This is more of a coffee table book. Brief bios of the presidents from Washington to Biden. Completed with pictures and even briefer bios of the First Ladies and vice presidents. Good for very general reference.
This is more of a coffee table book. Brief bios of the presidents from Washington to Biden. Completed with pictures and even briefer bios of the First Ladies and vice presidents. Good for very general reference.
Is Trump going to destroy democracy? No. Is he a threat to the world as we know it? No. Is he going to get rid of the constitution? No. Is he a spoiled rich boy who has no regard for ethics and politics and is surrounded by people who can‘t say no to him? Yes. Are we in trouble? I‘ll let you decide that one. #thedivider #peterbaker #susanglasser #donaldtrump #uspolitics #ushistory #politicalscience #history #presidency #trumpadministration
It‘s time to move into our last section from November 2020-January 2021. Mentally, I‘m not ready to cover January 6, 2021, but we have to do it. We‘re sticking to #thedivider with a few opinions and discussions mixed in as we have been doing. As always, I open the floor to dissenting opinions, but most important, I open the floor to evidence above all else. Here we go. #susanglasser #peterbaker #january6 #donaldtrump #joebiden #presidency #history
I could honestly repost Mulvaney‘s entire conversation, but I think I‘ll just highlight this. #mulvaney #mickmulvaney #thedivider #peterbaker #susanglasser #ukraine #russia #foreignpolicy #corruption #donaldtrump #impeachment #presidency #internationalpolitics #worldhistory #history #politicalscience
We got a lot of hirings and firings in chapter 8. I don‘t know about you, but I definitely got a headache reading these. Knowing that Trump is going to be president again in a few short months, I want to know if you could give him advice on what to look for as he chooses his cabinet members, what would you tell him? What makes a good cabinet member? #donaldtrump #thedivider #peterbaker #susanglasser #presidency#presidentialcabinet #ushistory
Dolly Cat encourages Americans to vote! Local gov and School Board elections matter too, to support libraries & oppose book bans. Yay, democracy! #pleasevote
I got an e-sticker because I dropped off my ballot. Very Colorado in design.