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Invisibili | Caroline Criado Perez
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I didn't have high blood pressure before listening to this, but I possibly do now.
I knew the gender data gap was problematic but had no idea how all-pervasive it is, and honestly hadn't given much thought to the everyday repercussions of that. ?
I hope men will read this book too, even if it is "wimmin's things".


What a fantastic, frustrating read! I expect to revisit this in the future. It also dovetailed nicely with other recent reads, especially The Feminine Mystique, The Math of Life and Death, and Recollections of my Nonexistence. I‘ve been sharing tidbits with my mom and now she‘s interested in it, too. Highly recommended.

TheBookHippie Well, I need to read it then! 3mo
Bookwormjillk I really liked this one too 3mo
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I listened to this but I will be buying a physical copy. This book made me move between two emotions. Rage and despair. How is it that it‘s 2024 and we still have such inequality for women. Half the population! This fight is so exhausting! More men reading books like this would be a start! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Bookbuyingaddict @Rissreads Iv had this on my TBR for yonks after listening to an interview with the author, I think at the moment it would upset me too much. Just last week hate speech was made a crime in Scotland but controversially misogyny was not included as a hate crime. As you can imagine there has been a lot of discussion and debate about that !! 6mo
Rissreads @Bookbuyingaddict I feel like we are just banging our heads on a wall and going around and around the same circle. 6mo
bookandbedandtea I read about a third of this and was so demoralized I put it aside. I've been thinking that I'm about ready to dip back into it though. 6mo
Bookwomble @Bookbuyingaddict The arguments about not including misogyny as hate speech seem to come down to it being so prevalent and culturally embedded that it would overwhelm the courts if it was made a crime, and "the Wokerati won't let you say anything these days". 5mo
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If you are a woman, this book will confirm that you are not delusional in your perception of the world being phallocentric.

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I didn't quite finish my second nonfiction book this month so this one won by default but it probably would have won anyway. Great, informative read.

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Interesting & frustrating how the world is designed for men. The author explains how the male default bias affects women by not giving them effective products/services & can also cause harm. Everything from city planning to product design suffers from a lack of data pertaining to women. The gender data gap will take years to overcome, if decision makers even choose to address the problem. And the best way to start is by including women in planning

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage That‘s so discouraging 😣 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 10mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I just recently saw a story about this issue in AI, specifically using a lot of white men in training it, making the outcomes biased. 🫣 10mo
peanutnine @Riveted_Reader_Melissa yup, this book was written a few years ago but it still had a section on the issues in algorithms and technology because of gender biased data. I can imagine it's even worse now with the new AI mess 10mo
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Wow! Perez does an incredible job of driving the point home about how all around difficult, not to mention unfair, and even dangerous it is to be a woman in our world. Medicines were created based on male physiology, crash dummies are the size of male drivers, and MEN ARE ALWAYS PAID MORE EVERYWHERE. This book is informative, infuriating and vital for humans to read. A thoroughly researched book which I will recommend widely! #NonfictionNovember

Suet624 I stacked this on my TBR but haven't gotten to it. Thanks for the reminder. 11mo
Singout Excellent! So many valuable lessons to be learned here. 11mo
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Invisible Women reviews places in society where women are entirely overlooked for the default human condition: being male. When women are included in decisions and research, better outcomes are found across the board. Women‘s perspectives find solutions men don‘t see, women account for other women‘s needs in times of disaster and humanitarian aid, outcomes in car accidents — overall providing for the needs of families and communities better.

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This book needs to be mandatory reading for all! Thoroughly researched, utterly insightful - Perez delves into many facets of the world where data gaps and gender bias has made women invisible. Easily one of the best books I‘ve read. This is the book you quote when someone says gender bias doesn‘t exist! Infuriating and devastating but so so true.

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Current read shaping up to be excellently researched. It is so eye-opening, affirming, and at the same time enraging that women in the 21st century still have the problems we do and that it‘s so deeply rooted within the system.

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#VolumesAndVocals Day 6: #AntiHeroTaylorSwift seems to be the anthem of a lot of invisible women: It‘s me. Hi. I‘m the problem, it‘s me.

Eggs 💚❤️💚 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty ❤️💚 1y
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I only finished 4 books in May, although I have another 3 on the go at the moment. 3 were fantastic & one was terrible!

LiteraryinPA Which was terrible? 1y
Magpiegem @LiteraryinLawrence A Bad Day for Sunshine. Just absolutely terrible writing. More filler sentences then I‘ve ever read. And some really troubling lighthearted attitudes towards rape and sexual assault. Xx 1y
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28/23 This book… it has caused more “discussions” with the men in my life than anything else. I am forever changed by the simple realisation that I am not crazy, what I believed to be true (and unfair) about the experience of women is backed up by data… sometimes… I strongly encourage you to read this book (I listened. It was read very well by the author - in the photo).

wanderinglynn That‘s good to hear. This book is on my TBR & I just moved it to the top. 👍🏻 1y
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We went to Burling Gap today. It‘s National Trust which means three things- crazy long queues for the toilets, cream teas and second hand book shelves. I picked up the tagged book. I‘m just about to finish it on audible. But I needed a physical copy to press into other women‘s hands!

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It is lucky I have beautiful, calming places to walk whilst I continue to listen to this one 🤯🤯🤯

Velvetfur Such a pretty scene! 😁 1y
SamAnne Beautiful! 1y
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It‘s just as well I have the sea to soothe me because I‘m 1 chapter into this book and I‘m already furious.

dabbe Beautiful! May I ask where you are? 😊 1y
Magpiegem @dabbe I‘m in Brighton, England 😊 1y
dabbe @Magpiegem I hope to get there someday! 💙 1y
staci.reads Oh yeah, that one will make you made over and over again. It's one of the best books I've ever read on gender bias, though! 1y
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#WomensHistoryMonth #Recommendations

How is the world around us made for men? What are the consequences?
This is a great book that explores these questions.
You will get .mad, annoyed and filled with ammunition for arguments about women in STEM.

staci.reads This book is fantastic. It made me angry over and over. 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures @staci.reads yes! A mark of a good nonfiction. It is impossible to not see the signs everywhere after reading this. 2y
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1) Recommended for any human who cares about gender equity & wants to get pissed off.
2) I thought *I* was a Hillary Clinton fan. She figures huge in these pages.
3) If this was written post-Covid-19, the data would just piss me off more.

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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs @julesG @RaeLovesToRead @Caroline2 @Leniverse

1. Tagged.
2. Recently, just how quickly I've been turning the pages to find out what happens next, or how quickly I've wanted to fall asleep! In the past, the speed at which I've been turning the pages & my love of the characters.
3. No, but I might if I was reading a NF about a composer.

julesG Thanks for the tag. 2y
Eggs Thanks for joining in 🎶🥰📚 2y
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Librarybelle This is on my to read list 2y
squirrelbrain I found this one fascinating when I read it. 2y
Cinfhen Well done 👍🏽 2y
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The_Book_Ninja Truly shocking 🙁 2y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing 📚🙌🏻 2y
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I‘m pretty cynical, but I have to admit I was even surprised and at times angry about how deep bias typically goes with sex and gender in completing research that shapes everything from recommended medical treatments to public policy.

Another great title I‘d like to give a quick pitch for is The Impeachers by Brenda Wineapple about the impeachment of Andrew Johnson.

#alphabetgame #letteri

bookandbedandtea I'm about halfway through this book but I've taken a break because it infuriates me. From what I've read so far I think this should be required reading; everyone needs to know how deep this runs. 2y
JoeMo @bookandbedandtea - I couldn‘t agree more w/ you. It‘s why I chose it as a pick even though I actually enjoyed The Impeachers more. The truth is Invisible Women has more important information that everyone should be aware of 2y
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June‘s pick was Tell Me S‘more and July‘s pick is Instructions for Dancing. I had to give the edge to Invisible Women for the next round, as the impact it had on me was profound and I‘ve been extolling its virtues to anyone who will listen!
#2022ReadingBracketChallenge @chasjjlee

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Adventures-of-a-French-Reader Seems interesting, thanks for the recommendation ;) 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 📚 2y
KathyWheeler This is an excellent book and more than mildly infuriating. I read parts of it out loud to my husband, and he was infuriated too. 2y
Eggs Great choice 2y
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I recommend this book to anyone, and plan to buy one for my workplace library. My sense of fascination compelled me to finish this quickly, and I recommend the audiobook as the narrator makes the stats very digestible. This is something we need to stand up against, and that means more people need to be made aware.
2 Bingos for #bookspinbingo this month, and 12 books read. Yay!!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Fantastic month!! 2y
Bookwormjillk Invisible Women was so good 2y
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I started listening to this book while driving to my parents on Friday, and continued listening on my way home today. Ironically, most of what I heard today was about how cars are tested with male dummies and how many more women are severely injured than men because they have to adjust everything just because they are women. Now reading this chapter about medicine is just flooring me.

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How can anyone have self control when books you‘ve been thinking about are a quarter of their list price is beyond me.

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Riveted_Reader_Melissa That‘s a good one! 3y
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little haul from the library. i‘ve been itching to go book shopping lately…

The top 2 were impulse check outs (hush to be read bookshelf…), the sentence has been popping up everywhere, and invisible women is for a bookclub i‘m in.

#litsyloveslibrary #bookclub #nonfiction #fiction

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I‘m reading this in small portions because I get so frustrated - not with the book but with the issues Perez shows. 😊

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So, again @DieAReader, thank you for recommending this one. It enraged me! But made me think a lot about how things are phrased, how we need to adjust for people's bodies, genetic makeup, emotional wellbeing. I feel like there is so much more to learn. So much more making women at risk. - Highly recommend this eye-opener!

#the52bookclub2022 Prompt 7: Nonfiction Best Seller


DieAReader Huge 👀opener for me as well. So very glad you enjoyed it (even if at times that meant wanting to scream at the lot of it)♥️♥️ 3y
ElizaMarie @DieAReader Yes I really did enjoy it.. but yes! Too many times I wanted to scream at it!!! 3y
DieAReader @ElizaMarie 💯!! I am so glad you enjoyed it!! 3y
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I am really enjoying this book. Is enjoying the right word? It's so disturbing and infuriating that women aren't considered in so many avenues of life! It's super eye-opening and I didn't realize how I just came to “accept“ the biases that are gender-based. Ugh! Anyway, I would definitely #Reccomend this one. I am about 62% done :)

#BeardiesOfLitsy (My princess, Gizmo)

DieAReader It‘s mind blowing💥 3y
DieAReader Beautiful Princess Gizmo♥️♥️♥️ 3y
ElizaMarie @DieAReader I am at the whole medical aspect one. Ugh! And looking back, I am currently taking an Evidence-Based Nursing class, and I have been reading a bunch of peer-reviewed articles and research and most do not differentiate the population of women/men, so .. it's just interesting now that I am starting to realize all these biases. 3y
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DieAReader @ElizaMarie Wow on the timing, for sure! It put a lot of things into perspective & explain why I‘m treated as I am by one of my doctors. 3y
ElizaMarie @DieAReader So, I felt like... this time around I was taken seriously on my headaches (and they found narrowing of my vessels, a blood clot, real visible problems, not -- it's all in your mind) ... I feel like years ago when I was a “young dumb girl“ it was all swept under the rug! 3y
DieAReader @ElizaMarie Being taken seriously is such a huge accomplishment when speaking to anyone in the medical profession, in my experience. I am still that “young dumb girl” (of 25) in the eyes of some. It shouldn‘t be that way for anyone. I am so so happy you‘ve been taken seriously♥️🥰 3y
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#JoyousJanuary #WeekendReading #BookNookBuddies2022 #ImpulseRead #BookSpinBingo


Very 👀opening for anyone who doesn‘t think/believe that we still live in a “Man‘s World”🙄🤣 Very enlightening & extremely informative. I loved it!

ElizaMarie I am really enjoying what I have heard so far. I really find it enlightening as well. Especially right now that I am taking an Evidence-Based Research class for my Nurse Practitioner and it's interesting reading the research articles I am reading and how gender-based they are! Never really noticed it before. 3y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
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As a recommendation from @DieAReader I had to check this out.. and SCORE! it was available to download from Libby (with no wait time!). I am using this as my next #AudioCommute book :)


DieAReader It‘s quite eye opening🤯 and so much makes more sense to me now🙃 I hope you like it!! 3y
ElizaMarie @DieAReader I am excited to check it out. Thanks again for the recommendation 3y
DieAReader @ElizaMarie Happy to help! 3y
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#JoyousJanuary #BookNookBuddies2022

Something to keep me company while doing some tidying up.

Bookwormjillk I liked this one 3y
DieAReader @Bookwormjillk I can see why😁It‘s got me hooked already! 3y
CoverToCoverGirl Is it any good? The library has this one. 3y
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DieAReader @CoverToCoverGirl It is good yes! At 19% already and enjoying it very much😁 3y
Andrew65 Can‘t beat a good impulse read. 3y
DieAReader @Andrew65 Agreed♥️ 3y
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I'm not so sure I'll be able to finish my #DoubleSpin this month. This book is DENSE! I'm three chapters in and the amount of information is overwhelming. (In addition to frustrating and infuriating.)

Itchyfeetreader I actually threw my kindle when I got to the medical chapter ! I think this is one worth doing a chapter at a time and taking time to reflect on 3y
bookandbedandtea @Itchyfeetreader I agree with that. I've already decided I'm going to have to slow down to manage my blood pressure while I read this. 😠 3y
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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 359.

AnneCecilie This one is so great. One of my favorite reads 3y
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Nothing to do today at Gladstone‘s Library but read….. and eat…. And maybe a nap!


AnneCecilie That sounds lovely 😊 3y
Chrissyreadit Looks perfect. 3y
Caroline2 Nice!!! 😊 3y
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rockpools I have to ask. How‘s the food? 3y
squirrelbrain It‘s definitely better @rockpools ! Dinner last night was good ; we‘re going to the pub tonight. Nice soup for lunch too and the cakes are yummy (and enormous!) 3y
rockpools @squirrelbrain Oh good! Have a fab time 😊 3y
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Overall this was a very eye-opening and infuriating listen. Packed full of examples of how women are not considered the norm and how this negatively impacts us (and everyone really). Very good read. Highly recommend it.

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Some well loved ones today for those who haven‘t yet read them.

squirrelbrain 👍😁 3y
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A maddening look at how women‘s issues and bodies have been ignored, abused, and unplanned for in societies around the world. Hard to read, but so important to shine a light on.

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this book is a must-read! I wasn‘t aware of woman‘s (and children‘s) problems of using the bathroom in third world countries can be fatal. And did you know that automobile ratings are completely wrong? This book is full of information that will make your jaw drop. Some were known to me, most were not. Very informative! I highly recommend this book!

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