Thank you so much @Gissy for the wonderful #fallingforfallswap package! An absolutely perfect start to the spooky and cozy season! The cats have already claimed the blanket 😂 and it's Zeke's birthday so he's very happy!
Thank you so much @Gissy for the wonderful #fallingforfallswap package! An absolutely perfect start to the spooky and cozy season! The cats have already claimed the blanket 😂 and it's Zeke's birthday so he's very happy!
Brimming with nuanced Latinx culture; a transmasc character at the helm, Cemetery Boys explores themes of family, tradition, mythology, and acceptance through this magnificently ghoulish coming-of-age tale. Divinely empowering, reiterating that embracing tradition shouldn't exclude the diversity that makes it strong, Yadriel's journey will forever occupy a special place in your heart, with a rich and vibrant prose that devours you whole. Magical!
Day 19 of the #scarathlon photo challenge - Cemetery/Grave
Today, I‘m sharing this book with the word Cemetery in it that‘s been on my Goodreads TBR since 2020. This book sounds interesting and it sounds like it could be perfect for spooky season.
Day 3
Author highlight Aiden Thomas
Thomas is a trans, Latinx author who lives in my home town of Portland Oregon!
Their work is heavily influenced by Mexican culture and folklore. They write YA books filled with adventure, family, friendships, and wonderful writing.
The reread was just as good as the first. What a great story!
The only complaint I have for this book is the pacing felt off. The character building and relationship development was slow in a beautiful way, and then so much adventure happened in the last few chapters. Otherwise though, I love these characters, I love the story, I love the fantasy aspects. Will be reading the sequel for sure ✨
So beautiful. Way more romance and adventure than I was expecting for a Halloween read, though honestly it's actually a Dia de Muertos read and vibes thematically well with that: love, connection, death. The main message of acceptance shines clearly, and the author does an admirable job of bringing the outside (read: white, privileged) reader into brujx lore, Latinx and trans experience, without feeling too info-dumpy. Need to read more like this!
3/3 Lady Death said give me all the genders! Or at least Julian makes a very plausible point. I admit the one thing sticking in my craw was the firm gender divide in duties for brujx, but the idea of the Lady knowing each person's truth, even as it means acknowledging a lost history of people with trans, intersex, agender etc identities (as so often is the reality 😔), gives a feeling of freedom and acceptance.
1/2 Continued in next quote, 'cause this is awesome and important.
This was a reread for me and I loved it just as much! Yadriel's journey of finding acceptance in his gendered brujx family is so magical ✨
Fanart by the amazing vkelleyart on instagram, per usual
#Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash @StayCurious #31by31 @Catsandbooks #Spookoween2022 @TheSpineView #Pointsathon @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES #AutumnAtoZ C @Texreader #Witchathon @mdm139 #bodycountbingo unexpected killer @PuddleJumper
This was such a good read. Watching Yadriel fight for his place in his family was amazing and well written. 5*
Do you ever read a really good YA novel? This one was so wholesome but also broke my heart a little. The concept was amazing and Yadriel owns my heart.
#pridebookrec #yaday
I adore this one. Thomas seamlessly weaves Latin culture inside this ghost story. It is gorgeously written and while a bit heartbreaking a fun romp and good mystery.
Holy shit I loved this!!!!!!! Fast and fun, but so full of love and tradition and growth. A must read.
I flew through this book, just couldn't put it down! I absolutely loved the characters, the richness of the setting, and the unexpected twists and turns of the plot. I'm so glad I picked this one up!
My daughter has been nagging me to read this for weeks. I finally picked it up and read it in a morning. There's a lot to love about this book! The groundbreaking characters and the rich culture combined with mystery and adventure all come together to make this immensely enjoyable!
Very funny to me that there are two randos in the blood sacrifice and the special ceremony at the end. Sorry randos! Today is not about you!
I'm not hopping onto social media to brag about figuring out what was going to happen in a book for teens, but I have been waiting for nearly 300 pages for the telegraphed uncle to use the conspicuously stolen jaguar knives, and it has finally happened.
My old friend insomnia is back, but who can be mad when it means reading to the sunrise 🌅
2. Graveyard
Still on my TBR 😅
I do not own the pictures
😌 Ah. How good it is to be done working.
This morning I woke up from a nightmare in which I was in grave danger and had to make a quick escape... but went back for my kindle 😅 Anyone else willing to risk their lives for their books? LOL
Starting this one with my coffee.
Currently reading.
Still haven‘t taken down my tree, guess I should start thinking about that.
I don't do a lot of recs, & when I do they're usually LGBTQ and specific to the current topic. But, when I do rec books out of nowhere, it's usually one of these, a manga, or White Trash Warlock!
Anyone else want to play? Consider yourself tagged if you want to share some of your fave recs! Otherwise, @coffees @Bookzombie @Eggs @Andrew65 @maich @Nutmegnc @TiminCalifornia you're tagged (if you haven't done it) at least! #SundaySoapBox
Ho visto molto hype per questo libro, e sono rimasta un po' delusa... L'idea è molto bella, e anche il mondo l'autore crea è bello e particolare, però la scrittura non mi ha presa fino in fondo. Su alcuni dettagli l'autore è molto ripetitivo, li sottolinea più e più volte (al punto che a una certa volevo dirgli che avevo capito, basta), mentre su altri è nebuloso e glissa... Ed è tutto un po' confuso. 2/5 ✨
I really enjoyed this book, it lived up to the hype. I've never really read anything like it. Would definitely recommend
'tis the season for DNFing. Alas, my brain can't even listen to audio at the moment. Rather than let anxiety take over, I'll wait to try again in the spring when all I'll have is unlimited time to listen while planting at work 😊
Yadriel is determined to prove he is a true brujo and being trans doesn‘t change that. so he summons the spirit of his recently deceased cousin that everyone is looking for. but instead, accidentally summons the spirit of a cute boy named Julian that may have been murdered. as one does. add in a sassy and competent female cousin to help. I love absolutely EVERYTHING about this book. So so so good.
If at first you don't succeed, try again. It pains me that my brain won't let me read my physical copy 😭 But the audio is on Hoopla so ima give that a shot!
Join in at Freda's Voice: http://www.fredasvoice.com
#Friday56 #Instagram56 - @fredasphotos
It‘s been a while since I finished a book last but tonight I managed to get through the rest of this! I really enjoyed everything about this book even if the plot was a tad bit predictable. Loved it!
Yadriel is intent on proving he belongs with the brujo of his family, & so he summons a spirit to help them pass on. Only, instead of his cousin, he gets the ghost of a cute boy who may have been murdered. As one does.
This was intense & adorable & tough to listen to. Yadriel deals with a lot of pressure but is still determined & kind. A little predictable at times, but lots of fun.
I want a whole novel from Maritza‘s POV kthxbai 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
Tagged by @Eggs ❤
1. Disappointing
2. Several 😂 The tagged book has just been released in Italy and I can't wait to read it 🤩
I am OBSESSED with this book. Yadriel‘s family won‘t let him do his ceremony to become a brujo because he‘s trans and they don‘t think Lady of Death will accept him, so he does it by himself and raises a spirit to prove himself. Except, he raised the wrong spirit, and this one won‘t leave just yet. Now Yadriel has to help Julian tie up lose ends without his family finding out what happened.
Their dynamic is amazing and beautiful to watch unfold
My intro into The Brujx. Loved it and want more! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐.5
Read my full review: http://www.fredasvoice.com/2021/10/cemetery-boys-aiden-thomas-45.html
I enjoyed so much this book. I will like to know if the rituals mentioned in the books are the way some persons practice them, because I have heard different variations of this celebration. But the idea is so lovely. I loved that end, the acceptance and support of Yadriel‘s father. Julian is so funny a little bit emotional☺️and Maritza so lovely. At the of the audio, the author said is thinking to write a sequel from Julian‘s perspective. 3.4⭐️
This has been on my TBR since it was released, but I was skeptical that it would live up to its incredibly rave reviews & found myself avoiding it. It seemed seasonally appropriate to pick up now, & it just blew me away. I listened to a Libby audio copy & ordered myself a print version halfway through listening because I already knew I‘d want to come back to it multiple times. This was vivid, funny, & heartwarming. It surprised me in the best way.
I freaking loved this book when I read it in August, definitely fits the #haunted graveyard prompt 😍