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Skinny Dip
Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
24 posts | 67 read | 14 to read
Chaz Perrone might be the only marine scientist in the world who doesnt know which way the Gulf Stream runs. He might also be the only one who went into biology just to make a killing, and now hes found a waydoctoring water samples so that a ruthless agribusiness tycoon can continue illegally dumping fertilizer into the endangered Everglades. When Chaz suspects that his wife, Joey, has figured out his scam, he pushes her overboard from a cruise liner into the night-dark Atlantic. Unfortunately for Chaz, his wife doesnt die in the fall. Clinging blindly to a bale of Jamaican pot, Joey Perrone is plucked from the ocean by former cop and current loner Mick Stranahan. Instead of rushing to the police and reporting her husbands crime, Joey decides to stay dead and (with Micks help) screw with Chaz until he screws himself. As Joey haunts and taunts her homicidal husband, as Chazs cold-blooded cohorts in pollution grow uneasy about his ineptitude and increasingly erratic behavior, as Mick Stranahan discovers that six failed marriages and years of island solitude havent killed the reckless romantic in him, were taken on a hilarious, full-throttle, pure Hiaasen ride through the warped politics and mayhem of the human environment, and the human heart. BONUS: This edition includes an excerpt from Carl Hiaasen's Bad Monkey.
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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Deadpan & hilarious attempted murder mystery 😆You find out who & how the murder was attempted. Then the rest of the book is constructing the why. Highly satisfying 📚

JamieArc I loved this one. I got my copy at a library sale and found tucked inside a newspaper clipping about a woman who went missing from a cruise ship and the husband was suspected! 2y
StaceGhost @JamieArc ahhhh! That‘s so great! Obviously very sad for the woman who was murdered. The guy in the book is certainly a schmuck. Art imitates life? Life imitates art? Either way, I love finding little bits tucked into used books— so cool! 2y
Lynnsoprano I love Hiassen‘s books. For someone like me who lives in South Florida, there are always recognizable places and characters, even if the name has been changed. 2y
StaceGhost @Lynnsoprano that‘s awesome 😎 I loved his sense of humor here and how he made Florida almost another character, acting on the plot the same as the rest 2y
Lynnsoprano @StaceGhost That‘s one of the best descriptions of his books I‘ve seen. Florida really is a character! 2y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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I‘m not even sure if I liked this book but I kept reading and wondering what was going to happen. It reads like a satire or comedy which was not what I was expecting. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Christy2318 Hiaasen books are always kind of ridiculous crazy humor. He often writes a story sparked by some crazy news article. People even send him articles. Think the the Florida man & date search and you have the makings of a Hiaasen novel. 3y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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After purchasing it at a library sale years ago, this book has been waiting to be my summer read for a long time. I‘m so glad I finally got to it! Who knew murder could be so funny? Reminiscent of Christopher Moore, this screwball plot and quirky cast of characters hooked me and made me laugh a lot. Just as interesting - finding a newspaper clipping in the book of a husband who went missing from a cruise! Highly recommend this super fun read.

Traci1 I love Hiassen's stuff. 3y
JamieArc @Traci1 This is the first of his that I‘ve read. What others do you recommend? 3y
Traci1 @JamieArc The first book in the Skink series is Double Whammy. I liked that one a lot. Bad Monkey is another good one. And I like his kid/ya books like Hoot and Flush (two different books not one called hoot and flush). All of his that I've read have a sort of environmental activism bent. 3y
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JamieArc @Traci1 Thanks! 3y
JamieArc @Traci1 I just saw that Bad Monkey is being adapted for TV, so perhaps I‘ll start there. 3y
Traci1 @JamieArc ooh I didn't know about that. 3y
CarolynM I read tagged book years ago and loved it. I don't know why I haven't read any others 3y
DivineDiana Sounds fun! Stacked! I can relate to saving a book for a season. I also had a used library book on my shelves for years waiting for a Summer Read! Finally, finished it! 3y
AlaMich I read this on a cruise a long time ago. It was very apropos! 3y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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Current Beach Read. My first Hiaasen and really enjoying it.

Reggie He can be so hilarious at times. 3y
BarbaraBB This one was so fun! 3y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen

Confession: I devour every single thing Carl Hiaasen writes, and am never disappointed. In addition to just enjoying their for their entertainment value, they particularly resonate with me as someone who was born and raise and continues to be embarrassed by her home state of Florida. I love them all, but for some reason, Skinny Dip is the one I‘ve reread the most. I want Mick Stranahan, Joey Perrone, and the incomparable Skink in my life!

Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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#litsyspringbreak #cruise

This fun madcap adventure of a story begins when a women gets tossed off a cruise liner. I read this years ago and laughed out loud. I definitely need more Hiaasen in my life.

JamieArc This has been on my TBR for a while. I need to finally get to it! 4y
mrp27 @JamieArc It‘s a fun read for sure! 4y
TheKidUpstairs Madcap is a word that doesn't get used often enough! 4y
mrp27 @TheKidUpstairs Ha!! It's definitely a fun word. 4y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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Et voilà, my September #Bookspin list.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
janeycanuck You have lovely penmanship! ❤️ 4y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen

This was my first adult encounter with Haissen, I loved hoot as a kid when it came out and finally got around to reading one of his adult novels. Easy read, perfect for the beach/pool, might pick up another one for summer but heard a lot of his plots are repetitive... but I usually have to figure it out on my own

Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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The only #skinny book I've read. It was a lot of fun.

#SisforSeptember @CaliforniaCay

Blaire Hiaasen makes for great beach reads/road trip books. 6y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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Chaz invites his wife on a cruise and one night, while they are out at sea, he must have thought #sheaintworthit and throws her overboard. Unfortunately she‘s a good swimmer. An amusing read. #heatofjuly

Soubhiville I laughed a ton listening to this audio. His books are all fun, but I especially love his kids/ YA stuff. 6y
Mdargusch Good one! I remember really liking this book years ago. 6y
Cinfhen I thought he only wrote kid stuff, book sounds fun 6y
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BarbaraBB @Cinfhen And I didn‘t know he writes kid stuff! It‘s a fun read indeed, at least it was when I read it years ago, just like @Mdargusch 6y
KarenUK @cinfhen Correct! 😂👍💕 6y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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#readingresolutions #swimming

A murder mystery that takes you into the swampy Everglades of Florida. I love Hiaasen's books as they are laced with snarky humor and environmental consciousness.

Crystalblu Great summer reads! 6y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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Logging lots of reading time on this rainy day. #florida #quotes #rainydayreadathon

BookaholicNatty It‘s soooo hot here today makes you want to skinny dip 😂😂😂 6y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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Day 22: Male Author
I‘m not generally into books with environmental or political themes but Carl Hiaasen‘s sense of humor keeps me coming back for more! A native Floridian (I didn‘t know those existed! 😂), his books take place here in the sunshine (swamp) state and generally feature quirky characters and some kind of fun crime/mystery. His YA books are also worth checking out as well!
#ReadingResolutions @Jess7

Mdargusch Great collage. I love his humor. 6y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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#bookmail The pop sugar challenge has a category for a book mentioned in another book. Lucas Davenport picks up this book in an airport in Twisted Prey. I haven‘t read any Hiaasen before, but he‘s been on my “Want to try” list for years. Maybe this will be the year.

Also-gratuitous picture of #bailey for your enjoyment and her annoyance. 😂😂


Mdargusch Cutie! Hiaason is nice and light. (edited) 6y
DGRachel @Mdargusch I‘m hoping he can fill the Elmore Leonard hole in my reading life. 😊 6y
Blaire Hiaasen is generally a fun quick read. I enjoy these as audiobooks when we drive to Florida. He captures the state‘s quirkiness. 6y
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Jadams89 I read this one right before I got on a cruise. I loved it, but the timing was bad 😂 6y
DGRachel @Blaire That‘s exactly what I‘m looking for, something to ease the homesickness. 😊 6y
ladym30 What a sweet face! 6y
DGRachel @ladym30 Thanks! She‘s a loon. 😂 6y
Hooked_on_books I love Hiassen! He‘s a little crazy. And what a sweet pup. 🐶💙 6y
Reggie Hiassen is hilarious!!!! As funny as he is you kinda feel bad for Florida. Lol 6y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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I high five this book. It's no wonder Hiassen and Christopher Moore are constantly raving about one another. They clearly were separated at birth their sense of humors are so similar.

Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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Oh I love this book. For fans of Christopher Moore, dive into Carl Hiassen for whizz-worthy laughter. :D

Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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It's funny because it's true

Bookzombie So true! 7y
Librarianaut And how!!! 7y
TheLibrarian 😂 if only it wasn't true. 7y
LauraBrook Wow, so true it hurts. 7y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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These were the first books I thought of when I saw the prompt for #feistyfeb today. The #candycolouredcovers are just so bright!!

DGRachel Perfect! 8y
Zelma Great choice. Tim Dorsey is the other author that fits this prompt really well too. 8y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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I don't know about the Goodwill stores in other states, but the one near me has a huge book selection. These 5 books were under $5 to purchase. That is a huge score to me🤗

Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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Another book (number three but the first audiobook) finished for #bookisholympics. Definitely a quirky and unique voice but it would make you think twice about living in Florida!

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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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The ultimate #laidbackbook, best read on a Florida beach with a pina colada in hand.

Melkyl Yes ❤️ 8y
TheSpinecrackersBookClub Would love to be there right now. 8y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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It's pink and green and a perfect beach read. #augustphotochallenge #recommendsday

TheSpinecrackersBookClub The title and the beach sure does work together. 8y
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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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So far a very good summer read

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Skinny Dip | Carl Hiaasen
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I loved this book when I read it a few years ago and today I found it in this Free Library box in the way to the Coronado (CA) 4th of July Parade. I left it for someone else to enjoy. And Carl Hiaason is coming to speak in San Diego in Sept.

Reviewsbylola Our local little free library is really sparse and pathetic. I keep meaning to drop off some books. 8y
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