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First Term at Malory Towers
First Term at Malory Towers | Enid Blyton
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The first book in the "Malory Towers" series, all about the famous boarding school. Darrell is all packed and ready to head off to her new school, but has she made sure to bring a lid for her temper?
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Darrell arrives at the school and has to learn to fit in. A common theme in boarding-school stories, but Darrell is fundamentally likeable. Enjoyed this very much.

#enidblyton #schoolstories #childrensbooks #throwbackthursday

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#WinterReadathonDailyChallenge #WinterReadathon

I know that there is some debate over Blyton‘s books now, but back when I was an innocent child, these series definitely helped develop in me a love of reading that I have never lost. Whilst I acknowledge the issues, I still look back fondly on these series.

@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

Andrew65 And me too, spent my childhood with these books and you are the second person this evening to tag her books.📚📚📚 (edited) 2y
TheEllieMo @Andrew65 I think there is an entire generation of British people who became voracious readers due to Blyton. 2y
Andrew65 @TheEllieMo Definitely. 2y
KCofKaysville @TheEllieMo I enjoy the TV series and imagine the books are good for the time they were written. 2y
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
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Thank you for tagging me in this @CindyMyLifeIsLit

I started reading books with Enid Blyton. Famous five, secret seven, naughtiest girl I have read it all. Mallory Towers was the book I read in my school library when I was having a bad day and it just stayed with me. It's funny and amusing and I loved the characters and their friendships. It was starting of my love for stories and books. Hence it really has an important role in it.

NeedsMoreBooks Enid Blyton 🙌🏼💖 4y
charl08 What a lovely memory! 4y
Melancholy2243 @charl08 Thank you ❤️ 4y
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#7books7days Day 5

Seven books that left a deep impression on me and changed me.

Where my reading obsession began. Me flying on a carpet like, "A whole new woooooorld!" lol

BarbaraBB Of course ! I should have thought of her! Reading about Pitts, the twins and the five detectives really formed me and my reading habits! 4y
Cupcake12 They‘ve just made a new updated children‘s series for BBC TV. My girls have put it on their to be watched list. I‘ve read the books. 4y
Tanisha_A Yessss! ♥️ 4y
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TrishB Mine too ❤️ loved these so much. Going to put on my list too when I get to it! 4y
CarolynM I loved the Malory Towers books too. I could never get into St Clare's though. 4y
squirrelbrain I was going to include this on my list too! @TrishB 4y
Moray_Reads I was a huge Blyton fan but I've never read these. Which is odd because I went to university in St Andrews which apparently inspired the setting! 4y
batsy @BarbaraBB Yes, absolutely! 4y
batsy @Cupcake12 I didn't know about this! Thanks! Will look out and see if I'm able to watch it here. 4y
batsy @Tanisha_A @TrishB I love seeing how other readers grew up with these books, too 💕 4y
batsy @CarolynM I was always partial to Malory Towers, too. I enjoyed St. Clare's but twins and their friends didn't quite have the same hold on me. 4y
batsy @Birdsong28 I didn't know this existed, thanks :) 4y
batsy @Moray_Reads I had fantasies of boarding schools involving midnight feasts and picnics galore precisely because of these books 😆 4y
Cuilin Loved Malory Towers, the BBC TV series due out soon is described as a Downton Abbey style for younger audience. Yep I‘ll be watching it! 4y
batsy @Cuilin That sounds perfect. I have high hopes already! 🤞🏽 4y
Itchyfeetreader @Cuilin this is amazing news I hadn‘t heard about this 4y
BiblioLitten ♥️ I used to love the naughtiest girl series too! 4y
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I loved this series. These are the exact editions I owned and read from, sadly I‘ve given them away..wish I still have them.
(Image from google).

#30JuneBooks #OldFavorite

tpixie Great memories!! The memories and feelings are in your heart, and just looking at the photo will bring it out!!! And you saved space for other books in your home! ♥️🥳📚 5y
BarbaraJean Ohhhh, I loved these, too!! 5y
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merelybookish Great editions! I can see why you wish you'd kept them! (I did not read Blyton as a kid and get the sense she doesn't work as well for adults. Have you ever tried to re-read her?) 5y
TrishB I still have mine ❤️ I loved these so much. 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Some books have stayed with me, and I think I‘ll be happy to reread these, but not some of her other books, though...lots of bad stereotypes..but then we‘ll have to recognise times were different then. @merelybookish 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @tpixie great memories indeed! You made me feel much better 😘 5y
tpixie @erzascarletbookgasm good!! ♥️♥️♥️🥳🥳🥳 5y
BarbaraJean @merelybookish @erzascarletbookgasm I re-read a few of this series as an adult and enjoyed them, but I think it was more nostalgia value than anything else. I recently bought a collected edition of her Faraway Tree series, since I hadn‘t read it as a child, and am interested to see how I like it first-time as an adult! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @BarbaraJean yes on the nostalgia part..❤️ I liked the Faraway Tree and Wishing Chair series when I was young. Will be curious to know your thoughts on reading it first time now. 🙂 5y
HKGirl I loved these too! I never did have my own copies though -- just borrowed them from the library every time I read them. 5y
LeahBergen 😍😍😍 5y
JillR Oh I loved this series so so much. I‘m about to introduce 8 year old Bella 🤞 5y
JillR Ps I have to say I‘m not going to read them with her as I‘ve found the Enid Blyton I‘ve read with both kids so far hasn‘t quite lived up to my memories 🙁 5y
Nute This type of post might be my favorite. I enjoy seeing the books that readers read in their youth and visiting memory lane. It‘s so touching and heartfelt!💕 5y
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Here it is, @TrishB . Someone before me loved it so much that they had to do a bit of repair work with tape. 😆😆


TrishB Oh that‘s lovely ❤️ girls looking slightly older than expected 😁 6y
squirrelbrain Lovely! And the Chalet School as well.... ❤️ 6y
batsy Ohh 😍😍 Love those Chalet School editions too! 6y
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BiblioLitten Aww I miss my school library! 6y
mcctrish I LOVED Malory Towers and really everything written by Enid Blyton 6y
Cathythoughts Brilliant ✨✨✨✨✨ 6y
HKGirl 😍😍😍 I need to get my own set of Malory Towers...I always borrowed from the library growing up. 6y
Reviewsbylola Yet another Blyton I must read. I‘ve always meant to read her but haven‘t yet. 6y
charl08 Love that cover: I didn't remember those books were so old, though! 6y
LeahBergen @Reviewsbylola You‘ll have to read some of her more magically-themed ones with your girls. 👍🏻 6y
LeahBergen @charl08 I know! Both this series and the St. Clare‘s series were started in the 1940s. 😮 6y
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I had fun revisiting this series, although I never actually read this first book as a kid. Would love to swim in the pool at Malory Towers -- it sounds divine!

erzascarletbookgasm I was obsessed with this series! 6y
rabbitprincess @erzascarletbookgasm I only ever read the last two books because that's all I had, but I did like them! I also liked the St. Clares series. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm The St Clare‘s series was fun, too. 6y
ravenlee @rabbitprincess @erzascarletbookgasm I never read Enid Blyton but want to, and share them with my daughter. Where should I start? 6y
rabbitprincess @ravenlee Good question! She was quite prolific, so there is a lot to choose from. I think Malory Towers or St. Clare's might be a good place to start. 6y
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Image from Pinterest, but these are the editions I read from. I absolutely loved these two series, so much, I kept asking to be sent to a boarding school.

#NoFemmeber #schoolinlife

Cinfhen Oh wow!! Total #Throwback 😛 6y
Emma3 I loved Malory Towers 6y
batsy Me too! Great pick 💖 6y
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BarbaraBB I loved Enid Blyton! 6y
bedandabook I read these and asked to be sent to a boarding school. I was, and I hated it!Enid Blyton‘s version much better than real life 😂 6y
CarolynM I loved these as a child, especially Malory Towers❤️ 6y
erzascarletbookgasm @bedandabook Oh, no midnight feasts? 😂 #fictionvsreality 6y
Centique I was obsessed with boarding school books as a kid/tween and these were some of the best. Glad I never went though, I think my inner introvert would have shrivelled and died at constant company 🥴🥴🥴 @bedandabook @erzascarletbookgasm 6y
Billypar I love the classic cover illustrations- this looks like a fun series ☺️ 6y
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#24in48 Hour 36: Childhood Reads | My mother passed her copies of Mallory Towers, Famous Five & more to my older sister when we were 5 & 3, respectively. After seeing my sister do the same, I devoured every single Enid Blyton book we had, loving every minute of adventure & mayhem. Now, I have my own copies, pictured here. The originals are tucked safely away in my sister‘s bookshelf, waiting to be bequeathed to the next generation of readers ♥️

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For #SetInASchool I am going back some to showcase the author who gave me and so many people of my generation a love of books and reading, especially with The Secret Seven and The Famous Five, but she also gave us Noddy who has enriched our lives beyond measure. However she also wrote the Malory Towers books set in a school. Yes we are talking Enid Blyton!

LeahBergen ❤️💕❤️💕 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 My library only has a few of these. An audio of Five on a Treasure Island and a couple of Christmas books about toys and a party. 6y
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Andrew65 @EadieB One of our year groups is currently reading one of her books. 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 I‘ll have to listen to the audio that the library has. 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB should be a quick listen.Bear in mind they were written in different times - 1940s and 1950s. 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 They remind me of the Bobbsey Twins books I used to read. (edited) 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB Don‘t know those. 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 They were mysteries written by Laura Lee Hope for very young children. 6y
tracey38 @EadieB I remember reading The Bobbsey Twins books! 6y
CarolynM I loved the Mallory Towers books as a child, not so keen on St Care's 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB Will have to have a look. 6y
Andrew65 @CarolynM Never Read any of the St. Clares books. 6y
ephemeralwaltz Great pick! 6y
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#24in48 Hour 6 Challenge: Oldest childhood book! | My mother passed this book & its sequels on to her daughters when we were very small. Sadly, these are not those copies — the originals are safely tucked away in my sister‘s bookshelf at home, still clinging to life thanks to layers of sellotape. These current copies are ones I got for myself a few years ago — because my bookshelf just wasn‘t the same without Darrell & the O‘Sullivan twins!

theshrinkette Oooh I've never seen this edition before! 7y
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These are some of my favourite books when I was a kid. Who else read these? 🙂
I devoured all in the series, and these are the exact copies I read and own back then. Sadly, I don't have them in my possession any more, can't recall what happened to them 😢.
(Images from google).
#childhoodread #riotgrams @bookriot

Lizpixie Oh wow! I used to LOVE those Choose Your Own Adventure books! The only time my parents bought me something from the Scholastic Book Fair was a mystery bag of these. 7y
DeborahSmall My favourites too. Devoured the famous and the secret seven. Don't know happened to them. We had a house fire when I was 10 so could've been then. Definitely my childhood favourites ❤️ 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Loved Choose Your Own Adventure! 7y
JenP Yes, loved them 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @Lizpixie @DeborahSmall @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JenP Yay, for Enid Blyton and Choose Your Own Adventure love! 🙌🏼 7y
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#welllovedreads #riotgrams
I don't think these are my original ones, but maybe my second version!!
Have lost most of my childhood books over the years with various life events!

Itchyfeetreader We clearly had the same tastes as kids! 7y
TrishB @Itchyfeetreader and it was great taste 😀👍 7y
i.z.booknook Malory towers!! 😍😍😍 yesssss!!!! Nice one! 🎉 my brother got me the audio cds when I was little, these were the first books I'd listened to and I listened soooo many times over! 😂 7y
TrishB @TheAliceEvers cool 👍 they were well loved 😍 7y
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Well, my whole life is #setinaschool, & I blame this excellent series for it. If Potty, Nosey, Grayling and the rest of those brilliant, take-zero-shit, compassionate women didn't make teaching look like SO MUCH DAMN FUN, idk where I'd be.

(As usual, they were right, too 😉) #teachersoflitsy

BookishBron I loved these!!! 😍😍😍 8y
RealLifeReading Loved this series! 8y
Sharanya @BookishBron @RealLifeReading SO AMAZING RIGHT?! It made me want to go to boarding school so hardddddd 8y
BookishBron Lol yes me too! 8y
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Written before 1950, these might not hold up now in their original form. There were revised version published a few years ago. To my 8 years old self in the 1970s in Canada, these read like exotic tales. #booktober #bookssetinschool #setinaschool

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When I was younger, I read and re-read my mum's old copies of the Malory Towers and St. Clare's series. For some reason she had only the last two Malory Towers, so I haven't read the first book in the series! Will it hold up for me now that I'm in my 30s? 🤔
#booktober day 14: books set in a school

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#3authors These are the three authors who influenced me the most and played an important role in shaping the reader I am today. Enid Blyton, I devoured almost all her books, from Naughtiest Girl to boarding school series; Agatha Christie, made me fall in love with detective/mystery stories; Jane Austen, sparked my interest in classic stories with her sense of humour & social critique on British historical social class. 😊 @kmdartist