"Astonishing. . . fascinating . . . powerful. . .This clever, sensitive book gives us a new way to think about death, not as the final chapter, but as a window onto life in America."--NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW A lively tour through the history of US cemeteries that explores how, where, and why we bury our dead The summer before his senior year in college, Greg Melville worked at the cemetery in his hometown, and thanks to hour upon hour of pushing a mower over the grassy acres, he came to realize what a rich story the place told of his town and its history. Thus was born Melville's lifelong curiosity with how, where, and why we bury and commemorate our dead. Melville's Over My Dead Body is a lively (pun intended) and wide-ranging history of cemeteries, places that have mirrored the passing eras in history but have also shaped it. Cemeteries have given birth to landscape architecture and famous parks, as well as influenced architectural styles. They've inspired and motivated some of our greatest poets and authors--Emerson, Whitman, Dickinson. They've been used as political tools to shift the country's discourse and as important symbols of the United States' ambition and reach. But they are changing and fading. Embalming and burial is incredibly toxic, and while cremations have just recently surpassed burials in popularity, they're not great for the environment either. Over My Dead Body explores everything--history, sustainability, land use, and more--and what it really means to memorialize. Locales visited in Over My Dead Body Shawsheen Cemetery - Bedford, Massachusetts The 1607 Burial Ground - Historic Jamestowne, Virginia Burial Hill - Plymouth, Massachusetts Colonial Jewish Burial Ground - Newport, Rhode Island Monticello's African American Graveyard - Charlottesville, Virginia Mount Auburn Cemetery - Cambridge, Massachusetts Green-Wood Cemetery - Brooklyn, New York Laurel Grove Cemetery - Savannah, Georgia Sleepy Hollow Cemetery - Concord, Massachusetts Central Park - New York, New York Gettysburg National Cemetery - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Arlington National Cemetery - Arlington, Virginia Woodlawn Cemetery - Bronx, New York Boothill Graveyard - Tombhill, Arizona Forest Lawn Memorial-Park - Glenwood, California The Chapel of the Chimes - Oakland, California Hollywood Forever Cemetery - Los Angeles, California Nature's Sanctuary - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
(less)"Astonishing. . . fascinating . . . powerful. . .This clever, sensitive book gives us a new way to think about death, not as the final chapter, but as a window onto life in America."--NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW A lively tour through