Fun little comedy, even if predicable. 🧔 Beards are a theme. 😉
Quick listen on YouTube with an excellent narrator. I just discovered his channel - “Bitesized Audio Classics.” https://youtu.be/gRRXJdoEfFo?si=vNJVK703Kzur6V0l
Fun little comedy, even if predicable. 🧔 Beards are a theme. 😉
Quick listen on YouTube with an excellent narrator. I just discovered his channel - “Bitesized Audio Classics.” https://youtu.be/gRRXJdoEfFo?si=vNJVK703Kzur6V0l
I read a lot of Anthony Trollope novels a few decades ago but had not heard of this surprisingly short (especially for AT) holiday tale! Honestly, it struck me as what the 1893 version of a comfortably predictable but charmingly written sit-com episode would be!
How have I moved through my entire life without reading this tiny little Christmas classic? Donning my holiday night cap, imagining actual candles on an actual real tree, and tuning into some good old fashioned English humor, this is a funny old-time story. Mustard on a neck to cure a cold - to google I go!
#DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks
I just finished listening to this, my first festive read of the season! 🎄
I believe the hoopla version may only be the first story in the collection. But in any case, it was 💯% NOT what I was expecting! It‘s just an hour and half - listen and let me know what you think! 😄
Well, I finished “Christmas at Thompson Hall” and resumed listening to “The Fiery Cross” to round out 9 hours in the #24B42020 Readathon. 90 points for me. Sorry I couldn‘t do more. We did lots of family Christmas things the past few days. #WinterGames #ReadNosedReindeer
Oh, Victorian England! What better place to celebrate the Christmas season?
Day 14
This super short book by Trollope was light and a bit of holiday fun. There is an extended scene that is amongst the best I have read from him. But his attempt at wacky irony is best left to the more deft hands of PG Wodehouse. So I can‘t recommend it in the end, but do suggest that you try a true Trollope!
I loved the first story, which I read for the first time last year, but the rest were a disappointment. The second story was also good, but not as funny, but the rest all just seemed to be poor variations on the second story - misinterpretations breaking up betrothed couples, minor conversational family dramas. After the second story, Christmas stopped playing a major part and feeling so...well, Christmassy! I think I'll be passing it to a friend.
Just starting this - got to get as much Christmas in as possible! I only have one real bookish resolution - read more! Which means 46 books in 2017, as I read 45 in 2016. I'm also going to attempt the British Books Challenge, the Monthly Motif Challenge, and the Read Harder Challenge! Wish me luck... #bookishresolutions #readjanuary @RealLifeReading
Celebrated Christmas last night with my husband's family and finished this Christmas book today! Five short stories that are filled with family and love. One involves the appropriateness of hanging mistletoe in the house. After all, it is Victorian times and it could create quite a stir!
Reading one of my Christmas presents!
My shelves are filled with #redsandgreens ❤💚 (I have had to take pictures in advance as I am home with my family for Christmas, and therefore without my books)
After a long day it's time for me to unwind with my #christmassyread I love these short stories! I also baked some spiced cranberry-oatmeal cookies. They are Christmas gifts but offcourse I have to try them first.... I don't want to poison anyone 😉
#seasonreadings @RealLifeReading
Reading some cozy christmas stories while Noodle keeps a close eye one me. I love sunday evenings like this 😽 #catsoflitsy
Confession: I bought too many Christmas theme books. I started in November with best intentions. I have new ones, vintage ones, used ones.. a beautiful assortment. But I've only read one. And that one isn't even pictured. #christmasbookfailure #buyallthebooks #nobuyerremorse #christmas #nexttime #december #valianteffort
I'll be #givingasagift this lovely little story collection to my mom. We both love to read and always give eachother bookish gifts. The other presents under the tree are mine! The ones I got for my boyfriend have yet to arrive. I love christmas so much! #12daysofchristmas @LibrarianRyan
Getting into the holiday spirit over here! #penguinclassics #christmasclassics #holidayreads
Here's my late #wanttoreadinDec: at the top, a very Christmassy-looking book I bought recently; in the middle, My True Love Gave to Me, which I adore and re-read every Christmas, and at the bottom, the book I most wanted to read this year and haven't picked up yet! It's a modest selection but I also have lots of Christmassy ebooks I want to get to! #SeasonsReadings2016
A quick read to end November and a warm-up for December.