I avoided picking this up because I didn‘t see how a sequel could live up to the original. I was wrong, this book was wonderful and the best YA exploration of healing from trauma I‘ve ever read hidden inside a WW2 story.
I avoided picking this up because I didn‘t see how a sequel could live up to the original. I was wrong, this book was wonderful and the best YA exploration of healing from trauma I‘ve ever read hidden inside a WW2 story.
I really love this MG series about two evacuated children during WWII in England. The characters touch your heart even when they are being stubborn and irrational. #BookedInTime #WWII
This is must read middle grade historical fiction. Read the first book first. I HIGHLY recommend these on audio.
#MGMarch book 7
"The war I finally won" is the second book too "the war that saved my life" it wasn't as good as the first one but it was still quite good. I think both of the books showed very well how a person with a disability would live.
Unexpectedly, I loved the sequel as much as the first book. If you like historical fiction grab these.
Book 71
I listened to this sequel to The War That Saved My Life about a British girl with a club foot that was sent to the country to be safe from bombings during WWII. It's a feel-good historical fiction novel, appropriate for young readers, with a strong female lead. The voice actor's voicing of children is grating and makes it hard to like the main character. 3.5 stars
This second book was an excellent read! The setting of WWII is interesting and I was pulled into Ada‘s world once again.
“If I started letting myself feel afraid I would never be able to stop.”
This book is good for my classroom because it tells a story of someone who is experience life during world war 2.
The War I Finally Won by Kimberly Bradley was an amazing book to read. It is about a girl and her brother as they go through World War 2. This book follows the journey of Ada after she gets surgery on her clubfoot. The book is the second book written about Ada and her journey. I really enjoyed reading this book and really suggest it for others to read.
“You can know things all you like, but that doesn't mean you believe them.“
If I'm being honest, I wouldn't use this book in my classroom just because the storyline didn't make that much sense and it was very exaggerated/ made up to the point where it didn't seem realistic to fit into the Historical Fiction category.
The War I Finally Won written by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. Chapter 1 p.1-9. Tells the story about two siblings who move in with their guardian to escape not only the war raging on in Europe, but also family secrets. This book is fictional yet has facts that make it true and interesting.
page 362, “it fell in a long burning arc. It roared straight past the steeple, missing us by feet, not miles, and crashed with a horrible squeak of twisted metal and a shattering of bricks and glass right onto the village main street”
This story is a sequel. Although I hadn‘t read the other book prior to this, it is a good read and easy to grasp the story still. I would like to go back and read the first one.
The War I Finally Won is set during the time of WW2 and is a historical fiction book. It discusses the dangerous world, but is all in the view point of a child. Ada is only 10 but had to learn a lot as the story progressed-about trust, safety, and more. I would read this to older elementary students so it would be better comprehended and because of the raw, realness brought up in this fiction story.
#2After surviving a war and clubfoot for 10 years, Ada‘s life is finally taking a turn for the better. Her clubfoot is gone, and she has a caring guardian and her only brother. Yet outside of her perfect world, the war still rages on. People are dying, but none of it truly matters until someone close to her dies. But in only goes downhill from here. The government claimed her best friends house, and they moved in. (Continued in comments)
Love the sequel to “The War That Saved My Life” as Ada learns how to overcome fears, fight for what‘s right, and deal with grief.
This is gorgeous. Brubaker Bradley builds a brilliant ending to Ada's story as she continues to learn how to exist in a world that is safe from her mam but in danger from World War II. Moving, thoughtful story of this girl's fight against fear and of the way she moves into a family cobbled together by odd circumstances. I can't wait to see the author tonight at the Pence MS literacy night!!
Children's book I've never read! Is it cheating if it's a children's book that didn't yet exist when I was a child? Okay. January's not yet over and I'm half done with #PBNread2019
Yes I stayed up all night to read a book aimed at kids ages 9-12. It was totally worth it, too.
Ollie's haul 😊 #bookhaul
I started this on Sunday during a bit of downtime in my rehearsal. But now I find myself torn between reading it (I‘ve been dying to read it since I finished the first one months ago) and working on this wedding gift for a friend. It‘s crocheting up quickly, so no worries about making the deadline (early February) but the yarn feels so soft and it‘s hard to put it down!
@IamIamIam @BrittanyReads #crochetersofLitsy
The second book in a series is not usually as strong. I enjoyed this one as much as the first one. Ada is such a loveable character in her brokenness. Great backdrop was WWII.
ALL THE STARS - Kimberly Brubaker Bradley has done it again ❤️ I might have enjoyed this sequel more than The War That Saved My Life! She writes with such powerful and straightforward prose, perfectly capturing the viewpoint of a child. If you like historical fiction, her books are must reads. If ever there was a case for expanding your reading as an adult to some middle grade writing, her work is very persuasive.
I don‘t know that I liked this as much as the first book, but I still enjoyed it. The characters are (purposely, I think) hard to like at times, but they earn their redemption by the end.
I would be Jamie, if I were in WWII England. Cats totally mourn. (But also dislike armbands) 😽
Next up on my reading workday..
I enjoyed reading the continuation of Ada‘s story and watching her grow and trust. I hope there is a third book to get the readers to the end of the war.
To celebrate my 31st birthday I bought an electronic device so old the college kid at the register didn‘t know what it was. 🤣 🎧 💿
I finished The War That Saved My Life, which was fantastic and I‘m glad they had a second book!
This book just made me cry for the first, and probably not the last, time. I have no words to describe how wonderful it is.
I was out early this morning, but all I kept thinking about was getting home, jumping into my new pj‘s and finishing this book. Gah. If I could eat it, I would! If I wasn‘t feeling so lazy, I‘d go out and buy BOTH books in this series in hardback at Barnes and Noble. I only own the first book on Kindle, but I just enjoyed them so much...I‘d like to cuddle with them. Definitely amongst my favs of 2017. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
#middlegrade #kidlit #lifefactory
I dreamt about THE WAR THAT SAVED MY LIFE last night. I think it really moved me. So on to the sequel this morning. Feeling so exhausted but a morning of lying around should put me right.
I got this bookmark at Barnes and Noble the other day because it‘s so cute! I‘m always saying this especially around bedtime. Matches the book perfectly!
#CurrentlyReading #MiddleGrade #KidLit #bookmark
Interlibrary loan for the win! Look what I finally have, @Bucklingbkshelf! (If only they hadn't put a sticker over half the cover.) Now I just need to finish my book club book so I can read it!
Today‘s read. I‘ve got a friend coming over to help cull my yarn stash and do some packing, but I have a few hours for reading this morning.
Two #new additions from my local indie! Both were on the bestseller 25% off shelf which I‘m a complete sucker for. The sequel is queued up for after my #buddyread of The War That Saved My Life with @smilingshelves And the story collection is illustrated and GORGEOUS. I haven‘t read the Grisha trilogy yet, but have heard this can stand on its own. #30daysofreadathon