3.5 ⭐ Not quite what I wanted this books to be. Very "dramatic" with not enough depth. ?
You can find a full review of this title on my Blog
3.5 ⭐ Not quite what I wanted this books to be. Very "dramatic" with not enough depth. ?
You can find a full review of this title on my Blog
This was a quick read for me, I listened to audiobook in just a couple sittings throughout the dayday. I kind of had a feeling from the beginning of who the killer was, but kept going between two characters. The only things I wasn‘t positive about was how it all tied together. That part was a bit of a surprise for me
A full review of this title can be found here
This Memoir was exactly as its described. It's both hilarious and sad and thoroughly entertaining. It's a quick read and I couldn't put it down once I started.
You can find my full review on my Blog
About a quarter of the way through this on audio. So far not too bad. It switches between a family whose sister was found dead and a commune where she may have been staying when it happened. It also switches between the past and the present. I'm dying to find out what happened and how it's all connected.
What a fantasticly written book!
Karen draws you in right from the beginning with wonderful character and relationship building and detailed storytelling, it definitely holds your interest throughout.
You can find my fill review at https://darksideofthetome.wordpress.com/2021/07/07/review-false-witness-by-karen...
Read Long Books and Prosper, Nerds
"The path to our goal is rarely straight. It tends to turn and twist, which makes the journey far more enjoyable than it would otherwise be."
In the midst of trying out new platforms, I'm trying to figure out which book I want to read next. I can't decide betelween a Mystery/Thriller/Suspense or some good ol' SciFi ? What are your fave genres or what have you been in the mood for lately?
Candle from @bookish_pearl on IG
This book gave me so much anxiety! The characters were intense with their interactions and the book itself was so twisty I had no idea what was going on half the time or what to believe.
Full review can be found on my Blog
#themanimarried #elenawilkes #bookreview #intense #twisty #wtfhappened #mysterythriller #notsureaboutit
This seems like a promising books series. The characters were interesting with plenty of twists along the way. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and all the little details that really brought you into the story. Can't wait for the next book.
You can find my fell review on my Blog
#elenataylor #allweburied #bookreview #mysterythriller
About halfway through this one on audiobook from Netgalley. The beginning was crazy, it follows the sister of the beginning character, then brings her in a little bit later, as well as the son she used to babysit. Things are picking up again and getting intense. Will update on more later.