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Great first lines
Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
23 posts | 1 read
ers, literary trivia fans, and know-it-alls everywhere, here is an irresistible collection of literature's great opening sentences, cleverly arranged so that each line or phrase builds upon the one before it to create a unique story.
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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1. I am doomed to remember a boy with a wrecked voice – not because of his voice, or because he was the smallest person I ever knew, or even because he was the instrument of my mother‘s death, but because he is the reason I believe in God, I‘m a Christian because of Owen Meany.
2.It was not until several weeks after he had decided to murder his wife that Dr. Bickleigh took any active steps in the matter.

kspenmoll 🔼 3. I‘d like to think I know what death is. 4. Miss Brooke had that kind of beauty which seems to be thrown into relief by poor dress.5. I have two names, which is one whole name more than most people have. 1mo
CBee #1 ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 1mo
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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Thanks for the tag Holly @Hooked_on_books 😘 and sorry I‘m so late @monalyisha !

It‘s going to take me another 10 minutes now to type this out as one is REALLY long. 🤣 I‘ll start with the shortest first, which also happens to be the one I read most recently, then working my way backwards from there…. 🤔

1. Thoroughbreds.
2. I come back to the apartment and find the worst thing in the world.
3. Elwood was a prefect, so his room that year was ⬇️

squirrelbrain 3. ….a splendid one, with a window that opened onto a strange outcrop of roof. 1mo
squirrelbrain 4. Somewhere in the Tuscan hills, two English spinsters, Evelyn Skinner and a Margaret someone, were eating a late lunch on the terrace of a modest albergo. 1mo
squirrelbrain 5. The Eleventh apartment had only one closet, but it did have a sliding glass door that opened onto a small balcony, from which he could see a man sitting across the way, outdoors in only a T-shirt and shorts even though it was October, smoking. 1mo
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julesG I got your #2 😂😂😂 1mo
Hooked_on_books Nice! Thanks for posting. I enjoyed reading yours. ☺️ 1mo
BarbaraBB Love this! I didn‘t recognize one but I need to post mine too! 1mo
squirrelbrain @julesG - I thought that was the most difficult one, although the first one was tough too - it being only one word! 1mo
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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Love this! The first on my list is my favourite line of this lot. You‘ll never guess which book the second belongs to.

“In the fabled, glittering world that was St Petersburg before the First World War there lived, in an ice-blue palace overlooking the river Neva, a family on whom the gods seemed to have lavished their gifts with an almost comical abundance.”

“I am the vampire Lestat.”

“A secret is a strange thing.” ⬇️

xicanti “Both moons were high, dimming the light of all but the brightest stars.”

“When I opened the door, I could tell that Thamuris was dosed to the gills on laudanum.”
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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Thanks for the tag, @Amiable ! I‘m usually so bad about following up, so I‘m glad I did so this time. 🙂

1. “There was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings.”
2. “Before she became the Girl from Nowhere—the One Who Walked In, the First and Last and Only, who lived a thousand years—she was just a little girl in Iowa, named Amy.”
3. “Imagine an elephant in a room.”

Hooked_on_books 4. “In some distant arcade, a clock tower calls out six times and then stops.” (edited) 1mo
Hooked_on_books 5. “She felt their eyes, all those executioners.” 1mo
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Hooked_on_books I‘d love to see yours, Helen! @squirrelbrain 1mo
Amiable Ooh, these are good ones! 1mo
squirrelbrain Ooh, that‘s a tough ask! 🤪 I shall have a think…. Might be the weekend before I have chance to do so…. 1mo
vivastory 3 of your books are personal favorites! Great selections!
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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💙 “It's not so easy writing about nothing.“
💙 “Let's start with the end of the world, why don't we?“
💙 “Listen. Dead people never stop talking.“
💙“'Tosser' cried the raven. There's always a bloody raven.“
💙 “Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.”


lil1inblue M Train by Patti Smith 1mo
lil1inblue The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin 1mo
lil1inblue A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James 1mo
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lil1inblue Fool by Christopher Moore 1mo
lil1inblue The Four Quartets by T. S. Eliot 1mo
monalyisha OooooOoo. Some great choices/lines here! 🤩 1mo
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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“The notes were appearing everywhere.“

“It was an out-of-date town hall in an up-to-date progressive college town in a midwestern state.“

“I write this sitting in the kitchen sink.“

“Maybe everyone lives with terror every minute of every day and buries it, never stopping long enough to look.“

“My father was a connoisseur of wine; but times and incomes change and we with them, and now I am a connoisseur of weather.“

willaful The Long Secret by Louise Fitzhugh 1mo
willaful Joy in the Morning by Betty Smith 1mo
willaful I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith (edited) 1mo
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willaful The Tightrope Walker by Dorothy Gilman 1mo
willaful The Innocents by Margery Sharp 1mo
Deblovestoread I chose this one, too. A book I love love love 1mo
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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#firstlines @monalyish
Thanks for the tag, @Amiable! 🤩
1. “MR. SHERLOCK HOLMES, who was usually very late in the mornings, save upon those not infrequent occasions when he was up all night, was seated at the breakfast table.“
2. “She is not any common earth/Water or wood or air,/But Merlin's Isle of Gramarye/Where you and I will fare.“
3. “Scarlett O'Hara was not beautiful, ⬇️ ...

dabbe but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were.“
4. “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.“
5. “In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since.“
dabbe 1. THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES by Arthur Conan Doyle 1mo
dabbe 2. THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING BY T.H. White 1mo
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dabbe 3. GONE WITH THE WIND by Margaret Mitchell (just a wee bit of a giveaway, right? 😂) 1mo
dabbe 4. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE BY Jane Austen 1mo
dabbe 5. THE GREAT GATSBY by F. Scott Fitzgerald 1mo
Amiable Re: 3–that‘s ok, one of mine had part of the title right in the sentence. 😄 Also, isn‘t “Gatsby” great —it has a fabulous first line AND a fantastic last line! (edited) 1mo
dabbe @Amiable I have yet to read A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY. 😱 And yes, I love the last line of Gatsby the most! What a fun activity this was! Thanks for including me. 😘 1mo
Amiable @dabbe I saw John Irving at the Santa Fe Book Festival last year. I was fascinated when he shared that he always writes the LAST line of a book first. Then he goes to the beginning and writes toward that line. He said he needs to know where the book is going before he starts it. Isn‘t that interesting? Especially since the FIRST line of “Owen Meany” is so wonderful! (edited) 1mo
TheSpineView @dabbe Thanks for the tag! 💛 🏷 1mo
dabbe @Amiable That is very interesting! I think I'm going to have to bump him up on the TBR! 🤩 1mo
Eggs Thx for the tag 🩵🩵 1mo
dabbe @Eggs 😘 1mo
Amiable @dabbe It‘s 20 years old, but this article in his college alumni magazine (at the University of New Hampshire) is pretty interesting and explains a lot about Irving: http://unhmagazine.unh.edu/f05/johnirving.html 1mo
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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#firstlines @monalyisha
This was way too hard to narrow down!

1. It was predictable, in hindsight.
2. As soon as the snow melts, I will go to Rass and fetch my mother.
3. If it had not rained on a certain May morning, Valancy Stirling's whole life would have been different.
4. I have been afraid of putting air in a tire ever since I saw a tractor tire blow up and throw Newt Hardbine's father over the top of the Standard Oil sign.
Continued ⬇

BarbaraJean 5. From my first breath in this world, all I wanted was a good set of lungs and the air to fill them with. 1mo
BarbaraJean 1. The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell 1mo
BarbaraJean 2. Jacob Have I Loved by Katherine Paterson 1mo
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BarbaraJean 3. The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery 1mo
BarbaraJean 4. The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver 1mo
BarbaraJean 5. Peace Like a River by Leif Enger 1mo
monalyisha I need to add some of these to my TBR (in particular, 2 [shhh; don‘t tell anyone that I haven‘t read it yet] and 5). 🤩 1mo
BarbaraJean @monalyisha Ohhh, you're in for a treat when you get to both of those!! 1mo
Amiable Oh, I loved “Jacob Have I Loved” when I was young! I must have read it 10 times. 1mo
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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1. There was once a boy called Milo who didn't know what to do with himself – not just sometimes but always.
2. I am doomed to remember a boy with a wrecked voice—not because of his voice, or because he was the smallest person I ever knew, or even because he was the instrument of my mother's death, but because he is the reason I believe in God; I am a Christian because of Owen Meany.
3. Serene was a word you could put to Brooklyn, New York. ⬇️

Amiable 4. On the afternoon of Oct. 12, 1990, my twin brother Thomas entered the Three Rivers, Connecticut Public Library, retreated to one of the rear study carrels, and prayed to God the sacrifice he was about to commit would be deemed acceptable.
5. Summer, 1985: A young man is driving down from New York to visit his parents in Johnson City, Tennessee.
(edited) 1mo
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Amiable @monalyisha #firstlines 2 is obvious but I had to include because I love it so much! 🥰 (edited) 1mo
dabbe Will do; thanks for the tag! 😘 1mo
monalyisha Oh, 2 is so clear even before the character‘s name is dropped. SO memorable! 1mo
Amiable @monalyisha My favorite first line of all! 1mo
Hooked_on_books What a cool idea! Thanks for the tag. I very much intend to do this but I‘ll warn you that I may forget. I‘ll try my best! 1mo
Amiable @Hooked_on_books I tend to forget to do these things, too! Best intentions can‘t compete with a spotty memory. 😄 1mo
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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Second book of the month done! Anyone want to help me pick the next book? Which line jumps out at you? Which one sounds amazing? Let me know!

Also, if you have not seen I posted about interest in Buddy Reads. No pressure, just trying to get the word out! Please comment on that post if you are interested (still trying to figure out details, but want to get an idea of interest).


Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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Book 2 was the winner for my second book of the month! The book was The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins! I am so excited to read this one! Thank you to everyone who voted and selected this book for me! 💙💙💙

Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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First book of the month done! Anyone want to help me pick the next book? Which line jumps out at you? Which one sounds amazing? Let me know!

Also, I have had a few people ask me if they could use this format to have others pick books for them? The answer is YES!!! Of course, use it, I want to see the amazing first lines in other people‘s books too!


Bookwormjillk I say start with the end! 1y
LiteraryinPA Whoa, that was fast! 😁 1y
LiteraryinPA I say 2 1y
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Roary47 I like creak. 1y
AsYouWish @LiteraryinLawrence I was surprised at how fast I got through my first book! I have been going “Live” on TikTok and reading and it has been helping my focus for some reason. I think because I can‘t do anything else on my phone, so it takes away that distraction. 1y
julesG I would pick 5. 1y
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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I know you all have been on the edge of your seats waiting to see what book you had all chosen for me to read! Book 4 won and it was Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins! Super excited to read this one! Thank you all who voted and played along! 💙💙💙

Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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Here is the next round of: Which Book Should AsYouWish/Elizabeth Read Based on the First Sentence?

Which line jumps out at you?

Super excited about all these options, can‘t wait to see what gets picked! You can pick one or you can put them in order, I am open to all methods!

Thanks!! 💙💙💙💙

thegirlwiththelibrarybag Salt water and blood taste the same 🫣 1y
Bklover What is this interesting idea?! Sounds fun! 1y
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TheBookgeekFrau 1 ... something that *starts* with 'The end' has my interest 🧐🤔 1y
AsYouWish @thegirlwiththelibrarybag 😂🤣 Don‘t worry I am intrigued too! I was a bit grossed out typing it, but I have heard good things about that book. 1y
AsYouWish @Bklover Thanks! I find it removes book bias because not many people can recall first sentences of books and it makes it more fun and interesting to see what people pick. 💙 1y
AsYouWish @TheBookgeekFrau Right?! That struck me when I was typing these out! I thought it was an interesting way to start off a book. 1y
TheBookgeekFrau @AsYouWish Very. Can't wait to find out what it is. 1y
Bklover 4! 1y
ElizaMarie I have to say 4. 1y
LiteraryinPA 1, 2 and 7! 1y
Meshell1313 Oooh. 4! 1y
AsYouWish So far book 4 is in the lead (it is also in the lead in a Facebook group). I think everyone just wants to know what book this quote came from, lol! 😂🤣 1y
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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Time for the last round of which ARC should I read next?! Which of these lines strikes you? Which one makes you say AsYouWish/Elizabeth needs to read this book right now?

Can‘t wait to see the order of the last two books! Super excited!


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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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WOW! Looks like book 2 won by a landslide! Super excited to dive into this one! Then there are only two ARCs left before diving into my TBR pile and latest buys! May have to keep doing these first lines, because I don‘t know about you, but I am having fun having other people pick books for me to read!

Thanks to everyone who voted! See you again soon for the last vote!! 💙💙💙

Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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Time for the next round of Which ARC Should I Read Next?! Please vote in the comments. You are all doing a fabulous job of picking books and I am so very grateful for your help! I may have to do this again for the five new books I just got when I get through the ARCs.

Thank you all! 💙💙💙

Cazxxx Number 2 1y
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Jerdencon Number 2! 1y
AsYouWish I have a feeling number 2 is going to win, but still time to vote if you want! 1y
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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Looks like Book 1, was the winner! Super excited to read this one! Thank you for voting and helping me knock these ARCs off my list! Just bought 5 new/new to me books and bought a whole series a couple months ago, so need to get these finished up first!


Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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Time for the next round of which ARC should I read next?! Which line strikes you? Which one can you not wait to know what it is? Again all look super good, I just can‘t pick what order to read them in. You can vote for one or you can put them in order, I am open to all suggestions!

Thanks! Can‘t wait to see what my next read will be! 💙💙💙

Monica5 2 1y
mcipher 1 - I‘m hooked from that first line! 1y
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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Looks like number 5 won by one vote! Good choice! Super excited to finally dive into this one! Please feel free to keep voting on my original post for the next ARC, I should read!

A lot of good choices still on the list!!


Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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I have five ARCs I need to read, but can‘t decide the order to read them in! Above are the first lines of the books, which one jumps out at you? Which one do I need to push to the top? Which one do you desperately need to know more about?

Please help me decide! You can pick one, you can put them in order, there is no wrong way to pick. I just need help!

Thanks in advance! 💙💙💙

(Also, I noticed a theme to the types of books I am sent, 😂🤣)

LiteraryinPA 1 or 3! 1y
Bookwormjillk 4 and 5 stick out to me 1y
Chrissyreadit 1 or 5 have my vote 1y
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LMJenkins 5! 1y
Bookwomble 1 😊 1y
AsYouWish So far it looks like 5 is in the lead! 1y
julesG 1! 1y
AsYouWish Number 5 has won this round, but please keep voting for the next one!!! 1y
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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I had a very busy weekend going to a cousin‘s wedding, spending time with family I don‘t see often enough. My aunt knows it‘s hard to buy a book for me, because I may already have it, so she brought me this fun puzzle! I‘m looking forward to starting it.

Butterfinger Awesome!! 3y
BookishMarginalia Ohhh, I like it! 3y
MsMelissa Is that an Out of Print puzzle? I have the exact same image on a mug 😊 3y
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DivineDiana What a fun gift! 3y
Soubhiville @MsMelissa I think she probably got it for me at Half Price Books, but they may have ordered from Out of Print. 3y
LeahBergen Lovely! 👏🏻👏🏻 I have this on a mug. (edited) 3y
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Great first lines | Celina Spiegel, Peter Kupfer
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Got this mug in the mail today from my dad of famous first-lines in literature and I of course made a list of every book mentioned on it and I‘m going to try and read them all (I have a lot of time on my hands😔lol) I have not read ANY of the books on here. I‘m going to call it my Cup Challenge.

Bklover What a fun challenge! Love the mug! 4y
reading_rainbow @Bklover thank you! The list is pretty intimidating but I‘m excited to start☕️ 4y
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