This arrived just in time for Spring Break!
This arrived just in time for Spring Break!
I need help! I only have one book left for the #LRC: Book that takes place over 150 years ago. I‘m halfway through Astrophysics for People in a Hurry. Does that count? If not, recommendation please!!
Picked this one for my #LRC #startswithZ. The book kept me interested and the pages going. Multiple narrators telling the same story but with different accounts. Who is telling the truth? Not my favorite read this month but I‘m satisfied.
Fast, easy read that kept me guessing. Not the best thriller I‘ve read, but I still recommend! On to the next #botm
I‘ve been MIA from Litsy for a while now. This last semester really kicked my butt. However, I can‘t think of a better way to get back to reading than a sneaux day in South Louisiana! (My kids first time ever seeing snow!)
Does Barnes and Noble know something I don't?!
Book mail! I just received the book I won from Book Riot and Henry Holt Books. Can't wait to start!
My wallet said skip, but for some reason my fingers didn't listen.
My July reads. American Kingpin was my favorite but I also loved Evelyn Hugo, One of Us is Lying, 11/22/63, and Final Girls!
Hopefully the new toys I bought the boys will keep them occupied long enough to start my new book. 🤞🏻
Audio cooking! Only 30 minutes left in my book and all I have left for dinner is to put it in the oven. Success!!
I'm late to the Final Girls party, but I really enjoyed it!! I thought it was clever with fun twists and turns.
Y'all TJR answered my question for Goodreads!!
Loved this cute YA. Its a cross between The Breakfast Club and Pretty Little Liars. Fun read. Now onto my next library book for #litsyAtoZ #X
Great book! I really enjoyed the audiobook's narration, if the length is intimidating for you. Now if only I could go back in time and get Stephen King to write "the past is obdurate" 20 times less.
It's unbelievable hot for a walk/run but my audiobook makes it much easier.
Holy moly this book is good! It's a non-fiction account of the rise and eventual fall of The Silk Road, an underground website where anyone can buy drugs, guns, organs, etc. 5 ⭐️
Spending the 4th with an American Kingpin. I'm halfway through and this book is great!
Books about dogs always seem to be #tearinupmyheart
Late post: 8 reads in June. I was trying to finish Evelyn Hugo last night but fell asleep. My favorite was American War. On to July!
Books for them and books for me!
Brought the boys to the library but they won't get off the toys 😩
Audio-booking while proctoring my summer final. This book is great so far! There are a lot of It references for my #lengthylit friends.
Page Habit had the book dedicated to each subscriber! How cool!!
I read 2 books about family drama leading up to a wedding today. This one was much better than the other!
Immediately moving on to my next book. This one is my #recommendedby for #LRC. I had to pour a glass of wine with it, after all I am a dedicated reader.
The title says it all: its very hard to find a single character at this wedding that is likable. 3/5 ⭐️
Look what was on my doorstep! I couldn't resist ordering this new book sub box!
What an incredible #summersantagoespostal box from @riversong153 I couldn't be happier with the books she chose! I just moved Boy, Snow, Bird to the top of my TBR. And those goodies 😍 It definitely brightened this rainy Wednesday. Thank you so much!!! (Not pictured: the cutest stamp set my 4 yo will not let go of 😂) Thanks to @BookishMarginalia for putting together!
Library hold is in just in time to hunker down for this tropical storm hitting tomorrow 🙌
I know I should wake him up or he will never sleep tonight but I want to keep reading. The struggle!
1. Chocolate!
2. Deckled
3. Stand alone
4. Wonderland
5. Publishing (it's just like how they portray it on Younger, right?!)
@Kalalalatja #bookishwouldyourather
Sleeping babies, ice cream, and a book... these are a few of my favorite things!
I know Litsy loves a book list! Here is EW's summer must read list: http://ew.com/books/summer-must-read-books/summers-must-read-books
Finished this one last night. Heavy book that really makes you think. It's definitely not a beach read but I really enjoyed it! A dystopian novel that is scarily not far fetched.
Settling in after hosting and then cleaning up my 4 year old's birthday party. Picked this one back up after I neglected it when life got busy.
Even though the book was a bit predictable, I found myself really liking it. The main character's tone was really fun. Good for when you don't want to think when reading.
I might be late to the party on this one, but I saw it's only $1.99 and thought I would share!
Dang you, Costco! #impulsebuy
Finally reading this one after lending it out to countless friends. Even my hubby read it and loved it and he reads about one book every three years. 😂 Oh and today is my oldest 4th birthday! 🎉
I skipped last month and only ordered one book this month. I can't tell if I have better self control or just not feeling the picks lately.