The best part about having a weekend off from work is getting to spend it reading! 💕📚 The kitties have also been very grateful for all the cuddles this weekend! Happy Sunday, littens! #catsoflitsy #jupiterjazz
The best part about having a weekend off from work is getting to spend it reading! 💕📚 The kitties have also been very grateful for all the cuddles this weekend! Happy Sunday, littens! #catsoflitsy #jupiterjazz
Today‘s read. One main character has generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), the other has complex PTSD (CPTSD). The story opens with Aja, the female lead, having a panic attack in the grocery store. I‘m intrigued to see where this story goes!
#CatsOfLitsy #MentalHealth
More free books somehow found their way home with me today. April isn‘t judging me - she‘s too cozy! #CatsOfLitsy
As you may have seen from @WildAlaskaBibliophile , we have a new cat. Sawyer came home with us last weekend from the Kenai Animal Shelter and has been acclimating quickly to his new home and canine roommate. Pictured here contemplating the purpose of my book and its effect on my hands in regards to his head being pet. #catsoflitsy
Life has been so difficult lately, even more complicated with the horribleness in the world. But, at least in my tiny little part of my world, things may be getting better. May…every time I think we‘re good, we‘re not.
Thank you to everyone who expressed love and support the last few days for myself and Zeke and Xander.
Xander is back 100%; his not so good blood results are still in the back of my mind.
Zeke is slowly recovering…again. ⬇️⬇️
I have “Ev‘rybody Wants To Be A Cat” in my head, so I thought I‘d do a #TuesdayTunes & #CatsOfLitsy crossover post.
What are your favorite cats songs?
I tried so hard but had to DNF.. I read 165 pages and feel like the story is going no where and is SO boring 🥲 It was in my TBR list so atleast there‘s that 🤣 #catsoflitsy
Welcome to the family, sweet boy! 💓 He comes to us with the name of Sam but we already have a long list of names we're considering. Open to suggestions, though! #catsoflitsy #cats
Tonight reading with Em. #catsoflitsy 🐾
So, I finished this book a few days ago and never got around to reviewing. It‘s a some of the stories either went over my head or I simply just couldn‘t get into (my ADD most likely played a part in that.
Other stories were really good but triggering. Overall I‘m happy I read it and am going to go back and reread the stories I didn‘t quite get.