Just can‘t get into this like I did Wicked. Something is just not hitting the same. Has anyone felt the same? Read the others? Maybe I skip this one and go to the next?
##wicked #sonofawitch #dnf
Just can‘t get into this like I did Wicked. Something is just not hitting the same. Has anyone felt the same? Read the others? Maybe I skip this one and go to the next?
##wicked #sonofawitch #dnf
Finished the 2nd Book in the Wicked Years series and it's similar to the Star Wars 2 due to all the political stuff that's addressed. Trigger warning there's more sex and rape scenes in this book as well.
If ya want a rant or audio review of the book please check out my youtube channel/link below!
All the books I read this month. One DNF and 2 5 star reads. Plus a lot of 4 star reads. I even finished 2 series this month. Looking forward to another amazing month. 😊💛
2✨Ugh man. The storyline kept me going, but the story was really slow and pretty boring. I‘m not a fan of the sexualization that happened throughout. The resolutions at the end were good. I‘m happy that I did stick it out because I was interested in the ending. There is two more books in this world so I‘m hoping it picks up again.
As part of the trilogy for Wicked I felt it fell a little short from the first installment. It had some slower moving parts and much more internal dialogue/struggles than the first. Interesting point of view and a few unexpected twists.
I couldn't take Son of a Witch anymore. It's just so cruel. I suspect I'd feel the same about Wicked were I read it now, but at least I seen to recall that feeling purposeful. SoaW has been feeling needless. Not to mention, I've been bored. The pacing is cold and heavy. It plods along, even when he tries to craft suspenseful situations. Taking place in two timelines doesn't help. Regardless, I'm out.
I got a box of random general fiction for $15 from a used book store! There's 38 books not including a few duplicates. Lots of books that movies got based on and Oprah's book club picks. It's very different from my usual sci-fi fantasy inclinations. I'm going to try to read (start at least) all of them! First up is Son of a Witch. At least I've already read Wicked. XD #randomreads
Lunch was a peanut bun with chocolate chunks, fresh out of the oven.
I‘m mighty glad I decided to reread this series now, y‘all. It‘s been so long that I didn‘t realize how much I missed Maguire‘s Oz (which isn‘t all that different from Baum‘s Oz, really; it‘s just less cheerful about the atrocities). I hope I can scrounge enough reading time to finish SON OF A WITCH today so I can get to A LION AMONG MEN all the quicker.
I charged right on into SON OF A WITCH last night. I‘ve only read it twice before (with a 12-year gap since the last time, like with WICKED), and I‘m excited at how few of the details I remember.
“I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal... I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.” -Will Farrell as Ron Burgundy in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. 🤣
In all seriousness though, who else loves the Barnes and Noble leather-bound classics? They are beautiful! 🥰
“Did he bring back the broom?” This quote has made so excited to keep reading!!!
Perhaps he just didn't have the feeling for faith. It seemed to be a kind of language, one whose gnarled syntax needed to be heard from birth, or it remained forever unintelligible. But he wished he had a faith now, some scrap of something.
All cows 🐮 were like other cows, all tigers like other tigers- what on earth 🌎 has happened to human beings 👦👧?
-Harry Mulisch Siegfried, 2001
It feels like this is written in a Different language. It seems so slow going. Anyone else have the same reaction? I'm not a dumb person actually quite bright but I'm finding this one a bit hard to understand
Well the M thru P bookshelf is done. The big stacks next to it are Q R S T for when I get another shelf.
Because I‘ve had a rough week (car dying while driving, buying a new battery and alternator 🤦🏼♀️) I treated myself to library sale buys 😍
Although, I guess I should‘ve gotten a book on auto mechanics 🤔☹️
I'm sorry, I just can't do this book. Wicked should never have had a sequel. It was perfect the way it was. Just unnecessary.
This novel is written in a dystopian fashion although it takes place in the Land of Oz. There are so many things going on that I feel this should actually be several books and not just one. It gets very confusing and difficult to follow the storylines. And to be downright honest the characters are not very interesting.
I wasn‘t completely sure about this book at the beginning - 10 years since I read the first one and it was so complicated and could be very dark and violent in places. It won me over though!! There were definitely parts that were too violent for me but the writing was exactly as dense and gorgeous and lyrical yet heavy as the book I loved when I was struggling through it age 13. This was everything I wanted it to be and I loved the ending.
My view of oxford walking to work this morning listening to my audiobook. I‘m really enjoying this book mostly tho I guess as a matter of personal taste i don‘t really like when authors try to be disgusting or freak me out - I‘d prefer my books steer clear of long descriptions of entrails. It only happened once so I‘m hoping it‘ll be one incident in a long book. #currentlyreading
It‘s been nearly ten years since I read Wicked (I was way too young for it but I was determined and it took me months) but I remember all of it. I‘m so happy to be going back to oz #currentlyreading
Holy red books Batman! I didn‘t realize I had so many red until I was pulling them all out.
#DeckTheShelves #RedBooks
It was very personal and sentimental. Elphaba still lives...in Lirr, surprisingly. It has the same political elements of "Wicked" but less political in a way. I hated the cliffhanger ending. Where is Nor? Where is Candle? The whole book was about finding Nor then suddenly Nor takes a backseat and the Birds and the Elephant take the spotlight.
Such a wonderfully mastered #fantastical journey. We watch the young protagonist evolve, and although #fantasy, his was a relatable (and exciting) experience.
Luckily for me, I have a few more #GregoryMaguire books up my sleeve to read. #feelinglucky
#riotgrams Day 7. Skulls, pumpkins, and witches. I love the Maguire series because it takes such a deep look at "how could THAT have happened!" With the inimitable Ronald Dahl and a carving I found in a tiny shop in New Orleans a million years ago.
"A notion of character, not so much discredited as simply forgotten, once held that people only came into themselves partway through their lives." For me, it was 35, ha! #bookblurb
#October pick .... feeling a bit more #whimsical and enjoying this afternoon with some whiskey in my #tea #teapartyforone ☕
"But where's the kitchen?" ??? #truth
Book Mail!! Leave it to me to unknowingly order doubles of two of the four books I chose! Really excited about the Wicked and Son of a Witch beauty of a combo book! I already have the Anne Rice one but it was on sale for a killer price so I ordered a second to gift to my sister! Also added Edith Wharton to my library! *sorry about my dog photo bombing the first pic* lol
I've read the first one numerous times. Excited to finally finish the series!
Re-reading as a refresher so I can FINALLY finish The Wicked Years Series!
#booksecret all of Gregory Maguire's hardcovers feature secret designs on the boards, beneath the dust jacket. Son of a Witch is the 2nd book in 4-book series The Wicked Years. Book 1 is Wicked. I love Maguire's Oz tales. Who else has read all 4?
"He took her to the doorway and held her up in the warm rain. She cleaned up green."
YES!!! I knew it!!
I loved (loved!) Wicked, read it brand new, love at first sight, hardcover even! The re-imagined fairy tale genre was new, at least to me. Picked Son of a W up from used bookstore and I'm afraid I won't like it. Haven't heard much about it; is it not good?
Continuing on with the Wicked series. So far, not as good as Wicked but still interesting enough to keep plowing through.