Betsy. Fortunately, computer searches got better with time! 6y
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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev

This was not my favorite Russian classic, but it had some moments that made it worth reading.

Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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Almost a DNF for me, but gladly I gave it just a bit longer & the book picked up some steam in the plot department, instead of just the philosophy of nihilism during the period of peasant emancipation in Russia. The deeper story of young people full of themselves and their relationships to their parents as they go through knowing it all and knowing it better to settling down and becoming part of the larger community is classic.

Trashcanman This is a great read. I loved it. 6y
DGRachel I read this before senior year of high school and remember loving it. It‘s why I‘m always so disappointed when I struggle with other Russian classics. 6y
minkyb I read this 40+ years ago in college and remember loving it. I wonder what I would think now? 🤔 6y
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Fathers and Sons | Ivan S. Turgenev
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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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Reading this piece of #RussianLit for a Goodreads group BOTM. #audiobook

Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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My F book in this challenge and an interesting story about two men Bazarov and Arkandy finishing university and visiting their families - at a turning point in Russian history their youth challenges the traditional belief in serfdom highlighting the eternal struggle btwn fathers and sons. This edition has an intro which gives a fascinating insight into the author and his place in Russian fiction of the 19th century - on to G.

Moray_Reads It's at least ten years since I read this but I regret loving it. Truly a classic of Russian literature 6y
batsy Great review. Also, bread and cheese and wine and Russian lit just looks like a perfect moment 👌🏽 6y
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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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#LitsyClassics #MayLovesClassics #Male
Here is my next challenge book - letter F- ready to go.
There are so many complex familial relationships but this one perhaps is the biggest 'male' issue. I wonder which of mother/son or father/son takes up more print.
Anyway I'm looking forward to starting it soon.

Fathers and Sons | Ivan S. Turgenev
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So much for the book buying ban. 🤷🏻‍♀️ We went antiquing/thrifting today and found all these goodies! The children‘s book is for my granddaughter and the cupcake book for my daughter. And the four in the right are mostly for my husband. #sorrynotsorry #foliofreaks #eastonpress

Mdargusch Looks like you had a fun shopping trip! 👍🏼 6y
YouReadMyEyes I love shopping for books at antique stores! 😍 awesome haul! 6y
Lcsmcat @Mdargusch It was! We also got some prints to hang in the bedroom. 6y
Lcsmcat @YouReadMyEyes Me too! Lots of fun books to explore. 6y
Kalalalatja Book buying bans do not count on birthdays! Looks like you have had a great day! 👏👏 6y
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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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Pavel Petrovitch challenges Bazarov to a dual and this cracks me up because of Woody Allen‘s Love and Death: “Shall we say pistols at dawn?” “Sure we can say it. I don‘t know what it means, but we can say it.”😄

RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Chelleo Welcome🤗 6y
Cedricsmom Thank you so much for the tips and comments. I feel so welcome here ❤️🙏🏽📚❤️ 6y
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Chelleo You‘re welcome! In case you‘re interested check out #blacklitsy 6y
Cedricsmom How did the Book profile get added? Where do those items live? Thanks for posting it; I now understand more about the book. 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 🖐😁 6y
RaimeyGallant @Cedricsmom Oh good! Were you asking @chelleo that question? You have to tag us in replies so we see them. :) 6y
Cedricsmom Thanks Raimey. I need to read the instructions.☺ 6y
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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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So, I told my father over phone chat today that I wanted books for Christmas. Surprise, surprise. 😂😂👏🏻👏🏻🍻 #LitsyHumor

Tamra I keep telling family that and they just go 🙄🙄. 7y
bookandcat @Tamray I get the same looks. My husband looks at me, nods, then later gives me a gift card to a bookstore or BOTM and says "I'm giving you the promise of books". He is too scared to try to pick out something because I might have already read it ? 7y
AmyG Like he didn‘t already know? 🤣 (edited) 7y
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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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Two sons are making their own choices and no longer seem to care about the values their fathers raised them with.
The main character is Bazarov, a nihilist without any ideas or plans or whatsoever, quite destructive. I felt very sorry for his father - and his mother.
An impressive story, yet I wonder if I have understood what Turgenev meant with it and or/in what way Bazarov symbolizes the first Bolsheviks.

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Fathers and Sons | Ivan S. Turgenev
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A Russian classic that I hope to read someday. #Fathers #JuneBookBug

Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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Happy Father's Day -- in this case savoring my memories of my own father, Aram Bohjalian: 1928 - 2011.

Graciouswarriorprincess Happy Father's Day to you as well. 7y
Hooked_on_books You look so much like him! 7y
Suet624 @Hooked_on_books wow. You're so right!! 7y
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Padri e figli | Ivan Sergeevi? Turgenev
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"The appearence of vulgarity is often useful in life; loosens the loops too tight, temperates pride and presumption, remembering how similar they are".

RaimeyGallant Quite the quote. 7y
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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev

I picked this up while looking through the shortest books of the Barnes and Noble Classics collection and really enjoyed it! A beautiful story about the relationships between generations which was surprisingly moving for a 150 year old novel.

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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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Seriously, Bazarov is such an ass! And Arkady too for following him around like a little mope. 🙄

Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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So many beautiful lines, such fully developed and tragic characters, great conflict. I liked so much about this book and enjoyed as I was reading, but I didn't get fully emotionally involved with them. I adored Arcady's family and didn't understand what Arcady saw in Bazarov--in fact, I despised him. Although I felt sorry for his sweet proud parents. I'm glad Arcady started coming around at the end.

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Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev
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As we all know, time sometimes flies like a bird, and sometimes crawls like a worm, but people may be unusually happy when they do not even notice whether time has passed quickly or slowly.

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Fathers and Sons | Ivan S. Turgenev

I‘m lying here in a haystack... The tiny space I occupy is so infinitesimal in comparison with the rest of space, which I don‘t occupy and which has no relation to me. And the period of time in which I‘m fated to live is so insignificant beside the eternity in which I haven‘t existed and won‘t exist...

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