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Joined March 2016

I like big books and I cannot lie.
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Such a great debut! This thriller has all the right twists and turns, a pace that keeps you reading, and some unique psychological elements that were so interesting. I love reading about rich people doing bad things, especially when they . . . no, won‘t give that away. Based in Galveston, Texas so that was fun too. I recommend this one! #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Love Notes & Lifelines | Avery Maxwell
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This book was so emotional! A woman is dealing with serious financial issues due to her mother‘s health and accepts a second (third?) job to help cover the bills. She is working a hotline for single dads who need answers-is it a silly premise? Yep! Is is a delight to read and watch these characters grow within themselves, with each other, and as a family. Really enjoyed it! #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4d
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October‘s #Bookspinbingo list! Bring on fall, y‘all!

dabbe 🎃🧡🎃 1w
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Dream Girl Drama | Tessa Bailey
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So much forbidden(ish) and steamy fun! Bailey always delivers a one of a kind story filled with humor, emotion, and charm. Out in early February, I couldn‘t wait to read this one when it became available. #netgalleygroup #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 7d
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Loved taking this quiz for Banned Books Week! Thanks, @dabbe I try to read several banned books each year and my score reflects that :) I think that supporting the Freedom to Read is one of the most important things we can do for our democracy, community, and society at large. Check you score here: https://www.listchallenges.com/alas-most-frequently-challenged-books-1990-2020 #freedom #literacy

dabbe Well done and said! 👏🏻🤩👍🏻 1w
kspenmoll Yay you!!! 1w
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Clara Reads Proust | Stephane Carlier
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This short novel was quiet, thoughtful, strange, and relaxing. It follows a young woman who is trying to find her place in the world and stumbles upon the works of Proust and they change her life. I really enjoyed it! #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1w
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Great questions, @Eggs and thanks for the tag ☺️

1. Reader, empathetic, energetic
2. Kind, thoughtful, fun
3. Tigger from Winnie the Pooh for obvious reasons

Happy Fall, y‘all!

Eggs Wonderful 🐅 1w
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Still in my Greek myth retelling era. This wasn‘t quite as compelling as Clytemnestra but I enjoyed getting another perspective of this family‘s story. I enjoyed it on #audio and will read more of Saint‘s work. Finished last weekend but failed to post. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

AvidReader25 I haven‘t read this one yet, but I loved Clytemnestra! 1w
LeeRHarry I enjoyed this one but preferred Ariadne by this author. Looking forward to Atalanta. 😊 1w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1w
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This was an unexpected gem! I went in blind but was delighted to find a dishy, short story following a couple who are embarking on the trip of a lifetime to the Galapagos Islands when plans take a surprising turn. The characters were fun and felt like a full story packed into less than 100 pages. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks #Readyourkindle

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1w
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A super twisty and thrilling read, I read it in a day. This is the first book I‘ve read from this author and while it felt a little clunky and disjointed in areas, I‘m sure I‘ll read another one. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2w
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This was good, a low pick for me because there was so much going on that it felt a little ridiculous. A woman returns home to help hey dying mother and had to come to terms with a difficult past. The small town thinks they know what happened all those years ago but did they? Her sister trying to find her way out of a terrible marriage and that barely scrapes the surface of everything going on. I liked the sisters, was rooting for them, but (cont)

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Yours, Unexpectedly | Rachel Lewis
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Totally delightful with an extra helping of steam. Finishing this was the perfect start to the weekend! #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2w
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The Covenant of Water | Abraham Verghese
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Absolutely fantastic! This epic story will have me thinking for years to come. A real #chunkster , this story follows generations of families from India and Ireland, a community dealing with Leprosy and other challenges, and Doctors called to serve their people with empathy and grace. Wonderful on #audio, Verghese delivers another world class novel worth every minute of your time. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

intothehallofbooks Great review! 2w
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This was so good! I loved the setting in Viet Nam (the food! the nature!) and the premise of an exclusive, luxury tour that focuses on making lifelong romantic matches between professionals. I liked the characters‘ backgrounds and goals and really enjoyed how the story unfolded. Releases September 23! #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

zezeki And this cover 😍😍 2w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2w
janeycanuck I‘m really excited for this one. I‘m first on the holds list at the library so hopefully it won‘t be long. I really enjoyed Banyan Moon and really want to see what Thao Thai does with a lighter genre. 2w
Julsmarshall @janeycanuck It felt lighter for sure but still deep and thoughtful. I hope you like it! 2w
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So much fun! Even though I‘m not a football girlie, I throughly enjoyed this! #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3w
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The Summer Skies | Jenny Colgan
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Loved this story of lonely people trying to find their way, Scottish islands, quirky families, birds of all types and a goat who will steal your heart. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4w
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Charming, sweet and with a great mystery, this 3rd in the series is my favorite so far. Lovely to be in the Austen universe again and watch these two characters grow individually and together :) And Lady Catherine de Bourgogne is still the perfect villain. With she meet a well deserved end? #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Scochrane26 This was my favorite of the series, too. 1mo
BarkingMadRead I loved this one, I can‘t wait for the next one!! 1mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4w
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Bending the Paw | Diane Kelly
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This was so much fun! Loved the chapters from the dog‘s perspective and it was great on #audio. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1mo
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The Fine Print | Lauren Asher
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Eh, this was a little meh for me. I liked aspects of this, particularly the setting of a Disney-like amusement park and the representation of differently abled folks, but not much more. Too insta-love for me and the characters were drawn a little thinly. I‘ve heard a lot about this one but it just wasn‘t for me. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1mo
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Wreck & Ruin | Emma Slate
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This was okay, interesting and fast paced but a little predictable for my taste. I had hoped the characters would spend a little more time considering the results of their illegal deeds and the impact on their community, but that may be unrealistic for this kind of motorcycle club book. The Texas setting was fun and I liked how the women gave as good as they got. First book of September in the bag! #BookspinBingo

Commonwealth | Ann Patchett
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I blacked out my #BookspinBingo board for August! Had some great reads, I think my favorites were the tagged, Clytemnestra, and the Pairing for fiction and Eve for non-fiction. Read quite a few ebooks this month! @TheAromaofBooks

ShelleyBooksie One of my fav book podcast hosts raves about Clytemnestra 1mo
Julsmarshall Oooh, @ShelleyBooksie what podcast? 1mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Fabulous month!!! 1mo
ShelleyBooksie Currently Reading is the name of the podcast 1mo
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This was a lot of fun. Definitely laughed out loud in places and enjoyed getting to learn about her journey to where she is now and her side tours and obstacles along the way. She is just as open and charming in this book as she is in person and onstage. If you are a fan or a woman of a similar age, I think you‘ll get a lot out of this book. GenX strong women for the win! Releases 9/24! #netgalleygroup @AllDebooks

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The Book Swap | Tessa Bickers
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My goodness! This debut was nearly perfect! Heartbreakingly honest, romantic, sad, and hard to put down. These characters are dealing with tough challenges, grief, mental illness, complicated families, and painful histories but they manage to get through to the other side with the support of others and a love of literature. It was so moving and hard to believe this was Bickers‘ first novel. I can‘t wait for the next! Releases 9/2 #netgalleygroup

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I had high hopes but this was lame, nothing new here and the kind of gobbledygook that makes people dislike self help books. Next!

KathyWheeler Too bad — the title made it sound promising. 1mo
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I really enjoyed this unusual romance where the heroine finds herself transported to her favorite teen drama‘s small town as one of the characters, 15 years later. The teen heartthrob is back in town, so is are her frenemies and the bad boy who is back too, but with a twist. Charming and funny with a side of steam, this small town romance has Dawson‘s Creek and Gilmore Girl vibes. Releases 9/2! #netgalleygroup @AllDebooks #BookspinBingo

CoffeeK8 This sounds amazing! 1mo
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The Pairing | Casey McQuiston
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Exquisite! This is the queer travel adventure you didn‘t know you needed. A wine expert and pastry chef who grew up together, fell in love and then ended things painfully find themselves on the same European foodie trip. The food and drink descriptions will make your mouth water, and the character‘s gender journeys are thoughtful and illuminating. Steamy for sure and not a quick read-one to really savor. Highly recommend!

Itchyfeetreader This sounds fab 1mo
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Madwoman | Chelsea Bieker
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My picks for #BOTM !

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How to Walk | Thich Nhat Hanh
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Transformative! As a regular walker, this book inspired me to think of it in a new way. While I will still walk often while listening to audiobooks, I will sprinkle in quiet, meditative walking too. This book did have a close encounter with my usually sweet Mollie and is a bit worse for the wear. Was she trying to tell me something about walking more often? #BokspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Ruthiella Definitely Molly is encouraging you to put down the books and walk her more often! 😂 1mo
Bookwomble "How to Chew" ? 1mo
Julsmarshall lol @Ruthiella ! I think you are right! 1mo
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Julsmarshall She could write that book, @Bookwomble 1mo
TheAromaofBooks When my dog was a puppy he chewed up a library book and I had to take it in and confess and pay for it, etc. Which wouldn't have been too bad except two years later puppy #2 did the same thing! 😂 1mo
Julsmarshall Oh no @TheAromaofBooks ! Puppies gonna puppy 🐶 1mo
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The Summer Skies | Jenny Colgan
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September‘s #BookspinBingo list! This year is flying by! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1mo
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Earls Trip | Jenny Holiday
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Delightful, funny, relaxing. Enjoyed this one, Holiday is a favorite of mine and I enjoyed her foray into historical romance. #littensloveromance #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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Knot My Type | Evie Mitchell

This was a compelling romance with characters who are drawn together though they come from very different backgrounds and situations. I liked how the FMC was differently abled but that it wasn‘t the focus of the book, simply part of who she is. The secondary characters were fun and added to the story. It was steamy and fun, I will look for the next in the series.

Commonwealth | Ann Patchett
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Patchett always delivers! Loved this epic family tale following complicated people and challenging relationships. Narrated by Hope Davis, wonderfully done! #audio #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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The Pairing | Casey McQuiston
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Weekend getaway with a book, is there anything better?

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Looks wonderful 💙 1mo
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So good! I loved every minute of this follow up to The Last Party except for the end where it ended on a cliffhanger. And the next one isn‘t out yet. But it was a solid mystery, had great character development, and a fast pace and I‘ll look forward to the next one eagerly. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
janeycanuck Ooh, I didn‘t know there was a follow up out! Time to check the library!! 1mo
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Sweet and funny, this follow up to Don‘t Want You Like a Best Friend was a delightful read. While I may have preferred the first one to this one due to all of the unnecessary angst (just have a conversation!), I especially enjoyed seeing the characters from the first book remain in the mix and seeing everyone‘s happy conclusion. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 2mo
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Fascinating, beautifully written and filled in this myth in the most lyrical and human way. Wonderful on #audio Now I want to read about her daughter Electra! #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

5feet.of.fury Such a great book! 2mo
LeeRHarry I‘m reading the tagged book atm - although there isn‘t a lot of focus on Elektra right now. (edited) 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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A Cosmic Kind of Love | Samantha Young
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Delightful! Great romcom about an astronaut, an event planner, and some personal videos (not those kind!) that bring them together. Great dialogue, so lovely seeing these two good people find each other and grow in their connection. Thanks for gifting me this one, @Ireadkidlit , I thoroughly enjoyed it! #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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Storybook Ending: A Novel | Poppy Alexander
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Simply delightful! Imogen is a charming character that you can‘t help but fall in love with completely. She is going through a lot, recently widowed, so much change and worry dropped upon her but she finds herself in a quaint cottage in the most lovely village filled with kind people and starts to find her way. That is all I‘ll share, spoilers, but I really enjoyed this and highly recommend! Releases on August 20th. #Netgalleygroup @AllDebooks

Whisky Business | Elliot Fletcher
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I loved the Scottish island setting, a famous actress who has fallen from favor coming home to lick her wounds, and a grumpy, complicated whisky distiller hiding away from the world. Sweet and steamy, I enjoyed it so much and look forward to the next in the series! #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks #Bookspin

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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Adorable, funny, great on #audio. I thoroughly enjoyed this YA queer riff on the story of Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot. Kept me waking while listening and smiling to myself. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 2mo
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A Cosmic Kind of Love | Samantha Young
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Took a personal day and spending some time reading by the pool. This was is off to a great start!

wildwoodreads Oooo I'm jealous! I haven't read by a pool once this year. Hopefully, we're going on vacation toward the end of the month, so fingers crossed lol. 2mo
Julsmarshall @wildwoodreads I hope you get a chance to! This is just my neighborhood pool but better than nothing! 2mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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So much fun, @dabbe Some great songs! 3 from REM, the Clash, the Cure, quire a few classics that make me think of my parents. ♥️💚💜💙🧡💛 95%, my best showing yet!

dabbe #yahooyou! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🩶🖤🩶 2mo
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Close Knit: A Novel | Jenny Colgan
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Charming, sweet, funny. Quintessential Colgan! Released today, Highly recommend! #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

julesG A yarn-lovers dream on the cover! 😍😍😍 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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This was fascinating! Bohannon explores the impact that women have had on the world through multiple perspectives including evolution, culture, gender, mothering (or not), freedom, and power. Brilliantly researched, compelling and pretty funny in places, I highly recommend this one! And great on #audio ! #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

kspenmoll Sounds fascinating! Stacked. 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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When Grumpy Met Sunshine | Charlotte Stein
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This was okay, almost too much banter at the beginning, was a little unrealistic that people in a working relationship would behave that way. So unprofessional. But once we got past that, it was a sweet and funny pairing and I enjoyed the nods to a certain grumpy footballer from Ted Lasso. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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Bookshops and Bonedust | Travis Baldree
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Delightful though a little slow. I kept putting this one down and had to force myself to pick it back up. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had read it closer to when I read the first one. #Doublespin #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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Missed a blackout by one square! Halfway done with Bookshops and Bonedust but just ran out of time. It will give me a head start for August! Still happy with my progress, read some great books last month! #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fabulous month!! 2mo
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This was a fun quiz! I scored 91/100. I‘m a pretty big music fan and enjoy a lot of different genres. Here‘s the link if you want to take the survey https://bit.ly/46wY0GA
So hard to choose but right now my faves would have to be:
1. With or Without You
2. The Edge of Seventeen
3. There is a Light That Never Goes Out

#TLT @dabbe

dabbe You killed it! I also chose “With or Without You.“ Thanks for sharing and playing. 🩶🎵🩶 2mo
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The Pairing | Casey McQuiston
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So excited about my #BOTM pick! I was really intrigued by a couple of others too but was trying to behave myself!

janeycanuck I need your willpower. I‘ve got four coming. 2mo
Julsmarshall I‘ve been there! 😀 Happy reading! 2mo
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Fight or Flight | Diana Deehan
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Blew through these 2 Kindle Unlimited books. Strong character development, solid writing, charming setting. I thoroughly enjoyed them both! #BookspinBingo