I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!
I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!
Ep. 44: https://bit.ly/3IJmr8O - - O. S. Card, Speaker for the Dead #mindduckbooks #podcast #book #quote #mind #duck #books
Ep. 44: https://bit.ly/3IJmr8O - - O. S. Card, Speaker for the Dead #mindduckbooks #podcast #book #quote #mind #duck #books
One my all time favorite books that I enjoyed even more re-reading it after many years. But oh boy, did Paul not share my opinions about this. Join us for a discussion about religion in sci-fi, Orson Scott Card and a of course the sequel to Ender's Game - Speaker for the Dead on episode 44 of the Mind Duck Books Podcast: https://bit.ly/3IJmr8O
We are also on video for this one: https://youtu.be/Cd3YhrobKEc
"If I told nothing but what everyone knows -that he hated his children and beat his wife and raged drunkenly from bar to bar... then I would not cause pain, would I? I'd cause a great deal of satisfaction...
No human being, when you understand his desires is worthless. No one's life is nothing. Even the most evil of men and women, if you understand their hearts, had some generous act that redeems them, at least a little, from their sins."
I love Ender's Game, and I've been sitting on Speaker for the Dead for years now. I think it's about time I'll read it....#speakerforthedead #sundayreads #books #sunday #scifi
Copied from Pinterest 🤗 I think it makes my classroom a little brighter.
“Ah, there‘s so much that we don‘t understand, and so much that you don‘t understand. We should tell each other more.”
This, and understanding that we question all of our beliefs, except the ones that we really believe...
The central themes of this book are based on the author‘s missionary experience in Brazil. Hard to believe, yet completely evident that this book was written by someone very religious.
And cookies, because I baked.
Like Ender, I struggle to use certain technology, that others find simple to navigate. Also, though, really understanding the connective elements between things and what the questions are, which others might not quite get. The struggle is real.
For he loved her, as you can only love someone who is an echo of yourself, at the time of your deepest sorrow.
The best of all of the Ender books, I‘d say. I didn‘t learn about Star Trek‘s “prime directive” until it was assigned in an ethics class, but the last line of the prologue of this book held the same sway for me from the first time I read it, and still rings with exciting foreboding after many reads. Finished this while making room for the groceries I bought for impromptu company on Thursday. I‘m not an apple pie fan, but this looked yummy.
“‘The difference between raman and varelse is not in the creature judged, but in the creature judging. When we declare an alien species to be raman, it does not mean that they have passed a threshold of moral maturity, it means that WE have.‘ — Demosthenes, Letter to the Framlings”
*10/10 alien rating*
I wanted to like this book so much.
It was very frustrating to get through overall. I just about bailed a dozen times because of the strange writing style (& audiobook readers). There was so much build up, so much confusion and I couldn‘t tell if it was intentional. Read it if you want to know what happens to Ender. That‘s all
p.s. what is the front cover supposed to be?
#scifi #ender
Thanks google images for helping me daydream at work (Yes that is a 3D printed alien head, my pride and joy)
Also aiming to finish speaker today, and boy do I have some OPINIONS
My first attempt at #spinepoetry #riotgrams
"Welcome to the Monkey House,
Where the sidewalk ends.
Go set a watchman,
Speaker for the dead."
1. Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card
2. The Dogs of Babel by Carolyn Parkhurst
3. Black Water Rising by Attica Locke
4. Bossy Pants by Tina Fey
5. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
6. An Echo in the bone by Diana Gabaldon #playingfavorites
I'm on holiday in Switzerland right now, and I've never been outside the United States before. It's surreal to be reading this book while immersed in a foreign culture for the first time in my life.
This is one of the only series I've read that takes place in another galaxy. This particular book intrigues me most--it teaches so much about engaging with other cultures respectfully, even though Card is a repugnant queer-hating asshole.
It's also an important book in my family b/c losing it is the reason my husband earned a lifetime ban from the. University of Iowa Library, even though he paid to replace it. #maybookflowers #throwbackthursday
Unlike Ender's Game you can see the author's own opinion on government and religion. It was good to listen to this book as an audiobook, as I would have otherwise butchered the Brazilian Portuguese.
Anyway, that's how I ended up with 38 sci-fi/fantasy paperbacks, and my husband set a world record for heavy sighs. (2/2)
It was shaping up to be a B- day of garage sales until our last stop had this most auspicious of signs. Is this...is this what heaven feels like??? 😳 (1/2)
I thought it was a bit of a slow starter, but it got very interesting and I loved the characters. I can't decide if I prefer this one to Ender's Game or not. #MyBookJar2017 category: Audiobook. #LitsyAtoZ letter S.
In my head I'm starting to just refer to Ender as Mary Sue.
I thought, what better day to start this audiobook than Veteran's Day.
Looking for some other book, found these two right beside each other on the shelf. Two of my all-time favorite reads. Both of them left me a different writer, with different—better—dreams.
I was reading my ethics text the other night and was reminded of a specific moment in Speaker, so I grabbed my copy to take notes. Tonight, I flipped open the notebook, which I had first used in a sociology class on sex and gender in America, to a note on a different part from Speaker. I took that class 8 years ago. Pretty cool.
Despite a slow start and names that are kind of difficult to grasp at first, I ended up really loving this! It is SO different from Ender's Game, but I loved it anyway - I thought the science/anthropology side was fascinating and I loved the new characters by the end. I would recommend this if you like deep and philosophical sci-fi. 5⭐️/5
#book #books #SpeakerfortheDead #EnderWiggin #OrsonScottCard
Wasn't expecting this to be like it is, but I'm enjoying it more now I've got to grips with the new characters!
Sounds like we're doing TBT on here, so here's mine. Ender's Game was a huge book for me as a young sci-fi fan, but its sequel was probably my first "grown up" book and it remains my favourite in the series. One day I'll go back and re-read all the Ender books.
I don't have the words for all my feelings yet. I cried them all out in my bed last night as I finished the book when I should have been sleeping.