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Joined September 2016

Art maker. Library worker. Horror fiend. Book addict. Music Junky. Nonbinary - They/Them. Neurodiversity 🖖🏼 IG: skeletonkeystudio
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“If you want the rewards of being loved, you must submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.” NYT, “I Know What You Think Of Me” by Tim Kreider.

“To be loved we must be known, and to be truly known we must allow others to see the parts of ourselves that are genuinely mortifying.” - Carrow Narby, Indescribable

Current struggles reflected in current reading.

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Currently listening to this one. Did not age well.

Daughter of Doctor Moreau | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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Worked an event outside in the cold all day yesterday and woke up feeling absolutely smashed, sore throat and quite tired. Guess today is a day for books and bed.

Soubhiville Oh no! I hope a day of self care makes you feel better. 2y
DivineDiana Glad that are going to get some rest. ❤️ 2y
SkeletonKey @Soubhiville @DivineDiana - Thanks! A day of rest usually cures it. We‘ll see! 2y
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Boys Run the Riot 1 | Keito Gaku
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I do not collect much manga at all, just Junji Ito and a then the random interesting horror I stumble across, but this is a series written by an actual trans person so I had to check it out. Bought the others after I finished the first so guess I‘m enjoying it.


Just Like Home | Sarah Gailey
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Currently reading. I feel like I haven‘t been enjoying what I‘m reading lately but this one is finally breaking the bad streak. So good.

Ghost Story | Peter Straub
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Currently reading.

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Currently reading for family bookclub. Wanted to read this one in preparation of the The Daughter of Doctor Moreau.

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Current audiobook. Yikes.

#cults #crime

DivineDiana Yikes is right! 😱 2y
SkeletonKey @DivineDiana - 😬😬😬 2y
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Nettle & Bone | T. Kingfisher
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Currently reading Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher.

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Currently reading. Danica hung out at the library where I used to work and I still see her around when I visit the area and I am hopelessly in love with her, send help.

Augustdana Definitely crush worthy 2y
SkeletonKey @Augustdana - For sure 2y
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The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story | Nikole Hannah-Jones, The New York Times Company
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Current audiobook. Been waiting for a copy to become available for a while.

I‘ve been listening to it while doing a jigsaw puzzle so I guess this means that I‘m well and truly on my way to turning 40 this year.

keithmalek This book is nonsense. It asserts that "one of the primary reasons why the colonists asserted their independence was to protect the institution of slavery." Five leading historians wrote to the Times, requesting that they retract this assertion and similar ones, saying that the project was motivated more by ideology than fact. The Times refused, but quietly walked back some of its claims later. 2y
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Current audiobook.

#ireland #history

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Currently reading and it‘s extremely interesting. Do recommend if you like unusual history.

#occult #history

Graywacke Noting! Do you know the publication date? 2y
Graywacke @SkeletonKey thanks. I love Occult stuff and Dee was fascinating. 2y
SkeletonKey @Graywacke - Me too! Tag me if you pick it up, would love to see your thoughts. 2y
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Doing some research and…this quote 😂 Men really hated when women said things, huh. Or wrote, in this case.

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Currently reading after I wrote a short story on the subject for a class and a professor recommended it. Also just visited family in WV so it seems like the right time.


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Little (Grrl) Lost | Charles de Lint
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Revisiting a favorite author for some comfort reading. Definitely a middle grade reader book but still has that de Lint fantasy charm I‘ve come to love.

Also, gorgeous cover.

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Current audiobook since my friendships seem to be way more long lasting and intense.

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Hell of a Book | Jason Mott
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Haven‘t been able to read much lately, but I‘m trying to finish this one for bookclub before the end of the month. Really good so far, just can‘t concentrate on anything.

Cannonball | Kelsey Wroten
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Yuki_Onna 🤣🤣🤣 Oh yeah! ✌️ 2y
SkeletonKey @Yuki_Onna - So much pressure 😅 2y
Yuki_Onna Exactly! 😂 So glad somebody else feels that, too 😅 2y
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The Family Chao | Lan Samantha Chang
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Current audiobook for family book club. Not enjoying it much yet but I‘m pushing through.

A Marvellous Light | Freya Marske
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Anxiety has been pretty high so I haven‘t been able to focus on reading this week but I‘ve settled down a little and am starting this one today. Queer fantasy is always a nice escape.

Orlando | Woolf, Virginia
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Zooming through Orlando. 🥰

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Starting up this year of zen journal on Sunday. Throws me off a little that it starts in March and not January, but this intro helps it make sense.

#zen #journaling

Orlando | Virginia Wolf
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First trip to any kind of theatre in two years. The precautions made me feel safe and I really couldn‘t pass up this interpretation of a favorite. I enjoyed it so much!

Clare-Dragonfly That‘s wonderful! I really need to read this. 3y
Palimpsest I haven‘t read this and just know a smidge about it, but I love the cover design on your program. 3y
SkeletonKey @Clare-Dragonfly - I‘m going to read it next I think! 3y
SkeletonKey @Palimpsest - Agreed, they did a really great job! 3y
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Morning cacao and morning reading. This is my first time reading Le Guin so I‘m pretty excited.

The Fisherman | John Langan
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Current audiobook for the horror bookclub.

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Current audiobook job. This book is a swift reminder of how awful things used to be.

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Current audiobook. My sister gifted me a signed copy of the book but the audio version is read by her and that‘s just too good to pass up!

5feet.of.fury I love the audiobook. The inflections she uses are adorable. 3y
SkeletonKey @5feet.of.fury - Agreed! She‘s always so fun to listen to. 3y
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Salvation Day | Kali Wallace
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Space horror!

Viruses in space really know how to amp up that fear.

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Randomly discovered that one of my favorite fantasy authors wrote a sci fi in the 90s featuring an agender protagonist and you better believe I bought it immediately.

So far it‘s sucked me right in.

thegirlwiththelibrarybag That cover is a mood! 3y
SkeletonKey @thegirlwiththelibrarybag - Right?! They really knew how to do cover art back in the day. 3y
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Man and His Symbols | Carl Gustav Jung
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Current audiobook.

I‘m taking a Mythology class right now and the amount Jungian reference has been interesting so I‘m reading this one on the side.

Mythago Wood | Robert Holdstock
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Currently reading.

The beginning‘s been good, reminds me of Algernon Blackwoods‘ The Willows. I‘ve heard that it gets pretty misogynistic though so I‘m not looking forward to that.

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Crying in H Mart: A Memoir | Michelle Zauner
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Current audiobook.

I miss my H Mart dearly since moving but this book is taking me back.

Graywacke I love H Mart! 3y
SkeletonKey @Graywacke - I decided after I moved here that I would never move somewhere that didn‘t have one 😂 can‘t wait to move again. 3y
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The Good Lord Bird | James McBride
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Finished listening to this one yesterday. I don‘t think I‘ve ever managed to laugh during a book about this time period but it certainly was an interesting, comic voice.

I didn‘t realize there was a movie based on the book now so might have to try to see that too.

BkClubCare McBride is a favorite of mine - I will read everything he writes. 3y
CaitlinR I loved this book too! 3y
SkeletonKey @BkClubCare @CaitlinR - definitely a unique one! 3y
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Cemetery Boys | Aiden Thomas
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Currently reading.

Still haven‘t taken down my tree, guess I should start thinking about that.

IndoorDame I LOVED this! I hope you enjoy reading it! 3y
SkeletonKey @IndoorDame - Thanks! I definitely am so far. 3y
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Moving on to things I know ALL about: Things To Do When You‘re Goth in the Country. Haha.

I‘m trying to take a break from the library (gasp) in order to devote time to the books I own but haven‘t read. There are A LOT of them.


Yuki_Onna 🤣👍 +1 being goth in the country and the number of unread books I own. Who needs a library when you are on a constant book buying spree? #Tsundoku of the world, unite! 😁😝 3y
SkeletonKey @Yuki_Onna - Yes, exactly!!! Time to sit back and read without due dates and tackle all these neglected books, haha. We‘ll see how long I last. 3y
Yuki_Onna All the best of luck to you! ❤ 3y
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I usually like reading a book before I watch things based on it so I started reading this one. But it‘s kind of… not good? I‘m going to keep reading to see if the writing gets better since it is loved by many but not sure it‘s for me.

Maybe I‘m just burnt out on the idea of vampire romance.

Does it get better?

alisiakae No, it does not get better. I stuck with it to the end on my 2nd try because I was in the right mood for it, and ended up giving it a thumbs up. I finished the whole series, and they get progressively worse. I liked it just enough to keep going to find out how everything was resolved (there was also a character in the 2nd & 3rd books I LOVED). I'd bail now if you're not enjoying it. 3y
ElizaMarie I liked the first 3 books (but I also did them #Audio) and sometimes with more dull writing listening to it helps (?). I am really struggling with the last one (also on #Audio), but the show really is good, I am enjoying it. 3y
Avanders I also bailed on this one… I got so far (60% done?), googled some spoiler reviews to see if it got better, and firmly decided, after reading a bunch of spoilers, to absolutely not finish reading the book. Not for me either… 🤷🏽‍♀️ (edited) 3y
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SkeletonKey @4thhouseontheleft @ElizaMarie @avanders - Thank you for the honest reviews! I‘m going to bail because I can tell it‘s going to eat up way more of my time than I want. If I were in a different mood maybe. I‘ll watch the show now though and not feel like I‘m missing much, haha. 3y
Liatrek Oh man I had to bail on this one and just ended up watching the show instead. 3y
SkeletonKey @Liatrek - That‘s my plan! The writing was so clunky and I‘m surprised an editor didn‘t catch all the weird inconsistencies in the first few chapters alone. 3y
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Little: A Novel | Edward Carey
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I haven‘t been completely sucked into a fiction book in a while but yesterday I couldn‘t stop reading this one. Illustrations, humor, and oddities galore.

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Fledgling: A Novel | Octavia E. Butler
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Current audiobook for my horror bookclub group.

Fairest: A Memoir | Meredith Talusan
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Currently reading.


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Upright Women Wanted | Sarah Gailey
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Thoroughly enjoying this novella so far. Outlaw librarians and old (new?) west antics.

broughtyoubooks Listened to this on audio and loved it. 3y
SkeletonKey @broughtyoubooks - Definitely would enjoy reading more of these. 3y
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Readings | Sven Birkerts
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This doesn‘t really count EVERYTHING I‘ve read since I try not to put books I did for work on my goodreads unless I‘m really interested in them but I‘m still happy I met my personal reading goals.

DivineDiana Great job! 👏🏻📚👏🏻 3y
annahenke I always feel like I forget to add some of my rereads. I get lax about keeping track, even though it would be cool to know the actual number. 3y
SkeletonKey @DivineDiana 🥰🥰🥰 3y
SkeletonKey @annahenke - I‘m a little obsessive about it! But it is hard to keep track of everything. 3y
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Redwall (Redwall, #1) | Brian Jacques
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Currently reading.

Visiting my sister for the holidays. She was obsessed with these books as a kid but I missed them somehow so I‘m going back to read them now.

annahenke I loved these as a kid! 3y
SkeletonKey @annahenke - I wish I‘d read them when I was younger! 3y
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The Book of Magic | Alice Hoffman
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“Some stories begin at the beginning and others begin at the end, but all the best stories begin in a library.”

Okay, Alice Hoffman, wreck me, let‘s do this. #practicalmagic #librarylove

The Deep | Rivers Solomon
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Currently reading.

BookmarkTavern I loved this one! Hope you‘re enjoying it! 3y
SkeletonKey @ozma.of.oz - So far, definitely! 3y
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Victories Greater Than Death | Charlie Jane Anders
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Currently reading. Enjoying the inclusive sci fi vibes.

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I collect weird zines, mostly about occult or queer topics and yesterday was an embarrassingly good haul. The Hermetic and Alchemical Zines were definitely a big splurge but I look forward to dipping in soon.

Britain‘s increased shipping prices are making it pretty difficult for me to keep ordering some my favorites though 😩 What a nightmare.

SkeletonKey I should also note that when I started to collect, you could get zines for $1 a pop but now they‘re usually around $10 so I have to be way more selective! 3y
slategreyskies Wow, that‘s a huge price difference! :/ 3y
SkeletonKey @slategreyskies - Right?! Granted things have changed in the past 20-30 years and the reasons for making them have too… but add that to the Qe shipping being raised to (d0 in some cases and there‘s just no way ? 3y
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DivineDiana Agree. Shipping costs are often a deal breaker. 🙁 3y
SkeletonKey @DivineDiana - Such a shame 😩 3y
Leftcoastzen Nice 3y
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Trans Studies En Las Americas | Cole Rizki, Juana Mar Rodriguez
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When you get a book from Brazil and want to keep the wrapping, hah. The book doesn‘t seem to be in Litsy‘s catalog but it‘s actually Monstrans by Lino Arruda.

#lgbtq #graphicnovel

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Started this one yesterday, been looking forward to it for a while now.


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Current book and morning cacao to try and wake up today.
