Fun, light read about the girls who run a record store, and a vigilante fight club on the side. Issues #1-4.
Heavy 90s vibes, very Josie and the Pussycats meets Empire Records, as run by the Scooby Gang.
Fun, light read about the girls who run a record store, and a vigilante fight club on the side. Issues #1-4.
Heavy 90s vibes, very Josie and the Pussycats meets Empire Records, as run by the Scooby Gang.
This is actually for the first volume of Heavy Vinyl (Riot on the Radio). This is a very cute YA title about an awkward teen whose first job is at a record store (something teenaged me would have given her left arm for). If that wasn‘t cool enough, she discovers the employees are part of a secret all-girl vigilante club. Her fellow employees are a little too effortlessly cool for my taste, but pre/young teen me would‘ve loved this.
Cute, fun Sunday reads continue! I am definitely continuing in this series. I love the 'Buffy/Scooby Doo/young friend group solves mystery/saves the day' vibes. 90s nostalgia in style and music is nice background, but the kickassery and the sweet developing romance, positive portrayal of queer and hetero relationships and emerging friendships are the best parts.
This volume is as fun as the first! Our girls have started a band to help them go undercover and bring down nefarious plans of evil music producer Rick Blaze. #bookspinbingo
I think I saw something about this posted by @ElizaMarie ? I loved it! A fun, girl positive comic set in the 90s and starring a group of record store employees who also solve mysteries. Looking forward to the next one!
Picture Book is meaning Graphic Novel for me :) The pictures were super cute actually! I loved the artwork here. #TBRCrewBingo
@jessinikkip , @jb72 , @AkashaVampie , @AsYouWish , @AnansiGirl , @Catherine_Willoughby , @MissAimz_55
So again thanks @AkashaVampie , I just finished Vol 1 of this one. It was super cute. Right up my alley. I love 80s and 90s themed. That and working in a music store always seemed cool (second to working at a bookstore/cafe -- one of my dream jobs) .
Thanks @AkashaVampie for the recommendation! I just downloaded this on Hoopla! So I will probably read this today :) Or tomorrow :)
It's like if anyone had mashed up Empire Records and Buffy the vampire slayer, stuck it in the 90's amidst the changing of music and the girl rock movement and you might have a good starting point to what this comic is about.
With references to “120 Minutes” and Portishead, do I even need to state that “Heavy Vinyl: Riot on the Radio” is set in the late 90‘s? (I‘m conditioned to love anything set in a record store because of “Empire Records”.) Definitely a favorite this year. And Carly Usdin, the author, included her awesome playlist that she sent to illustrator Nina Bakueva, which includes my favorite No Doubt song on it. No one ever picks “Sunday Morning”!
What a fun graphic novel! I loved the art style and the plot, a group of girls that work in a record shop and are secretly a vigilante group? Yes please. This is just fun and fluffy. Will keep an eye out for volume 2.
I was not expecting another volume of Heavy Vinyl but it's coming & I am squealing out loud 😍😍😍
#7days7covers #covercrush Day 7
This was such a great tag! Thanks again @ShelfRighteous for tagging me ❤
Anyone who wants to do this and hasn't been tagged yet, feel free to join. Post seven of your favorite book covers, one each for seven days. No explanations required. Tag someone new each day.
I loved this exactly as much as I thought I would. These girls are awesome. Must read comic! So fun and nostalgic. Book 5 of #24in48
It‘s kind of like the Empire Records of graphic novels, only better. Because Fight Club.
So much fun. Great characters, diversity and representation, spot-on dialogue, terrific art, and 90s music. This volume very much feels like an introduction volume, and I think if it were the complete series, it would have been a five star read for me.
Heavy Vinyl by Carly Usdin and Nina Vakueva 4 ⭐️ read! I really enjoyed reading this one! I loved the air style and the colors! The cast of characters are 5 really cool chicks who can totally kick ass! Super quick read and hard to put down.. can‘t wait to get the next volumes 😊
Last night I was in the mood for a lighter read so I remembered Bianca's comics recommendations on the last episode of the Reading Envy Podcast and ending up reading Volume 1 of Heavy Vinyl. A female owned and operated record store, which might be a front for another business. Very fun. And it is on Hoopla!
Support your local girl gang 🙌
🎶Coming of age story about a group of girls who work at a record store together.
🎶Excellent diversity & rep of Queer ppl.
🎶A super charming cast of strong & badass women.
🎶Cute & quirky story w/ a fun twist.
🎶Artwork is very reminiscent of 90s cartoons, which fits the music aesthetic fantastically.
🎶Perfect pacing, progression, & round-up.
🎶Ridiculously cute & adorable.
🎶Delightfully feel-good & inspiring.
Super cute and super queer. Music store girls who fight crime. I can‘t wait for more. It was just a small taste of the story and I finished it in one sitting.
A GN about an all-girl vigilante fight club under a record store. Freaking awesome! I really hope there's more because that ending!!! #feministreads #rainbowreads
This is everything I would hope for in a late 90s teenage fight club queer love story 💘 In addition to the aforementioned album references of my youth, the characters talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the main character, Chris, even has my quirk of miming eating different types of food to decide what she wants to order!
If you like music, kickass female characters, and a sprinkle of teenage drama then I highly recommend reading this
I jumped up when I saw this and immediately showed my fiancé (who is 4 years younger than me), but since she didn‘t come of age in the late 90s this was a bit lost on her.
Anyone else know the records they‘re referencing?
Fight Club + Josie and the Pussycats + Empire Records (so many jokes) + all-lady crew = excellent.
I can haz moar plz?
Read for the Graphic Novel Book Club at my store.
Idk why the title here is HiFi Fight Club
IMPORTANT NOTE: this comic got renamed from "Hi-Fi Fight Club"P ➡️ "Heavy Vinyl". Idk why the old name is still in the Litsy database, but don't search for this listed name.
4 stars? Super cute. Super gay. A little light on the mystery cos so much of the book was spent introducing us to the fight club, but I'm not mad.
I could feel myself aging reading this. I was like "is this legal?? Do your parents know??" IVE BECOME A RESPONSIBLE ADULT ?
I just got sprung from the hospital (high blood pressure, low potassium) and there was pair of Barnes & Noble coupons waiting for me in my mailbox when I got home. So after my unexpected hospital ordeal, I decided it was a perfect time to treat myself. I‘m currently out to dinner with my wife for her birthday - so my new low-sodium diet will have to start tomorrow! At least I have books to see me through. ❤️
This is now called Heavy Vinyl and is so good! Teenage girl fight club set in 1998? Yes, please! My three daughters and I highly recommend this one.
Thank you for saving the band Chris! I am definitely into girls and also I love you!
I forgot to post my April Wrap up! So here it is! I didn‘t read too much this month, things were kinda chaotic.
📚4 books
📚4 tpbs
📚108 comics
#wrapup #aprilwrapup
Some #bookmail to keep me occupied while kitty gets his exercise. I read the premise of this comic- record store babes who moonlight as vigilante crime fighters- and I couldn't not pre-order it. My hipstery side is hoping for lots of obscure music references.
Final count from Goodreads. 2017 was not a bad year for reading. Here's hoping 2018 will be even better 😊
Okay this comic is so cute I can't stand it! Just your average girl gang kicking butt and solving crimes out of a record store. It's kind of like Buffy mixed with Lumberjanes, but everyone is obsessed with music. Sadly I could only read the first three issues on hoopla, so I was kind of left hanging but the characters are great and the story is fun-- plus lgbtq rep! Always a plus.
A solid, promising introduction to a group of strong, confident, vinyl-lovin' chicas that I hope will bring us lots of adventure, more 90s nostalgia, and maybe some mystery-solving in the issues to come. A possible, budding romance between two of its gals is adorable 💖 the artwork and colors are 😍 and that variant cover homage to Empire Records is 👌
Two enthusiastic thumps up!👍👍
When the people at the comic book store know you they save cool new series for you. ❤️