I didn‘t mean for them to match...
The Librarian has been on my #TBR for a while now, so it‘s nice to finally have it! #LibraryHaul
I didn‘t mean for them to match...
The Librarian has been on my #TBR for a while now, so it‘s nice to finally have it! #LibraryHaul
The best way to start a day!
I'm almost halfway through, and it's much better than what I thought it would be. "Yawp!"
Sorry I haven't posted in 3 billion years...
Anyway, after I read Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda, I had to pick this up, and it's so worth it! Although definitely a light read, it had some good emotion to it.
I completely recommend it!
Sorry for the horrible photo
Hi Littens! It's been awhile. I promise to review the books I read while I was away, but for now I'm going to catch up on my #libraryhaul 😊.
I read Another Day a couple months ago. I enjoyed it, and was exited for this. Turns out, I love Every Day much more than Another. The style of writing was amazing, and the way A sees the world is very very impressive. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
I loved Dorothy Must Die, so I'm really excited for this! #TBR #EReader #Nook
On a different note, I'm going out of country for three weeks! The phone service and wifi looks to be sketchy, so I don't know how much I can check @Litsy 🙁. Luckily, I have a lot of books, so I'll be able to make it through😊. Just in case... What do I do if I run out of books? 😳📚
Today, I'm putting aside what I'm #CurrentlyReading to read this comfort book. I will not listen to the radio, or watch the news. I also won't do #24in48 😞, because I'm going to a march tomorrow. After I reread Speak for the millionth time, I'll do a Calvin and Hobbes marathon, while drinking hot cocoa. Read one of your favorite books today!
For my #FunPhotoFriday I chose this #ya and #children #shelfie ! It's covered with random nick nacks that I've collected over the years, just like a bookshelf should 😁.
Sorry for the photo quality, my Android isn't updating well😞
My first book of the #LitsyAtoZ challenge! I would rate this ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5, cause I felt like the book should be called "Tiny Cooper; Will Grayson." (I can't explain why without spoiling it for you). Other than that, I really liked it, especially the contrast between Green and Leviathan's writing. I can't wait for more Green #ya !
Sorry for photo quality: my Android isn't updating correctly ?
This book is not what I expected! I thought that it would be about how to get out of an abusive relationship, but it's actually about ignoring how people look on the outside, and just looking on the inside. Now I need to read Every Day! ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of five, just because of the ending 😊
#HappyHolidaysLitsy! Whatever you celebrate, have fun celebrating it. No matter what, enjoy your reading 🙂📚! Personally, I haven't gotten any books yet😭, but there are six more nights so there are plenty of opportunities😋. My favorite holiday book is the one tagged above, which I recently rediscovered. What's your's? #MerryChristmas #HappyChannukah #HappyNewYear
Gerald is an almost 17 year old who, at the age of 5 was a reality TV show star. Now, he is dealing with the effects of that. Some of those are: anger issues, zero friends and being in the SPED room at school.
I picked this up at the library, not expecting much. I now want to read all of A.S. King's work. I know I'm super late, but it's the perfect example of a #DisfunctionalFamily
My flight has been delayed, so I'm treating myself. (Not shown: a chocolate chip cookie😊) #YA #CurrentlyReading
For #FunPhotoFriday I had to pick this treasure... I haven't really read it, but I've flipped through it a lot. 😆😱 My photo taking skills need work, though:)
A #sappyromance and ice cream... Perfect way to read #ya on a weekday night
No book has made me cry like this for a long time. It manly was happy crying, though. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ x a million stars. I like this almost as much as Speak 😮. An extremely important look at anti-Islam views and dealing with loss.
If you haven't read this yet, add it to the top of your #TBR . No words can express how amazing Alia and Jesse's journey is.
I'm a #NaNoWinner2016!!
The #libraryhaul I just did had NONE of the books I originally wanted. All of those #tbr books were checked out, so I placed a hold for each one. Then, I got some other ones, cause what else should I have done? :)
The Beginning of Everything is my second Robyn Scheinder and I'm super excited. I loved Extraordinary Means.
I'm walking to the library and back. I have to carry all these, (and probably more!) #blameitonLitsy #LibraryHaul
A few months ago, I tried the audio book and bailed. On my old review, @intothehallofbooks said that there were awesome illustrations and I should get the paper copy if I got the chance. So I did, and now I absolutely love this book! #NeverJudgeABookByItsAudioBook
five/five stars
I'm just going to disappear into my books (the other 4 bookshelves/stacks too) for the next 4 years.
#ImStillWithHer #ImWithYouLittens
"Any liar can make things up. But a good writer is more than just a clever liar. A good writer tells the truth by telling lies."
Perfect for #NaNoWriMo time:)
This is the second greatest #NonBookThing ever! (1st being Litsy, of course). Inside it's a structured journal with points for quotes, plot twists, and everything else imaginable. It's basically a personal Litsy on paper😍. I guess I'll have to get a book and fill it out, or what's the point? 😉
Speak is my pick for #BannedBooksWeek . I personally could never ban this, but I can kind of see why some would. (If you have never read this, you MUST! I command you!!! 😉) Somebody wanted to read it to 🐶.
"It's not like I enjoy being in all this trouble"
Oh Brooks, what do I make of you? You're stuck in the wrong crowd, and although you realize it, it sure doesn't make you act differently.
I have read a lot in the past few days but keep forgetting to post. The List isn't very unique, but it's still good and spreads an important message🙂. I got the bookmark a few years ago, when I visited Needham MA. It' so cute!😋
Laurie Halse Anderson's books are serious and beyond realistic. Same with Prom, except without the serious life-changing part. This book is for all the "Normal kids who told me nobody ever writes about them". I really recommend it because of the incredibly realistic-ness of it! Who knows how long ago Anderson was a teen, and yet it feels like she still is one! (Psst it's almost as good as Speak, that means a ton from me?) #FunPhotoFriday
#FunPhotoFriday a day late. I love C&H, and What If? is much better (and funnier) then it sounds. They both have previously made me laugh so hard I thought I would burst :)
Yay! I switched my account to a mini iPad, so now I can see all your gorgeous photos that you littens post 😊. Unfortunately, I'll probably not be able to check Litsy as much cuz it's @Bookwonk s iPad 😔. Right now I'm in NYC, and hope to check out some bookstores Sunday. What do you recommend?
I think the reason that a lot of people dislike the Cursed Child is that they think it's the 8th book. It's not. Instead it's a play- a very good play. I loved being with the characters again, and found the family issues to be realistic. I hope the play comes to my area!
🌟🌟🌟🌟.5 stars
Sick day. At least I get to read "absurd hypothetical questions w/ serious scientific answers" aka What If? by Randall Munroe. An amazing re-read!
There's a lightning storm outside, so I'll curl up in bed and read this amazing-ness #LitsyAfterDark #CurrentlyReading
Tyler is a senior in high-school, who is at the bottom of the heap of popularity. He made a very bad choice at the end of junior year, and payes the consequences. Add a work-a-holic father, an alcoholic mother, a sister, and a girl, and you have Twisted. A wonder Laurie Halse Anderson tale about depression and second-chances!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of five
OMG I skipped out of the library today SINGING "I love new books, I love new books" and people were staring at me and I COULDN'T. CARE. LESS. b/c this is the last of Anderson's YA books that I haven't read!!!!!
#CurrentlyReading #WeirdAndProud
Afternoon snack + Calvin & Hobbes = ultimate relaxation!!!!!
Dear Litsyians, I dropped my iPod that I use for Litsy, and damaged the Logic card, which makes the screen multi-colored. Now I can't edit photos:(. Here's the worse part: my iPod is going to stop working soon, and I've heard you can't have the same Litsy account on 2 devices. I might be able to still use this account, but if not, my new username will be Pandyfish16. I will tell you later.
-Pandyfish 😭😔😢
Wow, I was not expecting this plot!! Although it's very different from Book Thief, I can still here a clear voice. It's funny and has the most unique characters, which I ❤️. I'm about mid-way through and am enjoying it SO much! #CurrentlyReading
Full Cicada Moon is about Mimi, a biracial girl in 1969 who wants to be an astronaut, and her move from CA to Vermont. It's in verse, and heartbreakingly beautiful. Girl Power!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Re-reading this gem. Although sad, it gives out hope and somehow is a good beach read. It's a bit of a modern fairytale, and seems to good to be true. Anyway, a really good re-read. (It's better this time!🙂)
#FunPhotoFriday : I guess this isn't really an adult book, but it opened up doors and windows to observing. (Although some might call it eavesdropping/spying;) ). I ❤️❤️❤️ this book!
"Miracles sparked in the night air, bloomed and burst open before him." Although this doesn't give the main voice of this book, it's a pretty good quote, if I do say so myself;) Sorry I haven't posted for awhile, I lost my iPod which is what I use for Litsy. Thankfully, I got some good reading in. ?
To all who are doing #24in48 : good luck and have fun! You seem like you're reading in awesome places. I'll be struggling with this audiobook and my puppy, so I can't join, but hopefully next year! 😊
#FunPhotoFriday : I LOVED the Little House on the Prairie series when I was younger! (And still do today). My mom got me the complete color set, and read it out loud to me every night at bedtime. Unfortunately, I lost the fifth. :( I will treasure these forever! ❤️
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This book is a curl-up-into-a-ball-with-tissues book. Lane and Sadie will connect with you in the deepest way, and then tare your heart in half when you come to the last page. It reminds me a lot of Looking for Alaska. It lingers with you for a long time. I definitely need to read more Robyn Schneider!
This book does not get nearly as much attention as it should! It's about Chirp, an eleven year old girl in the 70s, and a bunch of changes that happen to her. But it isn't a very "Coming of Age" book as it is a look inside Chirp's heart. Everyone and their mother should read this, armed with a box of tissues!
Well, she's not exactly perfect.... But who is? 🐶😍
"These are a few of my favorite things!"
Going away for 2 weeks w/ no electronics (including music) and ONLY THESE BOOKS!!!! Ahhhhhh!!! Wish me luck! 📖😬