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Love Anthony
Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
Two women in Nantucket, dealing with their own separate issues of death and heartbreak, find solace in each other's friendship.
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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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Our time is split between two women. Beth whose husband has just left her for a work colleague. And Olivia whose son died age 8. Their stories entwine 68% of the way into the book and only for a few pages.

I'm not sure what was the project of this book, what the author was aiming for. It's flat, leads nowhere and for a book about Autism, it doesn't educate or enlighten at all.

Compared to her other titles this is weak.

julieclair Great honest review! 7mo
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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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A little #weekendreads fun @rachelsbrittain

1. Love Anthony (Lisa Genova); Think Again (Adam Grant)
2. The Sparrow (Mary Doria Russell) + the sequel, Children of God. I have read them both at least 3 times.
3. Breasts: A Natural And Unnatural History (Florence Williams) is currently sitting in an online shopping cart but haven't pulled the trigger yet

jlhammar Yes, loved The Sparrow! Have yet to read the sequel. Need to remedy that. 3y
CuriousG @jlhammar I was very nervous to read the sequel as I didn't want it to potentially ruin my love of The Sparrow. Fortunately, I also love Children of God. 3y
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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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Taking my first day off of work in almost a month so naturally I'm curling up with a book. Have loved everything I've read from Lisa Genova so hoping this is the same.

bnp First day off in a month? Enjoy! hope reading redcharges you. 3y
CuriousG @bnp I really shouldn't complain as I had taken a semester off of work in the fall, but the return to work has been rough! The reading and relaxing today is definitely helpful though. 3y
RedxoHearts The best way to spend an off day and relax! Cute dog too :) 3y
CuriousG @RedxoHearts Thanks - he is pretty adorable 😊 3y
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Yes, in a way I loved the book. And yes, I always was reluctant to put it down. And yes, now I‘m sad that it‘s over.

But pleeaase. ? All those cliché-unfolding last 50-60 pages. That‘s the kind of plot line l – prejudice! – call typically U.S. American. ? Why does it always need to be so sentimental ❓ ? Beth and Jimmy were far more relatable to me than Olivia and David. Although I know how a marriage can go down the drain if you raise a ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Buechersuechtling (Continued, 1/2) special-needs-child, I in some respect absolutely lack understanding for both parents. How can a father run from his family and leave it with its problems alone⁉️ Father, it‘s your child as well and every caretaker needs support. No room for constant selfishness. And please, what is it good for to rail against your child‘s disability for 8️⃣ long years⁉️ 😡 (edited) 4y
Buechersuechtling (Continued, 2/2)
Go, look for chances for it and for the abilities it has, instead of pitying _yourself_. 🤮 Go, ask for help. Communicate, weave a network. But never sit around being disappointed because of all the opportunities you miss because of your child‘s demands. Mother, no constant selfishness for you, either. You both must always remember Khalil Gibran: https://bit.ly/3u6Jtxu. 🔚
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I‘ve got a bit of a crush on Beth‘s “What-I-need-to-feel-...”-list.

It‘s the assignment she and her husband Jimmy got from the marriage therapist they decided to see. At first, I couldn‘t understand why it‘s so difficult for Beth to articulate her needs. Especially after Jimmy accomplished this surprisingly quickly …
But then …
Now that I see the outcome I can definitely say it was worth the wait.

I might even steal some of her points. 💗

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🇬🇧 “Her voice now sounds hollow and trembles with anger.
She hates that she cries every time she‘s angry, like she‘s wired wrong emotionally. Her heart hammers to confirm her anger, her glowing hot face feels her anger, and her mind understands the reasons for her anger, but her eyes take up all this information and come to the conclusion: She is sad. Produce tears.” (p. 177)

⬆️⬆️⬆️ This‼️🤩
Who else feels like that‘s exactly how it is❓

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?? „Ihre Stimme klingt jetzt hohl und zittert vor Wut.
Sie blinzelt Tränen zurück. Sie hasst es, dass sie jedes Mal weint, wenn sie wütend ist, als wäre sie emotional falsch verdrahtet. Ihr Herz hämmert, um ihre Wut zu bekräftigen, ihr glühend heißes Gesicht spürt ihre Wut, und ihr Verstand begreift die Gründe für ihre Wut, aber ihre Augen nehmen all diese Informationen auf und kommen zu dem Schluss: Sie ist traurig. Macht Tränen.“ (Seite 177)

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Again, it‘s time to ask a question to my U.S. American Littens. In this book I am reading there was this scene where the autistic son had a fit because his mother wanted to drive-by a drugstore.

Don‘t you have the possibility to get a (grant for a) home help or someone who “babysits”your special-needs-child while you go shopping or see your own doctors or something like that❓

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Another #Two4Tuesday by @TheSpineView – thanks for always coming up with new ideas, Lisa‼️ And thanks for tagging me, @RamsFan1963 🤗

1️⃣ No, not really. They offer many events for kids and teens and also some popular lecturers – but for kids and teens I‘m too old, and with the last pre-pandemic look I took there were no helpful topics concerning the lectures. 🤷🏽‍♀️

2️⃣ Seldom, but yeah. I go there since I‘m a kindergarten-kid, so I ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Buechersuechtling (Continued, 1/1) know almost everything like the back of my hand but if I don‘t find what I‘m looking for or am in a hurry: Sure, I ask for support. 🔚 4y
TheSpineView Thanks for playing and happy Tuesday! 😀 4y
bthegood Thx I played yesterday - usually just books and yes I ask for help finding things - I love the library and one of my local libraries is open again!! Make a great day. 4y
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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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Book 18 Another well-researched, medical-condition-based novel by Genova--this one's about autism. Set on a small island popular for summer vacations, an aspiring author writes a book from the perspective of a autistic boy as she faces marital problems. Another woman on the island tries to pick up the pieces of her life after divorce and the death of her child. It was easy to read and engaging; I really enjoyed the novel within the novel. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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(page 133)

⬆️⬆️⬆️ ❤️❤️❤️ I hear you, because I very well remember times in my life where I did, too.

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🇬🇧 “And now, having gathered together the elements and the power they need, these many images and sounds in the shadow of their minds fit together through a neurological alchemy that has never been described in any book, first to a chorus, and then, finally, to a single voice together. The shadow is no longer a shadow, it has become an inspiration.” (p. 112)

⬆️⬆️⬆️ Never have I read something more beautiful about the kiss of a muse. 💗

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?? „Und jetzt, nachdem sie die Elemente und die Kraft, die sie benötigen, gesammelt haben, fügen sich diese vielen Bilder und Geräusche im Schatten ihres Verstandes durch eine neurologische Alchemie, die in noch keinem Buch beschrieben wurde, erst zu einem Chor, und dann, schließlich, zu einer einzigen Stimme zusammen. Der Schatten ist kein Schatten mehr. Er ist zu einer Inspiration geworden.“ (Seite 112)

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?? „Schließlich erreicht Olivia die Kasse. Sie begrüßt die Kassiererin mit einem freundlichen Hallo, packt ihre Einkäufe ein, trägt ihren Leinenbeutel zum Jeep und fährt nach Hause.“ (Seite 99)

?? “Finally, Olivia reaches the cash register. She greets the cashier with a friendly hello, packs her groceries, carries her linen bag to the jeep and drives home.” (p. 99)

⬆️⬆️⬆️ Another one for you, my U.S. Littens. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Buechersuechtling (continued, 1/1) Because the media taught me so, I thought that in every U.S. store there are people standing behind the cash register who put your groceries in paper bags for you. Not❓🔚 (edited) 4y
Ruthiella Depends on the store and the State. Most stores use plastic instead of paper now. 4y
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And even if …

It‘s only “the people”. 🙄

🎶 “Let people talk and just don‘t listen, most people have nothing bad in mind. It is their monotonous life that torments them and the day becomes more interesting when you tell fairy tales. Let people talk, as long as people talk, they don‘t do anything worse. And you can afford a little hypocrisy. Stay polite and don‘t say anything. That‘s what annoys them the most.” 🎶

👉🏼 https://bit.ly/3d8TvYZ

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🇬🇧 “Beth [...] deliberately kept her statement concise and indefinite [...], A futile attempt to protect the girls from having the kind of father that would betray their mother. Therefore, they know that he no longer lives at home, but they do not know the ugly reason [...] It‘s only a matter of time before everyone, including his three beautiful daughters, will know it.” (p. 37)

⬆️⬆️⬆️ Oh girl, it‘s him, not you, no need for _you_ to worry.

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?? „Beth […] blieb bei ihrer Erklärung bewusst knapp und unbestimmt […], Ein vergeblicher Versuch, die Mädchen davor zu schützen, die Art von Vater zu haben, der ihre Mutter betrügen würde. Daher wissen sie, dass er nicht mehr zu Hause wohnt, aber sie wissen den hässlichen Grund nicht. Noch nicht. […] es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis alle, einschließlich seiner drei hübschen Töchter, es wissen werden.“ (Seite 37)

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📸: https://bit.ly/2Nur38X

Reading and in parallel researching where “everything” is set. 💛💚💙

Let‘s hear it for Information Age‼️ 😍

To my in this moment eremitical inclined self Nantucket in Winter sounds like paradise.

Can some of the U.S. Littens confirm❓😊

vlwelser I've heard it's pretty barren out there in the winter. But we get some wicked snow storms. I'm not sure I'd want to be out there if the power went out for a while. 4y
Buechersuechtling @vlwelser You‘re making a good point there. Gormless as I am I just thought of the fantastic opportunity to read in peace, snuggled up in a cosy blanket – maybe with a fireplace – and now and then glimpsing out of the window to watch the elements. 4y
vlwelser That does sound wonderful in theory. I'm a pessimist. 4y
Buechersuechtling @vlwelser 😂🙌🏼🤗 4y
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Excuse the badly with light and shadow balanced photo. But still I there with declare open the improvised winter garden season, consisting of an armchair being turned around to catch the sunshine coming in through my glass balcony door. 💛🌺

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Okay book – you got me. I‘m hooked but so tired. 🥱


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On track for #AnyWayYou-Readathon hosted by @kimmypete1 @Eggbeater @MidnightBookGirl

✅ 1 nice late breakfast. 🥣😋

✅ Enjoy being and (audio)reading. ❤️

✅ Finish 🇩🇪 „Der Feind in meinem Kopf“ / 🇬🇧 “The Enemy inside my Head” that really did me good.

✅ Start 🇩🇪 „Der Liebe eine Stimme geben“ / 🇬🇧 “Love Anthony”.

Looking forward to this. I feel after “working” on myself I need some fiction.

Book 2 for #FabulousFebruary by @Andrew65 ‼️

Andrew65 Going great 👏👏👏 4y
Buechersuechtling @Andrew65 Thank you. Are you (feeling) better❓ Last thing I remember is that you had a demanding time at work. 4y
Andrew65 Have a week off this week thankfully. Work been demanding but have also had a family COvID bereavement to deal with so been a difficult period. After half-term will be preparing for all children to return to school again, presumably on 8th March. Challenging time to be principal / head of a school, or even a teacher, Thanks for asking, hope all good for you. 4y
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Buechersuechtling @Andrew65 (1/2) I apologise for my question if it re-opens the sores and the grief. I didn‘t mean to be tactless. – I am okay. My muscle pain got better (let‘s hear it for pharmaceutical industry), my job at the moment is no longer a rat race (I enjoy that as long as it lasts), but my father is severely ill with one disease (not COVID-19 but bad enough) and now is … 4y
Buechersuechtling @Andrew65 (2/2) … developing another severe life changing condition. *sigh* But I allowed myself to take the weekend off to have some me-time and to deal with this again from tomorrow on. – I hope you‘re having supportive people around you. Take care of you, be kind and indulgent to yourself and always remember there‘s Littens here that will distract and support you if you feel like it. 🤗 4y
Andrew65 @Buechersuechtling It was not tactless at all, and it shows you care. 😊 Sympathise about your father, it was my mother in law who died in mid January. We‘re doing as well as we can and unfortunately so many families affected 😔 She was 89 so had a good life and dementia meant her quality of life was deteriorating. The support from everyone has been great and my chair of governors made sure I took a few days off at least. (edited) 4y
Andrew65 @Buechersuechtling Me time at the moment is important for all of us and that is what I am planning to do this week during half-term. Take care and know you are in my thoughts as you deal with the myriad of issues caused by your father‘s illness. (edited) 4y
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I was browned off. After I didn‘t enjoy that Rebecca-Solnit-book for very long, I decided, to right away go and borrow 2 books in a row from my online library. In case one, again, doesn‘t suit me, I‘ll have another.

This is book 2.

Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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1. I‘ve been: babysitter, cashier, gas bar attendant, Respite worker, call center agent, receptionist & I spent years being a Girl Friday on all kinds of different construction type jobs.

2. 🎶📚😻

Thanks @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Sunraven for the tags🥰

* Count yourself tagged if your interested in playing😊

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks What is a Girl Friday?? 5y
DieAReader I read this in a book once & basically a under glorified errand girl. Anything from fetching water/food to unexpected hardware store trips & end of job clean-up. A daunting job at times to me but dad always says it‘s helpful for all those little things (that add up way to quickly) he doesn‘t need to stop to do. 5y
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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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Another example of what your #BuzzwordBookathon TNR might look like if your #Buzzword is #Love ❤️


Bookwormjillk Cool idea! 5y
BookishMe Awesomeness 5y
BookishMe I actually have couple of titles with this buzzword in my library pile - 5y
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Clwojick @BookishMe ❤️❤️❤️ so happy you‘ll be joining us. 5y
BookishMe I was so surprised how many titles with 'Love' I have on my list! Just to tick them off my TBR, I think I will start with this #buzzword as well 😉 5y
BookishMe And I don't even read romance all that much! Lol... But there are some promising books with that word and I suspect not all have to do with romance ;)) 5y
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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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The story of an accidental friendship that gives a grieving mother a priceless gift: the ability to understand the thoughts of her eight-year-old autistic son and make sense of his brief life.

Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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This was my first time reading anything by Lisa Genova, and honestly, I was hoping for better. I was intrigued at first and found the chapters from the autistic boy‘s perspective to be really insightful, but I think the weirdly contrived spiritualism that ties the story and the main characters together kind of threw a wrench into my enjoyment. I‘ll definitely try another by this author, but this one just didn‘t quite work for me.

Ang203l She definitely has better ones. When I saw you list it as currently reading I got sad for you 😂 5y
LeafingThroughLife @Ang203l LOL! Why didn‘t you saaaave me? Eh it wasn‘t that bad....it just wasn‘t that good either. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
Ang203l @LeafingThroughLife sorry!!!! 😅🤣 I generally tend to be the worst! Still Alice is probably my favorite of hers. 5y
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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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Wow, this is relatable. 😡😭🤷🏻‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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I personally loved Anthony's perspective. I didn't think I would in the beginning but it feels genuine. The representation of his voice lifts a veil of hardship and sadness that I typically have viewed ASD under. Not to lessen the validity of either for any parent, but to better understand a POV from the person with the disorder.

No big twist or surprise, it was obvious a mile away. I could hardly wait until the obvious happened. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

bumpinthenight I fricken love that cute little pumpkin.
Nute I read Still Alice. That was heart wrenching. I didn‘t think that I was ready for this author again especially with the topics she writes about, but your comment “lifting the veil of hardship and sadness” begs me to reconsider. 5y
nichollinlove @Nute I haven't read Still Alice but have read reviews saying the writing isn't as good in Love Anthony. The author left everything on the table for the most part, and I didn't mind in this case. I really took to the parts that were being told from the perspective of the boy with ASD. It's easy to see the hard parts of most any disorder or disease, Anthony himself gave voice to the beauty and simplicity of his. I reccomend on his behalf the most. 5y
Nute Love this thoughtful review!💕 5y
melissajayne As someone who lives with ASD on a daily basis, it is hard and feels like a constant struggle at times. 5y
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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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What I do with a book VS what he does with a book 🤦🏼‍♀️

YO - I'm reading that potholder!! 😂😂

** Seriously, this book is a tearjerker. Can't wait to review when I'm finished!!

MemoirsForMe 😂😂😂 5y
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@Jnnlb made me curious about Lisa Genova‘s books. I saw the film made of „Still Alice“ in the cinema and felt quite the same about it as Jennifer does of her books.

So I browsed my library‘s catalogue and this is what I found.

Megabooks Is that this in English? 6y
Buechersuechtling @Megabooks *researching on the Internet* … 🔄 Yepp, it is. 6y
Megabooks Cool! It‘s an interesting book! 6y
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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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"The spectrum is long and wide, and we're all on it. Once you believe this, it becomes easier to see how we're all connected"

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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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This started out intriguing but then turned cliche in my opinion. I actually groaned when I realized what was happening!

LeeRHarry This is my least favourite of her books. 7y
MelissaS @LeeRHarry I really enjoyed Left Neglected but this one lacks something... 7y
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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova

An awesome book sharing the deep feelings of those so close to a special needs child, the child himself and the bond between 2 women

Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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At the dealer installing my winter tires 🚗❄️☃️ and thoroughly enjoying #LoveAnthony by the awesomely talented Lisa Genova

Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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A lovely mix of humanity, marriage, betrayal, autism, love, loss, forgiveness and ultimately hope. Genova's books are well researched and quite engaging.

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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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Visited the book Sale at my local library today. #bookhaul

Libby1 I may have been the only one but I loved Beatrice and Virgil. 8y
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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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Released this #bookcrossing book at a #littlefreelibrary. I hope the next reader enjoys it as much as I did!

Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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Perfect words to start off this year. #loveactually #squadgoals #newyear'sresolution

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Love Anthony | Lisa Genova
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Sometimes you need a book that makes you cry at the end. Love Anthony was that book. It caught me right in the heart, I kept reading because I couldn't wait to see how it ended. Great book. All the feels...

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