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Percy Jackson e gli Dei dell'Olimpo - 3. La maledizione del titano
Percy Jackson e gli Dei dell'Olimpo - 3. La maledizione del titano | Rick Riordan
Una nuova pericolosa impresa attende Percy Jackson: insieme alle compagne Talia e Annabeth deve introdursi in una scuola per portare al Campo Mezzosangue Nico e Bianca, due potentissimi semidei, eludendo la sorveglianza del vicepreside. Ma sotto le spoglie dell'aguzzino si nasconde un mostruoso emissario del perfido Crono, che rapisce Annabeth. Creature sepolte da millenni sono tornate alla luce, pronte a servire il sogno di vendetta dei Titani contro gli antichi nemici, gli dei dell'Olimpo. Per impedire la catastrofe, Percy e i suoi amici dovranno intraprendere un viaggio ai confini del cielo e sfidare una ferale profezia: uno si perder, un altro patir la maledizione del Titano e l'ultimo perir per mano di un genitore. Chi, tra i cinque eroi partiti per la missione, riuscir a sopravvivere per giungere al cospetto di Crono e sconfiggere Atlante, costretto a reggere il peso della volta celeste?
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Things are heating up! My first time through this series and am still enjoying the overarching story, lack of romance, and mythic retelling. Fun easy reading. Percy turns 15 in next book so I assume the foreshadowed romance between him and Annabel will heat up alongside the impending war salvos.

The Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan
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Paul Blofis! He‘s not just the stepdad, he‘s the dad that stepped up!

But in all seriousness, to be dropped head first into the absolute nonsense that is Percy Jackson‘s life, and not only rolling with it but going yeah I want to hitch my wagon to this wild train? I really love his character. 😆

#SundayFunday Have a wonderful Father‘s Day if you celebrate! And if you don‘t, for whatever reason, I hope you have a fantastic day! 💖

BethM Arthur Weasley! 4mo
BookmarkTavern @BethM Cute choice! 💕 4mo
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Cintia J
The Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan

Once again, Rick Riordan delivers a captivating story that I just had to keep reading. I‘m so glad I decided to grab this story, it is so great! In this new installment, we find our heroes in a whole new quest, and this time, someone else has come to be a part of the group: Thalia, Zeus‘ daughter, and one of the most powerful demigods ever born.

FULL REVIEW IN MY BLOG: https://abookandateacup.blogspot.com/2016/12/review-titans-curse.html

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Wowsers. These books really do just get better and better don‘t they. Really enjoying reading these aloud to my son and enjoying them for the first time together. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan

I still love this series, but I don‘t want to give any spoilers. It is just as epic and fun as the first two books. I am starting book four later.


I liked this book more than the second one. I liked that percy wasn't always the center of attention and made room for other heroes to shine.

The book is amazing if you love to read young fantasy!

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"Apollo?" I guessed, because I figured nobody else could make a haiku that bad.
He put his fingers to his lips. "I'm incognito. Call me Fred."

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Unabridged Audiobook (8/10):
Another wonderful adventure in the Camp Half-Blood Chronicles! I truly forgot about so much of this series, so I‘m so glad to be revisiting it after so many years (and in such a short time)! Excited to see Percy, Grover, and Annabeth come face to face with Pan!

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Finished Stephen Kings Fairy Tale. Now Im starting the third installment of the percy jackson series

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Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan
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The Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan
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#BookReport - Well, I did winnow a few more out of the windowsill, and should finish the tagged book sometime today. But starting tomorrow I seem to have embroiled myself in a LOT of chapter-a-day books, which will slow down my windowsill reading... and after adding May's books, the windowsill is BURSTING! 😂 While none of the books I read this week were new faves, they were all solid, engaging reads. And looking at the books that are left - ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) I'm still pretty excited to read all of them. However, Scarlet (sequel to Cinder) just came in the mail today (FINALLY) so that will probably end up being next to read. Stay tuned for tomorrow's overstuffed windowsill pic! 😅

KristiAhlers Ha! 🤣 I showed my husband your post and said “see I‘m not the only one with piles of books needing to be read on display!” And he responds “oh,baby, you found your people!” I was yes. Yes I did. I‘d put mine in a window if I didn‘t have a car who likes to be in windows 😂 so coffee table it is! 2y
Cinfhen Nice to see all those green checks ✅💚can‘t wait to see the May additions 🥳 2y
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willaful Hi -- I just joined Litsy and I'd like to particpate in the #BookSpin 2y
TheAromaofBooks @KristiAhlers - Sadly, the windowsill is not the only pile awaiting attention 😂 I still haven't decided if the challenges on Litsy that keep me reading are balancing out the awesome posts on Litsy that have me adding new books to my TBR every day! 😆 2y
TheAromaofBooks @willaful - I would love to have you along!! To play, you just need a list of 20 books you've been meaning to read - tag me when you post it!! Tomorrow (& on the 2nd of every month) I draw two numbers (BookSpin&DoubleSpin) and the goal is to read those two books from your list!! There are tons more details on my masterpost (off Litsy) here - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/bookspin-bookspinbingo-litsy-challenge/ or ask if you have questions! 2y
BkClubCare @willaful -Welcome! Litsy is the best corner of the internet 🤩 2y
KristiAhlers @TheAromaofBooks I have a legit tall 6 shelf TBR Bookcase lol. I feel your pain 2y
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I don't think this quote needs much of an explanation. I think this is a lesson everyone needs reminded of throughout their life.

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As part of my goal to annotate more, I'm also wanting to share some of my favorite quotes from books I'm reading and this was probably my favorite from THE TITAN'S CURSE. I love the introduction of the concept that monsters and evil doesn't have to look like our stereotypes of monsters and evil.

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I‘m behind on my reviews so forgive me as I spam you guys today…
But THE TITANS CURSE is my favorite book of the series so far! I loved the plot, the inclusion of some bigger life messages to consider, the character development, all wrapped up in the same witty narrative. Because of these things I‘m rating it ⭐️4/5.

Does anyone else love the original covers more than the Disney covers?

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The Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan
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Slowly but surely making my way back through this series ☺️☺️

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Oof 💀 should I be shocked that I expected more smutty scenes?!

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This gave me chills! 😱😍🥶

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This is awesome

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This is the third part of the series and I finished this book quite quickly. It is the last book in the series that I currently have so I will be taking a small break from Percy Jackson until I can get my hands on the next two books. In general though, I really enjoyed this book and am loving the series so far. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

mavey My favorite book in the Olympians Series! Wow twists and revelations, right!💗 3y
Lovelylottereader @Mavey I agree and really enjoyed it! :) 3y
mavey @Lovelylottereader Delighted to hear! Do stick on with Riordan's Series. Mark Of Athena is another gem! 3y
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These books keep continueing to be so enjoyable! I loved Bessie, Blackjack made me laugh and even Mr. D. had a good moment! The plot is not very suprising and you can feel twists coming for pages, but I will take that for granted. The Gods feel very much alive to me and all the myths are being reborn. I love this series for that!

The Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan

Just started reading this after reading Six of Crows and wow ya'll the transition to this mindset has been wild.

Erinsuereads 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 3y
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The Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan
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#MayCharacters Day 6: A character who's mythical
@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

The third book thunder from Rick Riordan and my favourite from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series, Titan's Curse keeps you hooked throughout the story, ending with a jaw-dropping revelation!

Eggs Gorgeous cover! Great choice! 3y
mavey @Eggs 😉💕 3y
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The Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan
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Blossoms and a book at the park today! 💕📚🌸

KyllianUvera Just started this one! It‘s a great read so far, just like the other 2 entries I have read. Percy Jackson‘s adventures are just so action packed and filled with personality — it‘s a great path into fantasy for new readers like myself! 3y
Branwen @KyllianUvera Yes, I completely agree! It's a wonderful series! I'm a librarian, and I can't evwn tell you how many kids/teens fall in love with reading because of his books! It's truly magical! 3y
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I actually think this book is my favorite so far of the series. It was fun, and though I think there was a slow beginning with a lot of new information, there were plenty of action sequences to make up for it. There is a lot at stake, and we dive deeper into the characters. What I really enjoyed was that because the characters are getting older there are some deeper themes. I loved seeing the characters‘ reactions showing how they have grown.

BooksChocolatesCoffees This is my least favorite book out of this series, actually. I love it but something seemed off in this book and I also didn't like Thalia purely because I was really sympathetic towards Percy as he feels everyone have suddenly forgotten his glory and literally idolized Thaila. 3y
living_for_literature @BooksChocolatesCoffees oh I‘m not a big fan of Thalia but I loved Zoey! I think that‘s why I liked it the most 3y
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7 Feb - 9 Apr 2021 (audiobook)
Continuing on with the Percy Jackson saga. 𝙿𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚢 is happy to relisten - it has been 4-5 years since we read them together - and Beatrix enjoys following along and seems to be developing some knowledge of Greek gods and mythology. Riordan does well at placing the traditional creatures of mythology into a modern narrative. Zoe Nightshade is a favourite of ours - even inspiring Polly‘s Book Week costume one year.

The Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan

I haven't been on Litsy in almost two years. I also haven't updated my bookstagram in a year. I never finished re-reading PJATO, not even The Titan's Curse. Things happened...I'm still here...barely. I'm sorry I left you, Litsy. Maybe I will be back soon...
I'm currently reading Enchanteé by Gita Trelease, slowly.

The Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan
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The Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan
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The Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan
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The Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan
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Not bad, put off by the slurs in it though

Saknicole I haven‘t read this series, but it surprises me to hear that there are slurs in a younger YA series. Do you recommend starting the series not knowing at at all as an adult? I think I may have watched the movie once. 4y
EllanaRose @Saknicole The slurs were commonly used at the time of publication, so I'm not overly surprised by their use. I didn't read them as a kid, but they are good books, but definitely go into it knowing that they're not perfect 4y
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To me this is one of the saddest books in this series. So much heartbreak and loss. One of my favorites. Plus I can remember how happy and sweet Nico was before he became so bitter and angry.

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The book I am currently reading takes place in 2010-2015 kind of era because they have Miami, Forests, Donut shops, so I think my book could fit in 2020, because the characters are interacting like regular teenagers, and have technology that we still use today such as the phone. if the story took place in 2020, they would have updated technology and because the story uses real place, the wildfires and coronavirus could affect them.

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The third book in the series. I enjoy these books and am getting drawn into them more and more. They are entertaining and lighthearted. There is a depth of story and connection while also being fairly simple and unencumbered. I will keep reading them.

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I would recommend to students my age, or past Harry Potter fans, because Percy Jackson is similar to Harry Potter because of its wizardry and magic.
In the book so far, Percy who is the main character, has 1 friend she met at Demigod camp, named Annabeth. They interact together like best friends, and in this book Percy keeps talking about how mature she looks than she used to be, and Annabeth does seem more serious and mature in the book.

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So far I am in the 3rd Book of the Percy Jackson Series, and so far there are 3 teenagers Percy, Thalia, and Annabeth who are actually demigods, who secretly find monsters such as Medusa. They start off by being dropped of at a school who have 2 other demigods or “half-bloods“ at the school, but a Vice Principal who is actually a secret monster, attacks the other half-bloods.

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Next up! My #bookspin selection! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks I've been meaning to read this series forever!!! 4y
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TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looks great!! 4y
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I have been trying for the last 2 hours to read this, I have managed two chapters because I keep getting texts and phone calls and video calls. -_-

I‘m so conflicted with myself sometimes, because while being annoyed about this, I‘m also feeling lonely because I have tried partaking in bookish conversations in social media the past few days only to be ignored. I just want to have conversations with people sometimes.

phantomx I do feel at times that bookish things on social media can be...not about books. And I know how you feel, I've slumped in my reading today, I've gotten through just 30 pages.😧 4y
Sweetkokoro @phantomx My problem is more so when someone asks opinions on a certain book and I try to take part and no one responds to me but they are all talking to each other, but also the lack of actual book conversations is frustrating. I finally managed to get through 100 pages but now people are video calling again. It seems to be one of those days 😞 4y
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Book three was great. Wrong about trains. But fun interactions with gods.

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Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan
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I‘m catching up on some reviews that I haven‘t had the energy to post since coronavirus shook our world. I haven‘t read much in the past few months, but I‘m hoping to change that now. My kids loved all of these books, the were fun for me to read with them as well.



So good I immediately had to start reading the next one and almost forgot to post a little review. Each book is better than the last. Just digging all the Greek mythology and adventure in these books, which are not without their twists and turns!

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Just finished book 2 and nothing is stopping me from starting book 3!

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Enjoying this series.

Titan's Curse | Rick Riordan
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3rd book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympian series. Percy Jackson is a half-blood; part mortal, part God. In this book Percy is determined to save his best friend and fellow half-blood, Annabeth.