I love this book so much. This is my second time reading it and it was even better than the first time.
I love this book so much. This is my second time reading it and it was even better than the first time.
This is one of the rare books I‘ve read after watching the movie and (no surprise) the book was better! Such a great story about love (and high school).
Currently reading! Has anybody else read this book? I read Wolitzer‘s book The Interestings last year and I loved it. Hope I feel the same with this one
Loved the parallel storylines and the plot. It was a quick snow day read and it was very entertaining.
I was really excited to read this book but it sort of fell flat for me. Some of the sections were really interesting and others were not. I did like the books theme of destiny or fate vs. our own choices though.
Quick round up of my January reads. Overall a pretty solid reading month for me! I generally read a book a week but I got a little lazy at the end of January. Overall, though, the quality of the books I read was good. I liked all of them for different things and they kept me really engaged. Would recommend any of these books ~
Current read. It‘s due at the library on Wednesday, don‘t know if I‘ll finish in time!
Saw a lot of people doing #20thingsaboutme so I decided to join since I‘m very new here!
I absolutely loved this book. I started it with no expectations and knowing nothing about the story. I don‘t have enough kind words about this book. Definitely recommend!
About to start this book to get me through this snow storm!
I read this book because of Reese‘s hello sunshine recommendations and it‘s not the kind of book I would normally pick myself but I found it so interesting and easy to read!
Got tagged in a couple of these posts (thanks for making a newb feel so welcome!) so I thought I‘d give it a shot:
1. Visiting my family in my hometown (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
2. I‘m looking forward to hearing back from grad school admissions!
3. “Tell it like it is”
4. Sending some love to @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego because I really like her username!
This book was hilarious. I found myself laughing out loud at the antics and craziness that is being a teacher. Also as a teacher it was nice to hear that lots of people go through the same ridiculous things
I‘m an elementary school teacher and this book is so relatable. Reading it during my prep and cracking up so much. The stories are unbelievable yet I‘ve had similar situations happen to me.
I don‘t have enough kind words about this book. It made me laugh, it made me cry... and it‘s topic of loneliness resonated so much with me. If I could give this book a thousand stars i would!
I have literally flown through this book. I‘m more than halfway done in just a few hours. I need to finish it before I get too sleepy!
In 2019, I‘m only reading books by women and I‘m kicking that off by reading Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine!
I‘m so excited to read all these books (written by women!)
Just finished American Gods! I really liked it, but I‘m wondering what people thought of the ending. I was so surprised to find out that Wednesday was Shadow‘s father but then it all made sense.
100 pages into American Gods and I‘m enjoying it so far, but it feels like I basically still know almost nothing about the basic premise of the book. It‘s not a slow read though!
“... there was a lot to be said for bottling up emotions. If you did it long enough and deep enough, he suspected, pretty soon you wouldn‘t feel anything at all.”
Never read a Neil Gaiman book, here I go!