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Shiny and New | Robert Chafe
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#WhatsNewWednesday #WhatsNewWednesdays #LitsyLove @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life

My wife proposed to me on Leap Day 2020, so this is our first Engage-iversary. Unfortunately, we weren't able to plan anything special, but it is a nice reminder. She did a great job with the proposal 😁

WildAlaskaBibliophile And he was a turd. ;-) A lovely turd, no less, and it's a great memory and story to share. :D Let's just say, he made it a bit challenging to propose. Hahaha. 5mo
Ladygodiva7 😂😂😂😂😂 5mo
dabbe Ooh, there's a story there! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @WildAlaskaBibliophile y‘all are my favorite #LitsyCouple ❤️❤️ 5mo
Read4life Now I want that full story! Thanks for sharing. 🤓 5mo
julieclair Love this!!! 5mo
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#phillymeetup2 trying to gather the original #phillycrew and anyone else who might want to join in for some #phillylove❤️Location TBD but July 8, is the only Sunday I‘ll be in Philly this summer🌞🌻🌼Litsy has grown by leaps & bounds so if I missed anyone please accept my apologies... @MicheleinPhilly @BarbaraTheBibliophage @ValerieAndBooks @DivineDiana @Yossarian @Captivatedbybooks @Lmstraubie @BookBabe @MrBook @Librarybelle @TsundokuAleax 👇🏼

kattykattykins @Cinfhen count me in! 6y
Cinfhen Please tag anyone else you can think of and if you‘re scrolling and might be in the Philly area please feel free to comment... 6y
Cinfhen Woohoo 🎉🎉🎉my first yes @kattykattykins 6y
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Cinfhen @jess I still can‘t tag you in the post section, but I hope you‘ll join.... (edited) 6y
TsundokuAleax I am already blocking out the date! Super excited to see everyone! 6y
Jess Thanks! I‘m in. 6y
Cinfhen 😀😘❣️❣️❣️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 @jess @TsundokuAleax 6y
Lmstraubie @Cinfhen That just might work! 6y
Cinfhen 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 @Lmstraubie it‘s a tricky Sunday because the 4th falls out on Wednesday this year.... 6y
MicheleinPhilly A few others that spring to mind: @Autumnlong @ErinGoBragh1011 @EadieB 6y
DivineDiana Girl, you are amazing! Such a stellar planner! Count me in! 6y
EadieB @MicheleinPhilly Thanks for the invite! I‘m marking my calendar! 6y
Captivatedbybooks Im in YAY!!!!!! Supperrr excited 6y
Cinfhen Great!!!!! July is only 12 weeks away @DivineDiana @Captivatedbybooks @EadieB 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @MicheleinPhilly for adding the others 😍 6y
Kaye Very pretty picture ! Great job. I hope you guys have a wonderful time and take lots of photos to share. ✨✨✨✨ 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @Kaye I borrowed the image from Google 6y
Librarybelle Yes! I‘m putting it in my calendar right now so nothing else is scheduled for that day!! Looking forward to this 😁 6y
Chrissyreadit What time? I think it may work if during day! 6y
Cinfhen It will definitely be day time @Chrissyreadit I‘ll keep u in the loop 💗💗so excited, Jess @Librarybelle 6y
ValerieAndBooks I‘ll write this down! Really hoping nothing comes up that keeps me from going!!! 6y
Cinfhen Life happens, hopefully you‘ll be able to join us😍 @ValerieAndBooks 6y
DanaManiac Yay! Adding it to my calendar now! 6y
Cinfhen Another new Litten to add to the #phillycrew😊 can‘t wait @Dana1084 where‘s @BookaholicNatty ?!?! You‘re late to the party!!!! 😘😘 6y
niftytiffd 😬Yay!! I'm there! 🙋🏼 6y
Robothugs I‘m in :) 6y
quietjenn Will have to verify a few things, but tentative yes! 6y
ErinGoBragh1011 I am there! Please send a reminder 6y
Purrfectpages Thanks for thinking of me, but I‘ve yet to find a local Litten to travel with. You never know though, new people are joining all the time! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage It‘s on my calendar. I‘d like to be able to catch Amtrak or Septa to get there, if that could be factored in. 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
LiteraryinLawrence @wanderer15 and I will put it on our calendar! This would be fun. @BarbaraTheBibliophage maybe we could travel in together. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @LiteraryinLititz Yes, that‘d be great. @Robothugs would probably join us, as might the Folks from further West. 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
minkyb I am putting it in my calendar. I would probably stop in NYC to visit my daughter and plan to take a train to Phili on Sunday! 6y
TieDyeDude Cool! 6y
Aleida Let‘s meet at Baldwin‘s book barn and have lunch at Longwood! 6y
BarbaraBB Lots of tags, are all of them from Philadelphia? Wow...! 6y
TheBookbabeblog84 I‘ll have to see how things are working out at work. I can take the train up ♥️ 6y
Cinfhen That‘s great @TheBookbabeblog84 I‘ll keep you in the mix 💗not ALL are Philly @BarbaraBB but most are within an hour of the city proper😍which is why Longwood won‘t work @Aleida bc some Littens are taking Amtrak from outside Philly and it would be too far... 6y
Cinfhen We still haven‘t heard from our favorite #LitsyCouple @MrBook @BookBabe WE NEED YOU TWO 6y
Cinfhen Now to figure out a meeting spot....... 6y
TieDyeDude My bookclub meets at Frankford Hall. It's convenient for public transportation, has indoor and outdoor seating, and is usually not TOO crowded Sundays at 1p. Also, in Center City, the Black Sheep Pub has a downstairs area I remember reserving years ago for an event. I don't think they charged us... 6y
Cinfhen Thanks for the suggestions...much appreciated @GoodForCirculation 💚 I really want to visit the Rosenbach Museum but I think groups of 10 or more need to prepay with reservation...i think the Bourse is reopening on June 28...I‘m open to all ideas & suggestions!!! 6y
Aleida Anyone from Chester County? 6y
Cinfhen Not sure @Aleida I think @ValerieAndBooks might be close...my family is in Lower Merion and @DivineDiana is in Bryn Mawr 6y
Reviewsbylola Fun!! 6y
MrBook @bookbabe and I are in, @cinfhen 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻!!! I loved where we met last time at the B&N, but if our #PillyLittenCrew has grown, it may not be conducive anymore. Hmmm, well, wherever it is, we're in ☺️. Don't forget, everyone: ***our Slack channel is still active!*** It's called LittensInPhilly. We can add Littens by email invite. (edited) 6y
Cinfhen Woohoo 🙌🏻🎉🎉 @MrBook @BookBabe it wasn‘t going to be a celebration until we got the crew together again 😁Now, all we‘re missing is @Yossarian ... 6y
MrBook C'mon, @Yossarian , where are ya? Lol 6y
MrBook @kattykattykins @Autumnlong @ErinGoBragh1011 @EadieB @Chrissyreadit @Dana1084 @BookaholicNatty @niftytiffd @quietjenn @Purrfectpages @LiteraryinLititz @GoodForCirculation @Aleida @BarbaraBB @TheBookbabeblog84 and anyone else, I can invite you all to the Slack group if you want to email me at jasonvigorito at gmail. Just subject-line it "Philly". (edited) 6y
EadieB @MrBook ok I‘ll send u my email 6y
Autumnlong Thank you! I don‘t know for sure if I‘ll be in town as I‘ll be traveling back and forth between home and VA this summer but I definitely want to stay in the loop!! 💖💖 6y
ValerieAndBooks Yes @Aleida I am in Chester County...Thornbury Twp (West Chester) 😊. @Cinfhen @DivineDiana 6y
Aleida @ValerieAndBooks we should set up a bookish meet in Chester county! Philly can be a pain to travel to and through the city. 6y
Yossarian I‘m in. 6y
ValerieAndBooks @Cinfhen I‘ve found a Litten from Delaware— tagging her here in case she‘s interested in this 😊 @BookishBlonde12 6y
BookishBlonde12 This is awesome! Thanks for including me @ValerieAndBooks 6y
Cinfhen Awesome @ValerieAndBooks @BookishBlonde12 #PhillyMeetUp2 is going to be EPIC 🙌🏻✨😀 6y
MrBook Yaaay! It'll be great to see you again, @Yossarian ! 6y
MrBook @BookishBlonde12 Hope you can join us! 6y
BookaholicNatty I‘m in I‘m in I‘m in!!!!! 😍 6y
BookaholicNatty @MrBook can you add me the philly slack group pretty please 😊that‘s where I live 😊 6y
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This book was amazing!!! I was immediately enthralled with the world and characters in this book. It is very well written and the author does such a great job developing a real sense knowing of all the characters involved. I was dying at the end, with all the feels. I cannot wait to continue the series! Thanks @GypsyKat for "tricking" me into reading this amazing story!?

GypsyKat Haha! I knew my deviousness would pay off! 😈😄 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Is that a table? It‘s beautiful!!! ❤️💚💗or something on the table?? (edited) 7y
TheWhiteHatter @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks its actually a table that my amazingly talented wife @GypsyKat refinished and mosiaced the top with tiles. Our house has several of her awesome pieces. 7y
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GypsyKat @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheWhiteHatter Awe, thank you! 😊😊😊 7y
GypsyKat @Cinfhen would say that I should hashtag this #TablesOfLitsy am I right? 😉 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @GypsyKat ok wait!! Another #Litsycouple!! I somehow missed this!!! 💕 and it‘s beautiful ❤️❤️ @TheWhiteHatter 7y
GypsyKat @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Haha! Thank you! And no worries! @TheWhiteHatter doesn‘t have the Litsy addiction as bad as I do, so it was probably easy to miss. 😉 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @GypsyKat 💗💗💗 I‘m glad I know!!! 7y
Cinfhen Hahaha!! Yes...and I never put the two of you together either @GypsyKat @TheWhiteHatter ❤️😊 7y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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@ValerieAndBooks , the créme de la créme ☺️??. Spectacular, superb, charming, warm-hearted, insightful, considerate to the max. What a wonderful, wonderful Litten ???????????!!! You do yourself a serious disservice by not following this impressive Litten. #LitsyFamily #LitsyPhotoOp #PhillyMeetUp

Rachbb3 I'd love to meet @ValerieAndBooks !! 😊 7y
Cinfhen I agree @MrBook @ValerieAndBooks is an incredible beautiful person 7y
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ValerieAndBooks Aww thanks @MrBook ! So glad to meet you. I know everyone is jealous of us lucky people who have gotten to meet you 😊. You and @BookBabe are such a great #litsycouple!! 7y
ValerieAndBooks @LeahBergen love ya too 😘!! 7y
ValerieAndBooks @Rachbb3 hope to meet you someday, too 😊!! 7y
ValerieAndBooks @Cinfhen I could say the same about you too! 😘 you're always thinking of us Littens and such a thoughtful person! 7y
LauraJ Thanks for sharing @MrBook! @ValerieAndBooks is one of my favorite Littens too. She totally rocks those specs 💕 7y
LauraBeth @valerieandbooks is one of my favorite Littens ❤️ (edited) 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage This just captures your sunny personalities so perfectly! 💕😎💕😎 7y
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