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Una llama entre cenizas (Una llama entre cenizas 1)
Una llama entre cenizas (Una llama entre cenizas 1) | Sabaa Tahir
Laia es una hurfana que lucha por salvar a su nico hermano. Elias es un soldado que lucha por su libertad. Y ambos descubrirn que el Imperio solo puede vencerse desde dentro... En un mundo regido por la ley marcial de la Roma Antigua, el precio de la desobediencia es la muerte. Laia y su familia sobreviven en los callejones ms pobres, sin cuestionar el orden establecido. Han visto lo que les pasa a quienes se atreven a desafiarlo. Cuando encarcelen a su hermano por traicin, Laia se ver obligada a acudir a la resistencia. A cambio de su ayuda, deber espiar para ellos en la Academia Militar. All conocer a Elias, el soldado ms prometedor del Imperio y tambin su mayor opositor. Laia es esclava, Elias es soldado. Ninguno de los dos es libre. Solo uniendo sus destinos podran cambiar el de todos. La opinin de los lectores: Brutal. Una trama que me ha tenidoenganchada desde la primera pgina. La pluma de la autora es increble, dota a la historia de unos matices crueles y despiadados, sus descripciones son pulcras y es capaz de transmitir el ambiente de tensin y el constante terror y peligro que sufren los protagonistas. [...] El ritmo es perfecto, hay una constante accin y la trama se desarrolla poco a poco, con cada captulo aumenta la tensin y la intensidad. Blog El jugar de tinta Este libro se ha convertido en mi nueva obsesin, y cuando digo obsesin me refiero a que ha llegado al nivel de Los juegos del hambre o Harry Potter. Blog El olor a libro nuevo Una novela que no dejar indiferente a nadie. Llena de intriga, sufrimiento y mucha accin. Blog Palabras romnticas Una llama entre cenizas desprende fuerza, rivalidad, violencia, tensin y mucha sangre en cada una de sus pginas. Una ambientacin asombrosa, una trama original que atrapa desde el comienzo de su historia y unos protagonistas inigualables que conseguirn que el lector devore esta historia de una sentada. Sin duda alguna, cien por cien recomendable. Blog Dragon Fly La opinin de la crtica y de otros autores: Imposible dejarlo. Una llama entre cenizas tiene la accin trepidante de Los juegos del hambre, la pica de Juego de tronos y la tensin de Romeo y Julieta. The Hollywood Reporter Un debut pico, explosivo y desgarrador que te tendr pegado a las pginas. Marie Lu, autora bestseller de The New York Times Tan cinemtica como Gladiator y con tanta intensidad como Juego de Tronos. Holly Goldberg Sloan, autora bestseller de The New York Times
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I've been meaning to read this for years and finally got the time (read will) to.
Laia and Elias are both victims of circumstance and their choices will decide the course of the entire Empire.
I loved how the story unfolds, how it developed, how new characters got introduced with their roles defined. Above all, I loved how it ended. How the premise for the next book was set.
It's a beautiful book and I can't wait to see what happens next.
4.5/5 🌟

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I was immediately sucked into this world of Masks hunting Scholars, and appreciated the lengths Laia wanted to go to in order to save her brother as well as Elias's frustration with the system he was born into. Will be continuing the series if I can find the next book!

An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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Such a good book that @thegirlwiththelibrarybag recommended when I was away back in 2016 and was one of the things that kept us close was discussing books. Loved going to all the book shops with you. 📚

thegirlwiththelibrarybag I loved the first one but you can probably guess where I‘m going with this (I haven‘t finished the series) 7mo
kathy88 @thegirlwiththelibrarybag Hahaha. How has this become our trait. We start really good series and then . . . We stop. 7mo
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An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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My big brother reaches home in the dark hours before dawn, when even ghosts take their rest. He smells of steel and coal and forge. He smells of the enemy.
#AnEmberInTheAshes #SabaaTahir #firstline #openingline #book #books #booktattoo #booktree #bookthief #booktopia #booktoday #bookyourself #bookunion #bookutopia #bookunicorn #bookunicorns #bookish #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Romance #Fiction #YoungAdultFantasy #Dystopia #HighFantasy #Audiobook 💘💘💘

An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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Highly entertaining. Definitely reading the next book.

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The author has created a world with amazing characters, and I am in awe of the writing style. Love this series.

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Some of the writing was really good, and the characters had some (uneven) development.
An unwanted son and a daughter who doesn‘t want to find her own strength must navigate in the shadows of their parents and try to understand who they can become and what price they are willing to pay. An intersection of Roman/Desert Nomad/Learned Scholars society & magic is a cool world but under explored.
2.5/5 stars, read for a military/magic/assassin story

dabbe The cutest puppy is ready! ❣️🐾❣️ 1y
iread2much @dabbe thank you! 1y
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Definitely enjoyed this book. The world was interesting and leaves you wanting more. First book drops you into the world but never overwhelms you with a lot of information right from the start. Definitely recommend reading it #booktube #bookreview

Also have a book review video on this one talking more about it An ember in the ashes book review

An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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5feet.of.fury I just read my first Nora Roberts this year. I‘ll have to read some more. Always good to see successful people doing the right thing. 2y
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An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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?H. E. Edgmon
? The Emperor's New Groove. Enchanted.
?Ed Sheeran. Emeli Sandé
?The Edge of Glory- Lady Gaga. Eat your heart out- WALK THE MOON.

#manicmonday #letterE

CBee Thanks for playing! 👏🏻 2y
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*more tension*

An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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I had known this book was going to be a banger when it came out. I bought it immediately during debut!

You know what happens to books who get bought immediately by people like me though? They get thrown into a massive TBR pile. My reading pace is massively slower than it used to be, so this has been my only summer read so far.

Highly recommend, cannot wait to get my hands on book two!

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#alphabetgame #letterE Going with Sabaa Tahir for letter ‘E‘! Still loving this game!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thank you for playing!! 2y
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starting chapter 5, good so far!

An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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I don‘t know that I‘m enjoying this… book one was meh. Let‘s see if book 2 will redeem the series or if I bail…

An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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This was an astonishing read. This book has me excited from beginning to the end. I kept reading page after page trying to see what would happen next. It was phenomenal how the story was told from two perspectives. I can‘t wait to see what happens in the rest of the series. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#AnEmberInTheAshes #SabaaTahir #book #books #read #bookrecommendation #bookrecommendations #bookreport #bookreports #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Romance #Dystopia 💖💖💖💖💖

Super_Jane I love this series 2y
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An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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I finished 4/5 of these for #Asianreadathon. I enjoyed them all but my favorite was Ember in the Ashes. I can't wait to read the next book! The one I didn't finish, The Hundred years War on Palenstine, I'm taking it slow, but should finish soon.

An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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Set in a rich, high-fantasy world inspired by ancient Rome, Sabaa Tahir's AN EMBER IN THE ASHES told the story of Laia, a slave fighting for her family, and Elias, a young soldier fighting for his freedom.
#AnEmberInTheAshes #SabaaTahir #book #books #bookrecommendation #bookrecommendations #recommendation #recommendations #bookreport #bookreports #bookreview #bookriot #TBR #ToBeRead #TBRBingo #booktree #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Romance #Fiction 💓💓💓

Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir

My first read by Sanaa Tahir. Interesting sibling adventure.

Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir

“I live with the guilt. But there are two kinds of guilt, girl: the kind that drowns you until you‘re useless, and the kind that fires your soul to purpose.”

Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir

Life is made of so many moments that mean nothing. Then one day, a single moment comes along to define every second that comes after.

An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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Set in a rich, high-fantasy world inspired by ancient Rome, Sabaa Tahir's AN EMBER IN THE ASHES told the story of Laia, a slave fighting for her family, and Elias, a young soldier fighting for his freedom.
#AnEmberInTheAshes #SabaaTahir #book #books #bookhoarder #bookhoarders #bookhaul #bookhauler #bookholic #bookholics #bookheaven #bookjunkie #bookjunkies #bookjunky #bookjacket #bookjackets #bookjacketdesign #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Romance ❤️‍🔥

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An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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I really should have read this slower. I devoured it too quickly and then had to place a hold on the second book in the series because someone else has it checked out from my library system!

Anyway, yes, I enjoyed this one so much that waiting an estimated week for the next book is rather annoying! 😂

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Book 51

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An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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This weeks read. Finishing up the An Ember In The Ashes series. Halfway point on book 3 and I can not recommend this series enough already. Rating for Book 1 & 2- ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

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I have to say… I really liked this.

Fantasy is NEVER my go-to genre. But I got this audiobook as a freebie years ago. I finally got around to listening to it.
And I was captivated. I already got the next installment ready to go.

Tahir does such a tremendous job of creating these characters that it doesn‘t matter what world she puts them in: you want to spend time with them and root for them.

So go do it. You‘ll be glad you did.

BookwormAHN I've read this whole series and it's fantastic 🧡 2y
Sweettartlaura @BookwormAHN great to hear 👍🏻. I‘m definitely down for Book 2 - I‘ll see how far it takes me 🙂 2y
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An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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1. Fast moving. Give me the action!
2. Tagged. I love the Ember in the Ashes series! Sabaa Tahir is an auto buy author for her magnificent plots!


BookwormAHN I also loved that series 💜 2y
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Happy Tuesday! 2y
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Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty 🎄❤️ 3y
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First half of December: Part 2. The Song of Achilles was soooo good. I'm also really enjoying Sabaa Tahir. Currently 1/2 way through A Torch Against the Night.

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I was looking for a new series since I‘m waiting for the next Sarah J Maas offering and a bookseller recommended this one and I was pleasantly surprised. Not the same dystopian trope at all and the cliffhanger is solid enough I shall go and get the next in the series. Trying to get caught up here before the holiday read challenge starts.

Catsandbooks This series is amazing! 3y
KristiAhlers @Catsandbooks I‘m really excited to pick up book 2. Doing that today. I feel this weekend is going to be books and tea at home! I love lazy book read weekends 3y
Catsandbooks @KristiAhlers Sounds absolutely perfect! Enjoy!! 3y
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Low pick!

Not as trope-y as some other YA books.

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August reading wrap up! I started school this month so I didn‘t get as much reading or reviewing done as I had wanted to. I‘ve also decided to stop reading the Ember in the Ashes series. It was a big disappointment. 😢

📖 📖 📖 📖
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

#wrapup #readingwrapup #august #backtoschool #fantasy #mystery #ya

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This was such a fun book to read. I loved the multiple perspectives and it left off at a really intriguing spot. I can‘t wait to find out what will happen!

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

#ya #fantasy #yafantasy #summer #summerread #anemberintheashes

melzen It was awhile back since I had read this but it was a pick for me, nevertheless. 2y
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5/5 for this one! I have no idea why I waited to long to read this one! I was immersed in this world from the start. I had to know everything. I love Laia and Elias. I need to read the next one right now.

An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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Overall Rating 4¾⭐
Why did I wait so long to read this, it was flipping fantastic? I haven‘t been this into a fantasy in quite some time. I loved the characters, the world is so dark, so bleak and so very interesting. It kind of has a dystopian feel to it, even. It also has a little bit of the supernatural. My only issue is the love square that the author had going on...it wasn't a deal-breaker, though.

AudiobookingWithLeah @thearomaofbooks A week later I remember to tag you...this is by #Doublespin Book. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Hi everyone! I am new here! I was kinda tired of Instagram and I looked up other app about books.

I loved all the action, the plot twists, the secrets, and all the supernatural things going on, something I didn't really expected at the beginning of the book.
The characters are awesome, you can see all the work the author put into making the voices of Laia and Elias be different.

annahenke Welcome!! 3y
sleepy.ash87 It's so great to have you here! 3y
el_libro_de_ellie @sleepy.ash87 thank you!! 3y
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Even when you fall, you get up.
Because you are Always Victorious.

The motto of Gens Veturia from Sabaa Tahir's Ember Quartet.

Thanks for the tag @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks !

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻💛 3y
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An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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I have no idea what took me so long to pick up this book and now I completely understand the hype. The tension and character building is amazing. I have never read a book with such a great love triangle (square) where I love all the characters equally and have no idea how I want them to end up. I care for them all! I Will definitely read the rest of this series.
#catsoflitsy #mustread #stronglyrecommend #alice #aliceinwonderland

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I was hooked to the story from the very beginning, no point at which I was bored or wanted to keep the book down. It made me want to keep on reading.
It has dual POV, it was very interesting to understand both the characters and their conflicts. All the characters are flawed and this makes the story feel realistic. If you are looking for a book which pulls you in with it's amazing story and has flawed but lovable characters, this book is for you.

An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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5/5 ⭐️ I loved AEITA this time, just as much as I did the first time!

Tera66 Those eyes! Beautiful kitty! 3y
alisiakae Beautiful kitty! #catsofLitsy 3y
See All 7 Comments
SeaToSkyes Your kitty reminds me of my Tink! She passed away last year 💔 3y
Leftcoastzen 😻 3y
Catsandbooks @SeaToSkyes I'm so sorry for your loss! Zeke sends kitty kisses your way! 💕 3y
SeaToSkyes Thank you Zeke 💕💕 3y
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I am determined not to make my usual mistake with a fantasy series- where I read the most recent book and spend half of it trying to remember how the previous ones went. In preparation for book 4, I‘m starting from the beginning and listening to these again - I‘m determined to fully enjoy it! I saw it at my library the other day so just need to be patient!

An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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