Third time reading this book and it never disappoints! Just a quick read to get my reading goal started! Now I‘m to book 2!
#ShadowChildren #Haddix #NewGoals
Third time reading this book and it never disappoints! Just a quick read to get my reading goal started! Now I‘m to book 2!
#ShadowChildren #Haddix #NewGoals
“He had forgotten what fresh air felt like, filling his nostrils and lungs. It felt good.”
Starting 2022 off right! Reading one of my favorite books from middle school. Didn‘t realize it was a series back then, and once I did I put it on my Christmas wish list. I have the best mother-law for gifting it to me. #ReadingInTheNewYear #comfortreads #seriesjunky #Haddix #ShadowChildren
Just finished the audiobook for the second time!!!! Harry Potter never gets old for me. I remember the first time I listened to the book was from my 7th grade English teacher who read it to us. I‘ve loved the series ever since! #HarryPotter #JKRowling #Hogwarts #Magic
Having just finished the first book I am so excited to start this one!!! I love the silliness and the adventure in the first book and this one seems taking right off from the first. #42 #TheRestaurantAtTheEndOfTheUniverse #longtitle #Ford #Vogons🤢
I have been off of here for far to long. I hit a big slump but I‘m back into it now. Love this book and can‘t wait to read the next one. Really fast read and just what I needed to start the craving again! #42 #Ford #depressedrobots #HitchHiker‘sGuide
This was my third book written by Atul Gawande, and while it was my favorite, it was still a great read. He is such an amazing author that it‘s very hard for me to not like anything of his. #AtulGawande #nurselife #TBRlist
Onto my next book! This will be my 3rd book written by Atul Gawande. A friend of mine lent me his books. I was told they are quick reads and he is a great author. She was so right. I have really enjoyed his books and I know I‘ll get sucked into this one just like the others. #AtulGawande #TheChecklistManifesto #nurselife #ILoveMedicine
Well it only took me a few days, most of this I read while sitting on the beach soaking up the sun. As always I was not disappointed. This was the last book written by L. frank Baum, just 3 months before he passed away. It brought so many of his amazing characters into play. There are many Oz books written by other people and I‘m sure I‘ll read them one day. #LFrankBaum #LandofOz #Vacay #BeachBook #bestWayToRelax
My view as I read❤️ I think I will finish my book today and move on to my next TBR. This vacay is absolutely perfect! #Oz #Oceanbreeze #beachbook#familytime #relaxing
The last Oz book by L. Frank Baum. I‘m so excited to finish this series. This is 14th book and it‘s probably taken me over 20yrs to finish it, lol. This is also the 18th book for me to read this year, my goal was 15😀 #LFrankBaum #Oz #SurpassingGoals #LandofOz #ReadingIsMyDrug
Another amazing book by Atul Gawande!!! We can always strive to be better. Through our medical history we have often thought that we had the best medicine, the best technic, the best treatment, and then along comes someone else who shows us a Better way. I hope I never get so stuck in my ways that I refuse to believe a Better way is possible. #AtulGawande #Nurselife #Better #themoreyouknow #putyourprideaside
My reading goal for this year is to read 15 books with an extra goal of finishing a few series I‘ve always wanted to read. I started the Oz books probably about age 9. Getting them from the library was always a joy for me and I was definitely going to finish the series. Well life kept getting in the way and I fell behind, reading one every few years. This is my year to finish. Only 2 left of the series making this one 15/15 for the year! #oz #goal
I could not put this book down once I started reading it. Took me a little less than 3 days and only because work and kids interrupted my reading time lol. Very interesting and scary to read how immoral some people can be. As a nurse I put a lot of trust in medicine and to think there are those who could abuse that trust make me physically ill. Definitely recommend this book to all.
On to my next book!!! This book is circulating through my coworkers and it‘s now my turn to read it. I love that the nurses I look up to care enough about me to include me and help me continue to grow. 2021 is my families Year of Mind and I love all the enrichment I am receiving!
So happy I chose this as my Women‘s History month book. As a baby nurse growing in a pandemic my nursing career has been stressful and scary, but this put things in perspective for me. I have never had to work under the conditions that this amazing woman did, and she did it all while changing the future of healthcare and keeping her faith. She is still teaching some of us important life lessons. #Flo #babynurse #nurselife #womenshistory
My pick for Women‘s History month. I started late so I‘m hoping to finish before the month is out. I figured this would be a good one for me seeing how it checks a bunch of boxes for me; Women✅ Nurse✅ Christian ✅ A little defiance ✅lol.
This book did not disappoint at all! It was a continuation of the first one and brought me all the happiness I felt the first time around. #RP2 #epicadventure #popculture
Another great audiobook. I prefer audiobooks for biographies and autobiographies. I really love hearing about Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac from a serious fan and all the interviews. #gypsy #stevienicks #fleetwoodmac #realmusic #thesoundofmyinnerself
Oh my goodness I am in love with this book. I want to be just like Ove. Such a wonderful, wise, grumpy character. A friend of mine leant me this book and I had absolutely no idea what it was about. I‘m so happy I went in blind because ever chapter pulled me deeper and deeper into the story. At times I literally laughed out loud, and other times I cried. This book gave me all the feels!!! #sweetgrump #goodfriendsgivebooks #nowIneedanewstory
Well what can I say...I‘m s sucker for a cheesy romance novel. Loved all the gushiness of this novel and how it makes you feel like a teenager thinking of your first love again (which for me happens to be my husband). Making you remember all the new love feels. I‘m already on another book of hers lol.
This was my pick for Black History month. I‘m becoming a big fan of historical fiction and listening to Bahni Turpin read this amazing story of perseverance had me completely sucked in. I‘d definitely recommend it. Only downside was I felt the end was left a little to open. All in all I felt it was a great story. #BlackHistoryMonth #supportblackauthors #freedomforall #ColsonWhitehead
My wonderful husband @JakeRuble had one of my old sweatshirts upgraded! I think it‘s perfect for me lol. #TheRealRBF #needcoffeeandbooks #besthusbandever
So I‘ve only read a few pages and I can immediately tell I‘m going to like this book! #lovebooks #lovestories #FredrickBackman
Wow! What an amazing read. Made me really think about the care I give as a nurse. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone, but especially those in health care. Sometime I‘m just looking at the right now picture and I forget to figure out what is most important to my patients. This book has helped me to look at each person differently and to try harder to be a sounding board and advocate for them. #whatmattersmost #autonomymatters
I miss the library so much. I can‘t wait to start going back. Our local branch is still closed😢 I‘m happy to have Overdrive, but there‘s just something about going into the library, browsing though the shelves, and sitting quietly in a chair. #Librariesrock #needmorebooks #needmorequietspaces
I‘m excited about this one! I haven‘t read a nonfiction book in so long. It‘s been hard to get into reading again since I graduated nursing school and now that I finally crave it again with fiction, I think it‘s time for nonfiction. A friend of mine lent this to me, I‘m a chapter in and already loving it!!!
#returntoreading #nurselife #weareallmortal
I have officially finished this trilogy and I feel so accomplished. I have been wanting to read LOTR for so long. This is my second favorite. It had some slow moments, but for the most part it kept me drawn in. I was very pleased that there was a lot more in the books than in the movies! #TheReturnoftheKing #LOTR
Well I used everyone‘s Bingo cards as inspiration for my TBR list. My goal was 15 books last year and I only got to 12. So I kept it at 15 and hoping to surpass it. Doing pretty good so far. Can‘t wait to read all of these. This will be the year I finish The Wizard of Oz series!!!
#TBR #WizardofOz #Goals
So far I‘m struggling with this one. While it reads faster than Fellowship, it has slowed down since Two Towers. I love all the lore that comes with Middle Earth, but I wish the pace was faster.
So excited to start the third and final book of the LOTR trilogy!!!! #LordoftheRings #TheReturnoftheKing #JRRTolkien
Love loved loved this book. It had me drawn in the entire time and I‘m so happy it stayed at a relatively good pace. There is a lot of walking in these books but I think that can be expected if you know anything about LOTR. I really enjoyed it and was pleased that there were so many surprises even though I‘ve watched the movies countless times!
#TheTwoTowers #LordoftheRings #JRRTolkien
So I read the hobbit last year in 9 days and was so excited to start the trilogy. The fellowship was a very slow start for me. I started reading it in July of last year and didn‘t get into it until about page 200, but then I was hooked. I had a goal to finish by the end of 2020 and I finished it at 11:53pm on New Years Eve lol. All in all it was pretty good.
#LordoftheRings #Fellowship #JRRTolkien
Well I figured it was time to rewatch the movie since I recently finished the book. It had probably been 15yrs or more since I had watched it and I was extremely disappointed. Why did they butcher the story so bad?!
Sometimes you just have to take yourself out to eat. #LordoftheRings #sushi #peaceful #weirdgirleatingalone
This is the first book I finished this year. I love vampire lore and I have always loved the story of Dracula, but just now read the book. It was everything I was expecting. I really like how the book is written as you are reading journal entries and letters from the characters. #dracula #bramstoker #vampirelove
Reading time with my oldest baby. #raisingthemright #familytime #peaceful
So happy to welcome my husband @JakeRuble to this wonderful community! He‘s a comedian and a writer who is always up for talking books and pop culture. Help me welcome him!
Chose #ReadyPlayerOne because it‘s a book we both love and have bonded over!
I have been wanting to read this trilogy for a long time. I read the Hobbit last summer in 9 days and loved it. So I started reading Fellowship and it took me 6mo. It started off very slow and picked up at a faster pace half way through. This book continues that fast pace and keeps me sucked into middle earth. I‘m having a hard time putting it down.