“Only do not forget, if I wake up crying,
It‘s only because in my dream I‘m a lost child,
Hunting through the leaves of the night for your hands.”
Everything is alive so that I can be alive:
Without moving I can see it all:
In your life I see everything that lives.
-Pablo Neruda
Fun fact: this is the exact poem that got me in to reading poetry about 3 years ago. Now it‘s one of my favorite genres, but I still consider myself a newbie. I‘d love recommendations on your favs! #poetry
Stating for the record that this was NOT easy!
1. Neruda...can I assume there to be a complete works in a bilingual edition for me to save?! I could go classic and say The Iliad...? Ugh! So difficult!!
2. Crash, Catcher In the Rye, Lord of the Flies...yes...eff all those- into the fire they go!
3. Hmmm depends really on how good that chocolate is ;)
@llwheeler @BookishTrish @FantasyChick @mdhughes72
"...and everything burned in blue, everything a star."
Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets
Artwork by Pascal Campion
#pabloneruda #100lovesonnets #poetry #reading
“You are the trembling of time, that passes
between vertical light and darkened sky”
#QuotsyFeb18 #dawn
(Pic: View of the Amazon at dawn, last summer... 😍)
I‘m sharing this sweet post from my wife @Crowcrumbs Happy Valentines Day!
Ten years ago @Quasifesto created a Valentine‘s Day scavenger hunt for me in the library, and this was one of the book-clues he sent me to. Each book (philosophy, anatomy...) contained a hand written note musing the value of love from each discipline and the next clue. In the old card catalog I found a key to a study room. Therein the hunt ended with a proposal, which I happily accepted.
@hermyknee #litsylovelist
Decided to have some fun with the text coloring. Also I don't know if dragons count as animals? Well, for me they do!
Librarian (unemployed) 🔹 zines 🔹Black Cats 🔹 varies 🔹corn chips and salsa 🔹Topo Chico 🔹lithops or sunflowers 🔹Fall 🔹HP #litsylovelist
1. Probably Neruda's poetry.
2. Christmas Shoes...wtf is up with that song!?
3. No, many, but not all cuz that'd be craaaaazy.
4. Well my goals were to read for pleasure again and I have, I've also expanded my genre/author repetoire so that's awesome.
5. Done.😄
#friyayintro @jess.how
Sonnet 16 for #novemberbythenumbers today.
#autumnreads #mosthatedmostloved was hard, not the hate part b/c there are few books I hate more than 1984 (tho probably Ballard's Crash, I hated it to the point of getting rid of it) but love was hard because I'm terrible with favourites. I I thought of something I would re-read (rare for me) and something that I've loved almost every word of, the sonnets did it. I laughed, cried, felt hollowed and filled-these changed the way I saw the world.💜
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.
I thought I had more South American books but they turned out to be Cuban. Pablo Neruda is Chilean so I assume these poems are set in South America! it's a bilingual book and can be read in both Spanish and English. #booktober #bookssetinsouthamerica @RealLifeReading
This is one of my favorite books of poetry. I'm in Mexico right now with my MFA, and I found a copy totally in Spanish. I'm so happy. This has been a wonderful trip.