What a nice surprise. This is a book totally out of my wheelhouse. Thanks CJ!
#clearmyshelvesgiveaway @ImperfectCJ
What a nice surprise. This is a book totally out of my wheelhouse. Thanks CJ!
#clearmyshelvesgiveaway @ImperfectCJ
It‘s here! Thank you soo much for this generous #clearmyshelvesgiveaway @ImperfectCJ !! I love getting book mail! This made my day! Thank you! 🥰🙌❤️
I acquired these 3 lovelies over the weekend! The Stacy Willingham is due to the generosity of @ImperfectCJ and their #clearmyshelvesgiveaway! Sooo nice! And the other 2 I bought at a great indie bookstore in Lancaster, PA called Pocket Books. Love that place. The owners do a great job of recommending books, and both of these were among their Pride Picks. I‘m almost done with my job so I can read these guilt-free! Almost… 😋
Yay! #bookmail!
Thanks @jenniferw88 for your #clearmyshelvesgiveaway
@miralunasbooknook @kezzlou85 @jhod I haven't forgotten about the #clearmyshelvesgiveaway but I am low on funds at the moment. Are you ok/happy to wait until I get some more money before I send them?
Giveaway 5: last one! I really enjoyed this YA series, which features a group of kids trapped in a Wal-Mart type store while a sudden disaster occurs. Leave a message below to enter, open to all, winner will be drawn tomorrow!
Giveaway 4! Two nonfiction books about food and cooking that I really enjoyed, though one will make you hungry while the other may make you look at good a little differently! Comment below to win this bundle, open to everyone! Name will be drawn tomorrow night!!
Giveaway 2: Two shorter books that I really enjoyed during last year's #24in48 readathon! Comment below to win this bundle! Open to everyone, drawing will be tomorrow!
To make room for my recent bookish purchases, I need to clear my shelves! I'm going to be putting up several posts with bundles of books. To win one, just comment on the posts before tomorrow night, and I'll choose a winner at random. Open to everyone. Good luck!
(Pic is my adorable niece Mariellen, just because she's the cutest little thing)
Just a quick update on parcels!
I hope to send my #muglove match sometime this week, however it's quite a busy week for me but: TO MY MATCH, DO NOT WORRY IT WILL ARRIVE IN TIME FOR FEB 1ST!
@miralunasbooknook @kezzlou85 @jhod I haven't forgotten about the #clearmyshelvesgiveaway but again, I've got busy weeks ahead but they will be sent sometime soon!
Re #feedareader I'm planning on sending the first March/April time.