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500 Cookies
500 Cookies: The Only Cookie Compendium You'll Ever Need | Philippa Vanstone
14 posts
Full of recipes and basic techniques plus information about equipment, ingredients, and even troubleshooting for the best cookies in the world, "500 Cookies" comes complete with mouthwatering images and ideas for gift packaging and labeling.
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We got out cookies baked this weekend. Love making cookies wIth the kids every year. This recipe is from my husbands grandma. ❤️
#SharedHolidayTradition #SharedHolidayRecipe #WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals

Texreader So so awesome 5y
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#readnosedreindeer #wintergames @Clwojick @StayCurious

StayCurious Looks good to me! +37 5y
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Karisa 1.g 2.m 3.a 4.k 5.o 6.b 7.d 8.p 9.e 10.h 11.r 12.c 13.j 14.n 15.q 16.f 17.l 18.i 5y
coffees 37pts! 5y
coffees 37pts! 5y
coffees 37pts! 5y
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@TsundokuAleax this cookie dough stuff is so good! Finally getting around to trying it and it is yum!! Thank you!!

TsundokuAleax I have been rationing the one I got. It is so good and they woman who owns the shop suggested warming small bits and putting it over ice cream. 6y
Kendyl @TsundokuAleax omg I need to try that!! I just had it with pretzels and it was so good! 6y
TsundokuAleax Yeah. This stuff is dangerous in the best way possible. 6y
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Eating my feelings while I try to decide on my next book.
Had a very successful baby supply shopping trip and came home to find my husband did NONE of the housework he‘s been promising to do for 3 days... can I pull the Mom card and take his video games away until he does his chores?! Apparently I get petty at 9 months pregnant... 😡🤬

MarriedtoMrT Ugh! 6y
CouronneDhiver Oh dear 🙄 6y
CherryPie My cat hairball'd into the xbox and it survived. Consoles are like cockroaches; they'll survive the apocalypse even if no one is around to power them. Good luck with the chores! 😆👍 6y
Johanna414 @CherryPie well there goes my plan to somehow sabotage his xbox... 😂 6y
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I got zero reading done today because I spent all day baking with my daughters. This picture is half of what we made: peppermint bark, caramel bark, peanut butter fudge, buckeyes, m&m cookies, sugar cookies and snickerdoodles. Most of these will be taken to friends, neighbors and coworkers but the peanut butter fudge is all mine.

TricksyTails Looks yummy! Bet your house still smells good from baking all day! 7y
Kaye The fudge sounds good . I haven‘t made it in many years and won‘t now. Trying to steer clear of things that add treadmill years onto my future. 7y
Aloisi_tribe @Kaye Carrie made the fudge this year and it turned out perfect. The last three or four times I've tried to make it, it never hardens and you have to eat it with a spoon. If she decides to not pursue physical therapy as a career, she would make an excellent baker. 7y
Kaye Yea sometimes fudge is tricky to get just right. I wish I could remember my Grandma‘s rule about candy-making and the weather. She said on certain weather days , Candy won‘t set up( harden). Too many years ago to remember. 7y
SilversReviews Nice!! What fun everyone must have had. 7y
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It‘s #FriYayIntro 💜💜💜How does the “dark side” feel @jesshowbooks ?!?!? Hope your birthday was wonderful ❣️
1. I‘m a total Cookie Monster 💙although I dislike shredded coconut & oatmeal raisin 😖
2. Good question...hate traveling, but once you arrive you‘re a guest & that‘s awesome 😊
3. According to my count 152 and I‘m in the middle of 2 📚
4. Elf...I ❤️Buddy
5. I was hoping for a new bread machine & jacket I was ogling, but Hanukkah is over😫

AmyG 152? I am amazed by all who read over 100 books a year. I must be a slow reader. 7y
alisiakae Maybe next year for the bread machine? I have had a larger food processor on my wish list for about 4 years now, so it came as a complete surprise when hubby bought it for me for Chanukah this year! 😂 7y
TrishB Whereas I would just say buy it 😁 7y
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Cortg I‘m with @TrishB 😀 7y
Cinfhen I know!!! But I feel guilty buying a coat, which is kind of expensive because I've yet to wear a jacket and it's almost January @Cortg @TrishB and same with the bread machine...I can buy 10000 loaves from the bakery for the price of the bread machine 🙄 7y
Cortg So I think at least the bread maker is justifiable 😂 7y
Cinfhen Hubby's are strange sometimes @4thhouseontheleft happy you got the mega food processor!!!! 7y
alisiakae I‘m usually with @TrishB with the exception of kitchen appliances. Not sure why, lol. But the jacket, yeah, I would just buy it myself! 😊 7y
TrishB @4thhouseontheleft I have no idea how much kitchen appliances are (domestic failure - never cook!) so I will probably be very shocked and say no way!! Imagine how many books you could buy...... 7y
Pamwurtzler I‘m completely with you on the cookies!!!! 7y
alisiakae @TrishB I think for me, it‘s the storage space of said appliances that stops me more than the cost. Our cabinets are full and I hate clutter on the countertops! 😊 of course, full bookshelves never stops me from buying more books... 😜 7y
Cinfhen So much truth @4thhouseontheleft it's probably all those things plus do I really need a bread machine? I'm GF for the most part 🙄😜 7y
emilyhaldi Elf 4 Life ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Reviewsbylola For someone who enjoys being a guest, you host an awful lot. 😂 7y
Cinfhen Love you guys @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola 😘😘sending you & the entire family much love ~ looking ahead to a wonderful 2018 xx 7y
Bostonmomx2 A good oatmeal choc chip is a fave of mine. I‘ll rarely pass up the oatmeal raisin either 😉 7y
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Who's brilliant idea was it to do 12 days of cookies for the office? Oh right, it was my idea. 8-) |-O

4th day: chocolate peanut butter chip, oatmeal apple pecan, panellets, and orange chocolate

Cinfhen Oh yum! 😋😋 7y
Kendra.Diane So yummy!!! 7y
Liz_M The office seems to be enjoying them,so that's rewarding. :-) 7y
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I feel like my life would be so much better if I lived by this advice #cookie 🍪🍪🍪


Smangela Whoa those cookies look delicious too 🤤😍 7y
Kalalalatja @Smangela unfortunately, I can't take credit for those, I just found them on Google. They look awesome, though 😍 7y
jpmcwisemorgan I‘d like to have the cookies... 7y
Wbabdullah It def keeps the mental doctor away...🤣 7y
Andrew65 If only this were true! 7y
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Here are #27 cookies 🍪 I made with my little guy. #TwentySeven #NovemberByTheNumbers

JoeStalksBeck ❤️ 7y
coffeewithbooks Yummy I was thinking about making chocolate chip cookies 🍪 also lol 7y
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I would like you to eat one more cookie please! @RaimeyGallant
I do this every time I start a new book to find people who I would like to get recommendations from!

RaimeyGallant That's +1 cookie, folks. I'm on it, with pleasure. :) 7y
TrishB Probably some people really confused by me commenting on their posts from months ago today 😀 7y
Astroneman Done!!! 7y
shawnmooney What a great idea! 7y
RaimeyGallant @TrishB No doubt! 7y
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My husband could give seminars on how to be an amazing, selfless husband. He insisted that I not get him anything for Valentine's Day (even though I know he has something for me), saying that it's a holiday where he just gets to spoil me and that's all he wants. However, knowing that chocolate chip cookies are his absolute favorite, I went ahead and baked him three dozen anyway. 😉❤️🍪 #ValentinesDay #cookies #BakedWithLove

Alfoster So sweet❤! (You, hubby, and cookies)🍪🍪🍪🍪! 7y
Lmstraubie Sweetness!!! 💗💗💗 7y
GypsyKat @Lmstraubie @Alfoster He's seriously the sweetest man. And I'm having to hold myself back from eating his cookies before he gets home, they smell SO GOOD! 7y
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Lmstraubie I think you should taste test one - just to be sure they are good 😉 7y
GypsyKat @Lmstraubie Haha! He came home right after I posted that. And he brought chocolate milk! So we toasted with a glass of chocolate milk and a cookie. We're dorks. 😜 7y
RadicalReader @GypsyKat chocolate chip cookies are so delicious and heavenly especially with chocolate milk 7y
GypsyKat @RadicalReader It was a delicious treat! 7y
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Yay! 500 is not a lot for many people here, but it's AWESOME for me! 🎉

LauraBrook 🍾 Congratulations 🍾 7y
MyNamesParadise It's the first of many to come! Congrats!! 7y
Joybishoptx That's awesome! 💕😻😻🎉 7y
DebinHawaii Congratulations! It's a great milestone! 🎉👍🎉😀 7y
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All these posts about food and out came the mixer😜Nothing like the smell of fresh baked cookies...yum 💕