I really loved this book, @ju.ca.no gifted to me. 🙂
It's the famous story with some of the gorgeous illustrations. 😍
Love fairy tales of all kinds!? Join this exchange! I love em too! And joined!! Check out @Chrissyreadit original post for more info!!
It was an honour to carve my pumpkin this year. One of my sheroes, the mistress of all evil.
@JenlovesJT47 thanks for the tag @SilversReviews
1: Jam sandwiches like my mum always made me when I was ill.
2: sleeping beauty.
3: probably still the same, reading or watching tv.
4: I tag anyone who hasn't had a go and wants to.
Happy #caturday Do you read in bed? Personally I don‘t. I‘ll read pretty much anywhere else though.
Have a great weekend peeps. 💚.
#cat #kitty #pussycat #neko #nekochan #book #books #bookish #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookworm #bookstagram #booklover #bookaddict #bibliophile
#TuesdayTidbits @JenlovesJT47
1: sleeping Beauty.
2: maleficent or Ursula.
3: beauty and the beast.
4: I tag anyone who wants to have a go.
1. Sleeping Beauty
2. Ursula and her cohorts Flotsam & Jetsam
3. The Little Mermaid
4. @SilversReviews and anyone else!
1. I‘ve grown fond of Maleficent!
2. Monsters Inc!!!
3. Sunset is 7:42
4. Not fond of relish
Thanks @DGRachel and @thereadingowlvina for the tag
One of my favorite Disney movies. #Spindle #CoolBooks @Linsy
@Gissy My niece asked me this crazy ⁉️4 the wedding.Her mom is wearing a pink dress, his mom is wearing a blue dress. The bride loves the three fairies in sleeping beauty&when my niece was little, my oldest sister(who passed away) gave her the three figurines of Flora, Fauna, & Meriweather. Jac asked me to be Fauna& wear green!! GREEN dresses are HARD to find! So in addition to the family Bible, she‘ll have Fairies at her wedding! 💚💜💙😆😂
Sleeping Beauty inspired digital collage that I made a couple years ago. 💗
It's #FunkoFriday. I really don't need anymore but this month I won a Maleficent Rock Candy from Funkos face book page. It showed up yesterday.
The challenge promo was to name your fav Disney villain. For me, anyone who can turn into a purple dragon is it. Second place oils be Mad Madam Mim, but pink dragons are not as cool as purple dragons.