Struggling with this one despite the interesting premise. #festiveflicks #snowoncover @Traci1
Struggling with this one despite the interesting premise. #festiveflicks #snowoncover @Traci1
This is becoming an annual book for me. I‘ll admit I saw the movie first and watch that every year. We watch the movie every year but I love the book just as much. Both make me laugh so hard. With all of the readathons, my total for #wintergames and #merryreaders is 166 points. #readyourway #crushtherush, #littenlisten #festiveflicksbingo #booktomovie #averymerrybingo #snowoncover
This one was a a pan for me. 👎🏻 Some of the ideas were cool, but the writing was immature. The characters had no depth. They were basically all the same in different bodies. The dialogue was hokey, and the whole book just seemed incongruous. I would have bailed on it if it wasn‘t for a challenge. #AtoZLitsy (Letter E) #readingwithmaja #snowoncover #1WordTitle #ReadWithMrBook
Looks like #snowoncover to me. Not sure that is what it is. Found this buried on my kindle since I‘m not at home. I have no idea what this book is. #jingleshelves
No #snowoncover today but it‘s a rare weather day in #Austin #Texas with quite a bit of #snow falling.
My current Christmas read.
#Icicles #SnowOnCover #ReindeerReads #JingleShelves