Ch 8.4: Dmitry is off his rocker #butdidhekillhispops #itneversaid #wasthereevenamurder #isgrigorydead ☠️ #somuchblood #threwawaytheweapon #soconfused #parforthecourse #staytuned #thebros #SWFG #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 8.4: Dmitry is off his rocker #butdidhekillhispops #itneversaid #wasthereevenamurder #isgrigorydead ☠️ #somuchblood #threwawaytheweapon #soconfused #parforthecourse #staytuned #thebros #SWFG #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 7.6: vodka for breakfast? This explains so much! #ithoughtthiswasit #carbonmonoxidepoisoning ☠️ #butno #movingon #dmitryrealizeshewasplayed #backtosamsanov #whatcouldgowrong #icravemurder #letsgo #shortchapterthough 🤷🏻♀️ #thebros #SWFG #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 7.5: I thought this was taking a crazy turn #andthenitdidnt #samsanovandmitya #trainwreck #wildgoosechasecomingrightup #nomurderyet #staytuned #thebros #SWFG #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 7.1: soooooo monks can be a$$holes too 🤷🏻♀️ #putridsmell #pettymonks #yikes #thatescalatedsoquickly #somuchhate #devilseverywhere #staytuned #thebros #hashtagbrigade #SWFG #pemberlittens
Ch 6.3: y‘all. I‘m still reading, but I wanted you to be able to discuss! #elderZhasalottosay #imhereforit #dudehadaninterestinglife #thebros #hashtagbrigade #SWFG #pemberlittens