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The Crown's Fate
The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
The gorgeous and darkly compelling sequel to The Crowns Gameperfect for fans of Red Queen and Shadow and Bone. Magic is growing, shadows are rising, and the throne is at stake Russia is on the brink of great change. Pashas coronation approaches, and Vika is now the Imperial Enchanter, but the role she once coveted may be more difficultand dangerousthan she ever expected. Pasha is grappling with his own problemshis legitimacy is in doubt, the girl he loves loathes him, and he believes his best friend is dead. When a challenger to the throne emergesand with the magic in Russia growing rapidlyPasha must do whatever it takes to keep his position and protect his kingdom. For Nikolai, the ending of the Crowns Game stung deeply. Although he just managed to escape death, Nikolai remains alone, a shadow hidden in a not-quite-real world of his own creation. But when hes given a second chance at lifetied to a dark priceNikolai must decide just how far hes willing to go to return to the world. With revolution on the rise, dangerous new magic rearing up, and a tsardom up for the taking, Vika, Nikolai, and Pasha must fightor face the destruction of not only their world but also themselves.
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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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1/5⭐ I just wasn't invested in any character or plot point. The game itself is what kept me in the first book, but that ended and in this book the author is clearly forcing things to have a happy ending through contrived means. Aizhana was always flat, and she turned Nikolai into an equally flat character. Even though things happened on the page, there wasn't enough complexity or connecting thread to make me care.

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I purchased these for my classroom. I have a varied collection and I‘ve taken some requests, which some of these are. I want my students to understand the importance of tasting, yes, tasting different genres in anything; it could be books, movies, or music. I try to offer an eclectic mix.

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I went into this duology not expecting much, but I ended up loving them both. Though The Crown‘s Fate is less whimsical and way darker than the first book I still enjoyed it and thought it was a great conclusion, though a bit rushed towards the end. I liked all the characters, but was a bit annoyed by Yuliana throughout the entire book. Overall I loved both books and I‘m glad I didn‘t listen to bad reviews

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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@TheRomantiCate thanks for everything!! I especially love the pins. I read The Crown‘s Game last year and I have been looking forward to read the sequel. ❤️❤️❤️

TheRomantiCate Yay! I‘m so glad you liked it!! I loved the pins too!! 6y
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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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1/5 ⭐️

I‘m a dedicated completionist so I finished this book even though the first one didn‘t thrill me. And honestly, this one was even worse. I struuuuggled to finish and probably should have quit while I was ahead but I paid money for the damn thing, so I finished it. But I regret it. Just a horribly done story even though the idea is excellent. No basis for any of the magic, overdramatized love triangle, and bad cultural appropriation.

BookishMe Salute your patience to trudge through such a struggle... I have adopted the mantra - life is too short to waste time on books fail to deliver 7y
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Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5 sad to see this series go

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Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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Going on vacation tomorrow! #vacationread

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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye

I wasn‘t a huge fan of book one, so I went into this one a bit wary. Honestly, I was pretty bored throughout what I read (I dnfed), and I didn‘t like the characters any better than I did in the first one. I was also pretty skepticism about how Skye was going to wrap everything up in this one book, and I couldn‘t see it happening. This book does have mixed reviews and unfortunately, it wasn‘t for me.

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I wasn‘t really in the mood for Something Strange and Deadly, so I‘ve decided to pick this up instead 😊

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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4/5 ⭐️
This book showed the power of love and friendship. I love the writing. It was like poetry. The ending broke my heart a little but I love how it ended. The ending was nothing like I imagined it to be.

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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Excited to see where this story ends up.

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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All comfy on the couch on this gloomy day with a mermaid blanket reading The Crown's Fate. ☕️📖🐬🐚

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I had pretty high hopes for this sequel but I found it to be quite a let-down 😔. I didn't like the direction the 2nd book took, and there was something that was used as a plot device to pretty much force conflict into the story and I wasn't a fan of it. That being said, if the author wrote another book in this series, I'd pick it up because I still think there's a lot of interesting things that could be done with the story.

melbeautyandbooks Pretty pic! 7y
398.2 Oh no! I enjoyed the first one. I have been meaning to get to the second one. 7y
Merethebookgal @398.2 Yeah 😕 well, maybe you'll enjoy it! I've seen it getting some good reviews on Goodreads. 7y
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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I had high hopes after how wonderful The Crown's Game was but this was a letdown, especially the ending.

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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Rating: 🌟🌟

Finished this audiobook earlier and it was so disappointing. The love triangle was so annoying and the majority of the plot revolves around it. This sequel felt so unnecessary and I lost count how many times this book made me roll my eyes. The ending is also a clichéd mess.

#YA #fantasy #thecrownsgame #thecrownsfate #bookreview #review #audiobook

[DELETED] 3803335244 Oh that's too bad. I can't stand love triangles. I think YA books just need to get away from them, too over done. 7y
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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I finally got around to reading The Crown's Fate, and I have to say I was a little disappointed. I just did not enjoy it as much as The Crown's Game. I didn't have a favorite character to root for. What did you think? #bookish #thecrownsfate #bookreview

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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I admit I didn't like this book as much as the first, but I do like that the author really seemed to think about the next rational steps for these characters and let them play out. It just happened that this resulted in the characters interacting less, which was one of the strengths of the original. I found it a satisfying conclusion to the story, but glad it's done. Look at that cover though! Makes it all worth it. I'd hang a print of that.

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I wasn't too crazy about The Crown's Game but I'm gonna give this a shot since it was available on overdrive 🤞

Elisa Oh my goodness that cover 😍 7y
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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I never mind waiting at the doctor's office.

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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It's been a hard mom day, so this afternoon was Baby Dinosaur snuggling and reading.

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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The book that I'm reading has #redswhitesandblues on the cover but doesn't take place anywhere near the US, so I'm including the Cap, who was part of hubby, Baby Dinosaur's and my Independence Day marathon. #JubilantJuly @RealLifeReading

RealLifeReading Pretty cover though! 7y
jmtrivera @RealLifeReading It really is! It would make a pretty print! 7y
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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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🌟I loved The Crown's Game and I can't wait to get to #thecrownsfate by #evelynskye !! I think it might be my next read when I'm done with Behind Closed Doors, but I'm not sure. I have too many options! Lol! 🌟 #fantasy #historical #romance #magic

Amanda23 Awesome pic! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Lovely pic!!! 💃🏽 7y
AngelErin @Amanda23 Thank you! ❤️❤️ 7y
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AngelErin @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thanks!! 💟💟 7y
398.2 I also enjoyed the first one. I haven't gotten this one yet. 7y
maich Nice photo😊😍 👠 7y
AngelErin @398.2 The first was so good! I hope we both enjoy this one as well whenever we get to it. 😀😀 7y
AngelErin @maich Thank you!! ❤️😊 7y
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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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“I was lost from the moment I saw you on Ovchinin Island. It took a long while for me to realize it, but it's true. I've spent my entire life scrambling to fit in and to change myself, Vika, but where I've belonged, and who I needed to be, has been right here the whole time. I love you.”

I really enjoyed The Crown's Game, so I'm looking forward to diving into the sequel this month! I need to know what happens to Vika and Nikolai!!

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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Head start on the library reading program with a small #libraryhaul.

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I feel like I have mixed feelings about this book. I found myself being mad with Nikolai's mother every time she was mentioned or when she appeared because, in the name of love, you wouldn't do that to your son. Yes, you'll tried to guide him but not in that way. And because of that, it made me mad at Nikolai because he was influenced by her magic (or energy). The end is an entire different story but... I don't think I hate it. 🤔

Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I've been putting this book off since I bought it. I really hope it's like the first one... 🤔

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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Didn't hold up to the first one at all. Was hoping for something different and found that I just was annoyed at times while listening. A character who is supposed to be the bad guy you know will@eventually end up good. Mixed feelings.

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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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The ending was a little ridiculous, but I enjoyed the dueling magicians in this sequel. The first was like a YA Night Circus set in Imperial Russia. This book raises the stakes but spends less time on the characters, which is a shame.

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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Whilst I absolutely adored the first book in this duology (?), unfortunately I found this book to be really mediocre and the characters to be incredibly annoying *sigh* I just didn't get the same joy that I did reading the first one and I'm not impressed 😒

Madamereadsalot Oh no, I wasn't enjoying the first book that much, but thought to give it a try in book 2 🙈 now I'm not too sure about that anymore *sigh* 7y
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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I was super excited to get into this book because I loved The Crown's Game so much! It was a great conclusion to this duology as it left things open ended enough for other stories to progress in this alternative Russia but wrapped up the main story beautifully! This book has really peaked my interest in Russian history and I can't wait to see more from Evelyn Skye.

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye

Just finished this yesterday and really enjoyed it! I feel like it had a faster pace then the 1st book. Also I just loved that it was set in Russia and having visited Saint Petersburg it just makes my heart happy when I read about it (even if it's fiction haha)

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I loved the first book in this series but the second one was not as amazing. I felt that the characters were a little weak and didn't follow who they had been in book one.

Merethebookgal Yeah, I'm about 30% through and feeling about the same... 7y
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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye

Well, this had a different tone than the first book that's for sure! The ending was a little 'and everything wrapped up nice and neat' for my tastes....you can't have a major political uprising where a bunch of people die...and then shake hands and everyone's fine and be believable, but it is was still a good book! I'd love for her to write a third book exploring the unrest of Russia..and maybe Baba Yaga could make an appearance? 😀

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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*pictures from author's website*


The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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Just kicking back with my book (notice book in glasses 😜) when it hits me, hey my glasses match my hair. Lol it's the little things that amuse me 😂🤓😜

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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So I did enjoy this book but not even remotely as much as the first book. There were quite a few characters that were unrealistic & had inconsistencies, as well as events that were glossed over & seemed more like page fillers. This book was definitely supposed to be more politically focused but it wasn't written as well as it needed to be--it definitely needed a more fulfilling, creative & complete conclusion. Happily ever after...after a coup?

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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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Time to grab the next book on my TBR stack & head off to bed.

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I'm so sad this duology is only...a duology but the cover is so pretty and I loved book one so much that I have to read The Crown's Fate next. The end of The Crown's Game destroyed my heart. Russia + magic + some history is basically what my brain is made up of

TobeyTheScavengerMonk I actually haven't but it's on my TBR and the description matches that exact formula. 7y
TbrandBeyond I really need to read these 😍 7y
LeeRHarry These look good 😌 7y
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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I am now officially an Evelyn Skye fan! This was a great follow-up to The Crown's Game. It was well written, and very engaging. I had a lot of fun with these books!

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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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So, obviously I've had a super productive work day! 😂😂 Still waiting on all of my log-ins for the new job, so I've had some time to dive in to this baby! I'm certainly not complaining. It's so good!

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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Not much going on at work yet today, so it's on! I'm so ready to see what happens next!!

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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Early birthday gift to myself. My actual birthday may not be until Thursday but that doesn't mean I have to wait until then to start one of these. The only problem will be deciding which one to read first lol

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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It's about time UPS!! Delivered after 9:00 is better than not at all!!

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I read a lot in April- some planned, some not. It was a mixed bag kind of month. The books were good, my brother in law came for a visit all the way from Oklahoma, Independent Bookstore Day was awesome, but it was also the month our blog crashed for a week and the Hubs and I had to say goodbye to our beloved cat, Riley. May should be interesting - I'm turning 40 and going back to NYC for #BookExpo. #AprilWrapUp

LauraBeth Wow - awesome month!! 7y
Cinfhen Gorgeous graphics and fabulous month...sorry about your loss 😿 7y
Reviewsbylola I'm so sorry about Riley. 😢 7y
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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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Absolutely loved this sequel to The Crown's Game! Magical and enchanting and heartbreaking. #LitsyRecommends #arc #edelweiss

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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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Half way through this and my stomach is in knots, but the magic remains breathtaking! #CurrentlyReading #arc #edelweiss #magicalrealism

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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I wish I could vacation inside this book!

The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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So excited for this arc! #CurrentlyReading #edelweiss

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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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It's #TopTenTuesday Time! Kim and I both come up with the ten books we are most determined to read (but I could easily add a few hundred titles). Check us out at

moarbookspleaze The Hate U Give is phenomenal. 8y
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The Crown's Fate | Evelyn Skye
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I want to read ALL the books! #netgalley #edelweiss #MyTBRisTDB