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Why Mummy Drinks
Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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#CoverLove Day 6: #Yellow. Two very funny books. Joe Lycett can be so funny at times. Plus I love Gil Sims book series.
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Beautiful tableau! ☀️💛🌻 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Gorgeous 💛 3mo
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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I wasn't sure I liked this initially, but I gave it a couple of chapters... LOVED IT.
I think my relationship with my boyfriend is identical to Ellen and Simon (or gadget twat as she calls him) 🤣 I also believe her inlaws may actually be based on mine?! 😆
This was just the light-hearted, fun read that I needed after a couple of heavy books. I've ordered the rest of the series to snigger along to. I should also stock up on wine!

Caroline2 I loved this series too. ❤️ 1y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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This mummy drinks because her kids, boyfriend, family, and clients drive her to it.
Escaping the rabble to have a glass (bottle) of Shiraz and a bubbly bath in peace!
Only the dog hasn't irritated me to some degree today 🤣
You can guarantee I'm not making the Vietnamese pork I had planned for tea. We're having a takeout pizza. Mummy's doing nothing for the rest of the night 🤣

dabbe Yum! What's the best takeout pizza in your area? 🍕 1y
jamield1911 @dabbe we have a place we use religiously around the corner from our house. I get the Greek pizza, which is a stone baked pizza with gyros style chicken and pork, black olives, feta and red onions. It's beautiful! 😍 1y
dabbe @jamield1993 Sounds delicious and healthy! 🤗 1y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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I think every mum in the world has these days 🤣🤣🤣

dabbe 🤣🤣🤣 1y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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Decided i needed a little light read and decided on this enjoying it so far.

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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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I love the why mummy series. They crack me up and are so relatable.
@Cuilin #FridayFeeling.
Thanks for the tag @Eggs
Have you played @Andrew65 @Clwojick @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @veritysalter

Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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Ms_T Thanks for the tag, I‘m interested! 😘 4y
Birdsong28 @Ms_T They are really funny. 📚📖 4y
Andrew65 Thanks for the tag 😊👍 4y
kezzlou85 These books are brilliant. So funny. 4y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims

Meh. I couldn't really relate to the protagonist in this one, not being a mum, so I think a lot of the humour was lost on me. It did give me a couple of laugh out loud moments though when talking about the Gadget Tw*t, very much reminded me of my own partner!

#bookspin #doublespin complete already, now onto the bingo board!! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Great progress!!! 4y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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Day 8 of @Andrew65 's #Top20series #20series20days challenge

This series is so funny. Number 4 isn't actually out till October 15, I have included it as it is the last in the series and if you are new to them then you need to know that this book exists.

I first read Gill Sims's blog on Facebook under the name of Peter and Jane. I don't have kids but I have friends/family members who do and have seen them go through these situations.

TrishB Funnily enough my kids brought me these! 4y
Caroline2 I love this series!!! 😆 4y
Andrew65 Looks good. 4y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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Omg I have not laughed out loud like that for a long time to anyone who is a mom this book will have u laughing 😂

Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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This was brilliant! It was so funny. I loved the way she told you the ideal situation and how she planned to do things with her children and then flipped it around and told you what really happens - absolute chaos 🤣

MicheleinPhilly 😂😂😂 5y
Caroline2 I love these books! Book two is even better!! They crack me up! 😆 5y
suzie.reads @Caroline2 I can't wait to read the next one 😊 5y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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Not going to lie, at the start i didn't really enjoy this book. I felt there was too much sarcasm and use of the word 'Moppets' but about halfway through there was the incidents at Christmas with Louisa and her tribe; the bath oils and and the sperm smoothies; and it had me in hysterics!
I can not wait to start the sequal! So funny! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Why Mommy Drinks | Gill Sims
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Hammock time with my girls. Which of course means I‘m barely reading. 😂

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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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These mega long summer holidays make me want to reach for the #tequila. 😆 I remember this being a fun, easy, little read. Looking forward to reading the next one in the series. #ayupaugust

squirrelbrain Love this! 💕🤪🍸 5y
Cinfhen I can drink to that statement #Cheers 🍹🍸🍷🥂 5y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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I started this last night and am only a few chapters in, but it had me spitting my wine out in laughter multiple times. This should be fun!

#currentread #booksandwine

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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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This is from the author's FB page. 📚📖


Also available though the BBC sounds app/website

Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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I also did a little rearranging and made us a nice area to hold our drinks. 🤞my husband doesn‘t try to take it over with piles of stuff as he does with every available surface we already have.

AmyG Ah, my husband does that. He works from home. We have a joke here. Every pile...we call that a “branch office”. It looks lovely—may it stay that way! (edited) 6y
CocoReads @AmyG mine just sets stuff down and that‘s where it stays until I throw a tantrum. Because if I try to throw away what is obviously junk (how many cabela‘s catalogs does one need?) he gets mad. 6y
CareBear @AmyG “branch office” 🤣 6y
CocoReads I did get a snicker out of “branch office”. So far so good, he added a couple bottles of whiskey to the collection and we had a reasonably pleasant evening. I work nights for the next couple of days and then all day Sat., so we‘ll see how it looks by Sunday. 6y
AmyG My husband saves catalogs all the time. He never buys anything from them. 😳 6y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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GingerAntics Is this in the same vein as “I Want My Epidural Back”? 6y
Birdsong28 @GingerAntics Yes it is. It's fiction tho. It's from the lady who writes the Peter and Jane page on Facebook and she has written Why Mummy Drinks and Why Mummy Swears they are very funny. 6y
GingerAntics I‘m going to have to look into this series. 6y
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GingerAntics They actually change the titles for countries where they say mom instead of mum. That‘s sad. I far prefer mum. 6y
Birdsong28 @GingerAntics I don't think there is any particular way to read it but I would read it in the order they were released which is Why Mummy Drinks then Why Mummy Swears. Enjoy 😀📚📖 6y
Birdsong28 @GingerAntics I prefer mum too! All books do that so it relates to the audience of the country, sometimes it makes it better sometimes it doesn't 📚📖 6y
GingerAntics I‘ve gotten some that stick with Mum. Actually, it seems that the only one that‘s been released on this side of the pond is Why Mummy Drinks. Why Mummy Swears is in pro-order here. Why Mummy Doesn‘t Give A doesn‘t even come up. (edited) 6y
Birdsong28 @GingerAntics This book has just been announced today in the UK so it may be a while that you get it but you will have the two to keep you occupied while you wait. 😀📚📖 6y
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Why Mommy Drinks | Gill Sims
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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I have chosen the tagged book for my #yearlyreadingplan

Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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Good. Enjoyed the entertaining look through a year in the life of a family. Laughed out loud at most of it as I have seen it all happen to friends and family and can relate even though I don't have children myself. Recommend to everyone.


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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims

I was unsure of this book when I picked it up but I was hooked right from the start. Being a mum to a 6 year old boy I completely relate to this book. It has had me gripped all the way through and has been a lovely easy read.

Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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This was so real and very funny. As a mum I could relate to much of this story. We all have those moments of doubt and should talk more. I liked that the book developed through the course of a year touching on all the big moments. The story was interesting and funny. I had a worry it was going to lead to her doing something bad and I'm so glad it didn't.

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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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So cynical and negative. If I want to listen to constant whining I‘ll talk to ....well....anyone. I read to escape reality. This book is too boringly real. But also provides no new perspectives or insights.

Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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All signed up for #bottlesandbooks ! @JoScho

JoScho Yay 😀 thanks for signing up! 7y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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Trying another audiobook that might not put me to sleep 😂😂😂

Birdsong28 Have you seen that she has done another? 📚📖 7y
ARoseByAnyOtherName Wow. Added it to my stack 👍👍 7y
ARoseByAnyOtherName Nope.think the audiobook thing is just not for me. Or I can only audiobook anything I'm NOT interested to read 😂 7y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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I have mixed feelings. Overall I loved this book. Hilarious, great message. But I cannot get over the massive stereotype she has perpetuated about breastfeeding mums. For a book stating 'we're all in this together', the way in which she writes about a character breastfeeding her kids is condescending, and I just can't get over that bit to give it the full 5. 4🌟 from me.

Leniverse What is the stereotype about breastfeeding mums? (In Norway almost all mums breastfeed at least to some degree, but I know that isn't the case in all countries.) 7y
laurieluna @Leniverse the character just whips her top and shouts 'milk time! Who wants to go first?' To all her kids, including the 8 year old. Author then talks about the character having her kids hanging off her tits. I found it a very harsh writing of something so beautiful. Especially in a book thats published I a country with such low breastfeeding rates. Women who breastfeed as stereotyped as exhibitionist by a lot of people. (UK) 7y
Leniverse Urk. 😒 7y
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laurieluna @Leniverse yep. Makes me very nervous whenever I have to feed my 5 month old. I end up covered up all over and rather than enjoying the moment with my baby I'm sat looking around and keeping hold of the muslin I'm using to cover up incase it falls. I would love to live in a country where it's just normal. 7y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @miralunasbooknook that stereotype would make me furious! I'm all about full term breastfeeding but I don't think natural weaning beyond age 7 even occurs, and that's like the outer limit, so this is clearly just badly-researched nonsense. 7y
laurieluna @MommyWantsToReadHerBook exactly, same here! I let my toddler wean himself and will do the same with this baby. The character in question was also a 'New Age Hippy' so again just making it worse. It really is the only thing that ruined this book for me. 7y
Leniverse @MommyWantsToReadHerBook @miralunasbooknook Both of mine weaned themselves at between 2 and 2 1/2. It's not that usual to bf after 1 year in Norway, but it's not considered abnormal either. I'm glad I had my kids before moving to the UK! 7y
laurieluna @Leniverse my first was only 15 months when he. I think because of all the 'when are you going to stop breastfeeding?' questions I got asked I maybe pushed him a little bit to wean, and part of me really wished I'd just relaxed into the journey with him. He didn't put up any resistance, but I'm sure he would have continued! 7y
Leniverse @miralunasbooknook I he didn't object then he was ready. Don't feel bad about this. ? I had to give my firstborn a nudge too. We were down to it just being evening routine and I didn't produce more than a few drops, so I told her "there's no milk here anymore, let's just have a cuddle instead". She just went "ok" and snuggled up to sleep, and that was it. 7y
laurieluna @Leniverse it was night time feeds for us too, he just started falling asleep during his bedtime story instead of falling asleep during a feed. I'm proud I got to where I did and didn't give in to the pressure to stop sooner 😊 those moments are now so precious to me. 7y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @miralunasbooknook @Leniverse nice to know there are fellow breastfeeders on here! 😊 7y
laurieluna @MommyWantsToReadHerBook I'll rope @JennAndrew in on that too! First time I met her she was feeding her little girl and I instantly thought 'I need to be her friend!' 😂 Everyone else I know chose to Formula feed. Was pretty lonely until she came along 😊 x 7y
Eggs Breast is best for a million great reasons!! 7y
JennAndrew @miralunasbooknook @MommyWantsToReadHerBook hi! My youngest weaned just before she was two, so we‘re past those days now, but it‘s bittersweet. Breastfeeding defined me as a mother for nearly 4 years and it was such a precious time. Whilst it‘s the most natural thing in the world, it‘s not always the easiest and a big part of the difficulty is dealing with other people! 7y
laurieluna @Eggs I understand why some people meed to Formula feed, but for me the only choice was breastfeeding for my boys. Much cheaper, and once you get over the hard first few weeks, so much easier. Not having to get out of bed during the night is a win win 😂 7y
JennAndrew It sounds like a very unhelpful character and rather undermines the ‘in it together‘ vibe 🤨. And the hippy thing is mad- most of us do it because of the scientific evidence that it‘s the optimal way to feed! 😤 7y
JennAndrew @miralunasbooknook yes- not getting up ftw! 😄 7y
laurieluna @JennAndrew hear hear! 7y
laurieluna @JennAndrew yeah! The scientific evidence was the biggest reason for me. 7y
Eggs I used to get flak for doing it beyond 6 months but weaning is a personal decision between you and your baby. One of mine weaned herself at 13 mos, another at 18 mos 7y
laurieluna @Eggs I had the whole "no benefits past 6 months" thrown at me. I always countered that evidence says otherwise! 7y
Eggs People can be rude. I would never remark negatively to a mom who formula feeds; none of my business 7y
laurieluna @Eggs I know. Sadly breasts have become a commodity and if they're not being used to sell something (including yourself!) Then people don't like it. I feel like women have had an amazing power taken away from them because of how overly sexualised our bodies are. 😧 7y
Eggs But, context, people!! Female bodies are exquisite and powerful! We grow babies and birth them and feed them with our human-juice! We are richly hormone-diverse! Among other fabulous things. But people fear the humanness of it all, the intimacy of the mother/infant bond through feeding. But yeah it's all about the 'sell it with sex' 7y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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Come for the title. Stay for the funny, honest, relatable story.

Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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So very jealous of all your #24in48 posts! This is my current view. Partner away at a wedding, toddler making a mess, baby refusing to be put down and I'm still in PJs. Maybe I can join in in a few years yeah?! 😂

Grise Hehe. This is my life, too. I‘m not even sure I have 24 hours of reading time every MONTH, let alone in one single weekend. If I had 24 hrs to myself this weekend, I would sleep. That‘s it 🤷‍♀️😊 7y
laurieluna @Grise Amen to that! 🙌 I asked my partner for 2 hours to myself at some point this weekend, away from kids and mess. Have I had them? Nope. And as soon as he gets back from the wedding he's travelling straight to London for work. 😩 I love my boys but sometimes I need some quiet to stay sane! 7y
Andrea4 Just so you know, I looked at this picture and it made me smile- it looks like love and joy and laughter! That's pretty awesome! 7y
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Tamra Amen! 🤗 7y
OrangeMooseReads Ahh the joys of motherhood 😊😆 .... 🤞🏽here‘s hoping you get at least a little bit to maybe shower and change clothes (edited) 7y
laurieluna @Andrea4 it is a lot of fun, until I have to tidy it all up 😂 I just love the fact he's more interested in books and building blocks than the television. Meant I got to watch Robin Hood Prince of Thieves while trapped on the sofa! 😂 7y
laurieluna @OrangeMooseReads partner is on his way home now, as soon as he walks through the door I'm getting a bath! 7y
Scurvygirl 😿💜💜 7y
Andrea4 always an upside! 7y
Reviewsbylola Yep, I can relate to this! 7y
laurieluna @Reviewsbylola it's hard isn't it? In the bath now. Can hear partner downstairs trying to cook tea while managing them both! And I have read some of my book! 🙌 7y
ashleyamak I am right there with you! Husband away since Monday and trying to keep up with my toddler while trying to keep the baby happy. 7y
minkyb And then you become an empty nester and recall only fond memories of toddler, infant days! 7y
laurieluna @ashleyamak 🙌 so glad I'm not alone, full support and love to you! None of my 3 best friends have kids so it's hard to find people to relate to! 7y
laurieluna @minkyb I have no doubt I will miss these days when they're gone, but it's hard to keep that in mind when theres so much going on around you! 😂 x 7y
melyndarae That's how I felt. I wanted to do it but between school, kids, and everything else I knew I wouldn't have the time to commit. 7y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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I can neither confirm nor deny that I was making the toddler Cheesy pasta when I reached the 5:30pm entry....
I laughed. Hard.
I also gave him fruit for afters 😂

CherryPie 😂 7y
bedandabook I follow her feed on FB and the posts are hilarious! Must get round to getting this book. 7y
laurieluna @bedandabook I've never seen her facebook as I don't use it, it was my partner who picked this up and told me to get it. He knows me so well! 7y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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tpixie Is Gill Sims a Litten? 7y
Birdsong28 @tpixie I don't know I have suggested it on one of her posts on Facebook but I don't know if she has read it. This is from her Facebook page tonight. 📚📖 7y
tpixie Thx! Sounds like a fun read! 7y
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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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Less than $5. How could I not?! Ok, so this year I will not to buy anything new, with the exception of a book for book club if it isn‘t available any other way. Attacking my own TBR - both hard copies and eBooks is the plan - as many others have posted about! But really, if it doesn‘t happen it doesn‘t matter .
I did do a massive clean out of books on my shelf a couple of years ago. Got sick of the pressure of them so donated them unread.

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Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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I laughed out loud at this paragraph! It‘s like she is living my life 😂 Such a fantastic author.

Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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Anyone else follow peter and jane on FB, if not its really good, this is her first book looks really funny!

Tip: Don't buy on Amazon as its £12.48 but get it in Asda as its £4 or Tesco £6 or 2 for £7 in both! 📚📖

Why Mummy Drinks | Gill Sims
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On Facebook I follow a blog called Peter and Jane its all about this author and her family life. Its very funny and worth reading everyday. This her first book its fiction so its probably loosely based on her so buy it and enjoy!!!

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