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The Lost Girls of Paris
The Lost Girls of Paris | Pam Jenoff
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If you‘re a fan of Kate Quinn‘s stories of women supporting the war efforts in WWII you‘ll probably like this one. In a dual timeline, one in 1944 in UK and France and one in 1946 in NYC, and the story ending when the two collide this is a fast-paced story of British women who helped the allies and how they disappeared.

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I don‘t understand the title of this - the girls were from London. They weren‘t sent to Paris. My fixation on this tells me the story wasn‘t strong enough for me to overlook this oddity.

My #doublespin for July

TheAromaofBooks Oh my goodness, that kind of thing drives me crazy! 1y
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This was between a pick and a so-so. The actual story of the female SOE agents is great, but I felt like Grace‘s part was unnecessary. Some parts seemed incredibly silly and unlikely (Grace‘s two second convo w her mother, Eleanor getting the German to talk in 10 minutes after his refusal with everyone else, Julian and Marie being “in love”). But the WWII aspects were great!
Star: 3.5/5

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This one was a page turner. A historical fiction where I found more bingos #ISpyBingoMarch with plane, @Clwojick @TheAromaofBooks #MarchMadnessReadingChallenge This one was a March publication. @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

Clwojick Crushing it! ❤️ 2y
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LAST UPDATE #20in4 #MarchMadnessReadingChallenge I did it! Read my last 3 chapters and more. @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
Andrew65 That‘s brilliant 👏👏👏🙌🥳🍾🥂😍 2y
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UPDATE for #20in4 #MarchMadnessReadingChallenge @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES red 5 more a total sonar of 11. Getting there slowly. Some of the chapters are long lol

SilversReviews Loved THE LOST GIRLS OF PARIS!! 2y
Andrew65 Excellent progress 👏👏👏 2y
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
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#20in4 #MarchMadnessReadingChallenge @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES My goal is to try to read 20 chapters in these two books I have on the go ight now

Andrew65 Great choices, love Pam Jenoff books. Best of luck. 2y
DieAReader 💕💕💕 2y
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Ok book

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I enjoyed this book. Based on the original SOE Division F Girl Agents. Recommend if you like WWII Historical Fiction

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My June Reading Roundup. Including Lost Girls of Paris bc I will finish it this evening ☺️

Dead Man Dancing 👎 Don't bother
Great Circle 👍 Huge Book
The Lies I Tell 👍 Oh, my I didn't know who to believe
Hatchet Island 🤙 Not the best in the series just ok
Red Sky Morning 👎 Do yourself a favor and skip it
The Lost Girls of Paris 👍 unless something drastic happens

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My Libby hold came in!! Starting today

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Eggs I loved this one❤️💙💛 3y
Ast_Arslan @Eggs still on my tbr 😅😅 3y
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Lost Girls of Paris | Pam Jenoff
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Another of the wonderful books of Pam Jenoff. #Lost #BeginsWith

Eggs Loved this one! I want to read more Jenoff 🥰 3y
Andrew65 @Eggs Me too. 3y
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I really enjoyed this historical fiction about the English women who worked to help communicate and spy during the Second World War on the Germans. 5/5

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Oh my goodness this is such a cute package!!! Thanks @Chrissyreadit so much! I love the European tour you've planned for me, down to the adorable suitcase 😍 The postcards and stickers for each country are super cute and I absolutely love the pens and notebook! I can't wait to read the books you picked, they all sound amazing

Deblovestoread Wowza! Love that box! 3y
sblbooks That box is adorable! 3y
CaffeineAndCandy ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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wanderinglynn What a fantastic box! 3y
marleed That‘s gorgeous! 3y
Chrissyreadit Im so glad you like everything- I hoped you would be ok with the travel theme. 😘 3y
peanutnine @Chrissyreadit it's amazing! Such a great idea 🥰 3y
SilversReviews LOVED The Lost Girls of Paris. 3y
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I think there was a lot of potential to make me feel a lot of things with this story, but ultimately I feel heartbroken and frustrated that the “lost girls” were let down so drastically. I liked the three POV‘s just fine, but I didn‘t think their romances fit well. Is this a spy story or a romance? It just didn‘t mesh well together as both. This is my book club‘s April pick and I‘m giving it a so-so. I just never felt excited to keep reading.

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Starting my book club‘s April pick!!

I‘ve felt weary of WWII stories for a while now so I wouldn‘t have chosen this on my own, but I‘m really excited to discuss this with my book club. We‘re still meeting online.

booksbrewsandbooze This one gave me all the feels! 3y
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#IlllseeyouinParis 2021 challenge...From the best-selling author of The Orphan's Tale comes this remarkable work of historical fiction! I had no idea of the extent of the role that women played in World war II! The Lost girls of Paris is based on true events and tells the story of the female operatives of the SOE. These incredibly brave, bold, ballsy women played such a role, I had no idea! This story is told from the perspective(cont in comments)

TheHeartlandBookFairy of three of the women, grace, Marie, and Eleanor, and to a lesser degree of fourth woman, Josie. An incredible story of friendship and betrayal. Of lies and patriotism. This book grabbed me and wouldn't let go! I got so lost in so absorbed in this story and it touched my heart deeply. And amidst a story of so much sadness, a ray of brightness at the end of the book. I also really love the character of Grace who is trying to rebuild her (cont) 4y
TheHeartlandBookFairy her life, trying to remake her life after losing her husband during the war. Her discovery of an abandoned suitcase and photos of the SOE girls leads her on a journey to solve the mystery of the girls in the photos but also on a journey of rediscovery, healing, and moving on in her own personal life. I love the parallel and intertwined storylines in this book! 4y
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A deeply engrossing look at British female secret agents who did behind enemy lines work in France during World War II. Using three characters‘ perspectives, Jenoff weaves a story of secrets and lies. The ending was slightly rushed, but I was so engrossed in this novel that I wasn‘t too bothered by it. I definitely want to read more by her! #IllSeeYouInParis

TheHeartlandBookFairy I loved this book and agree with your assessment of the ending being rushed but other than that I absolutely loved this book! This is one of those stories that will stick with you. 4y
Librarybelle @TheHeartlandBookFairy Yes! I‘ve already recommended it to one of my friends who enjoys historical fiction! 4y
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My evening plans...I‘m loving this book so far!

And look what came in the mail, @TheHeartlandBookFairy . Thank you! #IllSeeYouInParis

TheHeartlandBookFairy You are so welcome! It looks perfect with your book and I'm so glad you're enjoying the book 💕 4y
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This novel is based on a true story. It tells a story about a ring of British female secret agents working undercover in occupied France before the D Day. The story itself is really interesting but the novel is unfortunately mediocre.

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#IllseeyouinParis 2021 challenge ... who all is reading this month's book with me? @Librarybelle , Have you started this one yet? I'm almost 25% of the way in and it's such delicious historical fiction! I can only read a couple of chapters a night, I've got authors that I've promised book reviews to so I have to stay on top of that! It's not too late to join us if a literary year in Paris sounds like fun to you...

Librarybelle I have not had a chance to yet - I have a couple of overdue library books I‘m finishing up! But, it‘s ready for me to start very soon. Looking forward to it! 4y
TheHeartlandBookFairy @Librarybelle I think you'll love it like I do! Btw, if you're comfortable messaging me your address, I've got some Paris bookmarks being delivered this week and I'd love to send you one ☺️ 4y
Librarybelle That is so sweet of you! Could we connect via email, and I could send it to you that way? My email address is my Litsy username AT gmail DOT com. Thank you so much for thinking of me! ☺️ 4y
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TheHeartlandBookFairy @Librarybelle I sent an email. Look for something coming from Heartland. Check your spam if you don't see it 😉 4y
Librarybelle I got it and replied! Thank you!! 4y
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I was looking for a thriller-type WWII story - this didn‘t exactly meet my expectations. The author has the tendency to repeat herself, describing an event and then have a character repeat the event as dialogue. I don‘t need to know that - I just read it. There‘s too much repetition with characters descriptions (we know!). A better editor could have tightened the prose and given the story the emotional punch it deserves.

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#IllseeyouinParis 2021 book challenge. Our Paris book for March is The Lost girls of Paris. Who's joining us?

Librarybelle I have this on my shelf, so I plan to read it this month! I have February‘s on my stack to finish, and I am still waiting for January‘s to arrive from Book Outlet. 😂 4y
TheHeartlandBookFairy @Librarybelle The loveliest chocolate shop in Paris was the loveliest book, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! I'm looking forward to the Lost girls of Paris but I can't start it for a week or two due to other book commitments. You'll catch up on I'll see you in Paris when you're able to, no worries. Happy reading 😊 4y
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Another big win for historical fiction! I feel like I‘ve really hit the lotto with my reading, and listening, this year already. I adored this look inside WWII and it‘s aftermath through the eyes of three unique and compelling characters. It was heartbreaking but also had a nice mystery component to it. This is another great addition to my Pam Jenoff library! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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One of my favorite HF
#lost #jumpintojanuary

LisaD Mine too ♥️ 4y
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4.5⭐️ I quite enjoyed this book. I found the book to be super engrossing. I had gotten a copy back in the spring when things shut down in March and for some reason just didn‘t get around to it at the time. #2020 #historicalfiction #fiction #wwii #bookreview #bookstagram

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I came really close to giving this book a pick, but the complex structure held me back. It‘s a story about women who trained and served as radio operators in the SEO in France in WWII. It‘s told in 3 alternating POVs, 2 of which take place during the war and make up the bulk of the narrative, and 1 set just after the war ended. I really loved the story set during the war, but the post-war timeline just didn‘t interest me.

MoonWitch94 Totally agree. I wanted SO much to give it a “pick” but couldn‘t. And that bit of romance thrown in was unnecessary. 4y
IndoorDame @MoonWitch94 yes, completely unnecessary! 4y
MoonWitch94 @IndoorDame The author lives near me & often does signings and Q&As. I went to a Q&A to ask her about why she made some of the decisions in this book...but everyone else was giving adorations and I chickened out 😂 4y
IndoorDame @MoonWitch94 I probably would have done the same, those can be really intimidating 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!! 4y
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Book 127

I listened to this novel that alternately tells the story of a group of British women spies in France during WWII and the post-WWII story of a woman attempting to uncover the mystery of what happened to these spies at the end of the war. It's interesting, lightly sexist, but not extraordinary. Four voice actors narrate, one of which reads in a grating cadence. 3.5 stars

Lost Girls of Paris | Pam Jenoff
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Bingo! 🎉 This book (# 24) made it happen. Finally got a bingo for #bookspinbingo and read both # 15 and # 3 which were the #bookspin and #doublebookspin #'s. That was my goal for the month.
This book was okay. It wasn't as great as I was hoping. Although knowing it was based on true events gave me the fire I needed to finish it. There were such amazingly brave women during WWII that were left unrecognized for all their hard work and sacrifices.

ItsAnotherJen @TheAromaofBooks I forgot to tag you! #bookspinbingo🎉 🙂 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Awesome progress!!!! 4y
PaperbackPirate Congratulations! 📚📚 4y
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UwannaPublishme Way to go! 🙌🏻 4y
ItsAnotherJen @UwannaPublishme Thank you! It's a big accomplishment to read physical books I have and should be reading rather than books I find on kindle unlimited on Amazon or ebooks from my tbr on Overdrive! 😅 4y
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Lost Girls of Paris | Pam Jenoff
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Yes, yes and yes! I'm absolute trash for WWII historical fiction but even more so for WWII historical fiction with strong women doing things that women "shouldn't do". Base it on true events and you've got the ideal trifecta!

#MidYearRush ? 7/9
#BookspinBingo ? 1/25

@Clwojick @TheAromaofBooks

Aims42 I loved this book as well 🥰 4y
FantasyChick @Aims42 Yay!! It was soooo good. Going to start looking for more from the author 😊 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Picked this up from our office kitchen free library shelves last year and it has been sitting in TBR pile and then moved across state and I didn‘t realize it was written by a former employee! Looking forward to a relaxing weekend of reading 🤓

KarenUK Enjoy my lovely! 💕👍😊📚 4y
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Loving this!!

starlight97 On my tbr 🤩 4y
LatrelWhite On my TBR too!☺️ 4y
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But the truth was when it came to grief, each person was an island, alone.

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Based on actual events —so good 😥—brave women ❤️


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ve got to read this one!!! 4y
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Obsessing over WWII novels about female secret agents for sure

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A story of friendship and courage centered around three women and a ring of female secret agents during World War II.


@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 Sounds good! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ve still got to read this one!! 5y
Eggs I binged on Jenoff for a couple months!! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 5y
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jessinikkip Oooh Devil in the White City is really good. I was planning to reread it anyway, I vote that one 5y
bibliobard My vote is for after the fire 5y
BeansPage Oooo 😗 Devil in the White City!!!! I've read Lost Girls, wasn't impressed 5y
Julsmarshall Loved Devil in the White City! 5y
Melismatic I‘ve not read any of these! I‘d go Devil bc I‘ve always wanted to read something from that author. 5y
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