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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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PLAY Andrew, the manager of Shanamore Holiday Cottages, watches his only guest via a hidden camera in her room. One night the unthinkable happens: a shadowy figure emerges on-screen, kills her, and destroys the camera. But who is the murderer? How did they know about the camera? And how will Andrew live with himself? PAUSE Natalie wishes she'd stayed at home as soon as she arrives in the wintry isolation of Shanamore. There's something creepy about the manager. She wants to leave, but she can't-not until she's found what she's looking for ... REWIND Psycho meets Fatal Attraction in this explosive story about a murder caught on camera. You've already missed the start. To get the full picture you must rewind the tape and play it through to the end, no matter how shocking ...
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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This book was sinister, dark and creepy in all of the best ways. Instagram star Natalie leaves her home and husband Mike to stay at Shanamore Cottages. The creepy manager of the cottage (gave me Norman Bates vibes) is secretly filming Natalie. Kind of lucky he is as he manages to capture on film someone entering her cottage and killing her. A well paced read it kept me hooked from the very start, I was immersed in Natalie's life ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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WOW this was an incredible thriller! I liked it more than 56 Days and absolutely must read all of her books now. Multiple POVs are becoming a huge favorite, especially when they come together so perfectly. Who else loves this one? @Megabooks @vivastory ? 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Oh yeah, this was my #doublespin 🙂🙂🙂 @TheAromaofBooks

Megabooks Scott and I both had this on our #NYWD lists this year! I need to read the rest of her backlist because I have really enjoyed what I‘ve read so far. 2y
CBee @Megabooks awesome! I grabbed another - The Liar‘s Girl - when it was on sale for Kindle. I wish she‘d put all of them on Kindle Unlimited 🤷‍♀️ 2y
vivastory I thoroughly enjoyed this one! I also really liked 2y
CBee @vivastory have heard good things about that one too! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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5⭐️ Catherine Ryan Howard can write a thriller! Perfect vacation read for me. I couldn‘t put it down! #bookreview #catherineryanhoward #thrillerbook

Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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I liked this, but didn‘t love it. I think it‘s maybe me though, as I know a lot of other Littens *really* liked it.

I just felt it was a bit choppy in places, with too many different storylines. Still a good read, and I‘d definitely recommend it to anyone who likes a good thriller.

eanderson Awww that‘s kind of a bummer. I‘m hoping to get to it soon. I‘ve had it on my kindle for a while! 2y
squirrelbrain It‘s still good @eanderson - just not Kim Stone good…😁 2y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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Continuing with #12booksof2021 pictured are a few favorites from #July & #August Like many on Litsy I read Catherine Ryan Howard for the first time in '21 & she is easily one of my favorite new to me authors that I read. Honorable mention to Nicci French's Blue Monday. @andrew65

Andrew65 Some good books here. 3y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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The perfect holiday read. I guessed the twist early on but it still was a great read about instagram influencers, journalists of gossip websites and people who‘d like to stay below the surface. Thanks for sending me this one Meg, it was as good as I hoped.

(Pic: French Alps)

TrishB I love the commitment to the great pic 😁 3y
youneverarrived Hope you‘re having a great holiday. Love the photo 😍 3y
squirrelbrain I have this on my TBR shelf…. Just never got to it yet. Fab pic - hope you‘re having a lovely time! 3y
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BarbaraBB @TrishB @youneverarrived @squirrelbrain The pics are an alternative for the diary I used to keep. #controlfreak 3y
Megabooks Such a great view! Glad you enjoyed the book. 💜 I did not guess the twist, so good for you! 3y
Cinfhen Look at the view🤩and no gloves for you 😜 3y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen haha, I ran outside to take the picture and quickly back into the cafe 😉🤫 3y
Cathythoughts Lovely picture 💫 3y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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#WeeklyForecast 52/21

I have a lot to choose from this last week of the year. These are the books I brought on my vacation. Not in the picture are my current reads: the tagged one, which I just started but am enjoying lot, and Firefly Lane on audio.

Megabooks So glad you‘re enjoying Rewind! It‘s a great vacation read. 3y
BarbaraBB @Megabooks I do! It‘s thrilling from page one! 3y
TrishB I loved the tagged one too 👍🏻 3y
sarahbarnes That‘s a great looking vacation stack. 😍 3y
Cinfhen You have a lot of awesomeness to choose from!!! Enjoy ❤️💚 3y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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Borrowed this after seeing a post from @Megabooks because I‘m always on the hunt for a good thriller. I have to say, this one delivered. Differing storylines intertwine, but I didn‘t find it confusing in the least.
Influencers, surveillance, blackmail, and obsession. Takes place in Ireland and the narrator was great. I‘m waiting for 56 Days and hoping it‘s as good!

Megabooks I liked this 0.25⭐️ more than 56 Days, but they‘re both awesome!! Glad you liked this. 3y
BarbaraBB I just finished this one and enjoyed it too. 56 Days is at least as good! 3y
Chelsea.Poole @BarbaraBB I agree; I‘ve since read 56 Days and it was well done. I appreciate her writing style. I might even read some of her others one of these days 😊 3y
BarbaraBB I read Nothing Man too. Also very good! 3y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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This is my second thriller by Howard, and I think I loved it more than the first! (And I don‘t often say I love thrillers!) I enjoyed the perspectives from multiple characters both before and after the murder that happens in the opening pages. While I had guessed a lot of it, she still left a nice surprise for the end!

Thanks for recommending this @vivastory 👍🏻

squirrelbrain I‘ve had this on my shelf for aaages - I think it was a free ARC from #readersfirst. You‘ve made me want to pick it up now! 3y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain ah yeah! Lucky you! It‘s a definitely recommend from me. 3y
vivastory I go back & forth on if I like this one or 56 Days more, but the ending for Rewind is much stronger IMO 3y
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Megabooks @vivastory totally agree! I didn‘t see that final twist coming when there was the book excerpt at the end. 56 Days is fantastic too. I think Rewind is 0.25⭐️ higher for me, though. 3y
Cathythoughts I already have this stacked 👍🏻 nice review ❤️ 3y
Megabooks @Cathythoughts thank you!! 💜 Have you read CRH before? 3y
Cathythoughts I havnt , I need to remedy that 😁 3y
Megabooks @Cathythoughts yes for sure! Especially since you‘ll know a lot of the places she talks about! 3y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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I have been waiting ALL DAY for UPS to deliver this! Now it‘s 5:30 and I have to start dinner in 15 minutes!! 😩 #BookwormProblems

And this one is a #BlameItOn @vivastory 🤞🏻 it‘s as good as 56 Days!

MicheleinPhilly I need to look into this author. I kept confusing her name with that of an author whose books are always free on Kindle. Also Catherine Ryan something. 3y
vivastory I feel fairly confident that you will like it! Also Abby at Crime By The Book on IG had a great interview with CR Howard that is worth checking out 3y
vivastory @MicheleinPhilly I think you'd like her. I've read 3 of her books (Nothing Man, Rewind & 56 Days) in a little over a month 3y
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Cinfhen Enjoy!!! 3y
Megabooks @MicheleinPhilly I know you don‘t do BOTM anymore but keep an eye out for 56 Days on kindle. It just came out, so it‘ll probably be in there as a daily deal sometime between Halloween and thanksgiving. I really enjoyed it, and I think you would too. I know you like those thriller daily deals! (edited) 3y
Megabooks @vivastory thanks for the heads up! I got in 10 pages before dinner and now I‘m sitting down with it again. Promising start!! 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen thanks! Just got your email. I will write back later tonight. 👍🏻💜 3y
TrishB I‘ve liked all her books so far! 3y
Megabooks @TrishB I am enjoying this one so far! He book really propel you into the story. Very gripping! 3y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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Rewind is Psycho & Vacancy (featuring Wilson & Beckinsale) for the digital age. Suspecting her husband of infidelity, social media influencer Natalie heads to Shanamore Cottages for concrete proof. There is a murder in one of the cottages at night that is caught on a concealed camera. There is a tabloid journalist with dreams of making it big when she's handed a serious👇

vivastory assignment. Rewind is told in a non-linear style, but it's easy to follow & the ending is so thrilling that it's almost pump your fist in the air satisfying. It's rare that I feel so thoroughly pleased with a thriller anymore, even when it's by an author I love. 3y
Alfoster Oh my, I forgot I read this one and loved it! Great review!❤️ 3y
vivastory @Alfoster Thanks! I can't wait to read more of her work 3y
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Suet624 Sold! 3y
vivastory @Suet624 I hope you like it! 3y
Hooked_on_books I‘m so excited to have found this author! I‘ve really enjoyed the two I‘ve read (including this one) and really look forward to the new book! 3y
vivastory @Hooked_on_books I completely agree about her new book. I will be going to the library first thing Tuesday to check out 3y
Hooked_on_books Yup, that‘s the other one I‘ve read. It‘s really good! 3y
vivastory @Hooked_on_books Glad to hear it! She's still young, so I'm looking forward to seeing what her future will bring 3y
Cathythoughts A good thriller!!Stacking 👍🏻 (edited) 3y
Megabooks I just ordered this based on your rec! 👍🏻 3y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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I thought of reading the new SA Cosby today, but after finding out last night that Howard's latest is a Covid-19 thriller I decided to give her books a try. As much as I love Cosby, I couldn't be happier with this decision. Just read the first half of this in one sitting.

TrishB I enjoyed this one 👍🏻 3y
Modiste Not available yet at my library! Bummer. 3y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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A good afternoons read. I did guess the killer about mid way but wanted to know the how/why. She writes a good thriller.

LeahBergen I‘ll have to check this one out. I really enjoyed The Nothing Man. 👍🏻 3y
BarbaraBB You didn‘t even mind that you figured out the killer? 3y
TrishB @LeahBergen me too 👍🏻 this one was free with my prime membership, so win-win. 3y
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TrishB @BarbaraBB no, I‘m not sure if you were supposed to and then the rest was the detail 🤷‍♀️ I don‘t usually guess! 3y
BarbaraBB I‘m intrigued! 3y
TrishB @BarbaraBB I highly recommend this one by the same author 3y
BarbaraBB That blurb is fantastic. I stacked it immediately. Thanks!! 3y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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I really liked The Nothing Man, and @vivastory thought this backlist title from the author would be good, too. Right on, Scott! It‘s a twisty turny trip that some readers might find a little too choppy with all the movement in time, but the core story is solid and holds together well. I‘ll definitely be looking for more from this author.

vivastory Glad to hear that this one is a solid read! I have it lined up for next week 📚📚📚 3y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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After reading and really enjoying The Nothing Man by the author, I immediately sought out another book by her. This is a great, creepy thriller, set in a remote and creepy motel, where someone is watching everything. Lots of clever twists and turns!

Wordsling Reminded me of the movie Vacancy 4y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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A little disappointed in my time, but that‘s okay, at least I knocked out book one. Feels good to be able to sit and read! Some distractions throughout the day, but I was expecting that lol. Happens every time. Anyway, this book was pretty good! There‘s a bit of a twist to it, but I did figure out the main mystery of who the killer was. Thumbs up! 👍🏻 #stayhome24in48 #24in48 #readathon

Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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Allowed myself to sleep in so I‘m a little late to the party. And away we go..... #stayhome24in48

LiteraryinLawrence Ditto here. But I think sleep was necessary. 4y
Mollyanna 🙋🏻‍♀️. I‘m with you as well. It‘ll still be a great weekend of reading. 4y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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This is wishful thinking on my part, but I hope to get through at least two of these this weekend during the #stayhome24in48 #readathon Even though I tell my family my plans, they tend to always interrupt my reading. But with what‘s going on in the world, I hope because we are staying home this weekend, they won‘t bug me and just let me read! 🙃

Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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I really enjoyed this one!! You are constantly going back and forth from past to present in this thriller!! Crazy story!!

Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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I found myself a tad confused at times in this one, but overall I enjoyed it.

Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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The plot is full of twists and turns. I figured out some but not all of them. The characters each add to the mystery of the story, keeping you guessing as to who knows what. The story builds to a rather short ending. I wanted to see more of the capture but the excerpt from Audrey's book ended it well.
#Netgalley #24B4Monday #SummersEndReadathon.

Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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Not a great first day total but better than I thought it would be. Much of that was achieved whilst on the beautiful Great Yarmouth beach. Fitting with the beach theme.
#24B4Monday #SummersEndReadathon
@Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @jb72

Andrew65 A great place to read, enjoy the weather this weekend. Got to love Great Yarmouth. This is a great start. 👏👏👏 (edited) 5y
kezzlou85 @Andrew65 I thought so. Have you been before? Thanks. 5y
Andrew65 @kezzlou85 yes on 3 or 4 occasions, always enjoyable times. 5y
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jb72 Fabulous view and a good start! 🎉🏖 5y
Clwojick Lovely view! 🤩 5y
kezzlou85 @Andrew65 that's so cool. I love Great Yarmouth it's got so much there. 5y
kezzlou85 @jb72 thank you. 5y
kezzlou85 @Clwojick thanks. Gotta love a beach view. 5y
Andrew65 @kezzlou85 Everything you could need! 5y
kezzlou85 @Andrew65 agreed. Though my fave around here would probably be Cromer. 5y
Andrew65 @kezzlou85 Yes, another great place. I also like Hunstanton. 5y
kezzlou85 @Andrew65 ooh yep gotta love Sunny Hunny. 5y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard

Influencer Natalie didn't tell anyone where she was going, so no one knows she's missing until it's too late.
Andrew, manager of Shanamore Cottages doesn't know who killed his only guest, or how they knew that there was a hidden camera in the bedroom, recording everything.
Audrey is desperate to move into proper journalism. When she's given the opportunity to write a piece on the missing starlet, she is ready to make this the story of her career.

Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard

After my initial reaction, I thoroughly enjoyed this fast paced thriller. The twists were brilliantly thought out, and the characters were each intriguing in their own ways. The switch between present and past tense gave the book dimension, and the foreknowledge that gave made it even more exciting to try and figure out what was going on. I would recommend this book to fans of Hannibal, Top of the Lake, and intense murder mysteries.