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La bionda di cemento
La bionda di cemento | Michael Connelly
Harry Bosch u poliziotto scomodo, uno che non scende a compromessi. Neanche quando la posta in gioco la sua libert. Seduto al banco degli imputati, questa volta deve difendersi dalla terribile accusa di omicidio. Ma soprattutto deve ritrovare la certezza di non aver ucciso un uomo innocente.
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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#Wardens2024 #ReadAway2024 #ReadMyRoom #SeriesLove2024 #BookSpinBingo

❤️‍🔥I love this series! Solid work from Bosch & the team.

TheSpineView Fantastic!💜📖 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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Book 3 in Harry Bosch series. Too many red herrings and boring details.

The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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The Concrete Blonde is quite a twisty book. Every time both Harry and I thought we knew who the culprit was, we were wrong. It was pretty windy outside today, but there was no rain. I have no idea why that AC⚡️DC shirt was in the woods. It looks like a flag. #audiowalk

The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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I've read other reviews suggesting that this is the book where Connelly hit his stride with this series, and I'm tempted to agree. The characters seem to be becoming more natural and Bosch is really developing into a complex person. I might recommend this series to my dad, who's a contemporary of Bosch and might appreciate the character and the stories.

The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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#savvysettings #courtroom In the third Bosch , we get the background on Harry getting sued by the widow of a man he shot , thinking he was a serial killer , thinking the perp was reaching under his pillow for a gun ,the guy was reaching for his toupee.This is where we first meet feared attorney Honey Chandler nicknamed “Money “ based on her courtroom wins.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👩‍⚖️🙌🏻🖤 3y
Eggs Great characters!! 3y
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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#MayCharacters 1. Murders. The Concrete Blonde was my introduction to Michael Connelly and Harry Bosch. After reading most of his murder mysteries he remains one of my favorites. This paperback copy is one of my most cherished books.

Hoping to keep up with a daily post for this fun photo challenge. Thanks Sherri and Misty!

Eggs I ADORE Connelly and Bosch!!! Great pick 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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Fantastic! In previous books you're told about the serial killer that Bosch had shot, and this book delves into that backstory. Further complicated by the discovery of a new body that fits the MO. Did Bosch catch the wrong guy? So many layers - courtroom drama, active investigation, red herrings. I absolutely inhaled it and stayed up way too late last night playing the "one more chapter" game. Only the third of the series but the strongest so far!

The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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"Every 25 years or so the city had its soul torched by the fires of reality". This book was originally published in 1994, and here we are 26 years later. So this reference to the LA Riots gave me a chill.

Side note: I'm on to the third Bosch novel and I can already tell it's gonna be the best one yet! ??

AlaMich Bosch is a great series! Unfortunately, once I started watching the TV series I didn‘t continue reading them. 4y
swishandflick @AlaMich does the series cover the earlier books? I definitely want to watch it but might wait until I'm further along with the books first 4y
AlaMich It does. Although it doesn‘t follow them to the letter, and I remember something about the writers combining elements of two books in one season. If I wait long enough I won‘t remember anything and then I can go back and read the books. 😂 4y
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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#20series20days Day 16. I love this series for many reasons. Harry Bosch is complex and flawed. It is one series I share with my dad and I met Michael Connelly at an author signing back in ‘95.

Andrew65 Another very popular series. 4y
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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The third book in the Harry Bosch Series and this is by far the best one so far. Loved this book - having a mixture of a serial killer, a relationship for Harry and a great court case. Totally recommend this to anyone who enjoys great crime fiction. Onwards to book 4.

bookishdawg Connelly‘s Bosch series is an auto buy for me... one of the few that continually improves 👍🏻 4y
Andrew65 @bookishdawg Good to hear they continue to improve. 4y
Tove_Reads Only read the first one, need to get back to this series 4y
Tove_Reads Just checked GR. You‘ve already read it 4 years ago, but great that you still enjoy it! 4y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Yes read the first 4 in the series and am reading them as part of the Librarything Group Reads of the series. Soon be onto new books. Reading it a second time was still very enjoyable and I didn‘t remember who the killer was! 4y
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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Starting day 2 of the #24B4Monday and the sixth day of the #ReadingRush Readathon with the fourth section of this group read. Only my third one in the series but loving this one, my favourite of the series so far if it maintains the standard.

With overnight and morning reading I am at 536 pages and 9 hrs 59 mins reading. Day 6 of the #ReadingRush Readathon and am at 1152 pages, with 4 books finished.

Crazeedi Great job Andrew! 4y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi Thanks 😊 4y
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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Schedule for the a Group Read of The Concrete Blonde by Michael Connelly, the fourth book in the Harry Bosch Universe. The group read is taking place on Librarything.


Bluebird Enjoy! I haven‘t read any of this series yet. I‘ so far behind! 4y
Bluebird Om gosh, just realized I‘ve read the first two! 🤦‍♀️ will there be spoilers if I jump to book 4? Maybe I can try to join you 4y
Andrew65 @Bluebird The good news is The Concrete Blonde is book 3 so will be next up for you. 😊 4y
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EadieB @Andrew65 Thanks for the schedule! (edited) 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB Hope you‘re managing to find sone time for reading whilst you‘re sorting for your daughter‘s arrival. 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 I‘ve been reading a little bit at night but her things arrive tomorrow so I‘m almost done. (edited) 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB Well done and good luck. 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 Still have lots of books to list on my swap sites so will still be busy with that. 4y
Bluebird @Andrew65 thx! I just got the book and will join shortly. Thanks for the tag! Somehow I forgot I started this series so I could join the GR‘s. 🤦‍♀️ 4y
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Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly

Book #3 of the Harry Bosch series. I enjoyed this one better than the last and Harry‘s love interest followed him into this book too. Since I‘m familiar with some of the backstory in later books I keep waiting to find out when he gets with Eleanor and has a kid etc. I feel like a lot needs to happen quickly. I‘ll admit though that my memory of the books may be tainted by the tv series which blends some of the cases/stories.

The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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Maybe not my favorite of the Bosch series, but it was still an enjoyable one.

The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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51% into this book, and I think this is around Harry's 978th cigarette. I'm starting to feel like I can smell them.

Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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#MusicalNewYear #CellBlockTango I did read this one , the 3d Bosch book, and loved it ... must get back on track with Michael Connelly.....
This is the first connection with the prompt I made ... it makes some kind of abstract sense to me 🤷🏻‍♀️

vivastory Are you a fan of the Amazon series? 6y
Cathythoughts @vivastory I don‘t know of the Amazon series... but if it ever comes our way I‘d say I would definitely be a fan ... 6y
Cinfhen Have not read Connelly but I know he‘s super popular 6y
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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Last night i just had to finish this - the third in the bosch series and i wonder if its the best, if not i can't wait to read the rest. Great courtroom drama with Boach trying to reconcile his actions of 4 years before with the possibility that he made a mistake when the murders seem to being repeated.

Cathythoughts Beer & peanuts & Bosch .... nice one 👍🏻 6y
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Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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Happiness is a new to me Connelly book!

Readerann 👍 6y
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Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly

Book 3 of the Harry Bosch series that I've recently started to read. Thoughly enjoyed this book and Bosch is a very likeable character. Looking forward to the next instalment "The Last Coyote"

Andrew65 Only slightly ahead if you, read the first 4 but a while since I read one. 6y
suzie.reads I've got the whole series ready on my playbooks just got sidetracked with new releases of other series I read 6y
Pamwurtzler I just started book 1 - I think it‘s book 1 anyway? I‘m still deciding if I like it or not. 6y
suzie.reads It took me a while to get into the first one, which is the one you're reading, but I really like them now. 6y
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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I think this is my favorite one in the Bosch series so far!! I literally couldn‘t stop listening to it! I don‘t usually listen at work but for this one I just couldn‘t limit myself to the car and #audiocoloring! I keep saying that I‘m going to wait to get more in the series, but instead I keep buying extra Audible credits.... 😬

The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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I ADORE Harry Bosch. Michael Connelly is a doggone genius with the police procedurals.

This one took me a while because it has plenty of courtroom scenes and they‘re a little boring to me. I got *really* into it probably about halfway thru.

Ahhhh, The Dollmaker Case! I DIDN‘T GUESS THE KILLER! I mean, I never guess twists, so I‘m not surprised. But that ending was great.

🎧This Bosch audio is again narrated by Dick Hill. Phenomenal, as always.

TrishB Love Bosch 💕 6y
MicheleinPhilly SAMESIES! I just finished this one today too. Tempted to dive into the 4th immediately but have SO many other books I should be reading! 6y
intothehallofbooks @TrishB Yessss 🙌🏻 😍 6y
intothehallofbooks @MicheleinPhilly RIGHT? I‘m halfway thru one book but the next Bosch is STARING AT ME. I don‘t think I‘ll be able to resist! 6y
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Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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1. 82 women led by my hot ass #fantasywife Cate Blanchett, walked the red carpet together at the Cannes Film Festival in solidarity for gender equity.
2. Cranky ass LAPD detective finds himself in hot water AGAIN.
3. Literary fiction.
4. Rainy and gloomy.
5. HA! I don‘t even know what I‘m having for lunch!


Scurvygirl Is that a Bosch novel? I love that show. 6y
MicheleinPhilly @Scurvygirl It is! It‘s the 3rd in the series. 6y
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MicheleinPhilly @LauraBeth YAAASSS! Stacked! 6y
Cinfhen Fierce 💪🏼💋 6y
ValerieAndBooks I thought of you when I saw this on the news 😊! 6y
MicheleinPhilly @ValerieAndBooks I love that people think of me when they see Cate! My evil plan is working! 🤗😉 6y
Buddys_Momma Love it!!! And you can tell she means business!! 6y
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Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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Spent entirely too much time this weekend binging Bosch on Amazon. Since my brain has been all sorts of frazzled during the work week, I‘m going back to the source material.

TrishB 💜 Bosch 6y
AlaMich The wife and I just finished the newest season. Connelly has written enough Bosch books to keep the series going until Bosch has to sell his amazing house and go into assisted living, but I wonder how long the show will really last. 6y
MicheleinPhilly @AlaMich We‘re still on Season 1 but it‘s really good. I laughed so hard when I saw that house for the first time though. 6y
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MicheleinPhilly @TrishB Do you have access to the show? 6y
AlaMich @MicheleinPhilly In a later season, when someone admires the view, he says, “I didn‘t buy it for the view. I bought it because there‘s only one way in and one way out.” 6y
TrishB I do but have never watched! Not enough hours in the day and when there are any I read!! 6y
MicheleinPhilly @TrishB I hear you! 6y
Cathythoughts I wish I had more time & could get back to Bosch .... I‘ve Read first 4 .. and also The Poet. Sooo many books .... so little time ( the chant of Litsy) 6y
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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This is #3 in the Harry Bosch Universe. Spending part of the time reading print and most of the time listening to the audio because I loooove Dick Hill‘s narration with this series 🎧👏🏻📖

(Don‘t even get me started with how much I love the tv series, it‘s so good! #fangirl)

Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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#FriYayIntro @jess.how

1. Has to be Michael Connelly, & Harry Bosch. I‘m getting to know Bosch , And because I really like him , then that‘s comforting.
2. I think I more or less like all Christmas songs
3. We have started Chris Kindle in the last few years. But everyone buys for the one & only princess granddaughter 💕
4. No goals I‘m happy to read away at my own pace , 4 books this month !! An all time high 🎉
5 I surely will 👍

SandyW Love Harry Bosch! 7y
Cathythoughts @SandyW He is great 😉 7y
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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#MelodiousMusicals #Omigodyouguys #legallyblonde Thought I'd go with The Concrete Blonde by Michael Connelly, which is the third book in the excellent #HarryBosch Series. This is the only book I've read with blonde in the title, but I do own and want to read Dirty Blonde by Lisa Scottoline, who is a blonde herself.

CrowCAH Great choice! 👩🏼‍⚖️ 7y
Cathythoughts Loved this book 7y
Andrew65 @Cathythoughts Glad I am not alone. 7y
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Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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My third Harry Bosch & my favourite so far. Connolly had me guessing right up to the end. I love the depth of Harry. Think it's time for a walk now, having just finished this brilliant book 👍👍❤️

Cathythoughts Also any Michael Connelly fans out there , I'd love some recommendations, as he has written so much. Thankyou ❤️ 7y
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Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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It's lines like these, that I love from Michael Connelly

The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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Yes, summertime & the living is easy. Enjoying Harry Bosch & the dollmaker case.

Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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Reading in the garden. I love Harry Bosch, he brings his own history to his work. The depth of humanity he has for those he encounters, he has a conscience, thank god for that.

Cathythoughts Concrete Buddha? Corny , can't resist though. I love Harry ❤️ 7y
rubyslippersreads Lovely photo! 😍 7y
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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It's time for some crime. So back to Michael Connolly & Harry Bosch.

Bambolina_81 ❤️ Bosch 7y
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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My fourth Harry Bosch and they're growing on me all the time. The prose is spare and yet occasionally achieves its own kind of poetry, the dialogue pitch-perfect and Harry is a protagonist it's impossible not to root for. The whodunnit aspect is expertly handled and left me guessing till the end. Recommended.

Lexeegee I am hooked on Harry Bosch. 8y
Dragon I liked The Lincoln Lawyer so I'm going to have to try his Harry Bosch books 8y
bookishdawg "Everybody counts or nobody counts." Bosch #21 coming out this fall... A consistently great series 8y
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The Concrete Blonde | Michael Connelly
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Pretty slick metaphor

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