I really liked this. I will admit the title made me curious about what the poet had to say. Because are there? Really?
I really liked this. I will admit the title made me curious about what the poet had to say. Because are there? Really?
A bold in-your-face anger-driven collection that I warmed to in the middle but was worried when I started. #poetry #poemeveryday #DogsofLitsy #ReadICT Long Title category
A strong book of poetry; thoughtful, edgy and powerful. I‘ll definitely read more from this poet. Highly recommend! #ownvoices #blacklivesmatter #blm #diversevoices #blackpublishingpower
I probably shouldn't review it at all. I am not a poetry reader, and this style is way beyond my limits.
I adore the title and have seen Parker speak before and she is wonderful.
So far this is the only thing that has made sense to me.
Starting the morning with coffee and poetry and hoping to calm the mind before remote logging into work.
Strongly recommend this poetry collection! It did so well at being ‘very 2019‘ but also using the cultural references to go deep on some very timeless themes and issues, and while it was very playful and funny sometimes it also knew how to rip at your heart strings and make you angry. Never cliche or cheesy at all. Some of the best poetry I‘ve read this year for sure
Another page from this stunning collection, I could genuinely post every page from it it‘s that good. Can‘t recommend enough
Best poetry I‘ve read in a long time, this collection keeps genuinely stopping my breath.
Love. I love how poetry is always new and every collection I read teaches me something.
It‘s all Morgan Parker over here tonight.
I went in wanting to love this for the title and only really liked it. It‘s worth a read but I felt like I missed a lot of the references and connections.
One of those some connect some don‘t kinda book for me but I would like to revisit it sometime. #readblackwomen
It‘s Black History Month in the US. What are you planning on reading?
I read this #bookofpoetry for #halfbloodbingo #bookbingo. It was not totally my style, but well written and full of references that I mostly got!
I really enjoyed these poems.
5 stars
#24in48 #24in48ausnz
Book 3 is poetry, to spice things up
#24in48 #24in48ausnz
#poetrymatters @lazydays
Prompt: Lush
Beautiful imagery! 💜
I'm sad I didn't like this more. I admit I don't know what I expected but I wasn't satisfied. Maybe it was her writing style. Maybe I expected more social commentary. Maybe this collection was over my head. Regardless, I want to read her other work.
#HeatOfJuly #CrazyinLove Queen B 4Ever 👑🎤🖤I‘ve been eyeing this poetry collection ever since I saw the title and cover
#crazyinlove #heatofjuly
Not read yet- I have to be in a poetry mood and not had one recently!!
Can‘t tag again!!
Too much to say in under 451 characters... so I will say WOW. For me this book of poems was the lyrical equivalent of a death drop. It did not hold back. It was certainly not created in everyone‘s comfort zone, but I still think everyone should read it. Soulfully jam packed with feminine pride and a continuous nod to pop culture made this collection a pick for me.
Strong voiced poems that demand multiple readings: There are More Beautiful Things Than Beyonce by Morgan Parker.
Favorite poems include:
-The President Has Never Said the Word Black
-The Gospel of Jesus's Wife
-Heaven Be a Xanax
-Slouching Towards Beyoncé
#singleladies #aprella
Been thinking what to do all day- then this jumped out at me 😁
"what if I said I'm tired / and they heard wrong / said *sing it*"
-"What Beyoncé Won‘t Say on a Shrink‘s Couch"
"With champagne I try expired white ones / I mean pills I mean men"
-"Welcome to the Jungle"
"At school they learned that Black people happened."
-"All They Want Is My Money My Pussy My Blood"
It was a slow start for me but by the end I was feeling much more comfortable with her style.
I don‘t know. It took me almost half the book to even “connect” with a poem. I almost bailed. I haven‘t yet, I‘m about 15 pages from the end. Some poems I read and Im in them. And then some are like Greek to me. Who‘s read this? I need some book support.
I just didn‘t connect with this collection of poetry, unfortunately.
So this is what happens when an anthropologist writes poetry. This collection does not hold back any punches, is definitely Beyoncé-centric, but it deserves to be explored. It was a pleasure to read. #poetrychallenge2018
I'm never quite sure how to talk about poetry. I don't feel like I have the right tools to discuss or critique poetry. All I can say is I enjoyed this.
“The only thing more beautiful than Beyoncé is God, and God is a black woman sipping rose and drawing a lavender bath...”
This has been my bedtime reading the last few nights and some of the lines I just loved: 1) so what if I have more regrets than birthdays, I am old for my age; 2) dear anyone, dear high-heel metronome, white noise, hush us shhhh, hush us. Favorite poems were 99 problems and we don‘t know when we were opened. I liked reading these quietly aloud. A lot to think about. #poetry #pocpoetry
This was just as good as everyone said. My personal favourite poem out of it was 99 Problems.
I gave this a 👍🏼 but it‘s really somewhere between that and so-so. I went back and forth the whole time reading it.
I realize that being white I‘m not the target audience, so it makes sense there are some things I wouldn‘t get, but there was a lot that confused me. This is probably more about my intelligence or cultural unawareness than about the actual quality of the writing. I also admit there‘s a lot of poetry I don‘t understand. ... 1/2
I think I'll need to read this again with other people so we can talk about it as we read along together. Have you read this? Thoughts?
#therearemorebeautifulthingsthanbeyonce #morganparker #beyonce #thatcovertho #poetry #librarybook #getlit #kvnreads17
So much to unpack in this slim volume. Bravo, Morgan Parker!
Going to have to sit with this one a bit. It makes me itchy - both the good and uncomfortable kinds of itchy - and there is such rhythm to the lines without actual “meter.”
Book #2 for Readathon!
I'm terrible at this font crap so don't take it out on the awesome quote 😅
You are beautiful because you're funny.
You are alive because you're a question.