Finally finished Outlander. Onto the second book in the series! 😁👍 #Outlander #outlanderseries #dianagabaldon #romance #clairefraser #historicalfiction #fiction #dragonflyinamber
Finally finished Outlander. Onto the second book in the series! 😁👍 #Outlander #outlanderseries #dianagabaldon #romance #clairefraser #historicalfiction #fiction #dragonflyinamber
Taking my mind off today‘s news. #outlander #jamieandclaire #jacobites #dragonflyinamber #eveningreads #droughtlander
I love the little moments of lightness throughout Dragonfly in Amber. #dragonflyinamber #outlanderseries #newaccount #1stpost
My Book Christmas tree. Made this from an old damaged book 🎄🎄🎄
#dragonflyinamber #book #Christmas #xmas #Christmastree #booktree #recycle #repurpose
It's 3 in the morning, I'm wide awake, and so what better time to get some reading in? 40 pages in this is intriguing me so far, not where I expected the story to go! Also, sneaky bunny is sneaky. #dragonflyinamber
I really need to try to read The Fiery Cross 🙊
#Outlander #JamieFraser #DianaGabaldon #claireRandall #DragonflyinAmber #Voyager #DrumsofAutumn #TheFieryCross #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #love #books #bookporn #reading #bibliophile #fun #fiercereads #youngadult #followme #like #bookaholic #epicreads #ireadya #goodreads
5 stars! I absolutely love this series. Jamie and Claire will always stay in my heart and I can't wait for the next serial season and the book! I'm sooo curious what will happen next...
#dragonflyinamber #dianagabaldon #marchread #romance #historicalfiction #fiction #czechedition #timetravel #fantasy #scotland
Finishing Dragonfly in Amber and I LOVE it❤ If you still haven't watched the serial yet, you should do it now! It's for lovers of historical fiction and time travel!
#dragonflyinamber #dianagabaldon #currentlyreading #timetravel #historicalfiction #romance #fantasy #scotland #fiction
More of my Day 15 challenges!
Three more books I'd gift for #gobbledupbooks Dark Matter and The Nightingale are two of the best books I've read this year!
#novemberland is book you cried buckets over. Definitely bawled a bit over Dragonfly in Amber!
#thenightingale #darkmatter #dragonflyinamber #sadbooks #bestbooksoftheyear