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Johnny Got His Gun
Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️it is the definition of anti-war for sure! Joe is kept alive with his mind intact but has no arms, legs, hearing, eyes or mouth. About as horrible as it can get. But something was lacking at the heart of Joe. I kept hearing Trumbo using Joe to rant about war which I am no supporter of. I wanted more Joe less Trumbo.

Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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Wow. Just Wow.

Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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My pick for today is Johnny Got His Gun, the story of a wounded WWI survivor, who is basically trapped in his burnt out husk of a body. This is a pretty brutal read…I don‘t recall this book celebrating or glorifying war for one second. It‘s a painful but worthwhile read.

Kudos to all who chose Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson today. He‘s an amazing person running a wonderful organization! I thought I‘d give another book some love and attention!

KCofKaysville @JoeMo I read this at a young age and it had quite an influence on me! Powerful. 2y
5feet.of.fury I read this 20 years ago and still think about it! 2y
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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Received this lovely surprise today 🤩 - a gift from one of my book club members thanking me for all I do for our little group. 🧩 It‘s a virtual book club with a few of my high school friends, and I‘ve been running every discussion for the nearly 3 years of its existence.

Librariana That's an amazing amount of dedication! Good for you! 👏 😊 2y
vivastory That's incredible! Any particular bookclub favorites? 2y
britt_brooke @Librariana Thanks - it‘s fun to stay connected with them this way since we‘re kinda geographically scattered. 😄 2y
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britt_brooke @vivastory Hmm, off the top of my head, Addie LaRue, Hyperbole and a Half, and Ella Minnow Pea. 2y
BarbaraBB I didn‘t you did. What a fitting gift they made you! 2y
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo

This book is so intense

Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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2. 35

#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs Thanks for joining in!! 3y
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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Such a memorable, heartbreaking read. I can 100% understand why this is called the Bible of anti-war literature, and my heart hurts now that it‘s over. This was thought provoking and anger inducing and I‘m honestly already ready to read it again.

Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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#ConflictedWorlds #War Johnny is in a hospital recovering from very extensive and very severe injuries suffered during WWI. It is a haunting story that has stayed with me years after reading it.

The song "One" by Metallica is largely based on this book.

@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome 📚🙌🏻👏🏻 3y
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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#1917 #rememberNovember @Klou

I haven‘t read All Quiet or Regeneration, but I saw 1917 in the movie theater and I read Johnny a couple years ago. Johnny is one-of-a-kind and absolutely unforgettable. Highly recommend it

ImperfectCJ I read All Quiet last year and thought it was fantastic. Not what I expected, and very powerful. 4y
Klou Thanks for the recommendation. Stacked. And great choice!! 4y
Eggs I want to try it someday @ImperfectCJ 4y
Eggs @Klou ❤️🖤❤️ 4y
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo

He would be in this womb forever and ever and ever. He must remember that. He must never expect or hope for anything different. This was his life from now on every day and every hour and every minute of it. He would never again be able to say hello how are you I love you.

Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo

He had no arms and no legs.

He threw back his head and started to yell from fright. But he only started because he had no mouth to yell with. He was so surprised at not yelling when he tried that he began to work his jaws like a man who has found something interesting and wants to test it. He was so sure the idea of no mouth was a dream that he could investigate it calmly. He tried to work his jaws and he had no jaws.

Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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Incredible and moving Anti-war novel. Here we have a protagonist who lost both his legs, arms, eyes, nose, tongue, and ears on a war. The only sense remain is touch. Novel uses third person limited stream of consciousness narrative techniqu. The whole story is happening inside the brain of our protagonist, who is stuck in his vegetative of body, as he goes through this consequences of war. Highly recommended. 10 🌟

Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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DAY 20 #Revolver | In this anti-war story, a WWI soldier slowly discovers the extent of his brutal injuries, yet his mind is intact. He‘s a prisoner in his own body.


vivastory Excellent choice 👍 5y
emz711 Has haunted me for years! 5y
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britt_brooke @emz711 Haunting is the perfect way to describe this. 5y
Cinfhen I‘ve heard this book is excellent/ it was one of my first add-ons to Litsy 😁 5y
Stevenjohntait I'm reading it now. First off, the author has done an amazing job but I am finding it a slog. Possibly because I'm reading it on my phone 5y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen It is! I read it earlier this year. Very tough, but fantastic. 5y
britt_brooke @Stevenjohntait Maybe it‘s slow-going because of the subject matter. I had to take it in smaller doses that usual because it‘s mentally exhausting. It‘s so good, though! 5y
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Joe Bonham is dead though he lives. He‘s stuck in a womb-like purgatory created by war. After being savagely injured by an artillery blast, he becomes prisoner to his own ruminations & broken body. His vivid consciousness stream illustrates fond memories, dreams, & present day, at times not sure if he‘s asleep or awake. I often read through tears, my heart only able to take a couple of chapters at a time. Absolutely brilliant.

britt_brooke Metallica‘s “One” is based on this book and film: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WM8bTdBs-cw 6y
8little_paws I would also recommend this 6y
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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As many of you know, Metallica‘s “One” is based on this book and film. These lyrics coincide with this passage. 💔

Back in the womb it's much too real
In pumps life that I must feel
But can't look forward to reveal
Look to the time when I'll live

Fed through the tube that sticks in me
Just like a wartime novelty
Tied to machines that make me be
Cut this life off from me

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God, wake me

CoffeeNBooks I wrote the lyrics to the song in the front of my copy of this book. 6y
britt_brooke @CoffeeNBooks I might steal that idea. 💚 I have a physical copy as well. This book is one of the toughest I‘ve ever read, but it‘s so good. 6y
wordzie 🙏 6y
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LibrarianJen I totally didn‘t know that. I‘m not the biggest Metálica fan but my husband is. He probably knows this... 6y
Eggs Downloaded it from Libby! 6y
britt_brooke @LibrarianJen I didn‘t know until a few days ago. I like Metallica but was never a massive fan either. I recently saw them live with my brother and it sparked a new interested. I read a biography of the band which is where I learned this. 6y
britt_brooke @Eggs Looking forward to hearing what you think! It‘s a very tough read, but brilliant. I‘m hoping to finish it today. 6y
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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Grabbing a few pages while my little guy has swim class. He‘s doing so awesome! Meanwhile, this book is so good, but absolutely brutal. #readeverywhere

Kimiam That book killed me. 6y
DivineDiana Going to a high school swim meet tomorrow! Wish I could read, but I‘m pretty sure that I‘ll need to be sociable. 😉 6y
britt_brooke @DivineDiana Yep, there‘s a time and place. 🤓 I don‘t read at my sons‘ soccer games either. Practices, I try, but I don‘t always succeed. 😁 Swim class I‘m lucky if I get a chapter. I‘m afraid I‘ll miss something. My little guy swam without assistance today for the first time and I‘m so glad I was actually paying attention at that moment. 😆 6y
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britt_brooke @Kimiam It‘s devastating. 💔 6y
Kimiam Makes you rethink war 6y
britt_brooke @Kimiam For certain. And my husband is a veteran, but it still the concept of war is a weird thing. I don‘t think that most people truly understand the sacrifices. And often there‘s no good reason for it. 6y
Kimiam Exactly. It is brutal. Hats off to all Veterans! I don‘t think some people realize how much is sacrificed. 6y
DivineDiana @britt_brooke Fantastic! I‘m glad you were too! 👏🏻🏊‍♂️👍🏻 6y
Reviewsbylola ♥️♥️♥️ 6y
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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My paperbacks to read in 2019.

Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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although you've waited for years you really never expected the knock. Then you get up and go over and open the door just a little at first to prepare yourself for the shock of disappointment at discovering it isn't the person you've been wanting. But then when you find that the impossible has happened that the visitor you've been praying for has arrived you're so relieved and surprised you don't know exactly what to say or how to begin it.

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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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1. Johnny Got His Gun really disturbed me in my teens. The most horrific prison of all can be your own body.
2 Horror movies never really scared me, but while unsupervised I watched A Clockwork Orange when I was 9. That messed me up for a while.
3 Not sure. As a kid I fell down a levy and almost into a river at flood stage, thought I found a haunted boglin in an old farm house, and had a guy try to get me and my friend into his van.
4 @Clwojick

dsfisher OMG, Clockwork Orange was so disturbing. So wish I had never seen it 7y
mabell 3. All scary 😳😅 7y
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SandyW A clockwork Orange? At 9? Yikes! 7y
Chrissyreadit I have never been able to finish A Clockwork Orange. So disturbing. 7y
JenlovesJT47 ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Reggie Holy crap!!!!! Your #3‘s. 7y
MiyakoBunny The same thing happened to me at my Grandmother‘s 👵🏼 house these tourist tried to get me & my cousin into their car when we were little w/Candy 🍬🍭after dangerously pulling up beside the swing set in the yard. My Grandma ran out w/a broom screaming chasing them away right when they tried to snatch us and drive off. 7y
TK421 @MiyakoBunny that is so scary! My friend and I were playing basketball at a playground a few blocks from home. Some guy pulled up and tried to start playing with us and wanted us to get us in his van to go get ice cream. We took off running for home. 7y
MiyakoBunny You know what I find interesting is that every situation I‘ve ever been in like this I‘ve honestly almost felt this ominous energy just fuming all around. It‘s the craziest thing... those types of people scare me the most the ones where it doesn‘t matter how nice they appear it‘s practically seeping out of their pores emanating off them like heat off of fresh pavement 👹 7y
MiyakoBunny I‘m really glad you guys ran *hugs* 😥😥😥 7y
TK421 @MiyakoBunny I know exactly what you mean! You can feel that something is just not right. It almost hits you like a wave, and you know that it's a bad situation. I'm glad that your Grandma was there to save you and your cousin. *hugs* to you too. 7y
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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Johnny Got His Gun is possibly the best anti-war novel ever written. Joe Bonham is sent into the trenches of France in World War One where somewhere exists a bomb with his number stamped upon it. Bonham is mutiliated to where his eyes, nose, ears, mouth, arms, and legs are stolen from him while he lays trapped in his mind. Bonham's evolution through the story eventually leads him to culminations in understanding which I really should not spoil.

Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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One of my reading challenge prompts is a book about war. I just started this on audiobook & am only in the foreword & can already tell this is going to be very difficult. #24in48

Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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This book was something we had to read in school. Published in 1938, it's an eerie and eloquent anti-war novel that made me sob and sob. #scars #junetunz

Cinfhen I almost went old school with 7y
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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When he had run without legs until he was tired and when he had screamed without voice until his throat hurt he fell back into the womb back into the quietude back into the loneliness and blackness and the terrible silence #KRB

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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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I've been looking for this book to read ever since I became aware of it, back when Ronald Rayguns was in the White House training and funding Contras to murder civilians. A copy finally came across my path and I wonder if I have the courage to read it with so much more blood shed since then...

JoeStalksBeck This is absolutely one of my all time favorite books. I read it in high school. His ability to describe what is happening to him is unbelievable! Brilliant 7y
jveezer The writing is as amazing as the subject is dark. I'm an adaptive ski instructor that works with disabled vets so it is hitting me hard. 7y
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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#17booklove Day 25: Classic love ❤️ This book gave me the all the feels.

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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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One of the best books I've ever read. Ebook on sale today.

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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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I chose 6 books out of my library that you guys suggested. @Cinfhen I'm reading yours first. Johnny Got His Gun. A book I read in high school. It's known now for the Metallic song One. But this book is an emotional roller coaster!! It's graphic, detailed and dark. I cry when I read it .

JoeStalksBeck @Ali-Reads bird on the cover = Harry Potter. Nope I've never read it lol 8y
JoeStalksBeck @megt translated from German = Beyond Good and Evil 8y
JoeStalksBeck @Jas16 book about a book = The Last Book In The Univers 8y
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JoeStalksBeck @EliNeedsMoreShelves nonfiction book about a woman = The Immortal Life if Henrietta Lacks 8y
JoeStalksBeck @LazyOwl book with AL = The Alchemist 8y
Jas16 That is awesome! 8y
EliNeedsMoreShelves @Book_Addict The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is a great read! 8y
JoeStalksBeck @Jas16 ❤❤📚❤ thanks for the challenge! 8y
JoeStalksBeck @EliNeedsMoreShelves I listened to a podcast on her a few years back and was blown away. I'm sure the book is just as outstanding! Thanks for the challenge! 8y
bitterbear Wow.. looks like some uplifting reading there. 8y
JoeStalksBeck @bitterbear I'm looking forward to all the different genres! All completely different subjects. 📚📚🤓😊 8y
Alfoster Oh, used to teach The Last Book in the Universe. A good, quick read!😍 8y
JoeStalksBeck @Alfoster awesome!!! 8y
APLitlife Amazing book! 8y
megt Awesome! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on all of these! 8y
JoeStalksBeck @megt ❤❤❤ 8y
Wife I've read The Alchemist and Henrietta, but I will join you for the rest. 🙂 8y
Cinfhen Yay!!! This is such an awesome idea! 🙌🏻I bow to you!!! And Metallica 🎶 ❤️🎶 The book has been stacked 🤘🏼😎📚💕happy reading 😘😘😘 8y
JoeStalksBeck @wife yay!!!! So happy!! 8y
JoeStalksBeck @Cinfhen haha! You're are awesome!!! ❤❤❤❤❤🎶📚👏❤️😊📚📚😭🤓 8y
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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When you start a book two months ago, put it down, and haven't picked it up since... it's a bail. Not sure if it was the stream of consciousness; lack of punctuation; or the ending that I knew was coming, but I got to page 54 and hit a brick wall. ☹️️

Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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This has been on my to-read list for years... and I don't know if I'm feeling it. As it turns out, I don't care much for stream-of-consciousness writing anymore. Or maybe I'm just really missing some commas.

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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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I usually don't enjoy introductions in books, but Dalton Trumbo blew me away in his... "After all, the book is twenty years younger than I, and I have changed so much, and it hasn't. Or has it?"

Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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OBSESSED with this new poster I got for my home office.

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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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I chose to read this for a project, but it is a book that I've never been able to forget. And it inspired a song by a great band!

"Now that the war is through with me
I'm waking up I cannot see
That there is not much left of me
Nothing is real but pain now
Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God, wake me"

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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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This is my vacation "beach read," because nothing says vacation like a WWI stream-of-consciousness narrative by a blind/deaf soldier missing his arms and legs warning about the horribleness of war.

mauveandrosysky Hahaha nailed it! 😂 8y
Autumn 😆 8y
Yossarian There's a reason Churchill began his speech with "We will fight them on the BEACHES." 8y
Martyn_J_Pass Much better than the film! I read this after seeing it in a Metallica video... 8y
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Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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Finally starting this one. Only got it 20 years ago 😳

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I'm so happy to know I'm not the only one who has some of those lurking around. 8y
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