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George's Marvellous Medicine
George's Marvellous Medicine | Roald Dahl
28 posts | 128 read | 11 to read
'From now on you must eat cabbage three times a day. Mountains of cabbage! And if it's got caterpillars in it, so much the better!'Most grandmas are kind and helpful ladies. Not George's grandma. She's a grumpy and grizzly old grouch and George wants to teach her a lesson. So when it's time for her medicine, George concocts a bubbling, frothing, marvellous mixture, which is guaranteed to send her through the rood . . . 'Roald Dahl is without question the most successful children's writer in the world'-Independent
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Terrible. A boy makes a disturbing “medicine” aka all poisons in a house, garage, and farm, to give to his horrible grandmother.

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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love it!! 💜 3y
Eggs Love Dahl‘s tales 📚👏🏻🙏🏻 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻📚🙌🏻 3y
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Read my 7th Roald Dahl on the 7th day of our community quarantine 📖
11/50 #goodreadsreadingchallenge2020

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George's cranky, crabby, old grunion of a grandma needs her medicine but George thinks he can improve her with his own special concoction! Another adorable story only made better by Quentin Blake's wonderful illustrations!
#mountTBR 2/337

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Another Dahl I missed as a kid but it's adorable nonetheless! I needed something while I was going to bed last night so I snapped this guy up. 😁

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George decides to create a better medicine to "cure" his grandmother of her nastiness. He goes through the house throwing in anything runny, powdery or gooey.

Oh George, making this "medicine" sounds like so very much fun (though also as Dahl notes in the disclaimer, incredibly dangerous in real life).

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#Adventrecommends Day 3: George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl

Back on track after missing yesterday due to being on Christmas Market duty.

I had this book on tape as a kid. I loved listening & reading along. This book was & still is laugh out loud with fantastic illustrations from Quentin Blake. A must for every kid, big & small

#Christmas #ChildhoodFavourites #Classics #Books #BookNerd #ReadABook #AdventBooks

Andrew65 I love this book. One book I couldn‘t read at one point for laughing so much it hurt! 6y
JaneyWaneyB "George didn't say a word. He felt quite trembly. He knew something tremendous had taken place that morning. For a few brief moments he had touched with the very tips of his fingers the edge of a magic world." @Andrew65 coz it's magic ? 6y
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I‘m assuming this is the translated version of George‘s Marvellous Medicine. The only book I couldn‘t read as a class teacher for not being able to stop laughing!
#potions #OctoberPutASpellOnYou

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Looks so cute!! 6y
Andrew65 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks If you‘ve never Read George‘s Marvellous Medici e it is hilarious! (edited) 6y
vkois88 I need to read it. It's probably in my Roald Dahl treasury. I'll have to look for it 6y
Andrew65 @vkois88 Enjoy but be ready to have a good laugh! 6y
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She asked if she could read her sister a chapter of The Witches before bed, but I didn‘t want to deal with possible nightmares. 🙂 So they settled for George‘s Marvelous Medicine. 😍📚 #raisingreaders

Eggs 💞💞 6y
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Shes dotty as a doughnut

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Book 46 of 2018: George's Marvelous Medicine

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When I moved across the country I didn‘t take any books from my early childhood (hopefully some are still boxed up at dad‘s house), so George‘s Marvelous Medicine is the oldest childhood book in my possession. I got it for my 10th birthday - August 1987. I still love this story.

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This was cute but Matilda it‘s not. I am hoping that I haven‘t read the best books by Dahl by already reading the Charlie books, James & The Giant Peach and Matilda.


Now that's a children's book. I never had it as a book actually but as a CD to listen to in the car. Who would have known that poisoning your horrible grandma would be such fun 😅

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Sad week: our dear old Labrador, after a period of mystery illnesses, has been diagnosed with multiple mast cell tumours. They are popping up all over. He's on steroids and love.

readordierachel Oh no! I'm so sorry 💙 7y
cobwebmoth Aw, I'm sorry.😔 7y
Redwritinghood Poor baby! 💕💕 7y
See All 47 Comments
NCNY So sorry. 💕 7y
Dolly Oh poor baby. I hope you‘re able to keep him comfortable. So sorry to hear this☹️ 7y
Melkyl I‘m so sorry 7y
AndreaReads I'm so sorry. Much love is being sent your way. 7y
RohitSawant I'm so sorry to hear. 7y
BookwormAHN I'm so sorry 😿 7y
Pogue I am so sorry. Give pets from me. 7y
Jas16 Oh! I am so sorry. 7y
ReadingRover Awww poor baby. Sorry to hear that. I worked at a vet for years and love and steroids is the best thing you can do for an older dog going through something like this. Sending you guys lots of love. 💕 7y
everlocalwest I'm so sorry to hear about your pup. All my best to you guys! 😿💙 7y
xicanti Poor boyo. I'm sorry he and you have to go through this. :( 7y
SassyBookworm Oh no! So sorry for you & your fur baby 💙 Sending love! 7y
youneverarrived So sorry 💕 7y
laurieluna Aww bless him. Sending love and hugs to you and your fur baby! Xxx 7y
DebinHawaii So sorry--sending him and you all the best. 🐶💜 7y
Paula3 Poor baby 💚💚 7y
quietjenn Oh, poor doggy. 💙 7y
Bookzombie I‘m so sorry. Sending love your way. 💗 7y
Eyelit Sorry to hear it. Sending 💙💙💙 your way 7y
erinreads Poor doggy. 😢 Sending love and hugs! 💕 7y
Lauredhel Thankyou for the well wishes everyone. Not a great Xmas present but we have a lovely vet who will help us through it. Worth her weight in gold. 7y
LeahBergen Oh, I‘m sorry! 💕💕 7y
TrishB 😔💙 sorry to hear 7y
CocoReads I‘m so sorry. Poor baby. 7y
silentrequiem I'm so sorry. 😟❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Libby1 💔(((Hugs))) Take care. 7y
Librarybelle I‘m so sorry to hear 7y
BethM I'm so sorry. Hugs. Love and prednisone got us an extra year. Love is some powerful stuff! 7y
shanaqui Sending love. ❤️ 7y
Rudis I'm so sorry. Hugs & love to you & yours. 7y
Buddys_Momma Much love to you and your beloved dog. Dogs are the best 💜💜💜 7y
AmyG I am so very sorry. Sending a hug. This must be so hard. 7y
Susanita I‘m so sorry. 7y
Mdargusch I have a dog with something similar. She has cutaneous lymphoma and gets lesions. She did chemo but is now just on steroids. ☹️ Fingers crossed and 🙏🏼 that the steroids work for your baby. 7y
bookwrm526 So sorry :( 7y
emtobiasz Love for you and your family ❤️ 7y
minkyb I am so sorry. This is heartbreaking. 7y
[DELETED] 206653737 Oh no so sad! Sorry to hear this news. ❤️ 7y
MicheleinPhilly ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
DGRachel I‘m so sorry. Hugs and love to you all. 7y
Owlizabeth Oh no, I‘m so sorry. Sending hugs 💞💞💞 7y
megt I‘m so sorry. Sending love and hugs. 7y
Dogearedcopy Noooooo! Sending love and sympathy to you both 7y
Kendra.Diane Sending love and hugs 💜💜 7y
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I️ bought a bunch of childhood classics at thrift shops when my kids were younger. As fate would have it, they don‘t care much for my taste in books (they must be their dad‘s kids). Too bad, they‘re for me now. At any rate, I‘d forgotten how fabulously wicked Roald Dahl‘s stories could be.

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Another my lil lady loved..... 📖

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Subbing 5th grade today. Summer fever is strong. We are getting nothing done y'all.

Joriebooks I feel you. I also sub and there's 3 day left in the district I'm in. the 7y
Joriebooks The kids are going crazy. 7y
Foragingfantasy @Joriebooks we get out the 26th. But it's full of field trips and activities. Sooo ready for summer. 7y
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I haven't read a lot of books I was crazy about lately, but George's Marvelous Medicine and a collection of Schonberg's Bavarian Tales were probably my favorite reads finished in November. I'm using the picture from my mail today, because tea is basically medicine for the hardships of life, right? Anyway, I'm excited to try my new tea and for more good reads soon! #bestofnovember #photoadaynov16

Texreader I agree. I ❤️ ☕️! 8y
DebinHawaii 🍵❤️!!! 8y
readinginthedark @Texreader @DebinHawaii You are my people! 😊 8y
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As always, Roald Dahl is a master at the wonderful and slightly creepy, as well as working a little bit of fantasy into every day life. I wasn't really sure how to feel about the grandmother or the father, really. But I lost myself in Derek Jacobi's fantastic narration of George's genius predicament and relaxed. Highly recommend this romp through George's attempt to "actually do Grandma some good!"

BeththeBookDragon I LOVED getting this book out of the library when I was a kid. Every other visit!! 8y
readinginthedark @bethfriedman906 I don't know why, but this is one Dahl I missed out on as a kid. Listened to part of it with my son and then the rest when he fell asleep; it's just amazing! 8y
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Impulse buy at Costco yesterday.... Couldn't resist! (Especially as they are illustrated by Quentin Blake 😍).... Cute free bookmark too...

MrBook OMG, I think I read all of these as a kid! Superb purchase 😁👏🏻👌🏻! 8y
Reviewsbylola I will for sure buy that if I see it at my Costco. Great find! 8y
britt_brooke Ah, I miss Costco! The closest one to us now is about 45 minutes away. 8y
Louise Great find! 🌟 8y
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Sometimes I think this book is going to give him some dangerous ideas...

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Roald Dahl was a favorite when I was a kid. Somehow I missed a bunch of his slimmer books so I'm catching up now. In this, George makes some marvelous medicine to give to his nasty, mean grandma. But what happens next will teach everyone a lesson. Classic Dahl-ian characters, really liked it!

Trav I love Roald Dahl ❤️❤️ 8y
LauraBrook He's so great! I can feel a Dahl binge coming on. 😍 8y
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Wow, and I thought MY Grandma was a nut job!

ramyasbookshelf The lack of respect for his grandmother was appalling.. But discounting that, it was a fun read.. :) 8y
SistaPip @ramyasbookshelf -- that's true. But poor George! His Grandma is mean, his Dad is a lunatic, and his mum is as helpful as a sofa. Luckily Grandma is pleased as punch with the medicine's effects! 8y
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