Ch 4: we meet Alexei #babybro #sochill #oddmanout #wherewillhefitin #staytuned #thebros #hashtagbrigade
Ch 4: we meet Alexei #babybro #sochill #oddmanout #wherewillhefitin #staytuned #thebros #hashtagbrigade
I‘ve been eyeing the tagged book for a few weeks now and finally broke down and bought it along with a couple of others. I had to have the Grace Byers book for #TheKid and she picked out “We Belong Together” for our still gestating bookworm. She‘s gonna be such a great big sister when #TheBaby gets here. 😭💕✨
#ProudMom #BigSis #BabyBro #BoardBooks #BGM
I'm seeing a possible Brothers Karamazov inspiration in Maggie Stiefvater's “Dreamers“ trilogy. Also in something else that I'm forgetting at the moment. 1y